
[Rule Clarifcation] Distinction for Custom mp3s

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"Custom" from the title means "trimmed or extended" in most cases
brief chat log
[2:11:12 PM] pishizor.:
[2:11:17 PM] pishizor.: its a thing deal wtih
[2:11:49 PM] 『Ringating』: then they should make a rule saying what to do
[2:11:52 PM] 『Ringating』: not what to not do
[2:12:04 PM] 『Ringating』: leaves people just guessing still
[2:12:28 PM] 『Ringating』: and doing nothing is >.>
[2:12:44 PM] pishizor.:
[2:13:49 PM] 『Ringating』: no mention of custom versions
[2:13:54 PM] 『Ringating』: that is my point
[2:13:57 PM] 『Ringating』: that needs a rule
[2:14:00 PM] 『Ringating』: and a way to tell
[2:16:13 PM] 『Ringating』: custom should have a way of telling
[2:16:14 PM] 『Ringating』: is all
[2:16:24 PM] 『Ringating』: even if real metadata doesnt exist
[2:16:29 PM] 『Ringating』: since not an official release
[2:23:23 PM] pishizor.: complain about it in ranking criteria
[2:23:27 PM] pishizor.: maybe you'll get more than 1 response
[2:33:16 PM] pishizor.: explain in like one sentence
[2:33:18 PM] pishizor.: your complaint
[2:33:20 PM] pishizor.: maybe show examples
[2:33:22 PM] pishizor.: (of my maps)
[2:33:38 PM] pishizor.: extended from 4:30 to 5 minutes
[2:35:14 PM] pishizor.: cut from 4:44 to 2:18
Basically, custom versions of songs aren't infrequent occurrences, and as such it would be nice if there was a rule in place that made it so these alternate versions could be easily identified when seeing their beatmap page. If a tag would be the correct way to make this distinction, then there should be a rule about it so it can be consistent.

this would be a complement to the following rule (in other words not a change, just in addition to):

Ranking Criteria wrote:

Do not alter the song's title. This includes adding any marker to describe the cut of the song such as "Short Ver.", "TV Size" and so forth unless those markers are part of the official song title as listed by a reputable source.
Can be good, especially since I edited quite some songs (which where 4:30-4:50) to make them longer (to 5:30, or once even to 7:30+) so they fit for approved
Ryu Sei
Yep. I've mixed some mp3 like KSM composers does so each version is effected and have the different sounds.

Ringating wrote:

If a tag would be the correct way to make this distinction, then there should be a rule about it so it can be consistent.
Do not alter the song's title. This includes adding any marker to describe the cut of the song such as "Short Ver.", "TV Size" and so forth unless those markers are part of the official song title as listed by a reputable source. Any changes to the music that isn't official is allowed, as long as the editor is tagged.
This one isn't applied if the mapper maps their own edit/remix.

Ryu Sei wrote:

Do not alter the song's title. This includes adding any marker to describe the cut of the song such as "Short Ver.", "TV Size" and so forth unless those markers are part of the official song title as listed by a reputable source. Any changes to the music that isn't official is allowed, as long as the editor is tagged.
This one isn't applied if the mapper maps their own edit/remix.
That wouldn't work because it's a direct contradiction to the entire paragraph, unless I'm misunderstanding something here.

If they truly remixed it, fair enough, but cutting or looping an mp3 is not the same thing.
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perhaps this
Do not alter the song's title. This includes adding any marker to describe the cut of the song such as "Short Ver.", "TV Size" and so forth unless those markers are part of the official song title as listed by a reputable source. Any custom changes to the music must have the tag "custom" along with a tag to describe the change (e.g. "extended" or "cut").

Ringating wrote:

perhaps this
Do not alter the song's title. This includes adding any marker to describe the cut of the song such as "Short Ver.", "TV Size" and so forth unless those markers are part of the official song title as listed by a reputable source. Any custom changes to the music must have the tag "custom" along with a tag to describe the change (e.g. "extended" or "cut").
You would have a better time rewriting the entire paragraph, however, I don't really agree with this since people are so touchy when it comes to metadata and "unofficial markers", that I doubt there will be a whole lot of support from people. Except those with double standards, I suppose.

I'd honestly rather completely uniform naming schemes for maps and versions as opposed to bullshit like -TV size ver.-. Use stuff like (TV Version), (Short Version), (Extended Version) and completely disregard supposed official version markers, but that's just me.
Like this one:
This one is altered to make it like only one person is singing.

Neil Leo wrote:

Like this one:
This one is altered to make it like only one person is singing.
No, the only thing that user did was compile some cut versions of songs into one long compilation with some short fades. The solo versions of all of those songs are available on albums as far as I know.
Seems like discussions have been stopped here. Give me a poke if you wish to continue this.
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