
website with pp graphics & custom rankings

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What it is: a website with a javascript application + an indexer in the back end.

What it does: It lets you make a variety of charts based on the top 50 performances of players.

chart for one player based on accuracy

chart for multiple players based on the date their scores have been achieved

The URL is sharable, e.g. for the last screenshot you can also click on ... ow/date/90

Some more explanation about the charts:

The buttons under "axis" changes the horizontal axis for the chart. Change the unit if you want to want smaller or larger ranges.
The vertical axis represents the sum of the pp for all the scores applicable to the displayed range.
These pp are not weighted (could be an option for in the future).

Players will be indexed as they are requested. This means that the first time a player is requested it may take a minute before the data appears. The next time the cached data will be used. The data can be updated on request once per 24 hours. (The "last updated" message will be clickable)

This project has been in development for a few weeks and many improvement ideas are still on a todo list. However I'm already pleased with the available functionality. Of course feedback is ever appreciated.

I've tested this with a group of friends. I'm a bit curious how it will hold up with more traffic, but I don't expect big problems.
Strange... the site doesn't load for me. Tried a few different browsers but no luck.
Are you stuck in a "Loading and gathering data" thingy loop or is it the page itself that doesn't load ?

Anyway, here it loads perfectly :
from :
It loads for a while then displays a blank page. Maybe there's something wrong with my java, will try fix later.
It doesn't load for me either :\ blank page with Chrome and IE explorer.
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Maybe the javascript's file size may be too much of a challenge for some internet connections. (Happens to me too once in a while)
I already concatenated and minified all js, but maybe there is more I can do? I'll need to research that.
For now I can only say, keep trying. :/
Could you make DT / NC as one mod as variable? NC isn't clearly different than DT plays in terms of patterns and that makes statistics a bit stranger.

Sometimes I feel more comfortable playing with NC (multiples reassons I don't need to exlain) but... that ruins the statistics againist other players. It's irrelevant how much pp you have obtained with NC because a small portion of players ranks with NC, instead should been considered as DT / NC.

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All NC scores are already included in the DT bar. Just like DT+HD scores are included in both the DT bar and the HD bar.

Maybe the javascript's file size may be too much of a challenge for some internet connections. (Happens to me too once in a while)
I already concatenated and minified all js, but maybe there is more I can do? I'll need to research that.
The files are now compressed before being sent, reducing the size by about 2/3. I hope this will solve the blank page problem.
I've only managed to get it load once in the past few days. The javascript takes ages to load and it's usually blank screen or this generic error:
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I eliminated the requests that were made at the initialization. (clear your cache)
If that doesn't solve it, I'm out of ideas. But it does seem to run a lot better on my end.
Would been great if you could add a graph for stars aswell. Because DT players tends to have the AR, bpm and OD higher in their favour compared to players that use no mod. Appart that the stats given by DT makes DT players being above anything by just playing 5 stars maps vs no mods of 5.40 stars but lower OD and lower AR.
very nice
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Yes the stars...
I made that graph but the problem is I they're not adapted by the mods picked.
There's an open issue to add this here:
it would be really cool if the website could use a wider spread of Data to value the different categorys on,
since the Top50-Perfomance Plays aren't saying as much about peoples Skillsets in different categorys then Top50 Scores in general
shouldn't that also be possible? or does it put too much of a strain onto the website?
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The ultimate goal is indeed to make a visualization of all the plays people made in their lifetime.
There are a few challenging problems that need to be solved though:
[1] How do I access the full plays database? Right now I can only use what the API is providing.
[2] How can the data be processed efficiently enough to provide the player/rankings visualization without making the user wait.

I believe I'm on a track into solving number [2]. But it's only when I know I've got a working solution that I'll make steps for number [1]

I don't want to base the data on the plays that made into a map's top 50. I've got around 250 plays like that, that's hardly representative of my 75k play count.

Sakisan wrote:

I don't want to base the data on the plays that made into a map's top 50. I've got around 250 plays like that, that's hardly representative of my 75k play count.
yea i get what you mean qwq...but for myself it would probabbly be way more accurate since 6963 of my submitted 11353 Plays are in the Top50 xD
Broken-system ? :p

That's a good website, a quite slow for me but it appears after 3-4 minutes.
But in "profiles" when I write my pseudo in the search-bar, it doesn't load. :/

EDIT : OKAY, I found the solution.
The solution !

We must remplace "undefined" by the pseudo, and it appears ! :)
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Nothing is broken.
The rankings page states "These rankings are based on the indexed data of this site." What it means is that only the players included are those that have been loaded by people using the website.

The javascript is a bit heavy but I've done all I could to reduce the size of it. It also won't to get any heavier when new feature are added. Once the page has loaded, everything should be quite smooth since no new page request are made. But it's always possible the web server is temporarily being slow for who knows what reason.

I'm not sure why your nickname was replaced by 'undefined'. Maybe you typed something wrong, or you tried something funky. If you can reproduce it, try to give me more info about the circumstances. You can tell me in french too by the way xD

Thanks for trying it out anyway! :)
That's weird, when I saw 20000pp for ExGon, I be like : o.o

For Sakisan
Enfaite je sais pourquoi ça me marque undefined, c'est que comme le site n'a jamais calculé pour une personne, il faut faire apparaître la page soit même en modifiant l'url.
J'ai testé avec une personne que je connaissais, ça ne marche pas, il fallait que je change le undefined par son pseudo, après j'ai pu aller comparer ses stats avec les miennes, alors qu'avant il cherchait sans trouver. ^^

I add this in my favorite, it's a super site to compare and see the stats. :p
Axiaan this is because the site includes the top 50 ranks as if ANY of these were weighted as 100% and not from 14% to 100%. This increases hugely the pp amount of any player because of this, considering that theorically on ppv2 only your 104 best ranks counts as "something" individually on your pp by themselves.
I can´t find the rectangle graphs just the line graphs.
Where are the rectangle graphs?
I prefer the rectangle graphs how can I put them?

now I see


How can I put them back? :)
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They're gone for now, but if you like them I could make it an option.
Development for this site is currently paused though, I'm rather busy with other stuff.
But I'll pick it up sooner or later, don't worry.

Sakisan wrote:

They're gone for now, but if you like them I could make it an option.
Development for this site is currently paused though, I'm rather busy with other stuff.
But I'll pick it up sooner or later, don't worry.
I prefer the old version :)
nice! And it has mania too!
Also spying how many retries #1 has in recent plays is amusing XD
Website is down :/


jayiduhn wrote:

Website is down :/

I'm getting the same thing :cry:
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Sorry, my server isn't so stable it seems and I have to restart the app manually when that happens. Problem is I don't check it everyday ^^
Feel free to send me a pm when you get that "System Temporarily Unavailable"
I know it's a bit old thread, but have you considered t/263797?
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That thread was posted just a couple weeks before I went looking for a hosting solution, so yes I saw that. at that time I didn't really know yet how my project was going to develop. I knew I was going to need some specific technologies and access ports and such but I didn't know how far I'd actually get to a usable product. So I took an independent platform where I could freely experiment and not waste other people's efforts.
I'm already glad with what it has become, though I still need to solve a few problems before my web application is really complete and ready for the full load of data. That's when I'll reconsider peppy's VM hosting offer
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DroidBass wrote:

Axiaan this is because the site includes the top 50 ranks as if ANY of these were weighted as 100% and not from 14% to 100%. This increases hugely the pp amount of any player because of this, considering that theorically on ppv2 only your 104 best ranks counts as "something" individually on your pp by themselves.

I finally found an implementation to give rankings with the correct weights.(that's kind of a big deal :D) The numbers should be more familiar now - though because I only keep 50 plays per player, they're still a bit flawed.

edit: because of the recent attention to this thread I developed a little more :)
here's a mod selection interface for the custom rankings page

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Apologies for the multipost, but it has been 3 months and lots of developments are in progress.
The website v2 can already be visited at


The 'Plays' tab finds the highest performing plays that respect certain constraints - or filters.
The filters are located in the sidebar. If you only want want to see plays with less than 160 pp go ahead and drag the right end of the pp slider. (pretty handy to find maps to train on)
Columns can be hidden or inserted in the 'columns' tab of the sidebar. So you can keep only the information you want!

The 'Rankings' tab works the same way, but makes a ranking of players.

The data is still limited to the top50 performances of the indexed players, but it's already quite useful this way.
The ultimate goal is to have all the plays... but you can already help, just give some feedback :!:
Houtarou Oreki
Works good for me, couldn't really spot any bugs or anything not working.. except that the graphs page is blank.

EDIT: When typing with lowercase in the "countries" it doesn't show up anything, but uppercase works just fine. A little thing.
This new look <3 <3 <3 <3

The pp and #plays for rankings is wrong though. I don't believe the # players and plays at the main page either.

Also: Add ability to pick an SR (star rating) range as one of the slider parameters as well as display it in the columns.
EDIT: data is outdated by 2 months at least (not showing my new top ranks) and connot search for several players.
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Thanks Zerekku and abraker

I understand the incomplete and oudated plays is the biggest issue.
And I also want a star rating filter. However these are 2 points I can't fix on my own. (I've already explained why earlier in this thread)
However since these really are the main issues, it could be time to get a little help from 'above' :roll:

To answer the other points you raised:
- separate the players by a comma
- graph page is blank cause I haven't made it yet, but for now you can check out the v1 on -> 'compare' tab
There are a few tweaks I want to make for v2 though, but they won't be that usefull untill it has a more complete index of plays.
- I'll fix the case-sensitive country input, thx
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A Medic
Your site is turning a 503 error my good man.
yo man, looks like you are rebuilding the page, but ... there are no maps, no ranks, no players on it yet. Also what did happen? .-.
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