
ctb carictors i made

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i just made some random ctb carictors heres is the download link

This forum rules, you should not have posted Custom Skins here and certainly not offered for download. Please use your custom skin just for yourself. :D

Your screenshots is just poorly done, why get in touch with the browser window? :roll:
Aside of what the above user said:
Those catchers/ryuutas are ugly, poorly and horribly made, and what's worse, some of them don't even snap at the fruits when catched and can even confuse the players because the plate is small (horizontally-wise) and large (vertically-wise), and viceversa on some of them, too.
To end this, practice your catchers before even touching the new thread button. And get a screenshot program/uploader or something. We don't have to see all of your things.
btw what's a carictor?
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