
Concurrent options for Multiplayer game creation

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +9
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note: I am mostly a Taiko player and do not play Osu! standard that much at all.

This is a rather large idea to propose (I think so) but it has been a recurring theme and has always been met with the same result for me.

The problem:

I find it is tough to play Multiplayer when there are no accessible games. In such a case you would create a game and wait for people to join your game. This is my problem here. No one ever joins the games I create, be it that taiko is not as popular or whatever. It is slightly annoying to wait in a room while I could be playing the game by myself. I always then think, hmm, instead of waiting here, I'll just play by myself and then check later. Which then is unfortunate as I have just abandoned the room I have created.

The proposed solution:

The goal here is to be able to have an open room people can join and be able to navigate around Osu! at the same time. It would be convenient to be able to say: I have this created room idling waiting for people and I can play songs in the mean time to pass my boredom waiting for said people. Sort of like a pending rooms or such.

Another idea is allow multiplayer games to be played with only person in them. If I can click ready and then start a song by myself then people can join at will and I will have relieved my boredom. This would also solve the supposed problem I pose.

Anyways, I don't expect this to go anywhere but I just thought it would be prudent to make my thoughts known. Maybe alternative solutions or ideas can come from this.

Thank you for reading.
this is a pretty cool idea, yeah ;)
Most people wouldn't be idling in a multi room, so I don't see a need for being able to keep it open while doing other things.

However, I guess it wouldn't be a big problem to be able to play games by yourself while waiting. :S
What if you were just allowed to play mp games by yourself? Then people could still join.

peppy wrote:

What if you were just allowed to play mp games by yourself? Then people could still join.
I wanted this a while ago (but IIRC it got denied?). Support.
Considered suggesting this too a while ago, to be able to play single MP games, but wouldn't this bring the end to single-player? Why would anyone ever need to go to single player again?

Guy-kun wrote:

Considered suggesting this too a while ago, to be able to play single MP games, but wouldn't this bring the end to single-player? Why would anyone ever need to go to single player again?
You don't get to see ranks, scores, and other such niceties in MP that are available in solo play.

Guy-kun wrote:

Considered suggesting this too a while ago, to be able to play single MP games, but wouldn't this bring the end to single-player? Why would anyone ever need to go to single player again?
Because not everyone wants to play with other people all the time?
@Derekku Chan : aah yeah, there is that
@0_o : Well, not taking into acount Derekku's point, having a locked room in multiplayer would be the same as being in single-player. And you can unlock it when you want someone to join and so forth... Everything could be done from multiplayer
actually you can lock all spots except 1 so someone would still be able to join.
Make the room with a password then...
Why would you WANT to "play only from multiplayer"?
I don't understand motive behind it. Starting a new game is made harder, you can't restart mid-play, you get instantly booted from gameplay if your net drops out. I don't get where this conversation is going in general, to be honest.

peppy wrote:

Why would you WANT to "play only from multiplayer"?
I don't understand motive behind it. Starting a new game is made harder, you can't restart mid-play, you get instantly booted from gameplay if your net drops out. I don't get where this conversation is going in general, to be honest.
Yes, players like ShaggoN who retry often would have problems with playing only during multiplayer.

Also, if you're without Internet access, you can't play in a multiplayer game anyway.
All randomness aside, + support for

Marseille wrote:

Another idea is allow multiplayer games to be played with only person in them. If I can click ready and then start a song by myself then people can join at will and I will have relieved my boredom. This would also solve the supposed problem I pose.
Reason why this will only be for waiting for people to join is simply because multi is meant for multiplayer, not increasing your ranked score or setting new records.
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I'm glad there's been so much input!

My intentions for this question would be solved by just being able to play by yourself. I realize the ramifications brought up by this question, the whole, what would happen to single player. But as a few people have already said, if I wanted to play alone I'd play in solo. If I wanted to play with people, I'd play in multi. There is the whole uselessness of people playing by themselves in passworded locked rooms, and yeah thats stupid (in my opinion).

thanks again.
Yeah, I support the idea of playing alone in a MP game, was just thinking back to Stepmania Online, where single player mode died completely, as everyone would play online, in locked or open rooms, then again online features didn't span to single player such as bancho provides in Osu, so it's kinda a different case ^^;

finally, support xD ~
Neo Adonis
Bumped and support!! Thanks to viewtopic.php?f=4&t=32778&p=455998

If you want, Marseille, I can join you MP games :)
I would like single MP aswell.
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This is a REALLY old feature request and I guess it hasn't gained much traction.

I am still finding myself with the same problem however. A simple reiteration of the problem statement:

I like playing multiplayer, and I also like playing Taiko. If a room isn't already available, it is impossible to both of these at the same time. It would be very nice if one could set up a multiplayer room and play by themselves while waiting for other people to join. One would be able to play Taiko, and wait for multiplayer at the same time. As of now, one has to sit and wait for a person to join their room. This wastes time I could be using to play Taiko, therefore I never do it.

Edit: An alternative solution would allow for setting up a multiplayer room and playing in Solo at the same time. One might receive a notification when a player has joined their room. At which point one may decide to leave their Solo play and join that multiplayer room.

Also Roga-don, it is very late and I apologize, but if you still play Taiko - Sure.
Why not just ask for the ability to start the mp game even if you are by yourself? People can still join a in-progress room and wait for the map to finish.

At the moment the host cannot start the game unless there are 2 or more players in the room.
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That is one of the many things I would be perfectly OK with. Infact, what you just described was my suggestion on this thread I believe.
It's quite different from what you described in the OP. In a mp match, if you leave the game, you leave the room. I have no knowledge of how osu is coded so I cannot say how easy/difficult it is to "simply" add the ability to redirect a quit back to the room. It's probably best to get a word from the dev team but I thought I'll bring this up to get the discussions going.

Yeah I would like the feature you described in the OP as well. But if that's not possible, I'll be happy just to be able to start a mp game by myself.
I think it might create a problem if people start an SP song in a MP lobby, people join, and the person continues to play SP. I think there would need to be a feature implemented where there is an alert that someone joined, or a little bar on the bottom (or top?) showing how many people are in your lobby ATM.

This way while waiting to play you can warm up on your favorite song, practice jumps, etc.
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Yeah, I agree. Some sort of notification that people have joined your lobby would go a long way.

I know I play this game WAY longer when I find a MP room, so steps to easier MP would be a valuable improvement.
To me this would be really nice, not only for Taiko players, but for people that don't like playing 4K in Mania, I mean it's really hard to find a 5K+ room...

Please do this.

Edit: I don't like playing alone, but I can't play altogether in MP and it's a bummer. (I really hate 4K)
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