
Allow mappers to set Genre - Language of their song

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +188
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CDFA wrote:

That akward moment where you see a ranked map with (Unspecified - Other) for Genre - Language.
That awkward moment when someone tells you that the language you set for the map you just ranked is incorrect.

"LOL dis song chinese not japanese U DUM?"

Yeah, support.
Falcon yes.
This seriously needs to happen. I would love to not have to slog through pages of Vocaloid and Touhou songs in Pending to find something in English.
Supported! I like this idea!
Lots of support!~

Related to this, I'd like a remade genre list.... Having, for example, any kind of electronic music being thrown into "Techno" is silly.
I mean if this and that are considered the same, filtering by genre is pretty pointless. :?

FireballFlame wrote:

I mean if this and that are considered the same, filtering by genre is pretty pointless. :?
But those are both Techno.

Mashley wrote:

But those are both Techno.
No, certainly not. :?
Support, IF there is a good pre-set list of genres.

Otherwise loads of custom genres will pop up.

yongtw123 wrote:

Support, IF there is a good pre-set list of genres.

Otherwise loads of custom genres will pop up.
There is a pre-set list of genres with no custom option

FireballFlame wrote:


Related to this, I'd like a remade genre list.... Having, for example, any kind of electronic music being thrown into "Techno" is silly.
I mean if this and that are considered the same, filtering by genre is pretty pointless. :?
Would it help if we just changed the genre's name to "Electronic"?
On a side note, why should genres such as "Video Game" and "Anime" even exist?
Not all songs from video games/anime have the same rythm or are even similiar, just take a look.
I can't fathom why the Genre/Language was the BAT's responsibility rather than the mappers. I'm sure there was a reason behind it but I can't think of what it is.

I definately support this.

i support this :D

LuigiHann wrote:

Would it help if we just changed the genre's name to "Electronic"?
That would be more correct, but naturally still as useless for searching ;)
Yeah totally support, BAT only will check if it is correct
Yeah, and all other users, if it's part of the modding process like Source and Tags.
|o| for support

Natteke wrote:

|o| for support
Why is he chopped up in pieces? :?
Almost a month and 4 pages worth of unanimous support and not a peep from Peppy? This is a really good idea.
AdRon Zh3Ro

Set "video-game" as genre is totally incorrect. Just because the music is being used in a game, doesn't mean it's genre is "video-game". Same with touhou, anime, etc.

Most songs i saw with that genre is eletronic...

And further more, a music genre is a categorical and typological construct that identifies musical sounds as belonging to a particular category and type of music that can be distinguished from other types of music.

Genre it's obviously being selected wrong due to ignorance.

The correct genres:

Anime Music Video (AMV)

Music used in AMVs is extremely diverse, using such genres as J-Pop, rock, hip hop, pop, R&B, country, and many others.

So, i think instead of let mappers choose the genre, BATs should pick it a lot more carrefully. Also, delete nonexistent genre types, and add more existent genre types.

AdRon Zh3Ro wrote:


Set "video-game" as genre is totally incorrect. Just because the music is being used in a game, doesn't mean it's genre is "video-game". Same with touhou, anime, etc.

Most songs i saw with that genre is eletronic...

And further more, a music genre is a categorical and typological construct that identifies musical sounds as belonging to a particular category and type of music that can be distinguished from other types of music.

Genre it's obviously being selected wrong due to ignorance.

The correct genres:

Anime Music Video (AMV)

Music used in AMVs is extremely diverse, using such genres as J-Pop, rock, hip hop, pop, R&B, country, and many others.

So, i think instead of let mappers choose the genre, BATs should pick it a lot more carrefully. Also, delete nonexistent genre types, and add more existent genre types.
So you're saying the current genres aren't specific enough. Then you're suggesting a genre that practically covers every genre possible.

Topic Starter

AdRon Zh3Ro wrote:


Set "video-game" as genre is totally incorrect. Just because the music is being used in a game, doesn't mean it's genre is "video-game". Same with touhou, anime, etc.

Most songs i saw with that genre is eletronic...

And further more, a music genre is a categorical and typological construct that identifies musical sounds as belonging to a particular category and type of music that can be distinguished from other types of music.

Genre it's obviously being selected wrong due to ignorance.

The correct genres:

Anime Music Video (AMV)

Music used in AMVs is extremely diverse, using such genres as J-Pop, rock, hip hop, pop, R&B, country, and many others.

So, i think instead of let mappers choose the genre, BATs should pick it a lot more carrefully. Also, delete nonexistent genre types, and add more existent genre types.
Topic Starter
Why has this not been implemented yet? (:
Here, have some extra priority.
Bumping this, and would vote for it if I had any left. I'm so sick of sifting through pages of anime shit to find one English song.
This needs more supports! I totally agreed.
Starless Support. I was just thinking about this recently.

I am a MAJOR videogame fan who appreciates all genres and systems. It always gets on my nerves when I type videogames into the search bar and get... 4 songs.

Hopefully, Peppy will do a barrel roll.
Hopefully, Peppy will implement this.

theMikeAG wrote:

. It always gets on my nerves when I type videogames into the search bar and get... 4 songs.
You know you're not supposed to type videogames on the search bar but use this:

Enna Alouette
+2 Support
yes yes~~~
great idea!
always wanted to set by myself the language and genre!
Bumping this.

fartownik wrote:

Bumping this.
Also becase I got some stars I'll get the SP higher on this because I really want this.
2 years and this isn't implemented yet? wow.

Support as well.
Enna Alouette

-Sekai- wrote:

+2 Support
yes yes~~~
Support <'3
inb4 ignorant people can't tell difference between any languages.

Support, would be a great thing for finding instrumental songs.


Genre: Pop
ok D:
Anyway, support.

Saten wrote:



Genre: Pop
ok D:
Will make things easier, support.

Saten wrote:


Genre: Pop

Saten wrote:



Genre: Pop
ok D:
omg lol'd
no-go. this goes both ways. you can ask your ranker or even another staff member to change it regardless. I would rather not have the BAT/MAT having more work on their hands fixing other user's mistakes when it comes to genre.

dkun wrote:

I would rather not have the BAT/MAT having more work on their hands fixing other user's mistakes when it comes to genre.
modders are exist?
No, let the mapper set the genre and if it's wrong it will be modded out by everyone, not just a handfull of BATs or MATs.

dkun wrote:

no-go. this goes both ways. you can ask your ranker or even another staff member to change it regardless. I would rather not have the BAT/MAT having more work on their hands fixing other user's mistakes when it comes to genre.
I dont mind having to fix other people's mistakes in genre/language, it takes literally 3 seconds to change the genre/language of a song, as long as the mapper's locked from changing it after it's ranked.
it's just stupid if an unranked map must have no genre/language
Enna Alouette
Support, it's nice idea to let the mapper set their own genre :3
Supporting this thing :>
YuZuKi Kenny
Support :3
Japanese is good, Chinese is good.
Every language is good. Not only Eng :D

alex_98 wrote:

it's just stupid if an unranked map must have no genre/language
This is a good point right here. Letting mappers set the genre/language on their unranked maps could be useful to prospective modders and people who play unranked maps.

That, and yeah, it might take a BAT just a few seconds to change it, but that doesn't mean that this and other similar things like title text time/color (which also has a feature request somewhere) shouldn't be brought down to the .osu level like everything else.
I really,really,really support this.

Sakura wrote:

dkun wrote:

no-go. this goes both ways. you can ask your ranker or even another staff member to change it regardless. I would rather not have the BAT/MAT having more work on their hands fixing other user's mistakes when it comes to genre.
I dont mind having to fix other people's mistakes in genre/language, it takes literally 3 seconds to change the genre/language of a song, as long as the mapper's locked from changing it after it's ranked.
But it literally takes 3 seconds to set the language while ranking.

I'm with dkun on this one, no support.
I see no reason to not implement this,, "It takes only like a second for BATs to change it" doesn't seem legit for me. This feature has no downside but only benifits are there. so why not? It's kind ridiculous to say not supporting when the feature doesn't have any downside.

I can just simply select the genre I want to mod from pending maps list when i feel like random modding and it sounds preety nice to me.

This is benefit for both BAT(for saving their so important three seconds) and modders(there are modders who wouldn't mod something in specific language), maybe even mappers too.
Well there's also this: ... 8&g=0&la=0 if you're worried about modding :P

As i said before i dont mind as long only BATs can change it after rank.
What i mean by is If genre could be specified by a mapper, I wouldn't see bunch of other(unspecified) things there. I prefer instrumental to vocal, so I might just pick any random instrumental map to mod, but currently its bit hard to tell and song preview sometimes just dont work that well.
Yes, Novelty.

I also think we should update the Genre selection for when we search.
This, please! Would save me a lot of time instead of wading through endless moe/hentai themes.

arken1015 wrote:

Sometimes, BATs can make mistake of Genre or Language...
[I sometimes loled at wrong Language...]

So, support :3
yes, cuz BAT are not robot.

so support this. :D
t/528 ._."
Yeah, this one got rejected, maybe not this one.

So how is it going?
Add this please! Also allow searching by genre in pending/WIP too.
- Sugoi Sugoi -
BN set it
I have no experience in music so I don't even touch it (sorry if I have to, poke me if that's the case)
And there are many BN
I guess it doesn't hurt if it should also be fine in unranked maps (and again, I''m not sure, not sure if it's allowed or not)

baraatje123 wrote:

BN set it
BNs have that menu, but cant do anything at all. These things are still managed by the QAT
Why is there even an update button then O.o
Why do we have it too then?
If we are 'able' to use it, would it be allowed to easily change tags (as it should update to all diffs right?
Please, changing it all per diff on 6+ diff sets is annoying


baraatje123 wrote:

Why is there even an update button then O.o
Why do we have it too then?
If we are 'able' to use it, would it be allowed to easily change tags (as it should update to all diffs right?
That menu was also for the BATs, until the new system has come. We are not considered as "staff".
Changing tags through this menu will only affect the online tags, meaning they won't appear in-game but in the beatmap listing.
BNs have menus to change language/genre/title color and that but you are not allowed to change them.

Anyways I really want this, for example Many times I had to tell QATs to change language/genre of my maps since they don't download beatmaps and just follow the music preview.
It's been 7 months. Where's this feature?
we still need this :p
Using my old post.
I already suggested something related to it

Kathex wrote:

Step 2-Change where the Beatmaps are Submitted and Icons
Separate the beatmaps by characteristics, how?
Like following a folder in levels:
Qualified and Waiting Qualify dont need to have subfolders because it would have few maps in
Change administration of maps: When you submitt a beatmap, you should select the genre and if its Incomplete Mapset or Complete Mapset.
The suggested changes up to this point would be able to improve the search and division of beatmaps status
You can see my complete ignored and locked post in
And i get a fantastic answer:

Loctav wrote:

None of your suggestions are either effective, practicable or in any way close to improving anything you criticize.
There is also no need to split up Pending/WIP into even more sub sections. That's needless overcomplication of a very few beatmaps. The icons are pretty straight forward.
tl;dr: all your suggestions are rather moot and not really realistic. Also I believe that you have quite a lot of misconceptions about how the current system works in the first place. You are taking away the entire human element of this. None of these changes will actually work or enhance anything the way you demand them do be.
Also sitting back and expecting others to do the work is also not a thing in osu!. If you want to change or contribute something, go out and create guides.
Yes, he realy think me by myself can change alone how the game systems work. Fun not?

So, you'd like to suggest things to this game?
I totaly approve that :D
What's so difficult to implement this minor function which could really help people much on finding songs they want?
At the moment this won't happen as there is no better way to mark mapsets with checked metadata. And implementing such a system won't happen until new osu forum so yeah, thats that. osu!dev has his hand full with the new forum and client already.
I support this, if it's not already implemented.
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