
How long does it usually take people to 5 star?

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I just recently got the hang of doing stars in the lower 4+ range decently, but it took me quite a bit of work to get here. Which made me wonder, how long would it take your average osu player to get up to playing those scary 5 star songs?
A month if you play a lot everyday?
Depends on the player, circumstance (if work is in the equation, school, how much free time you can throw at this game) and goal.

What you mean by 5 star play? for example just a clear or FC?, to clear with a certain accuracy %? blah blah blah

Take me for example, I like to take my time, Took me a year to mess around with 5 star with confidence and they are challenging for me to FC especially over 200bpm :( .

Ima slow poke, I don't like to move up in stars until I can full combo anything within that star range at 97% + accuracy.

some people take a few months. <--(jelly)

All up to the player's commitment and I guess how quickly they can read AR9 and above maps, their cursor control and for me the most important the tapping finger fluency/control/speed.

If you just wanna fk around with 5 star and pass it above C rank, prolly a month or 2
usually 3 mins
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Getting a B or more on 5 star songs takes only a month? Wow i can't even wrap my head around that.
a month is a long time + you will improve very fast at the beginning as long as you play to improve and not to just get S on easy songs
depends on the map i'd say... just keep extending your comfort zone

pandaBee wrote:

Getting a B or more on 5 star songs takes only a month? Wow i can't even wrap my head around that.

C or above I meant. I think I was able to play 5 star maps around maybe 3 -4 months into the game, by playing I meant spam and get something around a C on TV size or short maps but due to the my typically Asian parents beating me with a stick every time I came home with less then A's in my exam results, I don't bother completing any clears unless they are A's. >.>

I know its bad, people say play through the entire map regardless but I just can't get myself to do it, even when I reach a clear on a map which is difficult for me I choose not to submit the score.

pandaBee wrote:

Getting a B or more on 5 star songs takes only a month? Wow i can't even wrap my head around that.
probably using the old star rating

pandaBee wrote:

Getting a B or more on 5 star songs takes only a month? Wow i can't even wrap my head around that.
If you get 400+ plays a day, yeah.
I passed remote control (5.46 stars) with an A within my first 2 or maybe even first month of playing, because of low HP drain and some big jumps overrating the star rating of that map, making it much harder than it seems. Also passed cirnos perfect math class TAG4 (6.84 stars) because HP2.0.....

Passing alone generally isn't a viable way of measuring skill, FCs are way more accurate. To put it into perspective, I didn't get my first 5 star nomod FC until around 6-7 months after playing (it probably took others much shorter since I didn't play much when I first started off) and it will probably be at the very least another 7 months from now until I can FC a 6+ star nomod map, if ever (6 star DT probably is doable not too far away from now though).
Vuelo Eluko
took me over a year to fc a map that became at least 5 stars with DT
then like 2 months later to do a modless one.. hey that wasnt long ago actually.

but ironically, i was passing 5 star modless maps long before i could pass any 5 star dt maps. It took me a lot of practice to even get decent enough to pass easy ar8 maps with dt.

i'd accrue 50+ nofail C rank plays on almost every entry level ar8 dt map for a good month or 2 before I could finally start getting decent clears and eventually FCing them. not joking on the 50+ thing, i can s/s some of my locals. I used to do nothing but nofail, i think i have somewhere between 30-40 full nofail plays of that renard marathon.

I'd imagine someone who didnt bash their head against a brick wall like i did for so long and actually progressed properly could FC 5 star maps [dt and modless] within 4-5 months if they played daily.
When we say 5 star, are we talking about 5.00+ or Osu's grouping of 4.5-5.50? I assumed the former
Vuelo Eluko

Kheldragar wrote:

When we say 5 star, are we talking about 5.00+ or Osu's grouping of 4.5-5.50? I assumed the former
im talking about 5.0+, that range is way too big.
In that case I son't know how to define how long it took me to fc them. I have 4 5.00+ Fcs I think and my account is almost 6 months old. I did not play in two of those meaning I have almost 4 months of play. Exactly one month ago I got a tablet when I was mouse only. What did those plays count for? If nothing, I got my first fc after 4 days of gameplay and the other three after 30. If they do count, then that's 3 months to an FC. (I want to improve my acc on it but I got really lucky.)

Riince wrote:

I'd imagine someone who didnt bash their head against a brick wall like i did for so long and actually progressed properly could FC 5 star maps [dt and modless] within 4-5 months if they played daily.
huh, that's the exact estimate I was thinking. 5 star DT is a lot harder to pass though, simply because they HP is higher. The pass-FC margins are closeer with DT.

It took me a year to be able to do 5 star maps, I still have problem with finger control. I imagine if you did everything right from the start and was dedicated you could do possibly do it 5 months. Definitely not one moth though, unless spamming is your standard (for a lot of people it is).
It took me around a year of playing to finally be able to full combo 5 star maps. I was playing them about seven months in, though.
almost 5 years and i still haven't figured out the tutorial

can someone help explain?
Probably something like 3 years, still isn't really easy for me
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