
Ke$ha - Dinosaur

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, August 12, 2010 at 5:51:55 PM

Artist: Ke$ha
Title: Dinosaur
Tags: Rasyad95 Kesha Animal
BPM: 128
Filesize: 2853kb
Play Time: 02:07
Difficulties Available:
  1. Baby Dino (2.58 stars, 166 notes)
  2. Rasyad95's Dino (4.93 stars, 496 notes)
  3. T-Rex (4.74 stars, 438 notes)
Download: Ke$ha - Dinosaur
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My first Beatmap ever.Yay!
Anyway DI-NO-SA-UR a dinosaur
Bump to Arusha for the timing.
Bump to Rasyad95 for the guest diff.

[BG changed , Re-download required]
Arusha Shuna
BPM and offset is fine
spacing fix as requested

Download: Ke$ha - Dinosaur (ayey) [T-Rex].osu
download this file -> save file, replace the T-Rex diff with this one
Topic Starter
Thanks Arusha :)
Here's my Diff , still need some modding, though...

Download: Ke$ha - Dinosaur (ayey) [Rasyad95's Dino].osu
Topic Starter
Thank you Rasyad :)
Sorry, i didn't realize that i've update the Beatmap, ayey, please check my BM. Are they the latest version of my diff? The latest version is 100% complete (all part of the song)
Ayey, can you make the Baby dino diff become more easier? Dont put a hitcircle in upbeat, in easy, the'll easy to get 100 or 50 if they don't know the song well...
Topic Starter

Rasyad95 wrote:

Ayey, can you make the Baby dino diff become more easier? Dont put a hitcircle in upbeat, in easy, the'll easy to get 100 or 50 if they don't know the song well...
Ok i'll try to make it easier.

1) "Animal" is a album, delete "Animal" at Source, because Album is not belong in Source
2) Delete "ayey" in tags, since that word in Beatmap Creator
3) Soft sound is not fit! Use Normal sound!

Delete .osb and full submit

[Baby Dino]
00:08:473 (5) - New combo
00:15:856 (B) - You have to map this breaks, because the breaks is too much

00:30:739 (4) - New combo?
00:33:786 (1) - Remove new combo
00:34:723 (3) - New combo

00:48:903 (7) - Perhaps cut short this slider to blue tick to match the vocal??
01:06:598 (B) - You have to map this breaks, because the breaks is too much
01:30:270 (1) - Remove new combo
01:45:973 (B) - You have to map this breaks, because the breaks is too much
01:53:473 (1) - Too horid for that. This object is really difficult for begginer player, IMO
02:08:473 (B) - You have to map this breaks, because the breaks is too much

Ugh, unsnapped all *sigh*! You have resnap the notes (Timing -> Resnap all notes -> Yes). And, lots of spacing error. Open AIMod (Ctrl+Shift+A) and make sure the distance snap is on

00:27:222 (8) - New combo
00:28:393 (1) - Remove new combo
00:32:143 (1) - ^
00:33:083 (4) - New combo

00:35:661 (1) - Remove new combo?
00:37:065 (6) - New combo?
00:45:973 (6) - ^
01:12:223 (4) - New combo
01:15:973 (5) - ^
01:19:723 (5) - ^
02:25:348 (7) - ^
02:29:098 (5) - ^
02:32:848 (7) - ^
02:36:598 (5) - ^

[Rasyad95's Dino]
Please open AIMod (Ctrl+Shift+A) because there's some spacing issue and make sure the distance snap is on

00:41:989 ~ 00:49:606 (K) - This kiai doesn't fit at all
01:00:973 (10) - New combo
01:01:911 (14) - ^
01:04:957 (5) - ^
01:10:114 (6) - ^
01:44:098 (6) - ^
02:06:832 (6) - ^
02:12:223 (12) - ^
02:18:434 (12) - PLEASE REPLACE THIS SLIDER TO OBJECT AT 02:18:551
02:25:348 (5) - New combo
02:27:223 (11) - ^
02:30:973 (8) - ^
02:32:848 (10) - ^

Well, this beatmap need more work
Nice song
STAR for ayey not Rasyad
Topic Starter
Thanks Leo :)
Cool BeatMap

The following post only give you suggestions. No need to change what I ask you to here.

[Baby Dino]

00:42:223 (1) 1 Grid up?


This looks fine to me. I don't want to nazi all grid stuff. Because it would be cruel :<

[Rasyad95's Dino]

00:45:739 (4) One grid left, then one up? It looks so ugly to me right now.
1:28:746 (15) Delete this note.
2:14:098 (4) Make this slider smaller by one tick. Then delete the 2 notes coming after it and make let it go reverse 2 times? It sounds better.

2:23:590 (2) Delete this note and let the slider(3) begin here? And, end the slider at 2:23:942. Add a note at the place it ends before you change it. Same as above, this sounds better.

This is all..

I'm not a fan of Kesha songs to be honest. Her voice annoys me :?

Anyways, star*
Please set a preview time for the 3 diff.
seems the hitsound is too loud for me, I think 70% is enough.
the map can be better if you make the slider more symmetric and rounded.

[Baby Dino]
00:09:879 (5,6) check spacing
00:11:286 (7,8) ^
01:12:340 (3,4,5,6) ^
ADD Kiai at 49,592,like waht you did in the [T-Rex]?

00:49:59 Delete the red timing section and resnap all notes (Unless you think the sound are off without this red line.)
00:57:912 (6,7) check spacing
01:46:779 (5,1) ^, it confused me.
02:43:849 (2,1) ^

[Rasyad95's Dino]
00:11:520 (8,9,10) spacing
00:15:036 (4,5,6,7,8) ^
00:21:832 (3,4,5) ^
00:34:231 (1 to 11) ^
please recheck all the 1/4 combos using distance snap.. I can't point out all of them.
01:00:270 (7) a bit out of screen.
01:01:676 (4) ^
02:47:114 seems you need a 2x warning.

not bad, Get my star~
Topic Starter
Thanks Teras and Vikon :)
@Teras & Vikon : Done!
Thx for the modding...

Download: Ke$ha - Dinosaur (ayey) [Rasyad95's Dino].osu
:D Nice map

Pink words:You should fix this
Black words:Just suggestions


Delete the Ke$ha - Dinosaur (ayey).osb and full upload it.
Delete "Dinosaur" in tags of all difficulties since it's already in title.

[Baby Dino]

Is this a Easy?If so,turn down HP Drain Rate and Overall Difficulty to 2-3(minimum is 0),5 may be too high for a Easy diff.
And also, Slider Velocity 1.4 may be too fast,try to make it below 1.0.You can keep it if you don't want to change,but remember to do it in your next Easy.
The second and third timing point don't change bpm,so select Inherit previous timing settings.
00:36:598 (3,4,5) - spacing


Delete second timing point(red line) at 00:49:59 and resnap all notes (in menu-Timing)
Overall Difficulty -1?
02:41:286 (7,8,9) - spacing


I didn't find obvious problem,but just add more hitsound?It may sound boring if you don't add enough hitsound.
(So many death streams!I can't full combo it……lol)

Nice map.
+Star :)
Topic Starter

Neethime wrote:

:D Nice map

no-7 wrote:


Pink words:You should fix this
Black words:Just suggestions


Delete the Ke$ha - Dinosaur (ayey).osb and full upload it.
Delete "Dinosaur" in tags of all difficulties since it's already in title.

[Baby Dino]

Is this a Easy?If so,turn down HP Drain Rate and Overall Difficulty to 2-3(minimum is 0),5 may be too high for a Easy diff.
And also, Slider Velocity 1.4 may be too fast,try to make it below 1.0.You can keep it if you don't want to change,but remember to do it in your next Easy.
The second and third timing point don't change bpm,so select Inherit previous timing settings.
00:36:598 (3,4,5) - spacing


Delete second timing point(red line) at 00:49:59 and resnap all notes (in menu-Timing)
Overall Difficulty -1?
02:41:286 (7,8,9) - spacing


I didn't find obvious problem,but just add more hitsound?It may sound boring if you don't add enough hitsound.
(So many death streams!I can't full combo it……lol)

Nice map.
+Star :)
Done,ty :)
As your request...

Read this first for the icon explanation.
- [?] Asking for a second thought.
- [!] Fatal error. You have to fix this for sure.
- [No icon] Only a suggestion.

1. Sorry, tapi nyed harus jujur. Diff ayey sedikit membosankan ;__; Nyed terpaksa ngomong kek gini. Ayey mesti perbaiki semuanya atau map ini bakal jadi map biasa yang gak ada istimewanya. Mungkin bisa tambahkan beberapa pattern yang menarik, SB, atau mungkin tambahkan skin.
2. Diff Rasyad overmapped ;__; Ketika membuat sebuah map atau diff, jangan prioritaskan kesusahannya. Itu cuma bakal membuat map atau diff-nya hancur. Coba perbaiki, rasyad.
3. Kenapa gak ubah background-nya menjadi gambar kartun dinosaurus? LOL mungkin berlebihan. Tapi kalau itu dipadukan dengan skin bertemakan dinosaurus, pasti bakal lebih keren.
4. Tolong set preview time-nya yah. [!]

[Baby Dino]
-- Jangan menggunakan hitsound secara spam atau acak-acakan. Kalau bisa buat mereka in-pattern.
-- Kamu harus lebih banyak belajar untuk membuat diff easy. Coba lihat diff easy map orang lain yang udah di rank. Mungkin bisa jadi inspirasi.
-- Penempatan kiai time sangat tidak konsisten. Fix that.
-- Paling tidak, buat diff ini berhenti di 01:21:598.
-- Spacing-nya susah dibaca apalagi ketika ada note di tick merah.

00:48:668 (2) - Wow, jangan taruh note di tick biru. It's forbidden for easy diff.

-- Penempatan kiai time sangat tidak konsisten. Fix that.
-- Well, diff ini sudah lebih bagus dari diff easy.
-- Break-nya terlalu sedikit untuk ukuran diff berdurasi 3 menit.

01:47:028 - Add a note here.
01:49:254 (1,2) - Delete them.
02:21:598 (5) - New combo.
02:14:098 (4) - ^
02:53:708 (1,1,2) - Silence them. It will be a good idea.

[Rasyad45's Dino]
-- Seperti yang nyed bilang tadi, overmapped. Tolong di fix yah.
-- Warna combo kuning sama hijau gak cocok kalau digabung sama hitam dan abu-abu.
-- Aduh, ada beberapa jump yang terlalu tiba-tiba. Spacing berubah-ubah terus jadi bingung mainnya.

00:19:313 (6) - Delete this.
00:25:348 (9) - New combo.
00:25:348 (9,10,12,13) - Spacing tiba-tiba berubah dari jump menjadi normal di waktu yang tidak tepat.
00:44:332 (1) - Move it farther from (12).
00:49:723 (1) - Kalau kamu suka dengan stream panjang, slider ini kan bisa digantikan stream.
01:29:742 - Kenapa tiba-tiba disini hitsound-nya berubah? Gak pantas kalau berubahnya disini.
01:51:129 (7) - Slider ini gak cocok dibuat jadi 0,5x.
Star untuk motivasinya deh. Haha.
Thx van
00:19:313 (6) - Delete this.
00:25:348 (9) - New combo.
00:25:348 (9,10,12,13) - Spacing tiba-tiba berubah dari jump menjadi normal di waktu yang tidak tepat.
I just wanna keep that, it has a special meaning to me...
00:44:332 (1) - Move it farther from (12).
00:49:723 (1) - Kalau kamu suka dengan stream panjang, slider ini kan bisa digantikan stream. Kalau bahasa hokkiennya
Istirahat dulu, biar ada kesempatan bisa nge-pause, soalnya inetku suka mati, jadinya aku buat slider ini supaya bisa nyalain inet lagi...
01:29:742 - Kenapa tiba-tiba disini hitsound-nya berubah? Gak pantas kalau berubahnya disini.
01:51:129 (7) - Slider ini gak cocok dibuat jadi 0,5x.
Topic Starter

Rasyad95 wrote:

00:25:348 (9,10,12,13) - Spacing tiba-tiba berubah dari jump menjadi normal di waktu yang tidak tepat.
I just wanna keep that, it has a special meaning to me...
Ehem.... :P

TY Van for the suggestion

Rasyad95 wrote:

00:25:348 (9,10,12,13) - Spacing tiba-tiba berubah dari jump menjadi normal di waktu yang tidak tepat.
I just wanna keep that, it has a special meaning to me...
But it ruins the diff...

Rasyad95 wrote:

00:49:723 (1) - Kalau kamu suka dengan stream panjang, slider ini kan bisa digantikan stream. Kalau bahasa hokkiennya
Istirahat dulu, biar ada kesempatan bisa nge-pause, soalnya inetku suka mati, jadinya aku buat slider ini supaya bisa nyalain inet lagi...
Walah, masaq karena masalah pribadi jadi harus mengorbankan diff?
Ok ayo mulai :)

- Ok pertama2 set preview point, menurutku di 00:51:364 bagus
- Wa masih dapet osb filenya, hapus terus full submit lagi
- Combo color 1 ama 2 terlihat sama ganti atau hapus

[Baby Dino]
- Wa setuju ama Van, map diff ini sampe 01:21:598
- Kiai timenya taruh di chorus cocok nih
00:48:083 (1,2,3) - Note di blue tick agak membingungkan mungkin di ganti long slider aja

- hapus break antara 01:39:411 (4) ~ 01:41:520 (1)
01:51:598 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - wa ga terlalu suka ama ini, tapi karena ini hard jd gpp maalah personal taste aja sih

[Rasyad45's Dino]
Stream map :o (g terlalu jago stream wa)
00:24:879 (7,8,9,10) - seperti yg van bilang lagi spacing tiba2 kembali ke normal g terlalu bagus
02:18:785 (10) - break yg terlalu tiba2 lyricnya masih lanjut lho (kalau ngikutin lyric)

Yap masih harus di betulin lagi coba cari modder buat ngemod
OK Good Luck :)

Idk what album this is from, but put the album title in the tags field if there is any!

[Baby Dino]
Lower the HP drain! This is an Easy!! :o
00:30:739 (1) - Opinion: Sounds better if it ends at the next white tick.

Is fine!

00:19:254 (5,6) - Why 1/8 beats?
00:18:083 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - We want some spicey sound effects!
From 00:51:598 (1) - to 02:48:316 (5) - - There are absolutely no hitsounds. That's almost 2 minutes. There is a change in sampleset, but still, no hitsounds in all of this section!!
00:16:676 (1) - I feel like there should be something before here; at 00:15:973, perhaps?
00:48:083 (1,2,3) - This is hard to read, and I don't like the 1/4s.
Map this diff to 01:21:598.

00:23:473 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - LESS WHISTLES PLEASE
00:49:723 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
01:25:348 (1) - to 01:29:801 (4) - ^
01:51:598 (1) - to 01:53:473 (1) - ^

00:19:313 (6) - This has no reason to be.
00:46:325 (2) - 1/4 later.
00:46:676 (3) - 1/4 earlier.
There's a lot of spacing I wouldn't be happy with here...

Tell me when you've got that done and I'll give ya a star.
Topic Starter

VanMoNky wrote:

Rasyad95 wrote:

00:49:723 (1) - Kalau kamu suka dengan stream panjang, slider ini kan bisa digantikan stream. Kalau bahasa hokkiennya
Istirahat dulu, biar ada kesempatan bisa nge-pause, soalnya inetku suka mati, jadinya aku buat slider ini supaya bisa nyalain inet lagi...
Walah, masaq karena masalah pribadi jadi harus mengorbankan diff?
Aku ga suka map yg terlalu banyak Stream, ingat waktu kubilang Miracle gumiracle-mu? Aku kurang suka yg Insane di situ, terlalu byk stream...
Arusha Shuna
Request Accepted

you're using too many clap hitsounds. standard no hitsounds sometimes OFTEN sounds better that claps/whistles
delete Dinosaur from Rasayd95's diff (you don't need a permission from the diff maker to add or delete tags/source in a GD)
Baby Dino
00:10:817 (7,8) - move 1 Lv2 grid to the right (turn off dist snap)
00:18:786 (3) - spacing issue, suggestion : stack with (2)
00:37:536 (5) - move 1 Lv3 grid to the right
00:41:286 (4) - move 1 Lv2 grid to the right
00:42:926 (x) - add a note
00:45:973 (7) - reverse selection this (select this then Ctrl+R), also add new combo
00:47:379 (8) - move this above (7)'s slider start
01:05:192 (3) - move 1 Lv3 grid down
01:05:661 (4) - move 1 Lv2 grid to the left
01:08:473 (3) - add new combo
01:12:223 (3,4,5,6) - stack them, it's a little too much for an easy diff
00:06:833 (1,2) - move 1 Lv3 grid to the right (turn off dist. snap)
00:31:208 (2) - spacing issue, also fix (3)'s spacing after fixing this one
00:38:004 (x) - add a note?
00:45:153 (4) - align this slider with (3)'s slider then...
00:45:504 (5) - put this slider between (3) and (4)
00:57:458 (4) - add a new combo
01:36:832 (2) - move this to the next white tick
01:37:536 (3) - spacing issue
01:39:411 (4) - ^
add something between 01:40:114 - 01:41:285
01:56:754 (6) - move 1 Lv3 grid down
01:59:801 (7) - move 1 Lv3 grid left
02:09:879 (6) - move 2 lv3 grid to the left then move 2 Lv3 grid up
02:10:817 (2) - align this with (1)
02:53:708 (1,1,2) - put them ALL in the center (turn off dist snap)
Rasyad95's Dino
00:16:676 (4) - spacing issue
00:18:083 (1,2,3,4) - they doesn't sound very good, change them
00:25:114 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this is a big NO, yes you MAY think this spacing is good, but a rankable map should be readable by others not just by yourself, in short, CHANGE THEM
00:28:395 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - they doesn't sound very good, change them
00:31:207 (2) - spacing issue
00:33:082 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - i KNOW you like streams, but they don't fit well with the music. Not with any instrument in it. In short, CHANGE THEM!
00:42:223 (1,2,3,4,5) - 1 prefer a normal 5-note stream rather than to be placed like this
00:57:223 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this is a big NO, yes you MAY think this spacing is good, but a rankable map should be readable by others not just by yourself, in short, CHANGE THEM
01:01:676 (4) - spacing issue
01:02:965 (x) - add a note
01:04:957 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - i KNOW you like streams, but they don't fit well with the music. Not with any instrument in it. In short, CHANGE THEM!
01:25:348 (1-15,1-14) - i have to say it again?
01:34:489 (11) - i prefer this note to be changed into a 1 beat ling slider (to the next red tick), delete 01:34:957 (12) afterwards
01:40:817 (5) - delete this note
01:40:934 (6,7) - move 1/4 beat earlier
01:44:098 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - the beat placement are very bad, remap this part and try to follow the music more
02:06:832 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - know the drill
02:09:879 (x)- add a new note
02:10:113 (5) - new combo
02:16:676 (5,6) - move 1 Lv2 grid right
02:17:848 (7) - add a new combo
02:18:785 (B) - why break time?
02:27:223 (7) - add a new combo
02:27:926 (1) - remove new combo
02:33:317 (3,4,5,6,7) - the stream seems clustered, place them better using Lv3 Grid snapping
02:42:223 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - no no no

Topic Starter
Baby Dino - Finished (100%)

T-Rex - Finished (100%)

Rasyad95's Dino - WIP (90%) Finished (100%)

Thanks Arusha for the suggestion :)
Check some of that spelling on the SB, other than that, fine.
Topic Starter

DiamondCrash wrote:

Check some of that spelling on the SB, other than that, fine.
Ummmm.....Which part exactly?
I think , i know which part

Baby Dino
01:20:426 (4,5) spacing error. I think best (4) move to center.
00:42:692 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 1 grid up?(nazi)(grid lv3)
00:49:137 (6) 1 grid down (spacing error)
02:20:661 (4) 1 grid up (^)
02:41:754 (9) 1 grid down (^)
00:25:114 (1) remove new combo
00:25:348 (2) new combo
00:58:864 (1) remove new combo
00:59:098 (2) new combo
01:28:395 (1) remove new combo
01:57:926 (3) 1 grid up?(grid lv2)

star & gl ;)
Topic Starter

banvi wrote:


Baby Dino
01:20:426 (4,5) spacing error. I think best (4) move to center.
00:42:692 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 1 grid up?(nazi)(grid lv3)
00:49:137 (6) 1 grid down (spacing error)
02:20:661 (4) 1 grid up (^)
02:41:754 (9) 1 grid down (^)
00:25:114 (1) remove new combo
00:25:348 (2) new combo
00:58:864 (1) remove new combo
00:59:098 (2) new combo
01:28:395 (1) remove new combo
01:57:926 (3) 1 grid up?(grid lv2)

star & gl ;)
Done ty :)
4.png is awesome.

The Black color combo is hard to see. Try going with a darker gray.

00:51:598 (1) - Kinda soon after a spinner for an easy.
For some reason when the notes finish up, the skip button isn't showing up for me. :/

02:38:473 (1) - The overlap here is pretty bad. Try moving this somewhere else.

00:58:864 (8) - Spacing?
02:49:957 (2,3) - Spacing.
Hai, sorry for the long wait.
Here's my mod~

Could you map [Baby Dino] to full length?
You... Need to fix 4.png. What is that? >_>

[Baby Dino]


[Rasyad95's Dino]
Why is there no preview point for this difficulty?
Other than that, fine.

Good job.
Topic Starter
and yeah my mistake on 4.png :P
That lyrics SB is horrible. At least get all the grammar and lyrics right, find them online. Also, make the lyric lines fade in instead of just appearing.

Don't use completely black and white circles, they look horrible. Make them dark/light grey.

Baby Dino
00:48:903 (2) - Start a tick before
Map to the end, shortened easy diffs are lazy :/

Those streams :/
01:36:832 (2) - move back a tick
01:51:598 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This isn't nearly as sexy as your last stream

Rasyad95's Dino
This diff has no preview point that I can see
00:22:536 - Add beat?
00:30:739 (1,2) - Remove a repeat from 1,Move 2 out of the way.
00:46:442 - Add beat?
01:42:457 (1,2,3) - Spaaaaccinnngg
01:51:129 (7) - Move under previous stack
01:53:473 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Really awkward. Remap to the music pwease
Colin Hou
  1. I wanna complain about the BG and the circle color, they doen't fit at all
  2. 00:49:489 inheret this section in all your difss.
  3. Rasyad95 should be added to all diffs' tags
[Baby Dino]:
  • 01:05:661 (4,5) - switch to grid level 3 (ctrl+1) and move them 1 grid left
  1. placing note by lyrics makes this diff hard to play for me, really
  1. 00:36:598 (5) - new combo
  2. 00:46:676 (T) - add a note here
  3. 01:51:833 (3) - 1 grid right
[Rasyad95's Dino]:
  1. 00:28:864 (4,5,6) - spacing
  2. 00:30:739 (1,2) - place (2) exactly on (1) plz
  3. 00:58:395 (6,7,8) - spacing
  4. 01:01:442 (3,4,1) - ^
  5. 01:50:778 (4,5,6,7) - stack all of them plz
suggest remap the Baby Dino diff :/

star for your first try, it's not that bad.
That lyrics SB is horrible. At least get all the grammar and lyrics right, find them online. Also, make the lyric lines fade in instead of just appearing.

Don't use completely black and white circles, they look horrible. Make them dark/light grey./quote]
That. And Text4... really?

Baby Dino
00:11:286 (8) - Spacing
00:49:723 (1) - Big spinners can't adjust to the next beat quickly, either move the beats or replace this with a slider or something.
01:00:036 (2) - Move 1/2 back and maybe extend by 1/2
Map to the enders

Dem streams suck ridiculous ones don't belong in a Hard
02:39:176 (2) - Use (1) but flipped

Topic Starter
Ok then i'll just delete the SB
[Mod Infos]

Azure: Suggestions.
Blue: You should fix this.


  • • The SB images contains unnecessary trasparency.
    • Add "Rasyad95" into Tags (tags should be the same on all diffs)

[Baby Dino]

  • • 00:07:067 (x) - Add a circle
    • 00:10:583 (6,7) - Spacing (keep "Distance Snap" active and fix it)
    • 00:13:161 (2,3) - Move 1/2 earlier
    • 00:14:333 (x) - Add a circle
    • 00:18:317 (x) - ^

    • 00:30:739 (1,2) - Spacing
    • 00:39:879 (x) - Add a circle
    • 00:49:489 (red timing section) - Inherit previous timing setting
    • 00:53:942 (x) - Add a circle
    • 00:56:286 (3,4) - Move 1/2 earlier
    • 00:57:458 (x) - Add a circle
    • 01:00:036 (2) - Move 1/2 earlier
    • 01:01:208 (x) - Add a circle
    • 01:02:848 (1) - Add a repetition
    • 01:09:176 (2) - Move 1/2 later

  • • Overall Difficulty: 8
    • 00:49:489 (red timing section) - Inherit previous timing setting

    • 01:03:317 (4) - Add a repetition
    • 01:04:254 (x) - Add a circle
    • 01:04:723 (x) - ^
    • 01:37:536 (3) - Add a repetition
    • 01:43:629 8x) - Add a circle
    • 02:06:598 (x) - ^
    • 02:36:129 (x) - ^
[Rasyad95's Dino]

  • • Add a preview point
    • 00:16:911 (x) - Add a circle
    • 00:17:379 (x) - ^
    • 00:17:848 (x) - ^
    • 00:46:442 (x) - ^
    • 01:03:786 (x) - ^
    • 01:04:254 (x) - ^
    • 01:04:723 (x) - ^
    • 01:24:645 (x) - ^
    • 01:24:879 (x) - ^
    • 01:25:114 (x) - ^
    • 02:05:660 (x) - ^
    • 02:06:129 (x) - ^
    • 02:06:598 (x) - ^
    • 02:13:629 (x) - ^
    • 02:17:379 (x) - ^
    • 02:24:879 (x) - ^
    • 02:28:629 (x) - ^
    • 02:32:379 (x) - ^
    • 02:36:129 (x) - ^
Topic Starter
Thanks xxheroxx
It looks great now :D
Wow, this has to be the best first map I've seen, great job! :D

I only picked out a couple of things that would would make your map play better:

T-Rex - 02:53:708 (1,1,2) I'd take out these last three notes, as they aren't intuitive for the player to hit, since there's no beat during that section.

Rasyad95's Dino - 02:53:707 (1,2,3) Same as above.

*Starred because this map is very good and deserves ranking soon :)
Topic Starter
Done ~
Thanks :)
Modding request via in-game PM.
sorry tadi keasyikan main jadi lupa :P

[Baby Dino]
Add "Rasyad95" to the tags on this difficulty.
00:18:317 (3,4) - The spacing shocked me... Jumps on easy difficulty is not a good idea
00:26:286 (4) - Make it symmetrical? (use lv3 grid, delete the second waypoint, and adjust)
00:27:223 (1) - Finish at end?
00:30:739 (1) - Make it symmetrical? (lv3 grid, move the first waypoint one grid right and two or three grid up)
00:38:473 (1) - Make it symmetrical?
00:48:083 (1,2) - I think it's better like this... but I don't know if 3/4 notes are allowed for an Easy or not
00:55:348 (2,3) - I personally don't like the jump here

00:16:442 (3) - Add a repeat on this note, and adjust 00:17:145 (4,5).This is just my pattern suggestion, just use our creativity.
00:30:036 (6) - For a perfect triangle, (maybe) one grid down. I'm not sure.
01:20:426 (4) - Vertical flip and make it symmetrical?
01:28:629 (7) - Add finish?
02:19:254 (9) - Make it wave? Slider yang "tanggung" begini nggak enak dilihatnya :P
02:34:254 (6) - ^
02:38:473 (1) - Shift into triangle pattern?

[Rasyad95's Dino]
Tested. Nothing really wrong about the spacing or patterns, but this map is quite overmapped... An Insane doesn't have to be overmapped with lots of streams. For example, see Shuna's Insane on my map, it doesn't have too much streams but still fun to play.


Offset : 4.250 ~ Resnap All Notes.
Remove the .osb file in the song's folder and then Full Submit.

00:43:629 (8) - 1 grid down?
01:25:348 (1,2) - 1 grid down?
02:06:833 (1) - Jump? :(
02:17:848 (5) - New combo?
02:48:786 (4) - 1 grid left?
02:50:426 (1) - Remove new combo.
02:51:129 (1) - Remove new combo.

•Baby Dino•
00:14:333 (4) - Distance error.
00:18:786 (4) - ^
00:56:051 (3) - ^

•Rasyad95's Dino•
Fix the offset (red timing section) in this difficulty.
00:43:278 (8) - New combo.
01:04:254 (7) - ^
01:04:957 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:10:348 (1) - This slider should start 1/2 later.
01:25:113 (12) - Distance error.
01:49:957 (1) - Move this note on the centre-grid.
02:52:770 (1) - ^

Topic Starter
Thanks for starring~ Nivalis and Kecco :)
Updated Mod's Info:
Mine are all suggestions. You're free to follow or not this mod :3
If I found a beat who must be added, i'll write it.
Remember to check spacing after all modfies :3
If my mod was helpful, feed me with kudosu.

You need a Normal Difficulty from my point of wiev.

Can you tell me which Distance spacing ahve you used? there's no one okay in this map D:
00:04:723 (1) - Using grid level 3, make this more symmetrical.
00:15:973 (6,1) - Switch combos.

00:07:653 (5) - Delete.
00:52:418 (4) - ^.
01:58:746 (6) - ^.

Combo colours..they're just bad.Well,nvm.

[Baby Dino]
00:12:926 (2) - Jump on easy? No way.
00:14:333 (4) - Fix distance.
00:27:223 (1) - ^
01:01:911 (4) - ^

Some jumps are confusing,like this:
01:45:973 (1) - Like this,yeah.
Well,I think it fits,wait for BAT's final word then.
But you better fix this:
02:06:598 (7) - Ugh..put closer to 02:06:833 (1) then.It's way too confusing.

[Rasyad95's Dino]
00:21:364 (1) - Fix distance.
02:24:879 (4) - ^.It should be somewhere in the middle between 02:24:410 (3) and 02:25:348 (1),otherwise it's confusing.
Topic Starter

00:23:473 (1,2,3) - Why the spacing change here ?

02:06:598 (7) - Remove this note?

[Rasyad's Dino]
00:07:536 (4,5,6) - This triplet does not fit.
00:11:520 (8,9,10) - ^
00:23:473 (1) - Spacing

  1. Offset: 4720
  2. Preview point must be on same place on all difficulties
  3. KIAI sections should be the same on all difficulties.
  4. Removing .osb is optional. You can ignore it.
~Baby Dino~
  1. 00:06:360 (2,3,4,5) - 1 grid down.
  2. 00:30:735 (1) - Remove new combo.
  3. 00:59:095 (1,2) - Spacing.
  1. 00:15:036 (4) - 2 grid right. | 2 grid down.
  2. 02:46:676 (1) - Remove new combo.
  3. 02:47:379 (1) - ^
~Rasyad95's Dino~
  1. 01:02:848 (1,2,3) - Stack
  2. 01:07:418 (2,3) - ^
  3. 01:26:285 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3) - 1 grid right.
  4. 01:33:785 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - Some wrong stacks here.
  5. 01:44:332 (2,3,4) - ^
  6. 01:45:973 (1,2) - ^
  7. 01:52:770 - Timing section seems to be useless. Remove it.
  8. 02:36:598 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Stacks.
  9. 02:48:785 (7,8,9,10,11) - ^ Fu.
The difficulty gap between Baby Dino and other 2 is too big imo.<_<

Other than that all fine.

Louis Cyphre
[Baby Dino]
Black Circles make people confuse in such BG. Same as grey circles. White is good
Map seems to me good.

00:49:723 - simmetry*
01:51:598 - ^ like this

[Final difficulty]
This is good :3



Topic Starter
Thanks all

[baby dino]
fine to me
00:32:145 (5) - 1/2 gird left and line up with (4)?
01:12:223 (3) - new combo?

also fine
00:48:903 (4-7) - don't think all those claps fit, but I'm not good with hitsounds
01:41:989 (1) - no new combo?

[rasyad95's dino]
also fine
kiai is different from the others, but no big deal

nice map
Topic Starter

roflninja wrote:

nice map
TY :)
Topic Starter

kokoroanime wrote:

Thanks for the star :)
star for this beatmap :D
Kiai during the roar is.. unnecessary :x
diff names are silly ><~

Baby Dino-
00:10:583 (6,7) - felt there were ganna be claps here... maybe just add clap to 7 at least?
Hm.. follow vocal, but fairly easy

T-Rex- score difference is big ><
Had some suggestions, but this diff is fine as it is

Rasyad95's- hmm.. I would prefer higher OD, lower drain, but that's just me
You used grid level 2, yet some parts still look inconsistent
01:10:114 (1) - ... add note to where this starts and have the slider start on the white tick instead?
01:41:168 (2) - this note feels too extra? remove or add hitsounds to the combo before to make it sound like your own beats?
01:43:278 (4) - this feels extra, and sounds extra, remove please
The hitsound you have do sound okay, but the whole map could be more consistent with the hitsound pattern
Lots of extra notes, most played okay though...

Topic Starter
Thanks Shinxyn and gregar55 :)
[Baby Dino]
00:48:903 (2) - SUGGESTION: start 1/4 later, but end the same place, I believe 1/4 blue notes are pretty tough for Easy (it doesn't really matter, if the player uses the approach circle, but if they are following the music, it'll be hard to hit for beginners).
00:54:411 (1) - remove the new combo
00:55:348 (2) - New combo (if above is done, which it should be)

The preview point is different. It's not a big difference, but the maps must have the same preview time
01:36:833 (2) - move 1/4 back?


it's good for a first map actually, good job
Topic Starter

eee wrote:

[Baby Dino]
00:48:903 (2) - SUGGESTION: start 1/4 later, but end the same place, I believe 1/4 blue notes are pretty tough for Easy (it doesn't really matter, if the player uses the approach circle, but if they are following the music, it'll be hard to hit for beginners).
00:54:411 (1) - remove the new combo
00:55:348 (2) - New combo (if above is done, which it should be) Done

The preview point is different. It's not a big difference, but the maps must have the same preview time
01:36:833 (2) - move 1/4 back? idk it feels weird if I move it


it's good for a first map actually, good job
Eh... just as i thought. The map itself is fine, at least i didnt saw anything that this map wouldnt be ranked.
Mod that could help the map be better i didnt see much either imo (in fact, i deleted the small mod post i had cause its just way too nazi/unnoticeable)
And btw, avoid getting you map over modded, it will just make your map worse and worse imo

00:59:801 (2) - Spacing, try not to have jumps on Easy please.

The rest was fine.

Can't believe this is your first map. Wonderfully done.

Star and good luck with your first map!
Topic Starter

DJ KRZY wrote:


00:59:801 (2) - Spacing, try not to have jumps on Easy please.Done

The rest was fine.

Can't believe this is your first map. Wonderfully done.

Star and good luck with your first map!
TY :)
Edit:Wow a kudos star thanks Rasyad95

-- Grey BG, black and grey combo colors... I guess it's okay but the colors are kinda... dull?
-- Claps are too loud imo, maybe reduce the hitsound volume a little.

Baby Dino:

-- You could map to the end I guess.

00:12:458 (x) - Note?
00:12:926 (x) - Note. Definitely expected one here.
00:43:629 (3) - Remove finish from the end.
00:55:348 (1) - This looks awful in game, down 1 square (grid 3).
01:30:739 (3,4) - Spacing! (Too close)
01:31:208 (4) - x0.5 feels weird.
02:00:973 (1) - Keep kiai active here.

You might want to add a few more note where you left gaps in the vocal.


01:36:833 (2) - This should start at 01:36:715 if your following the vocal.
01:37:301 (x) - Note?
01:40:348 (1,2,3) - Overlap with 01:39:411 (4) - is a bit weird and makes 01:40:700 (2) - harder to see imo.
01:46:442 (3,4,5) - Sounds weird, maybe have 01:46:442 (3) - as a single note.
02:36:129 (5) - Delete? (Following previous pattern)

It's okay but your patterns seem quite disorganized at times examples:

00:46:208 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - It's all misaligned and overlaps with the previous combo
01:45:973 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2) - Clustered, and again the overlaps look a bit messy.

Yeah, that's my opinion, feel free to ignore it. ^_^

Rasyad95's Dino:

00:36:130 (10) - Weird position, maybe put it at the end of 00:35:895 (9) -
01:07:419 (2) - Delete? To me this feels out of place. (Or something like 01:10:348 (7) - would be good)
01:27:926 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:32:145 (6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - Stream doesn't really fit here, I guess it's okay though.
01:33:786 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - ^
01:40:700 (4,1) - Spacing? (Too close)
01:45:973 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Rhythm? Maybe remove a few claps and it will sound better.
02:30:270 (1,2,3) - Sounds weird, imo just delete 02:30:270 (1,2) - the triple atm doesn't fit the music =/
02:37:770 (8,9,10) - ^ same thing. But new combo 02:37:770 (8) - to be consistent with ^
02:45:270 (x) - Note.
02:52:770 (1) - Triple doesn't fit, and this looks weird after a spinner. Maybe just have a note at 02:53:004 -

Overmapped at parts. It's okay, but played odd when you weren't following the rhythm of the song.

All opinions/suggestions, feel free to ignore. Star.
Rasyad95's Dino
01:49:958 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this combo kinda confuse me @.@ specially (4,5)
02:44:098 (9) - separate a bit from 8 :p
02:45:270 - add note?

00:46:676 (3) - move to prev blue tick
00:47:262 - add note
01:45:504 (8,1) - reduce a bit that jump
01:46:442 (3) - move to prev blue tick (fix spacing after change this)

Baby Dino
This difficulty was hard to follow @.@ even been the easiest diff
maybe that's because you follow the vocals, and with this type of song, definitely is way to easy follow the music
anyway you don't have to change it, is just my opinion ><
00:13:629 (3) - wrong spacing
01:01:442 (3) - same
01:31:208 (4) - same (look time line)
01:53:473 (1) - to near to the spinner for easy diff ><

koujiro nonomiya
Ayey, bagus kok
Topic Starter
First of all thanks braian5234 and koujiro nonomiya for the stars

Shulin wrote:


Lissette wrote:


Thanks guys :)
Kumpulin Star yey, naikin priority...
Topic Starter

Rasyad95 wrote:

Kumpulin Star yey, naikin priority...
Udah 44 >.>

Remember these are just suggestions that you can totally ignore :P

~Baby Dino~
00:06:364 (2,3,4,5) - This would be fine if this wasn't the easiest diff, but antijumps are pretty confusing so I suggest fixing the spacing here (though if you know the song well it can be intuitive...)
01:45:973 (1) - This slow down feels a bit weird... =x
01:53:473 (1) - This slider is too close to the spinner end for being the easiest diff =(
02:04:723 (1,2,3) - Fix spacing in this whole combo.

00:17:145 (4,5) - Change positions? (4) makes a sudden weird jump >:
01:27:926 (4) - Nazi!! This isn't stacked properly under (3).
02:27:223 (1) - Nazi!! This isn't stacked properly under (5)'s end.

~Rasyad95's Dino~
02:07:770 (6) - Fix Spacing.
02:20:192 (2,3) - Try to mantain the same spacing (or something intuitive enough) on the same combo >.<
02:40:582 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Make the spacing more even here.

Nice map ^^ Good luck with it!!
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