Hey, has it ever occurred to you guys that if you thought for even 10 seconds about when you would need to press the Chat tab that there would be a super simple solution to this? Sorry, but your complaints are stupid and poorly thought out. Why?
If you have the screen lock disabled when there's no hit object to hit, ex. during breaks and before the map starts and after it ends, then you'll be able to get to the chat tab when you would need it and there would be no issue. (If you spin small you wouldn't even be affected so I'm not going to even consider that a valid complaint.) The lock would re-initiate as soon as you reenter the playing field while there are hit objects to hit.
If it was done that way then your complaints would be null and void, and there's a really good reason to do this.
Consistency is the main reason. Right now, widescreen users and normal players have different playing field areas. Shouldn't they have the same area? Wouldn't that make sense? Giving them different areas to play is inconsistent, weird, and frankly is more generous to 4:3 users. They have more room to slip up during the sides since they won't go out of the play area while widescreen users can go out of it into an area where it is useless to be in during gameplay.
I support consistency and playability over the ability to click chat tabs while trying to hit hit objects, since if it was implemented in the way I described above there wouldn't be a problem trying to hit it during breaks.