
CTB Hyper Tip & Colors

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So cemetery and I were browsing around skins and I asked the question is it possible to delete the hyper after images? It would reduce a lot of clutter and make reading easier and after browsing the skin options we found this line >>

//The colour of the hyper dash catcher afterimages
//Defaults to the same as HyperDash (above) if not present
HyperDashAfterImage: 255,0,0

I already knew you could change hyper color but I did not know you could change the after image, this reduces a LOT of clutter and pretty much changes gameplay dramatically, mostly for FL and Nomod play, It might be better on HD? I'm not too sure but this is how you do it.

Examples >>
Hyper Clutter
No Hyper Clutter

first go to your skin and open your skin folder and look for your skin.ini file

Then go into your skin.ini and add this line >>
//The colour of the hyper dash catcher
HyperDash: 255,255,255,255

//The colour of the hyper dash catcher afterimages
//Defaults to the same as HyperDash (above) if not present
HyperDashAfterImage: 0,0,0,0

//The colour of the hyper dash fruit outline
//Defaults to the same as HyperDash (above) if not present
HyperDashFruit: 0,174,255,255

As far as I know it could be anywhere in your skin.ini then change your value to 0,0,0,0 The last 0 stands for Alpha which is RGBA Color Scheme


To change hyper colors you need to find RGBA Colors >> Go to here ... rator.html

If you want to change the hyper dash color you must input a code in this Code Section as told above in your Skin.ini

//The colour of the hyper dash fruit outline
//Defaults to the same as HyperDash (above) if not present
HyperDashFruit: PUT CODE HERE >>> 0,174,255,255 <<< PUT CODE HERE

For some reason osu! doesn't like RGBA so change the A on alpha to 225 instead of 1, alpha is how much dim/bright or how much opacity it has.

Example >> Sky Blue is 0,174,255,255

If you have any issues feel free to post and I will assist you.

If you want to see what it looks like in game, you can use my skin and test it out HERE >>>> <<<<
Keep in mind that it has lights disabled aswel.
#best tip of 2015 o/
[ Larc ]
Nice tip :) :) :)
Sankyuu for the tip <333
Storm- 4 dev
Oh this will be usefull, thanks!
nice. thanks for the tips~ :D
wow thanks
LOL i just change my dash setting like you do yesterday except I use pink for the fruit xp

yeah, the Hdash clutter sometimes really bothering, changing it black is really helpful

edit: also you don't have to use the Alpha, just RGB is fine, e.g. 255,0,0 for red

if you change HyperDash to black you can make a ninja ryuuta
Probably most helpful tip of all time when it comes to CtB


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Praise CtB Legion

Time- wrote:

if you change HyperDash to black you can make a ninja ryuuta
Interesting, I wonder how harder would it be without recognizing hypers

119410501 wrote:

Time- wrote:

if you change HyperDash to black you can make a ninja ryuuta
Interesting, I wonder how harder would it be without recognizing hypers
Score multiplier x10 :D
I tried it by accident (the copy paste part you gave had the same hyper glow color my "fruits" have by some coindence...) and gosh that was confusing. xD
if you want to keep red hyperdash thats this code you shoud use :
//The colour of the hyper dash catcher
HyperDash: 255,255,255,255

//The colour of the hyper dash catcher afterimages
//Defaults to the same as HyperDash (above) if not present
HyperDashAfterImage: 0,0,0,0

//The colour of the hyper dash fruit outline
//Defaults to the same as HyperDash (above) if not present
HyperDashFruit: 255,0,0,0

Thank you guys :D
Oh it's interesting, Thank you Storm :)
Nice :)
Thanks for the tip :lol:
OMG this is so nice
Thanks for that tip man :)
11/10 tip
HyperDash: 255,255,255,255 don't work for me (Speed fruits sprites is white than red and i can't see this speed fruits) :o

And HyperDash is red and i can't disable this. I see this post is 2 years old and worked for old stable? :D

Whats wrong with my skin? See in my signatur. :(
Living Flower

Fatal3ty wrote:

HyperDash: 255,255,255,255 don't work for me (Speed fruits sprites is white than red and i can't see this speed fruits) :o

And HyperDash is red and i can't disable this. I see this post is 2 years old and worked for old stable? :D

Whats wrong with my skin? See in my signatur. :(

I took a look on your Skin & ini (for ctb Settings)

255,255,255,255 is the colour of White, that's what the catcher will look like, when hyperdash is activated and how it actually Looks (used Stabil Latest)
The fruits with the index of 157,0,255 should appear in a purple glowing? Because that's what it actuallly Looks like, too.

If you want something red, you Need to use the index of "212, 9, 9" for example. You can just use a simple painting tool like photoshop, gimp, paint, or what ever you prefer to use. You have just to pick a colour and Need to look, what variables are in the "R/G/B" index.
Never posted but really good forum post fantasy
This is really helpful thank you.
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