
QTT (July 2015) (Registration Closed)

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Hi and welcome to the first edition of the Quadrathlon Team Tournament !

Referee supervisor :
Referees :
Kaito-kun ; bigfeh ; Minhtam ; asdfghjkl609 ; LuciferofHell ; Berezz ; IronicOxydant ; Deviant ; Play ; ForeverFabulous ; GluRay ; Dionysaw

Map selection supervisor :
Map selectors :
Osu : Animetor ; PixelAngel ; bigfeh ; (Minhtam) ; Berezz
Taiko : lino1000
CTB : Elessey ; Strangeangels ; Play
Mania 4K : Kaito-kun ; AlexDB2x ; Dionysaw
Mania 7K : Kaito-kun ; AlexDB2x

Map testers :
Osu : Tracreed
Taiko : Niko-nyan
CTB : - Flutter -
Mania 4K : Transformau5
Mania 7K : Transformau5

Streamers :
Animetor ; PixelAngel ; Laconid ; -DjNemas-
Commentators :
Animetor ; PixelAngel ; Kyonko Hizara ; _-Sakuya-_
Statisticians :
Moderators :
Elessey ; KaitoKid1998 ; lino1000 ; Animetor ; bigfeh ; asdfghjkl609 ; LuciferofHell

How to register
Registration Closed
I'm gonna use Slack to gather everyone in one place. This is the place where I make announcements and where players discuss with one another. There are different channels (#general, #random, #osu, #taiko, #ctb, #mania, etc.) and private channels for each team.

The tounament is open to everyone, whatever their rank is.
The time difference between the members of a team shouldn't be too big or some of the players will have to play at unconvenient times.

Quadrathlon : (Osu, Taiko, CTB, Mania 4k, Mania 7k)

Tournament format & rules
The matches will be doubles (2 vs 2)
A match will be divided into sets
A set will be divided into points
A set correspond to a specific mode.
The mode order will be randomly chosen.

Winning conditions :
To win the match, a team will needs to win 5 sets.
To win a set, a team needs to win 4 points.
To win a point, a team needs to have a higher score than the opposite team on a map.

If both teams reach 3 points, there will be a tiebreaker for a 4th point. The team that wins their 4th point wins the set.
If both teams reach 4 sets, there will be a tiebreaker for a 5th set. The team that wins their 5th set wins the match.

Other :
Only the scores of the players who are alive at the end of the map will count.
Players who fail won't have their scores counted unless they revive before the end of the map.
A disconnection will be regarded as a fail. A disconnected player's score won't be counted.
If all players from the same team fail, the map is over and the point will go to the opposite team.
If all players fail, the point will go to the team that failed last.
All information will be taken from the match history page (/mp)

Team rules
The number of players allowed will be 3 players at least and 15 players at most.
It is recommended to have substitutes players for each mode.
Before the match, the captain will give the names of the 4 players who will play each set (2 players at least + 1 or 2 substitutes). The other players won't be allowed to play.
Substitutions will be unlimited between those 4 players.

If a team doesn't have 2 players to play a set, they will lose the set 4-0 by forfeit.
If a team can't play a match, they will lose the match 5-0 by forfeit.
If both teams don't have 2 players to play a set, the winner will be chosen via !roll.
If both teams can't play a match, the winner will be chosen via !roll.
If a team loses 2 sets by forfeit, they will lose the match by fofeit.
If both teams lose 2 sets by forfeit, the winner will be chosen via !roll.

After a disconnection, the disconnected player won't be given any extra time. He'll have to come back or to be replaced before the next map.
If the player isn't replaced, the team will lose the set by abandon.

Mappools rules
The map pickers will select maps for each mode.
Osu (7 maps : 4 FreeMod ; 1 HardRock ; 1 Hidden ; 1 DoubleTime)
Taiko (7 maps : 4FM ; 1HR ; 1HD ; 1DT)
CTB (6 maps : 4FM ; 1HR ; 1HD ; 1DT)
Mania 4k (7 maps) (All freemod)
Mania 7k (7 maps) (All freemod)
Tiebreaker (5 maps : 1 for Osu ; 1 for Taiko ; 1 for CTB ; 1 for Mania 4k ; 1 for Mania 7k) (All freemod)

The mappools will be made accordingly to the players' skills, to be exact, the 2nd strongest player of the weakest team.

Mods rules for the Freemod maps
Allowed :
Hard Rock, Sudden Death, Perfect, Hidden, Fade In, Flashlight, Easy, No Fail
Forbidden :
Any mod on a HR map, except HR. HRHD, HRFL, HRHDFL will only be allowed on the freemod maps.
Any mod on a HD map, except HD. HRHD, HDFL, HRHDFL will only be allowed on the freemod maps.
Any mod on a DT map. HRDT, HDDT, DTFL, HRHDDTFL will never be allowed.
Other :
Double Time will be enabled by the referee for the DT maps only.
Half Time will never be enabled.
Key mode changing mod won't work since the mania maps won't be autoconverted maps.

Match procedure
The room will be created by the referee supervisor 15 minutes before the match.
The referee will invite the captains from both teams.
The captains will invite the players for the first set/mode.
The referee will use "!roll 2" to determine who will pick the first map. Blue team will be 1 and red team will be 2.
2 warm-up maps will be played, one for each team. Players can pick any maps except the maps from the mappool.
Players will give the host back to the referee. Only the referee starts the maps.
For the official maps, the players will tell the name of the map they want to play to the referee. They can only choose maps from the mappool.
Players have 2 minutes to choose a map and change players if necessary. After that, the referee will make a request to the referee supervisor.
The referee supervisor will give extra time to choose a map and replace players. After that extra time, if the team fails to do so, they will lose the set 4-0 by forfeit.
Once the set is over, the referee will invite the captains so that they can invite the players for the next set/mode.
The procedure for the first set will be the same for the other sets.

Propriety rules
These rules will apply in the multiplayer chat, in the tournament thread and in the tournament Slack.
It will be expected from players to act nice and politely.
Any rude language towards another player who complains about it will result in a warning.
Any spam will result in a warning.
Any aggressive sexual language towards a player who complains about it will result in a warning.
Publishing or linking to mature content will result in a warning.
After 3 warnings, any misbehavior will result in a ban from the tournament and from the Slack.
A player who has been banned won't be replaced.

QTT Agenda

All the matches of the same round will be held in a single week

Last but not least !
#1 : 2 months osu supporter for each player
Its strange the thing that you are asking for but maybe it can be good. I just dont like the rolling system /:

I can try to help you as a staff member if you are planning to do more amount of tournaments (because i only play O!Mania D:)

Good luck !
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I don't know if it's strange, I have never done this and I want it to run smoothly and to be a good tournament.
The rolling system is the part where I'm a bit hesitant.
If this turns out to be a success, I'll take a look at mania and integrate it in the next one. I can't make rules on games I don't understand.

Elessey wrote:

I don't know if it's strange, I have never done this and I want it to run smoothly and to be a good tournament.
The rolling system is the part where I'm a bit hesitant.
If this turns out to be a success, I'll take a look at mania and integrate it in the next one. I can't make rules on games I don't understand.
I can help you with the mania rules if you are interesed of adding it. Maybe only the doubles match should be a roll system?
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I'll think about it for mania.
The rolling is to know which team will choose first the mode (osu, taiko or ctb) and which team will choose the first map. But as I'm writing this I think the third solution is better. I'll choose the mode (osu, taiko, ctb) for each match by rolling the dice. And in the match, before the first point, I roll the dice (consider it as a coin flip) to determine who chooses the first map.

Example :
1st match for the first set (simple 1 vs 1)
I'll roll the dice, it goes 2. So it will be a Taiko match. The first team that scores 3 points will win the first set.
I'll roll the dice (coinflip) to determine who will pick the first beatmap. It goes 1. Team 1 will choose the 1st, then Team 2 the 2nd, Team 1 the 3rd, Team 2 the 4th (if there is a 4th match) and Team 1 the 5th (if there is a 5th match).
Team 1 wins this match 3-1 and gets the first set
So 1-0 for Team 1

2nd match for the second set (simple 1 vs 1)
I'll roll the dice; it goes 1. So it will be a osu match. The first team that scores 3 points will win the second set.

It's complicated to explain it like this. It would be better in practice.
Actually, me and my teammates are quite interested in joining this. If you do decide to convert this information into a fully functional tournament, please contact me or my teammates, we would love to enter this.
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Ok ! When this is official, I'll definitely add you and your team to the list.
However I do have a question, will there be a choice of maps where we (the competitors) will get to choose one map for the games? Or did I just not see it?

Also Dope for giving us the chance to join early... When we know the games are official, I will put in my teams application.

Also (number 2), I have an "IDEA" (WOAH EVERYONES MIND BLOWS UP). When the games go official, have a set of your favorite maps and put them on an voting list. Have everyone vote on their chose of map, the chosen map will then be forcefully selected to play (meaning everyone has to play it). Then round 2 begins, remove the forced map from round 1 (it's now gone), then put the second most voted map as the forcefully selected map for round 2 (everyone has to play it once). Then round 3 starts (which I am guessing the finals or so), remove the second forced map, and have the 3rd most voted map be the forcefully selected map (everyone has to play it). See what I am getting at?

Also (number 3), If you can get everything settled out, is it possible for the tournament to start earlier than 2015?
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I'll start by your number 3 : no I can't, I have lots of stuff to do during the first semester of 2015. On the other hand that leaves us plenty of time to fine-tune this tournament.

It's difficult to explain without a live example.
Team 1 VS Team 2
First match => single 1 vs 1
I roll the dice => I get 2 => so the 3 maps (or 4 or 5) of this match will be taiko maps
I roll the dice again to choose who's gonna choose the 1st map => I get 1 => Player from Team 1 will choose
First map Team 1 wins
Second map Team 2 wins
Third map Team 2 wins
Fourth map Team 1 wins
Fifth map => Tiebreaker map from taiko maps => Player 1 chooses 5th map (he's chosen 1st map, 3rd map and player 2 has chosen 2nd map and 4th map)
Team 1 wins 3-2
Team 1 now leads 1-0

Second match single
Team 2 wins 3-0
Now there's 1-1
And so on, and so forth until one team reaches 3 sets of 3 points.

The long paragraph in the middle, I don't understand except that I should put the beatmaps to a vote. Not a bad idea. But I don't want people to prepare the maps for the finals 6 months before, do you understand ? I'll publish the mappools a week before the matches. During the week I'll listen to what the competitors will say about the mappools (too easy, too hard, music sucks, etc.), I'll be open to discussions. Unless there's a strong opposition to my choices, I will keep them.
If you need some help to integrate the mania category, I can see if I can be of use. Never done a tournament before, but I'm a mania addicted (sort of) player. So any explanations regarding the mode, you can send me a message or something of the sort, I'll answer them when it reaches me :D.

btw, if you end up adding the mania category, add me in :P.

PS: Got a question, when you say it's gonna be a thriatlon (Quadratlon if you add mania), it's gonna be like the WHOLE team needs to play the 4 modes, or it can be 1 person for each game mode. For example:

Player 1 plays osu!standard
Player 2 plays Taiko
Player 3 plays CtB
Player 4 plays o!m
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Actually, I'm thinking of adding mania to it but I will need a lot of information on it. I'll talk to you in private.
Some players will need to know at least 2 modes since there are going to be 2vs2 matches as well.
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The rules may seem complicated especially for those who don't know about the Davis Cup. So I'll will organize some exhibition matches between the competitors in march and in june so that everyone will understand how it works (me included) before the real competition.
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Ok it's official now ! If you want to register to this tournament, send me your team name and the names of your team members. Or write it below.
Team Name: The Team
Team Players :
TP1: Angellect > Osu! Standard and Taiko and Mania
TP2: ElfenLied102 > Osu! Standard and Mania
TP3: Kanoku > Osu! Standard and CtB
TP4: Drakkami > Osu! Standard and Mania
TP5: Cubear > Osu! Standard and CtB
BP1: Amazing > Osu! Standard
BP2: [ Lynnsanity ] > Osu! Standard
BP3: JamesHakim13 > Osu! Standard
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Thanks !
But you will only play with 6 players.
Here are your average performance points :
Angellect : 889pp
ElfenLied102 : 536pp
KanoKu : 454pp
Drakkami : 234pp
Cubear : 476pp
Amazing : 36pp
[ Lynnsanity ] : 319pp
JamesHakim13 : 231pp

Your team has 484pp on average (your 6 best players)

My advice would be to get rid of Amazing at least and another player.
Free agent available. Will play standard + CTB. If picked up, I'll actually take CTB seriously lol.
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Are you alone ? Can't you find a team ? Maybe I can add you to a list for players that are looking for a team.
i think i'll join here. :D For Standard
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I can add you to the list of players looking for a team if you don't have one already. I've looked at your profile and you seem to be a osu and mania player. I'll add those modes with your name.
- Calendula -
Hi there,

I am searching for team,
-prefer osu!standard (4000pp+)
-second o!mania
-third ctb
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I added you to the list. I hope you can find a team. You have 1546pp on average. You're have the highest pp count of all the players that are here so far. You'll probably be in the 1000pp - 2000pp category. I'll figure this out when we have more players.
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I should give some updates about the rules of the tournament :

Types of matches
There will no longer be 1vs1 matches. All the matches will be 2vs2. I wanted to prevent a case where a team manages to find 4 specialists of each mode. They would be in a huge advantage against a team who's average in all modes. And I really want to see players that are skilled in at least 2 modes.

Mappools and star ratings
I've been thinking about the kind of maps I would put in the mappools. I think there won't be any map higher than 4.5 stars. 4 - 4.5 maps will be played in the higher category (I'm not definitely sure about the categories yet). In fact I'm gonna use this scale :
1-2 for the lower category
2-3 for the middle category
3-4 for the higher category

I'm not sure yet I still have those two categories in mind :
0pp - 500pp
500pp - 1000pp
1000pp - 2000pp

0pp - 1000pp
1000pp - 2000pp
2000pp - 3000pp

It will probably change depending on how many players will join.

That's it for now. This is really looking good, and I want to improve it as much as possible before the tournament so let me know what you thing about everything, the star ranking scale, the categories the rules, etc.
Sign me up! Looking for a team.
I'm mainly Standard player but i breach the current rank criteria, also a Mania player.
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Ok you're in ! Your average pp count is 994. You're about to go in the 1000pp - 2000pp category. Categories are not clearly defined yet by the way.
Alrighties, no worries, thankyou!
Hello ^^
I can play, but looking for a team.
Play Taiko, or standard (but prefer first mode ^^").
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Ok you're also in ! Your average pp is 1732. You are in the 1000pp - 2000pp for the moment. You seem to be good in all modes, I'll add them is this order : Taiko, Osu, CTB, Mania.
- Rexa -
I am searching for team.
And i will play standard.

- Rexa - wrote:

I am searching for team.
And i will play standard.
Hi - Rexa -! In your userpage you play Taiko and Standard, so your average pp is 1286.5.
You're in the 1000-2000 category
Let me confirm with Elessey
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I'll add you to the list but I doubt a team will pick you, since you only play std.
And your average pp count is 643.
i guess im looking for a team but i only play ctb seriously and sometimes some mania but yeah
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Ok you're in ! You seem to play all modes. You average pp count is 1008. I'll put the modes in this order : CTB, Osu, Taiko, Mania
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Some news :
We've been discussing the difficulties for the maps to know what kind of map difficulties we'll choose for each category. I wanted to use the stars system. Some people in the staff proposed to use the letters (E, N, H, I) to pick maps.

For the categories we agreed to use these :
0 - 500pp
500 - 1000pp
1000pp - 2000pp
It's not decided yet, maybe we will change depending on the players who will enter the tournament.

So for each category it would be
0 - 500pp => E
500 - 1000pp => N
1000 - 2000pp => H

0 - 500pp => 1-2 stars
500 - 1000pp => 2-3 stars
1000 - 2000pp => 3-4 stars

0 - 500pp => 1.5-2.5 stars
500 - 1000pp => 2.5-3.5 stars
1000 - 2000pp => 3.5-4.5 stars

Let us know what you think about these.
I think the first category is the best ^^.
I hope that the PP limit will be higher :C.
In my opinion, first category will be best.
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Some news :
We are probably going to use these categories and assign map levels as follows :
0-500pp => 1-2 stars + E diff
500-1000pp => 2-3 stars + N diff
1000pp-2000pp => 3-4 stars + H diff
2000pp-3000pp => 4-5 stars + I diff
Depending on how many players will enter, some categories will be open, others not. So if you want more players in a certain category, invite some friends of yours.
Can i join?? I play standard, I play easy mania maps, dont play taiko and ctb :333

EDIT: James is mah friend, and she plays standard :vv

also if a team picks either one of us can we be in the same team???
Can I join? I'm best at mania, but I'm at least passable in all modes.
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@ CABERMAN : I'm adding you but you only play osu. I doubt a team will pick you since you only play osu. On the other hand, you have 6 months to learn another mode.
If the team picks you both, you can be on the same team. But it's up to the team and their captain. If they only want one of you, they'll pick one of you.
Your average pp count is 449.

@portalbob : You seem to be good in all modes. I'm adding you. If you don't have a preference, I'll add your modes from the strongest to the weakest.
Your average pp is 279.
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Little note :
I don't want a tournament where we have 4 specialists of each mode. What I call a specialist is someone who has a lot of pp in one mode only and none in the other. Then the team with the best 4 players of each mode in the same team would have a huge edge. That's why I added doubles instead of singles, that's why I limited the team to 6 players max.
What I want for this tournament is players who can play several modes, or if they can't, to make them discover another.
Can I join the tournament. I play Osu and and learn taiko .
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Ok SevDay you're in. Your average pp count is 253.
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Little note :
Be sure to check the list of players looking for a team if you don't have a team or if you're looking for players for your team.
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Some news :
For now, the rule goes like this : you have to score 3 points to score a set and then 3 sets to win a match and then go to the next round.
I've thought about doing it more like a tennis game and raise the limit to 6 points with a tiebreaker at 6-6.
So to win you have to reach 6 points first and have more than 2 points than your opponent to win a set. The you have to win 3 sets to win the match and the n do to the next round.

Example :
If the score is 5-5, you have to win the next match to get to 6-5 and then win another match to get to 7-5 and you'll have two points more than your opponent, and win the set.
If the score is 5-5, you win the next point (6-5) and then your opponent win the point after that (6-6), there will be a tiebreaker, and winning team will have 7-6 and win the set.

The downside of this, is that it can make very long matches. The other downside is more work for us to find more beatmaps, at least 13 per mode.

Let us know what you think of that.
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Some more news :
We changed the tournament format a little. Players will need to win 4 points with at least 2 more points than the opponent to win a set. Players will also need to win 4 sets with at least 2 more sets than the opponent to win the match and go to the next round.
The order of the modes for each match we'll be randomly chosen and then published with the mappools.

As a consequence we changed the number of maps in the mappool but the proportions will stay the same.

We also changed some rules about the teams.
There will be 4 titular players + 2 substitutes per match. Captains will give me the names of the titular players and those of the substitutes just before the first match. The substitutes won't be allowed to play during all matches until the next round.

Let us know what you think of those changes.
4 members right? for 1 TEAM? i'll make a team if its alright?
Black Wolf159
May I join to the tournament?

I Play Standard > Taiko > Ctb.
Mania too but not so well.
If anyone wants to start a team, I'm interested, just let me know.
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@James012 : We'll take 4 players as a minimum, although I would recommend having 2 substitutes in case someone gets sick before a match or something else, you know.
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@Black Wolf159 : I'm adding you to the list of players looking for a team. Make sure to check it from time to time as new players get added to this list.
Your average pp count is 1933.
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