
Android osu!

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[deleted user]
Hey, I just discovered this site trying to find existing osu-tatakae-like song editors, since I was about to start designing and writing an osu-tatakae-ouendan-like game for android myself!

I am amazed by osu! Its looking great!

I would like to know if the .osu file format is documented somewhere. I had a look at one file and it looked very simple, but could not figure out all columns at a first glance.
So I figured, maybe you guys can clarify it or point me to some documentation before starting to reverse engineer it.
(As I understand, this project is free but not open source, right?)

You'll likely want to contact peppy regarding development if you're actually serious. It's all documented, but in a place you cannot see (it is a secret to everybody). But yeah, this kind of thing is encouraged. Hell of a lot better to have people saying "I want to code for this platform" than the droves of people saying "I want someone to code for this platform".
[deleted user]
Of course I'm serious :)
I mean, I can't promise you I will finish it or even get it to a minimal working stage (might not have time for it in the future, etc) but if im taking the time to develop a game like this, trust me, its because I actually want to see it working and play for myself =D (which is my primary motivation)

OK so, should I just PM peppy, or wait till he replies to this thread (or maybe email, IRC..?)

thanks for replying
Word of advice:

Code your system, then worry about osu! map integration. Things like sliders can be held until later; get the essentials down first. Things will work better that way.

Results-driven, not data-driven~
[deleted user]
Hey thanks strager
Yes, I totally agree on not focusing on things like sliders and more "complicated" stuff first.

However, it would not really hurt understanding and having a look at the primary data source. (which is going to be the .osu file).
I would even say it should be beneficial.
I mean, I won't start coding the game, I will start designing it. At least part of it. Some stuff is "already done" because we all know how the game will look like, but there are certain implementation details that will be affected by how the game has been designed, and knowing the data input format might help pick up the right decision for a later clean implementation.

Don't get me wrong, its not really a big deal, but lets just say knowing the file format would only help = )

Also, parsing a file is easy, but if I'm going to do it anyway, why not start off with the file format i want to support? :)

(I'm a fan of an iterative development process, but if I could avoid redoing anything, even if its a small part, I'm all for it :))
This is all from memory, so I'll probably miss some things. Also, this doesn't go into detail on the actual file format; it's more of how the data is structured class-wise. (Whether these structures are used at run-time, I could not tell you.) This description will probably assist you in reading the .osu format, though.

Globally, there are:
  1. Slider velocity
  2. Map information (mapper name, artist, title, tags, difficulty name, etc.)
  3. Asset information (background, background colour, storyboard, audio file)
  4. Combo colours
  5. Bookmarks and other editor information
  6. Skinning flags and options (e.g. use skin for storyboard objects, custom skin overrides, preferred skin)
  7. Timing sections
  8. Hit objects
Each timing section contains:
  1. Start time (offset)
  2. BPM or BPM modifier (for non-inherited and inherited sections, respectively)
  3. Flags (kiai, hit sound type, custom hit sound overrides, etc.)
  4. Hit sound volume
  5. Time signature (e.g. 3/4, 4/4)
Each hit object contains:
  1. Time
  2. Position (x, y) in osu! coordinates
  3. Object type (hit circle, slider, spinner)
  4. Hit sound flags (clap, whistle, finish)
  5. Misc flags (new combo)
Spinners have a duration, and sliders have slider data which contains the data points, the method for drawing the slider, a number of repeats and hit sounds for parts.
I have PM'd details.
[deleted user]
Thanks all! This wil help a lot! :-)
I will post updates when its ready
There's already an Osu game on the iPhone created by Nuudles, you may want to contact him too since he could be of some help. :P
Awesome glad someone took the torch for this one. I started going through the dev documents and building some small apps in eclipse last month with a mind to attempt an Android port later in the summer.

Let me know if you ever decide to abandon the project :)
I probably can't help with coding in any way, but you have my utmost moral support for this.

From the iPhone OS, Android would be the next logical step, what with so many devices toting it these days, and I'd personally love to play osu! on a device like the Dell mini 5 once that comes out.
I would not mind helping with this, if you have a repository. I'm not amazing with Android Dev, but have the tools and some experience in it. PM me if I can help
So, is this still happening? Sorry to necro the topic, but it seems unresolved.
Sounds like another dead project to me.

OP's profile wrote:

Last Visit: Apr 4, 2010
taiwo akinremi
Hey if this is dead, I'd like to take over.
I've done a few smalls games in the past but nothing on Android but it use OpenGL so can't be that tough.
I'm looking at some tuts for Android OenGL right now so if its dead, I'd like to take it up...

Maybe I should message peppy and ask?

taiwo akinremi wrote:

Maybe I should message peppy and ask?
No need.

First, demonstrate that you can code a rhythm game on Android.
taiwo akinremi

soradg123 wrote:

First, demonstrate that you can code a rhythm game on Android.
OK I guess I'll work on a simple DDR clone first.
Will post updates as I write them.
I'd like to be posted on the dev of your games taiwo. Maybe even beta for you. I just picked up a Galaxy S and I'm itching for a competent rhythm game. I've played a good bit of osu and I'd love for it to get ported to the android platform. You have a lot of support!

mail me at if you come up with anything.
Kagamine Yoshi DX
I want make a port of osu! in android Nexus One and Samsung Galaxy Spica,HTC Desire and wildfire (?)
But I need 1 thing : The source of the IPhone version -__-'.
Neo Adonis

Yosh93 wrote:

But I need 1 thing : The source of the IPhone version -__-'.
No, you don't. Android and iPhone have nothing in common.
But well... It doesn't matter, because I know how this will end... :|
Kagamine Yoshi DX
I work on this.
But you need the a .osu file in the sd card !

Yosh93 wrote:

I work on this.
But you need the a .osu file in the sd card !
Bonne chance.
Kagamine Yoshi DX
Test 1 number one :
any graphics,any background,but 1 song <_< : Baby Cursing (?) Love from Peppy.
Black screen on Nexus one ,Crash on Galaxy Spica,etc <_<
yes pleas make this for the android there is nothing outhere for the andriod as far as a musick based game like this i would pay to have this on my droid x!!!!
Reonu Konpaku
Tip: you can make port of C++ application on Android using LIBSDL. PC/iPhone osu is written using it.
I'm starting to write something to read osu files. Probably it will be another dead end but at least i'm starting with it...

I hope there are no legal issues with writing an android application that reads osu song files...
There are no legal issues with doing that, I can't even think why there would be...
Good luck though, even if it fails
- Choko -
I own an LG Ally and would happily donate my time and phone to this project.

Edit: This is not to say I want to take on the project, just that I can help for compatibility, minor coding, assistance, etc.

LeonTAH wrote:

Tip: you can make port of C++ application on Android using LIBSDL. PC/iPhone osu is written using it.
it is?

peppy wrote:

LeonTAH wrote:

Tip: you can make port of C++ application on Android using LIBSDL. PC/iPhone osu is written using it.
it is?
i chuckled a bit
Wow……That's amazing ……waiting for you ^_^
I've been following this thread since summer. Aren't android devices now outselling iOS devices?
I would love to see this take off.
taiwo akinremi
Hi all. I got side tracked for a while but hey new year and that.

EDIT: Yeah I should have known, Osu! is written in .NET so the aforementioned C++ route aint gonna work...
Gonna be interesting to get it to work on one device let alone across devices.

I'm going to do some investigation and post back my findings.

taiwo akinremi wrote:

Hi all. I got side tracked for a while but hey new year and that.

EDIT: Yeah I should have known, Osu! is written in .NET so the aforementioned C++ route aint gonna work...
Gonna be interesting to get it to work on one device let alone across devices.

I'm going to do some investigation and post back my findings.
Why would it matter what osu! on PC is written in...
Also, you don't 'write' in .net
Hmmm .. i would try it but there's only for me 2 programming language... in java or in C#/C++ i thought better in C++ but, i only know the way to programm in Java for Android =D ... i know there's a way to programm in C++ but there are many complications.. i've had

I want to try it when i have new infos, certain i posted it here...

But there are some infos that's important for me, it's allowed to take the osu logo in the app.. i thought only with the consent from peppy :]... so i want to ask, can i used some pics from osu in the app?

Thanks in adventure,

My Test-device is a X10 i hope it's powerfull enough *g*.. I hope i write in plain english.. it's difficulty for me to write in a forum or sth like that. :D

It's not the way that's tomorrow a test-app is online but i thought soon there's a alpha-app online ^^.. maybe beta ;P

Zerix wrote:

Hmmm .. i would try it but there's only for me 2 programming language... in java or in C#/C++ i thought better in C++ but, i only know the way to programm in Java for Android =D ... i know there's a way to programm in C++ but there are many complications..

I want to try it when i have new infos, certain i posted it here...

But there are some infos that's important for me, it's allowed to take the osu logo in the app.. i thought only with the consent from peppy :]... so i want to ask, can i used some pics from osu in the app?

Thanks in adventure,

My Test-device is a X10 i hope it's powerfull enough *g*.. I hope i write in plain english.. it's difficulty for me to write in a forum or sth like that. :D
We should make a copypasta to reply to all of these...

1)Make something worth showing, or at least a demo
2)Start fussing about the details/using the osu! logo etc...
Okay, okay..

I'm working on it, but the most problem is the choice of the program-language if you started to programm in java, and you'll find out after some time that you can't do it with that language, than the only way is to program it in C++ and start again at the beginnen, but i'll try it with java..

I'll osu too on the android system.. 'cause it's the best rhytm game ever ^^
taiwo akinremi

Guy-kun wrote:

1)Make something worth showing, or at least a demo
2)Start fussing about the details/using the osu! logo etc...
Point taken ;)

What I'll do next is write something in JAVA and see how I fair. I'm normally a C# code monkey so it'll be an interesting process.
Once that is done, we can start worrying about the other issues.

taiwo akinremi wrote:

Guy-kun wrote:

1)Make something worth showing, or at least a demo
2)Start fussing about the details/using the osu! logo etc...
Point taken ;)

What I'll do next is write something in JAVA and see how I fair. I'm normally a C# code monkey so it'll be an interesting process.
Once that is done, we can start worrying about the other issues.
Good man, that's what I like to hear.
C# is nice anyway, I prefer it too.

Good luck and all
I am currently on chapter 7 on C# for dummies. I think after a few more pages ill be ready to port OSU to Android.

On a serious note, this project seems to be more alive as of recent, is it becuase everyone got android devices for X-MAS? I have a galaxy S, so make sure it runs on Galaxy S's ;)
Olá! 8-)

Eu sou um jogador Brasileiro do Osu! e queria saber se vai sair o Osu! para plataformas Android!

Então ele vai ser do tipo .apk...

Tenho um Sansung i5800l Galaxy 3 e queria ter o Osu! nele,
espero por uma resposta!


Hello! 8-)

I am a Brazilian player of Osu! and wanted to know if it will come out the Osu! Android platform!

So it will be like that .apk...

I have a Sansung i5800l Galaxy 3 and wanted to have the Osu! it,
wait for an answer!
taiwo akinremi

Ou3nDaN_PG wrote:

I am currently on chapter 7 on C# for dummies. I think after a few more pages ill be ready to port OSU to Android.

On a serious note, this project seems to be more alive as of recent, is it becuase everyone got android devices for X-MAS? I have a galaxy S, so make sure it runs on Galaxy S's ;)
C# isn't going to help you, Android is mostly java and c++ for the bits you want to be mega fast.
taiwo akinremi
Howdy guys.
So, I can only really work on this at the weekends because I work full time in IT and don't want to be come a hermit right now ;) .
But after writing some code last Sunday and working on it for a couple of hours today (Saturday) i've come up with a very very baisc example. Think of it as a proof of concept and my seriousness on the project.

I recorded it on my camera phone because I was being stupid and could get FRAPS to record it.

As I said its very baisc, but what I have is a list of "objects" that have a time in milli seconds and a position on screen, and the "engine" so far waits until the time on comes and displays the picture at those co-ords.
What I'll work on next is getting some proper graphics and working on animation (fading in the beats, and having the circle decline on the beat.

I'll hopefully work on it again tomrrow (Sunday)

[EDIT] Please ignore the spelling mistakes :-)

taiwo akinremi wrote:

Howdy guys.
So, I can only really work on this at the weekends because I work full time in IT and don't want to be come a hermit right now ;) .
But after writing some code last Sunday and working on it for a couple of hours today (Saturday) i've come up with a very very baisc example. Think of it as a proof of concept and my seriousness on the project.

I recorded it on my camera phone because I was being stupid and could get FRAPS to record it.

As I said its very baisc, but what I have is a list of "objects" that have a time in milli seconds and a position on screen, and the "engine" so far waits until the time on comes and displays the picture at those co-ords.
What I'll work on next is getting some proper graphics and working on animation (fading in the beats, and having the circle decline on the beat.

I'll hopefully work on it again tomrrow (Sunday)

[EDIT] Please ignore the spelling mistakes :-)
If you need some help parsing .osu files but don't want to bug an actual developer about it - hit me up. I just finished a huge swathe of a taiko live mapper which has put me in pretty decent understanding of how the format works.
taiwo akinremi

Ephemeral wrote:

If you need some help parsing .osu files but don't want to bug an actual developer about it - hit me up. I just finished a huge swathe of a taiko live mapper which has put me in pretty decent understanding of how the format works.
Yeah thanks,
When I get to that stage I can think about it. But now I'm only worrying about get it animation working.
I'll def hit you up if I need the help though!!
I hope this helps you out if you havn't already Checked it.
I wonder what kind of developer for a platform wouldn't have the platform's SDK available.
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