
Previewing Skins: Skin banners and slideshows

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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Hi. I like to give my suggestions to improve the Skin Preview feature in the Options Menu. Not only the preview focuses on osu! gameplay but it could be extended to other game modes. Here are some suggestions:

  • + Skin Banners (preview-banner.png): If this image file is present within the skin folder, the old previewer will be replaced by this sprite. This image should have fixed dimensions.
  • + Screenshot slideshows: If the skin has a folder called "preview" exists, the "Screenshots" button will appear below the simple preview. Clicking on this button enters the Skin Preview Slideshow, which allows the user to browse screenshots of what the skin looks like, using images naming slideshow-N.jpg from the "preview" folder. Images can either be in JPEG and/or PNG, and has no fixed dimensions.
Thanks for reading this suggestion, I'd like to provide suggestions to improve osu! as much as possible.
Awesome idea
Preview banner <3
But make multiple (.0,.1,.2 etc.) so you can scroll through the list
- Marco -
Also how about An autoplay using the elements in sequence (circle,slider,spinner) so you can see the animations?
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