
The best taiko player(s)

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Best player Taiko you think that ..?
According to me it is Pheon <3
Orukaa was probably the best Taiko player back when I paid attention to that kinda stuff.
shinchikuhome and tasuke912, these are two of the best DT players around atm

other people include sobatsuyu100 for good accuracy, and TKS and asuasu_yura for probably being the best HD players around (mind you I'm not sure if TKS retired and is still good)

there are still a ton of players I could mention but then it'd turn more into a list of people I respect for their skills than a list of people I think are the best

as a sidenote orukaa probably wouldn't be able to come near the rank of the current top players in pp
Tasuke912 blows my mind. Look at his youtube full of overjoy FC's and stuff.
Noobita is the greatest of all time, Ishida a close second. Orukaa is #3. Just being good at DT doesn't mean a lot when back in the day these 3 wrecked everything put in their way.
what o_o;
there are a ton of people way better than me
wzxxzw and cagalin
probably wzxxzw imo
The best taiko ppl, imo ->


mrdumpling64 wrote:


mrdumpling64 wrote:

historic myth

oxxoxooxxxoxo wrote:

As much as -applerss- is a good player. I don't have much respect for him after his DS'd score on I'm your Daddy a while back.
I personally think sobatsuyu takes the cake. Like, Revolution Deathsquad is a great example of why I think this. 99.94% on a 4400 Object, 6.55 star, song...on hardrock...within 2 days of it being qualified. Like, he got 5 greens out of 4435 objects, as well as nailing most of the drumrolls. And that's just one play that stood out for me.

IntelliTroodon wrote:

I personally think sobatsuyu takes the cake. Like, Revolution Deathsquad is a great example of why I think this. 99.94% on a 4400 Object, 6.55 star, song...on hardrock...within 2 days of it being qualified. Like, he got 5 greens out of 4435 objects, as well as nailing most of the drumrolls. And that's just one play that stood out for me.
He did that score within the hour it was ranked. But the map is pretty old, he might have practiced it.
he did Omega Rhythm DTHR S in only 20-30 playcounts though
also, I've never seen Japanese players play unranked maps from non-East Asian mappers except when asked to
tasuke because he just beat what can't be possibly beaten, esp the second


XK2238 wrote:

also, I've never seen Japanese players play unranked maps from non-East Asian mappers except when asked to
I noticed he favorited it like 6 months ago. Same for a few of my other harder maps.

kanpakyin wrote:

mrdumpling64 wrote:

historic myth
pfft please

Mr_Cookie97 wrote:

Best player Taiko you think that ..?
According to me it is Pheon <3
circlejerk is best, kek. I think I'll give my own biased answer too :p

Necroing shit because I want to. Don't give too much attention to my argument, it's just the way I see the topic compared to other players who answered without any criterias.

To begin with, "best" is kinda approximative since there are several ways of being the best in a particular way/skill.
Are we talking about:
  1. Sheer speed ?
  2. Accuracy ?
  3. Ability to read eveything with every setting ?
  4. Memorization ?
  5. Spam ?
  6. Awkward gameplay ?
  7. Score ?
  8. A particular period of the game ?
  9. Other thing ?
I don't know how to accurately respond, but I'll try to give an appropriate answer.

Poop, detailed shit
Sheer speed: With the arrival of several hot japanese players, a great asset of fast players ascended from the sky to crush us. I have some names instantly popping there. tasuke912 showed some incredible scores lately, some maps with a very awkward setting got rekted pretty fast. (Adult's toy anyone ?) shinchikuhome also deserves a mention. (well what a shame he got silenced for multi-accounting, no real surprise I think lol) I don't know about sobasuyu100, it looks like a mix between accuracy, speed and readability, it remains really impressive. I won't mention this player elsewhere, he/she can fit the accuracy category as well.

Accuracy: Hard to say, since accuracy can rely on dumb converts or simply diverse taiko maps. For the casual side, kevin3333g and kanopu are good candidates, plenty of godacc FCs everywhere, a shit ton of SSes ....
If I talk about converts or simply hard-to-acc maps, asgardv would earn a place here. For the rest, I really don't know who to nominate.

Score: Duh, my memory gets shitty there. The only thing that marked my mind was y o u j o boosting his/her score a while ago (1 or 2 years ago ?) just to get the #1 and immediately quit, it was stupid. Actually, kevin3333g is far away from the rest, so yeah ....

Read every shit: Uh really, I won't nominate anyone, better safe than nominating something absurd because I'm not sure of what I'm pointing.

Memorization: From my own memory (lol), Pheon, Ekoro and XK2238 are the only known players to have crazy FL scores all across the actual scoreboard. I won't include myself since I have only a few bunch of scores and those are only EASY converts.

Spam: Numerous names are coming to my mind right now. I'd nominate Midnaait & whosthebox for being the most early players to destroy every map containing huge 1/8 without any severe accuracy drop. But lately, more recent players like FLANKs, wzxxzw, or even Aesa (hello Mad Machine) managed to pull through spammy maps without problems.

Awkward Gameplay: Back in 2012, I remember when asuke916 (now named -Asuke-) showed us that high level Taiko is perfectly doable with a controller. I really miss that style. On a less awkward approach, I'll nominate PM____ and its strange manner of playing 2-index on the numeric keypad (something like 1, 2, 4, 5, except big notes iirc)
On an even more conventional approach, (in 2012, again) I recall xxCROSSxx and his/her outstanding performance of the 2-index playstyle, it was really cool. Noobita also had a huge skill with his ddkk style. (it's even older than every player I mentioned above) I don't know who to nominate after that.

Past periods: Well, if we go back several years in the past, I would mention Noobita, Rokodo, Ishida, youngdow (yes, remember this korean guy) and maybe MMzz too. As time passed, more players showed off their skill. I still recall zx_baka and EkiBen/Bye at this time, they weren't particuarly famous but, I still remember their scores. I may have forgotten many names lol.

Other: Huh, no, I don't have any name here.

Circlejerk: Because you all want to have a favorite player to congratulate because he/she is your friend. I'd say Ekoro. While he's clearly not the best player around, he has an astounding memory, (check standard mode, famous enough lol) a great stamina and a very good top speed to. Nothing to add on this side. It's the CIRCLEJERK, so name whoever you want :V

I think that's all for me. It's all based on my memory and my point of view, so correct me if I forgot some players.
Also flame me, I don't care that much.
And what ? I took so many space just to tell who is the best ? Fuck.
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