
Kasutera - Nico-Nii

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, September 3, 2015 at 2:04:16 PM

Artist: Kasutera
Title: Nico-Nii
Source: Love Live! School Idol Project
Tags: Love live Nico Nico Douga Inori FlobuFlobs Yukimura
BPM: 128
Filesize: 7303kb
Play Time: 00:31
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (2.54 stars, 78 notes)
  2. Insane (3.47 stars, 120 notes)
  3. Normal (1.99 stars, 54 notes)
  4. Yuki's Easy (1.56 stars, 44 notes)
  5. Flobu's Extra (4.56 stars, 152 notes)
  6. I n o r i's eXtra (4.24 stars, 99 notes)
Download: Kasutera - Nico-Nii
Download: Kasutera - Nico-Nii (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
31/01 Changed background and updated video
28/12 Added Video!

Easy by Yukimura
I n o r i's eXtra by - I n o r i
Flobu's Extra by FlobuFlobs
Ok, ecco una piccola mod IRC :3

IRC mod
21:30 IRio97: Hey Sergio!
21:30 [-MrSergio-]: Yo o/
21:30 IRio97: Ricordi per la mappa
21:30 IRio97: Poi ero sparito :c
21:30 [-MrSergio-]: Ah, gia' :3
21:30 [-MrSergio-]: Sorry xD
21:31 IRio97: Quando vuoi, puoi aiutarmi?
21:31 [-MrSergio-]: MA se non viene a dirmelo me ne dimentico facilemente xD
21:31 IRio97: Ho notato :3
21:31 [-MrSergio-]: Va bene, finisco la song e arrivo :3
21:31 IRio97: Good! ty
21:31 [-MrSergio-]: No, e' che ho da fare solitamente xD
21:32 IRio97: tranq :3
21:34 [-MrSergio-]: ok, dove eravamo
21:34 *IRio97 is listening to [ Nico Nico Douga - Nico-Nii]
21:34 IRio97: Nico!
21:34 IRio97: mmh
21:34 IRio97: tipo dovevi andare a mangiare e tornare a controllare gli altri errori
21:34 [-MrSergio-]: xD
21:34 IRio97: penso tu abbia finito di mangiare
21:34 IRio97: procedi pure
21:34 IRio97: xD
21:34 [-MrSergio-]: lol
21:35 [-MrSergio-]: 00:04:388 (1) - Questo slider dovrebbe partire a 00:04:271 -
21:35 [-MrSergio-]: 00:04:857 (2) - Questo anche. Dovrebbe partire un tick prima di dove lo hai messo
21:36 IRio97: fatto
21:36 [-MrSergio-]: Cavolo...mi lagga da fare schifo l'editor...
21:36 [-MrSergio-]: Dannati aggiornamenti'
21:36 IRio97: Pure a me
21:36 IRio97: pensavo fosse il mio pc
21:36 IRio97: negli stream lagga sempre
21:36 [-MrSergio-]: 00:06:498 (1) - Sempre la stessa storia: deve partire un tick prima
21:37 [-MrSergio-]: Ma a me non laggava prima
21:37 IRio97: naenche a me
21:37 IRio97: Sempre dopo questo aggiornamento intendo
21:37 IRio97: xD
21:37 [-MrSergio-]: Se hai fatto la cosa che ti ho segnato prima, ti consiglio di dare piu' spazio tra queste 2 note: 00:06:381 (1,2) -
21:38 [-MrSergio-]: PErche' sono troppo attaccate
21:38 [-MrSergio-]: Hm...ora c'e' da fare un po' di lavoro tutto assieme, nel senso che se non li fai tutti di fila non noti cosa intendo dire
21:38 [-MrSergio-]: Quindi:
21:39 [-MrSergio-]: - 00:07:435 (4) - Cancelli questa nota
21:39 [-MrSergio-]: - 00:07:318 - Fai partire da qui uno slider
21:39 [-MrSergio-]: - 00:07:553 - E qui lo fai finire
21:40 [-MrSergio-]: Ok, credo basti, siccome vedo che ci sta bene ora
21:40 [-MrSergio-]: Poi...
21:40 [-MrSergio-]: 00:07:904 (6) - Spostalo un tick avanti, cioe' piu' tardi nel tempo
21:40 [-MrSergio-]: E aggiungi una nota dove ci lasci il buco
21:40 [-MrSergio-]: 00:07:904 - Cioe' qui
21:41 [-MrSergio-]: 00:08:490 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Per questa combo ti faccio ancora una lista:
21:41 [-MrSergio-]: 00:08:490 (1,2) - Fondile in uno slider
21:41 [-MrSergio-]: 00:08:724 (3,4) - Come sopra ^
21:41 [-MrSergio-]: 00:09:076 (6) - Cancellala
21:42 [-MrSergio-]: 00:08:959 (5,7) - Fondile in uno slider
21:42 [-MrSergio-]: Spero non stia andando troppo veloce xD
21:42 [-MrSergio-]: Dimmi se non capisci qualcosa
21:42 IRio97: fondilo in uno slider
21:42 IRio97: cancello le note
21:42 IRio97: e metto slider?
21:43 [-MrSergio-]: Si', se vuoi ti facio uno screen di come ho fatto
21:43 IRio97: Fa vedere
21:43 [-MrSergio-]:
21:43 [-MrSergio-]: In pratica e' uno slider stream
21:44 [-MrSergio-]: Quello rosa
21:44 [-MrSergio-]: Anche perche' si vede solo quello xD
21:44 [-MrSergio-]: L'inizio e' lo stesso della tua combo attuale
21:44 [-MrSergio-]: 00:09:896 (5) - Da qui fai partire uno slider da 1/2
21:45 [-MrSergio-]: Ah, sai cosa intendo quando ti dico 1/2 oppure 1/1 ?
21:45 [-MrSergio-]: Giusto per essere sicuri perche' alcuni non lo sanno e non me lo chiedono xD
21:45 [-MrSergio-]: E siccome e' parecchio comodo per spiegare e' meglio saperlo
21:45 IRio97: no
21:45 [-MrSergio-]: In pratica ci si riferisce alla battuta
21:46 [-MrSergio-]: Una battuta e' la lunghezza tra un tick bianco grosso ed un altro tick bianco grosso
21:46 [-MrSergio-]: Quando ti do una frazione, significa che e' un pezzo di battuta
21:46 [-MrSergio-]: Quindi 1/2 sara' mezza battuta
21:46 [-MrSergio-]: Dal tick bianco al tick rosso
21:46 IRio97: Good
21:46 IRio97: capito
21:47 [-MrSergio-]: LE altre frazioni penso si capiscano da se' poi xD
21:47 IRio97: yes
21:47 [-MrSergio-]: (y)
21:47 [-MrSergio-]: QUindi in quel punto di prima metti lo slider da 1/2
21:47 [-MrSergio-]: 00:09:896 (5) -
21:47 [-MrSergio-]: Che cosi' riesci a fare il collegamento con 00:10:248 (6,7) - ]
21:48 [-MrSergio-]: 00:10:365 (7) - Questo e' da spezzettare in altri slider da 1/4
21:48 [-MrSergio-]: In pratica viene come ti ho fatto vedere nello screen di prima
21:49 [-MrSergio-]: 00:10:834 (9,10) - Quesit 2 sono attaccati intanto e non va bene xD
21:49 [-MrSergio-]: Questi*
21:49 IRio97: slider -> nota -> slider?
21:49 [-MrSergio-]: Dove?
21:49 [-MrSergio-]: Dammi il punto cosi' capisco :3
21:49 IRio97: 00:09:896 -
21:50 [-MrSergio-]: Io avevo pensato ad uno slider che va da 00:09:896 - a 00:10:131 -
21:50 [-MrSergio-]: Perche' senti la voce
21:50 [-MrSergio-]: C'e' il "Niiiii"
21:50 [-MrSergio-]: Che e' una nota lunga
21:50 IRio97: infatti ho fatto
21:50 [-MrSergio-]: Ah, il pezzo dopo dicevi tu
21:50 [-MrSergio-]: Allora si'
21:50 IRio97: da 00:09:896 - a 00:10:131 - slider
21:51 [-MrSergio-]: Finisce lo slider, metti una nota normale e poi ancora slider
21:51 IRio97: 00:10:248 - nota
21:51 [-MrSergio-]: Ok (y)\
21:51 IRio97: 00:10:365 -
21:51 IRio97: slider
21:51 IRio97: ok
21:51 [-MrSergio-]: Quello slider di quanto e'?
21:51 [-MrSergio-]: L'ultimo intendo
21:51 IRio97: e il secondo "fondile in uno slider"
21:51 IRio97: qual'era
21:51 IRio97: xD
21:51 [-MrSergio-]: lol
21:51 [-MrSergio-]: Allora:
21:51 IRio97: 1/2
21:51 [-MrSergio-]: ^ Quello e' quello che hai ora, giusto?
21:52 IRio97: Sì
21:52 [-MrSergio-]: Quello slider dividilo in slider piu' piccoli
21:52 IRio97: Lì penso di aver sistemato
21:52 IRio97: l'altro punto intendo
21:52 IRio97: quale slider? <_<
21:52 [-MrSergio-]: Il 7 xD
21:52 [-MrSergio-]: 00:10:365 (7) -
21:52 [-MrSergio-]: Dovrebbe essere da 1/2
21:53 [-MrSergio-]: Io l'ho accorciato e poi ne ho aggiunto un altro di uguale lunghezza a 00:10:599 -
21:53 IRio97: e in che modo?
21:53 IRio97: lo faccio finire sul tick blu?
21:54 [-MrSergio-]: nono
21:54 [-MrSergio-]: ops... xD
21:54 [-MrSergio-]: Guarda lo screen
21:54 [-MrSergio-]: 8 e 9 non c'entrano per ora
21:54 [-MrSergio-]: Ah, avevi detto giusto prima, scusa
21:54 [-MrSergio-]: Deve finire sul tick blu
21:54 IRio97: ok
21:55 [-MrSergio-]: Bene, una volta fatto quello, togli 00:10:834 (9,10) -
21:55 [-MrSergio-]: Perche' li abbiamo usati prima e ripeterli ancora e' monotono
21:55 [-MrSergio-]: Quindi metti una nota a 00:10:834 - e a 00:11:068 -
21:56 [-MrSergio-]: In questo modo dai anche una pausa dopo lo stream
21:56 IRio97: i due slider li tolgo quindi?
21:56 [-MrSergio-]: Si'
21:57 [-MrSergio-]: Stanno anche male siccome sono sovrapposti xD
21:57 IRio97: le due note le metto una sopra l'altra?
21:57 [-MrSergio-]: Perche' no
21:57 [-MrSergio-]: Ci stanno siccome hanno la tstessa tonmalita'
21:57 [-MrSergio-]: tonalita'*
21:57 IRio97: ok
21:57 [-MrSergio-]: Ah, io ti sto cercando di far vedere come si trova il ritmo guida della canzone, i pattern poi spettano a te :3
21:58 [-MrSergio-]: Siccome la mappa e tua e non mia xD
21:58 IRio97: Sìsì, ovvio :3
21:58 [-MrSergio-]: 00:12:240 (6) - Questo slider si puo' togliere e al suo posto mettici una nota dove iniziava
21:59 [-MrSergio-]: Mentre usi la fine come punto di inizio per un altro slider da 1/4
21:59 [-MrSergio-]: 00:12:943 (9) - Questo invece non da' fiato al giocatore, quindi lo si toglie e si mette una nota normale dove iniziava
22:00 [-MrSergio-]: Ecco, piccola nota:
22:00 [-MrSergio-]: Il mapping (e in generale la musica) e' fatto di pause e non di note
22:00 [-MrSergio-]: Sono piu' imporatnti le pause che le note stesse, ricordatelo ;)
22:00 IRio97: ok
22:01 [-MrSergio-]: 00:13:412 (3) - Da qui, se senti attentamente la canzone, senti che dovrebbe partire uno slider da 1/2
22:01 [-MrSergio-]: C'e' ancora il "Niiiii"
22:01 [-MrSergio-]: Ovviamente togli le note che poi stanno assieme alll oslider
22:02 [-MrSergio-]: Cioe' le 2 note seguenti il numero 3
22:02 [-MrSergio-]: 00:13:881 (5) - Stessa cosa come prima: da qui puo' partire uno slider da 1/2
22:04 [-MrSergio-]: 00:18:451 (4) - Da togliere
22:04 [-MrSergio-]: 00:18:803 (5,6) - Da queste 2 note fai partire 2 slider da 1/4
22:05 [-MrSergio-]: 00:17:865 (8) - Aggiungi nota
22:05 IRio97: fatto
22:05 [-MrSergio-]: Ah, hai fatto caso al genere di correzioni che ti ho fatto?
22:06 [-MrSergio-]: Ogni volta si trattava di pareggiare l'inizio o la fine degli sstream
22:06 [-MrSergio-]: Siccome finivano sui tick sbagliati
22:06 IRio97: ho notato
22:06 [-MrSergio-]: In pratica quello e' il ritmo di base
22:06 IRio97: cosa intendi con aggiungi nota?
22:06 [-MrSergio-]: Aggiungi nota normale
22:06 [-MrSergio-]: Ujn cerchio
22:06 IRio97: Aspetta un attimo
22:07 [-MrSergio-]: lol
22:10 IRio97: ok eccomi
22:10 [-MrSergio-]: Bene :3
22:10 IRio97: uhm
22:10 IRio97: aggiungi nota normale dove?
22:10 [-MrSergio-]: 00:20:678 (5) - Da qui parte uno stream lunghissimo xD
22:10 [-MrSergio-]: Ah, giusto
22:10 [-MrSergio-]: 00:17:865 (8) - Qui
22:11 IRio97: li c'è già una nota
22:11 IRio97: no?
22:11 [-MrSergio-]: Hm...
22:11 [-MrSergio-]: Wait...
22:11 [-MrSergio-]: 00:20:443 - Qui xD
22:12 [-MrSergio-]: Anche se qui mi verrebbe voglia difare una cosa un po' pazza, ma e' meglio evitare mi sa xD
22:12 IRio97: ah
22:12 IRio97: Ok!
22:12 [-MrSergio-]: 00:20:678 (5) - Da qui parte un mega stream che penso tu possa correggere da solo siccome e' praticamente uguale al pezzo che ti ho gia' detto
22:13 IRio97: correggere in che senso?
22:13 IRio97: pattern?
22:13 [-MrSergio-]: 00:24:896 (6,7) - Fondile in uno slider
22:13 IRio97: o aggiungerci gli slider?
22:13 [-MrSergio-]: Intendo proprio il ritmo di base
22:13 [-MrSergio-]: Si', anche quello
22:13 [-MrSergio-]: E aggiungerci anche le pause
22:15 [-MrSergio-]: 00:25:131 (7) - Eliminalo e mettici una nota sull'inizio
22:17 IRio97: crash
22:17 IRio97: sorry
22:17 [-MrSergio-]: lol
22:17 [-MrSergio-]: 00:25:131 (7) - Eliminalo e mettici una nota sull'inizio
22:17 [-MrSergio-]: (quasi finito, lo giuro xD)
22:17 IRio97: tranquillo
22:18 IRio97: :3
22:18 [-MrSergio-]: 00:25:365 - Aggiungi nota
22:18 [-MrSergio-]: 00:25:482 - Come sopra ^
22:18 [-MrSergio-]: 00:25:717 - Come sopra ^
22:18 [-MrSergio-]: 00:25:951 (10) - Cancella notas
22:18 [-MrSergio-]: nota*
22:19 [-MrSergio-]: 00:27:357 - Aggiugni nota
22:19 [-MrSergio-]: 00:27:474 - Fai partire uno slider da 1/4
22:19 IRio97: nei come sopra
22:19 IRio97: le rendo triple note?
22:20 [-MrSergio-]: No xD
22:20 [-MrSergio-]: Intendo che aggiungi una nota
22:20 IRio97: *Come sopra ^*
22:20 [-MrSergio-]: Che poi tu voglia farci una tripla o meno, spetta a te
22:20 IRio97: dove la metto? <_<
22:20 [-MrSergio-]: Quello fa parte del pattern :3
22:20 IRio97: A me sembra che fatto così
22:21 IRio97: stia bene
22:21 IRio97: faccio le ultime cose che mi hai dato
22:21 [-MrSergio-]: Allora non cambiarlo, non sei obbligato xD
22:21 IRio97: e ti aggiorno la mappa
22:22 IRio97: 00:27:474 -
22:22 IRio97: Quindi da qui
22:22 IRio97: partono 3 slider da 1/4?
22:22 [-MrSergio-]: Il terzo forse e' meglio metterci una nota normale
22:22 [-MrSergio-]: Sull'inizio
22:23 IRio97: Done
22:23 IRio97: Aggiorno
22:23 [-MrSergio-]: (y)
22:24 [-MrSergio-]: Per quanto riguarda i pattern:
22:24 [-MrSergio-]: Non esistono regole precise
22:24 [-MrSergio-]: Quindi ti tocca studiare le mappe altrui e imparare ad usare i pattern che vedi
22:24 [-MrSergio-]: Il ritmo sara' quello all'incirca
22:24 IRio97: Questo l'ho capito
22:24 IRio97: grazie mille
22:25 IRio97: Controlla ora
22:25 [-MrSergio-]: Figurati :3
22:25 IRio97: se ho sistemato bene
22:26 [-MrSergio-]: Bene, oira almeno e' a ritmo :3
22:26 [-MrSergio-]: ora*
22:26 [-MrSergio-]: C'e' ancora quel mega stream che ritengo esagerato ma va beh xD
22:26 IRio97: tranne il mega slider
22:26 IRio97: da sistemare
22:26 IRio97: ecco xD
22:26 IRio97: posta sul forum se vuoi ^^
22:26 IRio97: Così ricambio :3
22:26 [-MrSergio-]: Bene, quello cerca di farlo da solo per capire come ottenere da solo il ritmo di base
22:27 IRio97: Va bene
22:27 [-MrSergio-]: Cosi' poi non avrai problemi di timing ma solo di pattern :3
22:27 [-MrSergio-]: E fidati che e' parecchio xD
Topic Starter

[-MrSergio-] wrote:

Ok, ecco una piccola mod IRC :3

IRC mod
21:30 IRio97: Hey Sergio!
21:30 [-MrSergio-]: Yo o/
21:30 IRio97: Ricordi per la mappa
21:30 IRio97: Poi ero sparito :c
21:30 [-MrSergio-]: Ah, gia' :3
21:30 [-MrSergio-]: Sorry xD
21:31 IRio97: Quando vuoi, puoi aiutarmi?
21:31 [-MrSergio-]: MA se non viene a dirmelo me ne dimentico facilemente xD
21:31 IRio97: Ho notato :3
21:31 [-MrSergio-]: Va bene, finisco la song e arrivo :3
21:31 IRio97: Good! ty
21:31 [-MrSergio-]: No, e' che ho da fare solitamente xD
21:32 IRio97: tranq :3
21:34 [-MrSergio-]: ok, dove eravamo
21:34 *IRio97 is listening to [ Nico Nico Douga - Nico-Nii]
21:34 IRio97: Nico!
21:34 IRio97: mmh
21:34 IRio97: tipo dovevi andare a mangiare e tornare a controllare gli altri errori
21:34 [-MrSergio-]: xD
21:34 IRio97: penso tu abbia finito di mangiare
21:34 IRio97: procedi pure
21:34 IRio97: xD
21:34 [-MrSergio-]: lol
21:35 [-MrSergio-]: 00:04:388 (1) - Questo slider dovrebbe partire a 00:04:271 -
21:35 [-MrSergio-]: 00:04:857 (2) - Questo anche. Dovrebbe partire un tick prima di dove lo hai messo
21:36 IRio97: fatto
21:36 [-MrSergio-]: Cavolo...mi lagga da fare schifo l'editor...
21:36 [-MrSergio-]: Dannati aggiornamenti'
21:36 IRio97: Pure a me
21:36 IRio97: pensavo fosse il mio pc
21:36 IRio97: negli stream lagga sempre
21:36 [-MrSergio-]: 00:06:498 (1) - Sempre la stessa storia: deve partire un tick prima
21:37 [-MrSergio-]: Ma a me non laggava prima
21:37 IRio97: naenche a me
21:37 IRio97: Sempre dopo questo aggiornamento intendo
21:37 IRio97: xD
21:37 [-MrSergio-]: Se hai fatto la cosa che ti ho segnato prima, ti consiglio di dare piu' spazio tra queste 2 note: 00:06:381 (1,2) -
21:38 [-MrSergio-]: PErche' sono troppo attaccate
21:38 [-MrSergio-]: Hm...ora c'e' da fare un po' di lavoro tutto assieme, nel senso che se non li fai tutti di fila non noti cosa intendo dire
21:38 [-MrSergio-]: Quindi:
21:39 [-MrSergio-]: - 00:07:435 (4) - Cancelli questa nota
21:39 [-MrSergio-]: - 00:07:318 - Fai partire da qui uno slider
21:39 [-MrSergio-]: - 00:07:553 - E qui lo fai finire
21:40 [-MrSergio-]: Ok, credo basti, siccome vedo che ci sta bene ora
21:40 [-MrSergio-]: Poi...
21:40 [-MrSergio-]: 00:07:904 (6) - Spostalo un tick avanti, cioe' piu' tardi nel tempo
21:40 [-MrSergio-]: E aggiungi una nota dove ci lasci il buco
21:40 [-MrSergio-]: 00:07:904 - Cioe' qui
21:41 [-MrSergio-]: 00:08:490 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Per questa combo ti faccio ancora una lista:
21:41 [-MrSergio-]: 00:08:490 (1,2) - Fondile in uno slider
21:41 [-MrSergio-]: 00:08:724 (3,4) - Come sopra ^
21:41 [-MrSergio-]: 00:09:076 (6) - Cancellala
21:42 [-MrSergio-]: 00:08:959 (5,7) - Fondile in uno slider
21:42 [-MrSergio-]: Spero non stia andando troppo veloce xD
21:42 [-MrSergio-]: Dimmi se non capisci qualcosa
21:42 IRio97: fondilo in uno slider
21:42 IRio97: cancello le note
21:42 IRio97: e metto slider?
21:43 [-MrSergio-]: Si', se vuoi ti facio uno screen di come ho fatto
21:43 IRio97: Fa vedere
21:43 [-MrSergio-]:
21:43 [-MrSergio-]: In pratica e' uno slider stream
21:44 [-MrSergio-]: Quello rosa
21:44 [-MrSergio-]: Anche perche' si vede solo quello xD
21:44 [-MrSergio-]: L'inizio e' lo stesso della tua combo attuale
21:44 [-MrSergio-]: 00:09:896 (5) - Da qui fai partire uno slider da 1/2
21:45 [-MrSergio-]: Ah, sai cosa intendo quando ti dico 1/2 oppure 1/1 ?
21:45 [-MrSergio-]: Giusto per essere sicuri perche' alcuni non lo sanno e non me lo chiedono xD
21:45 [-MrSergio-]: E siccome e' parecchio comodo per spiegare e' meglio saperlo
21:45 IRio97: no
21:45 [-MrSergio-]: In pratica ci si riferisce alla battuta
21:46 [-MrSergio-]: Una battuta e' la lunghezza tra un tick bianco grosso ed un altro tick bianco grosso
21:46 [-MrSergio-]: Quando ti do una frazione, significa che e' un pezzo di battuta
21:46 [-MrSergio-]: Quindi 1/2 sara' mezza battuta
21:46 [-MrSergio-]: Dal tick bianco al tick rosso
21:46 IRio97: Good
21:46 IRio97: capito
21:47 [-MrSergio-]: LE altre frazioni penso si capiscano da se' poi xD
21:47 IRio97: yes
21:47 [-MrSergio-]: (y)
21:47 [-MrSergio-]: QUindi in quel punto di prima metti lo slider da 1/2
21:47 [-MrSergio-]: 00:09:896 (5) -
21:47 [-MrSergio-]: Che cosi' riesci a fare il collegamento con 00:10:248 (6,7) - ]
21:48 [-MrSergio-]: 00:10:365 (7) - Questo e' da spezzettare in altri slider da 1/4
21:48 [-MrSergio-]: In pratica viene come ti ho fatto vedere nello screen di prima
21:49 [-MrSergio-]: 00:10:834 (9,10) - Quesit 2 sono attaccati intanto e non va bene xD
21:49 [-MrSergio-]: Questi*
21:49 IRio97: slider -> nota -> slider?
21:49 [-MrSergio-]: Dove?
21:49 [-MrSergio-]: Dammi il punto cosi' capisco :3
21:49 IRio97: 00:09:896 -
21:50 [-MrSergio-]: Io avevo pensato ad uno slider che va da 00:09:896 - a 00:10:131 -
21:50 [-MrSergio-]: Perche' senti la voce
21:50 [-MrSergio-]: C'e' il "Niiiii"
21:50 [-MrSergio-]: Che e' una nota lunga
21:50 IRio97: infatti ho fatto
21:50 [-MrSergio-]: Ah, il pezzo dopo dicevi tu
21:50 [-MrSergio-]: Allora si'
21:50 IRio97: da 00:09:896 - a 00:10:131 - slider
21:51 [-MrSergio-]: Finisce lo slider, metti una nota normale e poi ancora slider
21:51 IRio97: 00:10:248 - nota
21:51 [-MrSergio-]: Ok (y)\
21:51 IRio97: 00:10:365 -
21:51 IRio97: slider
21:51 IRio97: ok
21:51 [-MrSergio-]: Quello slider di quanto e'?
21:51 [-MrSergio-]: L'ultimo intendo
21:51 IRio97: e il secondo "fondile in uno slider"
21:51 IRio97: qual'era
21:51 IRio97: xD
21:51 [-MrSergio-]: lol
21:51 [-MrSergio-]: Allora:
21:51 IRio97: 1/2
21:51 [-MrSergio-]: ^ Quello e' quello che hai ora, giusto?
21:52 IRio97: Sì
21:52 [-MrSergio-]: Quello slider dividilo in slider piu' piccoli
21:52 IRio97: Lì penso di aver sistemato
21:52 IRio97: l'altro punto intendo
21:52 IRio97: quale slider? <_<
21:52 [-MrSergio-]: Il 7 xD
21:52 [-MrSergio-]: 00:10:365 (7) -
21:52 [-MrSergio-]: Dovrebbe essere da 1/2
21:53 [-MrSergio-]: Io l'ho accorciato e poi ne ho aggiunto un altro di uguale lunghezza a 00:10:599 -
21:53 IRio97: e in che modo?
21:53 IRio97: lo faccio finire sul tick blu?
21:54 [-MrSergio-]: nono
21:54 [-MrSergio-]: ops... xD
21:54 [-MrSergio-]: Guarda lo screen
21:54 [-MrSergio-]: 8 e 9 non c'entrano per ora
21:54 [-MrSergio-]: Ah, avevi detto giusto prima, scusa
21:54 [-MrSergio-]: Deve finire sul tick blu
21:54 IRio97: ok
21:55 [-MrSergio-]: Bene, una volta fatto quello, togli 00:10:834 (9,10) -
21:55 [-MrSergio-]: Perche' li abbiamo usati prima e ripeterli ancora e' monotono
21:55 [-MrSergio-]: Quindi metti una nota a 00:10:834 - e a 00:11:068 -
21:56 [-MrSergio-]: In questo modo dai anche una pausa dopo lo stream
21:56 IRio97: i due slider li tolgo quindi?
21:56 [-MrSergio-]: Si'
21:57 [-MrSergio-]: Stanno anche male siccome sono sovrapposti xD
21:57 IRio97: le due note le metto una sopra l'altra?
21:57 [-MrSergio-]: Perche' no
21:57 [-MrSergio-]: Ci stanno siccome hanno la tstessa tonmalita'
21:57 [-MrSergio-]: tonalita'*
21:57 IRio97: ok
21:57 [-MrSergio-]: Ah, io ti sto cercando di far vedere come si trova il ritmo guida della canzone, i pattern poi spettano a te :3
21:58 [-MrSergio-]: Siccome la mappa e tua e non mia xD
21:58 IRio97: Sìsì, ovvio :3
21:58 [-MrSergio-]: 00:12:240 (6) - Questo slider si puo' togliere e al suo posto mettici una nota dove iniziava
21:59 [-MrSergio-]: Mentre usi la fine come punto di inizio per un altro slider da 1/4
21:59 [-MrSergio-]: 00:12:943 (9) - Questo invece non da' fiato al giocatore, quindi lo si toglie e si mette una nota normale dove iniziava
22:00 [-MrSergio-]: Ecco, piccola nota:
22:00 [-MrSergio-]: Il mapping (e in generale la musica) e' fatto di pause e non di note
22:00 [-MrSergio-]: Sono piu' imporatnti le pause che le note stesse, ricordatelo ;)
22:00 IRio97: ok
22:01 [-MrSergio-]: 00:13:412 (3) - Da qui, se senti attentamente la canzone, senti che dovrebbe partire uno slider da 1/2
22:01 [-MrSergio-]: C'e' ancora il "Niiiii"
22:01 [-MrSergio-]: Ovviamente togli le note che poi stanno assieme alll oslider
22:02 [-MrSergio-]: Cioe' le 2 note seguenti il numero 3
22:02 [-MrSergio-]: 00:13:881 (5) - Stessa cosa come prima: da qui puo' partire uno slider da 1/2
22:04 [-MrSergio-]: 00:18:451 (4) - Da togliere
22:04 [-MrSergio-]: 00:18:803 (5,6) - Da queste 2 note fai partire 2 slider da 1/4
22:05 [-MrSergio-]: 00:17:865 (8) - Aggiungi nota
22:05 IRio97: fatto
22:05 [-MrSergio-]: Ah, hai fatto caso al genere di correzioni che ti ho fatto?
22:06 [-MrSergio-]: Ogni volta si trattava di pareggiare l'inizio o la fine degli sstream
22:06 [-MrSergio-]: Siccome finivano sui tick sbagliati
22:06 IRio97: ho notato
22:06 [-MrSergio-]: In pratica quello e' il ritmo di base
22:06 IRio97: cosa intendi con aggiungi nota?
22:06 [-MrSergio-]: Aggiungi nota normale
22:06 [-MrSergio-]: Ujn cerchio
22:06 IRio97: Aspetta un attimo
22:07 [-MrSergio-]: lol
22:10 IRio97: ok eccomi
22:10 [-MrSergio-]: Bene :3
22:10 IRio97: uhm
22:10 IRio97: aggiungi nota normale dove?
22:10 [-MrSergio-]: 00:20:678 (5) - Da qui parte uno stream lunghissimo xD
22:10 [-MrSergio-]: Ah, giusto
22:10 [-MrSergio-]: 00:17:865 (8) - Qui
22:11 IRio97: li c'è già una nota
22:11 IRio97: no?
22:11 [-MrSergio-]: Hm...
22:11 [-MrSergio-]: Wait...
22:11 [-MrSergio-]: 00:20:443 - Qui xD
22:12 [-MrSergio-]: Anche se qui mi verrebbe voglia difare una cosa un po' pazza, ma e' meglio evitare mi sa xD
22:12 IRio97: ah
22:12 IRio97: Ok!
22:12 [-MrSergio-]: 00:20:678 (5) - Da qui parte un mega stream che penso tu possa correggere da solo siccome e' praticamente uguale al pezzo che ti ho gia' detto
22:13 IRio97: correggere in che senso?
22:13 IRio97: pattern?
22:13 [-MrSergio-]: 00:24:896 (6,7) - Fondile in uno slider
22:13 IRio97: o aggiungerci gli slider?
22:13 [-MrSergio-]: Intendo proprio il ritmo di base
22:13 [-MrSergio-]: Si', anche quello
22:13 [-MrSergio-]: E aggiungerci anche le pause
22:15 [-MrSergio-]: 00:25:131 (7) - Eliminalo e mettici una nota sull'inizio
22:17 IRio97: crash
22:17 IRio97: sorry
22:17 [-MrSergio-]: lol
22:17 [-MrSergio-]: 00:25:131 (7) - Eliminalo e mettici una nota sull'inizio
22:17 [-MrSergio-]: (quasi finito, lo giuro xD)
22:17 IRio97: tranquillo
22:18 IRio97: :3
22:18 [-MrSergio-]: 00:25:365 - Aggiungi nota
22:18 [-MrSergio-]: 00:25:482 - Come sopra ^
22:18 [-MrSergio-]: 00:25:717 - Come sopra ^
22:18 [-MrSergio-]: 00:25:951 (10) - Cancella notas
22:18 [-MrSergio-]: nota*
22:19 [-MrSergio-]: 00:27:357 - Aggiugni nota
22:19 [-MrSergio-]: 00:27:474 - Fai partire uno slider da 1/4
22:19 IRio97: nei come sopra
22:19 IRio97: le rendo triple note?
22:20 [-MrSergio-]: No xD
22:20 [-MrSergio-]: Intendo che aggiungi una nota
22:20 IRio97: *Come sopra ^*
22:20 [-MrSergio-]: Che poi tu voglia farci una tripla o meno, spetta a te
22:20 IRio97: dove la metto? <_<
22:20 [-MrSergio-]: Quello fa parte del pattern :3
22:20 IRio97: A me sembra che fatto così
22:21 IRio97: stia bene
22:21 IRio97: faccio le ultime cose che mi hai dato
22:21 [-MrSergio-]: Allora non cambiarlo, non sei obbligato xD
22:21 IRio97: e ti aggiorno la mappa
22:22 IRio97: 00:27:474 -
22:22 IRio97: Quindi da qui
22:22 IRio97: partono 3 slider da 1/4?
22:22 [-MrSergio-]: Il terzo forse e' meglio metterci una nota normale
22:22 [-MrSergio-]: Sull'inizio
22:23 IRio97: Done
22:23 IRio97: Aggiorno
22:23 [-MrSergio-]: (y)
22:24 [-MrSergio-]: Per quanto riguarda i pattern:
22:24 [-MrSergio-]: Non esistono regole precise
22:24 [-MrSergio-]: Quindi ti tocca studiare le mappe altrui e imparare ad usare i pattern che vedi
22:24 [-MrSergio-]: Il ritmo sara' quello all'incirca
22:24 IRio97: Questo l'ho capito
22:24 IRio97: grazie mille
22:25 IRio97: Controlla ora
22:25 [-MrSergio-]: Figurati :3
22:25 IRio97: se ho sistemato bene
22:26 [-MrSergio-]: Bene, oira almeno e' a ritmo :3
22:26 [-MrSergio-]: ora*
22:26 [-MrSergio-]: C'e' ancora quel mega stream che ritengo esagerato ma va beh xD
22:26 IRio97: tranne il mega slider
22:26 IRio97: da sistemare
22:26 IRio97: ecco xD
22:26 IRio97: posta sul forum se vuoi ^^
22:26 IRio97: Così ricambio :3
22:26 [-MrSergio-]: Bene, quello cerca di farlo da solo per capire come ottenere da solo il ritmo di base
22:27 IRio97: Va bene
22:27 [-MrSergio-]: Cosi' poi non avrai problemi di timing ma solo di pattern :3
22:27 [-MrSergio-]: E fidati che e' parecchio xD
Grazie Sergio :3
random mod from #modreqs


00:03:099 (1) - you can stack this slider in the end of this 00:02:631 (7) - , sounds more fun to play, like this
00:08:490 (1,1,1,1,1) - new combo only in the first circle
00:20:678 (6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - i recommend you use the function "distance snap" to make a perfect stram
00:21:967 (6,7) - this distance is so ugly, try to make the same of the others distances of the stream
00:22:435 (10,1) - /\ same, this is so hard
maybe a circle in here sounds good 00:05:092 -

Yuki's Normal

Use bpm= 128,000 and offset= 1928
Maps Normal and Easy needs to get the same distance from one note to another, use the function "Distance Snap" if is finding hard make

in Easy, the same of i spoke in Yuki's Normal

Any doubt send me message in game
Nico nico niiii ~
Topic Starter

Tarrasky wrote:

random mod from #modreqs


00:03:099 (1) - you can stack this slider in the end of this 00:02:631 (7) - , sounds more fun to play, like this I've removed the second slider and added a note
00:08:490 (1,1,1,1,1) - new combo only in the first circle Done
00:20:678 (6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - i recommend you use the function "distance snap" to make a perfect stram
^ i'm thinking to edit all this stream ^^
00:21:967 (6,7) - this distance is so ugly, try to make the same of the others distances of the stream Fixed
00:22:435 (10,1) - /\ same, this is so hard i'll edit this too
maybe a circle in here sounds good 00:05:092 - Yep

Yuki's Normal

Use bpm= 128,000 and offset= 1928
Maps Normal and Easy needs to get the same distance from one note to another, use the function "Distance Snap" if is finding hard make

in Easy, the same of i spoke in Yuki's Normal

Any doubt send me message in game
Nico nico niiii ~
Thanks :3
Hey! random mod~ Hope i can help out.

[Yuki's Easy]
  1. An Easy Difficult requires a constant Distance Snap. Your snapping is changing all the time between 0,8 and 1,5~ Fix it pls.
    Parts: 00:01:928 (1,2) - 00:03:803 (1,2) - 00:05:209 (3,1) - 00:07:084 (3,1) - 00:08:490 (2,3) - 00:10:365 (5,1) - 00:10:834 (1,2) - 00:13:178 (4,1) - 00:13:646 (1,2) - 00:16:928 (1,2,3,1) - 00:19:740 (2,3,4,1) - 00:22:553 (3,4) - 00:23:021 (4,1) - 00:27:709 (3,1) -
    (I don't even know what your DS is so here is just every spacing of your map lol)
  2. 00:30:287 (1,1) - That circle after the spinner is unrankable. You have to do a break between the spinner and the circle in easy difficults. Would be better if you delete the circle and extend your Spinner until 00:31:459

  1. 00:08:724 (1,1) - The gap between Spinner and slider is to small. Make a bigger break or replace the slider~
  2. 00:30:287 (1,1) - same as in Yuki's Easy. Better delete the circle and extend your Spinner.
  3. I also don't understand your spacing at some points: Why are you going up to a distancesnap snap about 2? 00:05:443 (4,5) - 00:07:787 (3,1) - 00:11:303 (3,4) - 00:12:943 (2,3) - 00:14:349 (5,1) - 00:19:037 (5,1) - 00:20:443 (3,4) - 00:22:787 (3,1) - You're switching to much between your Snapping.

  1. Your streams doesn't feel right to me. I would check the distance between the circles of these streams: 00:01:928 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 00:03:803 (11,12,13,14,1) - 00:06:263 (10,1) - 00:08:842 (4,5) - 00:09:428 (1,2,3,4,5) - 00:11:303 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 00:16:928 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 00:21:820 - 00:23:021 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - 00:26:303 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Ewww, just improve your snaping~

[I n o r i's eXtra]
  1. 00:16:107 (5,6,7) - If you ask me, it's too hard to play~
  2. 00:31:107 (5,6,7) - same. maybe It's just me who thinks like that LOL

[Flobu's Extra]
  1. Map seems to be fine~ Maybe add something at 00:31:459 - but it's up to you.

All in one: Work on your distance snap. Anyway, it's a greate map. Hope I'm helpfull.
Topic Starter

Krimek wrote:

Hey! random mod~ Hope i can help out.

[Yuki's Easy]
  1. An Easy Difficult requires a constant Distance Snap. Your snapping is changing all the time between 0,8 and 1,5~ Fix it pls.
    Parts: 00:01:928 (1,2) - 00:03:803 (1,2) - 00:05:209 (3,1) - 00:07:084 (3,1) - 00:08:490 (2,3) - 00:10:365 (5,1) - 00:10:834 (1,2) - 00:13:178 (4,1) - 00:13:646 (1,2) - 00:16:928 (1,2,3,1) - 00:19:740 (2,3,4,1) - 00:22:553 (3,4) - 00:23:021 (4,1) - 00:27:709 (3,1) -
    (I don't even know what your DS is so here is just every spacing of your map lol)
  2. 00:30:287 (1,1) - That circle after the spinner is unrankable. You have to do a break between the spinner and the circle in easy difficults. Would be better if you delete the circle and extend your Spinner until 00:31:459

  1. 00:08:724 (1,1) - The gap between Spinner and slider is to small. Make a bigger break or replace the slider~
  2. 00:30:287 (1,1) - same as in Yuki's Easy. Better delete the circle and extend your Spinner.
  3. I also don't understand your spacing at some points: Why are you going up to a distancesnap snap about 2? 00:05:443 (4,5) - 00:07:787 (3,1) - 00:11:303 (3,4) - 00:12:943 (2,3) - 00:14:349 (5,1) - 00:19:037 (5,1) - 00:20:443 (3,4) - 00:22:787 (3,1) - You're switching to much between your Snapping.

  1. Your streams doesn't feel right to me. I would check the distance between the circles of these streams: 00:01:928 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 00:03:803 (11,12,13,14,1) - 00:06:263 (10,1) - 00:08:842 (4,5) - 00:09:428 (1,2,3,4,5) - 00:11:303 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 00:16:928 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 00:21:820 - 00:23:021 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - 00:26:303 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Ewww, just improve your snaping~

All in one: Work on your distance snap. Anyway, it's a greate map. Hope I'm helpfull.
Thank you! Hope i've fixed everything :)
Posso fare una difficoltà di taiko? Preferirei fare una Muzu. u^u
Topic Starter

Riyukii wrote:

Posso fare una difficoltà di taiko? Preferirei fare una Muzu. u^u
Per ora ho intenzione di tenere solo difficoltà Standard.
Grazie comunque! :3
That song is killing my ears in love style. Nico Nico Niii.

Yuki's Easy
I can't hear any hitsounds beside the normals.
I think hitsounds are needed.
At 00:14:584 (2) - it would be nice for the newbies to flip it like this
I think CS=2,5 ; AR= 3 or 2,5 ; OD=2 or 3 and HP=3,5 would be better.

There are more hitsounds needed, I think it's not enugh if just the if the doubles (they aren't really doubles but you know which I mean) are hitsounded.
Don't know about you but I think you should also flip this 00:29:584 (5) - like this
CS=3 ; OD=4 would be the best.

Also there are hitsounds needed.
Maybe rotate 00:29:467 (1) - like this

I n o r i's Extra
00:22:084 (5) - I hope this was a joke and will be changed to a normal slider.
00:31:459 (7) - I think this isn't necessary, could be a normal circle.

Flobu's Extra
00:31:342 (2) - Maybe add a finish into this?

I think a good kiai time part would be 00:01:928 - 00:09:428 -

Sorry if there are stupid mistakes, it was my first mod. :3
If you have questions about this mod just go on and ask me in-game or here.
Good Luck and Nico Nico Nii~
Topic Starter

Shiguri wrote:

That song is killing my ears in love style. Nico Nico Niii.

Yuki's Easy
I can't hear any hitsounds beside the normals.
I think hitsounds are needed.
At 00:14:584 (2) - it would be nice for the newbies to flip it like this
I think CS=2,5 ; AR= 3 or 2,5 ; OD=2 or 3 and HP=3,5 would be better.

There are more hitsounds needed, I think it's not enugh if just the if the doubles (they aren't really doubles but you know which I mean) are hitsounded.
Don't know about you but I think you should also flip this 00:29:584 (5) - like this
CS=3 ; OD=4 would be the best.

Also there are hitsounds needed.
Maybe rotate 00:29:467 (1) - like this

I n o r i's Extra
00:22:084 (5) - I hope this was a joke and will be changed to a normal slider.
00:31:459 (7) - I think this isn't necessary, could be a normal circle.

Flobu's Extra
00:31:342 (2) - Maybe add a finish into this?

I think a good kiai time part would be 00:01:928 - 00:09:428 -

Sorry if there are stupid mistakes, it was my first mod. :3
If you have questions about this mod just go on and ask me in-game or here.
Good Luck and Nico Nico Nii~

Thanks for the mod! Updated ^^
(I will reupdate if i'll add kiai time or hitsounds)
No changes for me :P thanks for the mods

for rio: 00:07:084 (5) - 00:22:084 (5) - in inori's extra unrankable

IRio97 wrote:

Riyukii wrote:

Posso fare una difficoltà di taiko? Preferirei fare una Muzu. u^u
Per ora ho intenzione di tenere solo difficoltà Standard.
Grazie comunque! :3
Buona fortuna~ ^^
  1. Il bitrate della musica è troppo alto, prova a comprimerlo a CBR 192kbit.
  2. Dovresti fare anche una difficoltà Hard, ma questo è solo un mio consiglio, fai come vuoi.
  1. L'oggetto a 00:04:974(2) prova a sistemarlo a 00:04:623(1) .
  2. L'oggetto a 00:05:209(3) spostalo a 00:05:092(2).
  3. A 00:07:201(1) prova ad aggiungere un cerchio.
  1. Ad 00:03:099(8) sposta l'oggetto a 00:03:217.
  2. L'oggetto a 00:07:787(4) spostalo a 00:07:670.
  3. 00:28:646(4) anche questo spostalo a 00:28:763(4)
[I n o r i's Extra]
  1. 00:05:209(5) spostalo a 00:05:092(4)
  2. 00:08:607(5) è troppo vicino all'oggetto precedente, spostalo fino a 00:08:842(5).
  3. 00:14:584(4) spostalo a 00:14:467(4)
Spero di averti aiutato.
Topic Starter

FlobuFlobs wrote:

No changes for me :P thanks for the mods

for rio: 00:07:084 (5) - 00:22:084 (5) - in inori's extra unrankable
Fixed :P
2015-01-03 16:25 IRio97: Hi ^^
2015-01-03 16:25 Avishay: hey
2015-01-03 16:25 IRio97: Can i ask you for a mod? ^^
2015-01-03 16:25 IRio97: ACTION is listening to [ Nico Nico Douga - Nico-Nii]
2015-01-03 16:26 IRio97: 31 seconds
2015-01-03 16:26 IRio97: :3
2015-01-03 16:26 Avishay: sure
2015-01-03 16:26 Avishay: no problems with IRC mod right?
2015-01-03 16:26 IRio97: no problem
2015-01-03 16:26 Avishay: ACTION is editing [ Nico Nico Douga - Nico-Nii [Insane]]
2015-01-03 16:27 Avishay: 00:02:631 (7) - why does this slider have 4 points? 3 are enough to make it look nice and curvy
2015-01-03 16:27 IRio97: ok
2015-01-03 16:27 Avishay: 00:01:928 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - the stream is not flowing well, it gets broken a bit around 6/7
2015-01-03 16:27 IRio97: done
2015-01-03 16:28 Avishay: just follow the DS on that stream
2015-01-03 16:28 Avishay: to make it look better
2015-01-03 16:29 Avishay: It is like that on the other streams such as 00:03:803 (11,12,13,14,1) - and 00:05:678 (5,6,7,8,9,10,1) -
2015-01-03 16:29 Avishay: use one distance snap to make it look nicer and more flowy
2015-01-03 16:30 Avishay: 00:06:849 (2,3) - either stack them or make the distance between them bigger, since there's 2/4 beat space between them
2015-01-03 16:30 Avishay: also if you'd still like to keep this pattern, move 2 a bit more higher, since the way it goes into 3 now is uly
2015-01-03 16:30 Avishay: ugly*
2015-01-03 16:31 IRio97: ok
2015-01-03 16:31 Avishay: 00:08:490 (1,2,3,4,5) - again, use DS to make the stream nicer
2015-01-03 16:31 Avishay: I won't note this anymore, just go over all of the streams ^
2015-01-03 16:32 IRio97: how can i use it
2015-01-03 16:32 IRio97: ?
2015-01-03 16:32 IRio97: the ds
2015-01-03 16:32 IRio97: on streams
2015-01-03 16:32 Avishay: hold ALT
2015-01-03 16:32 Avishay: and move the circle
2015-01-03 16:32 Avishay: use the mouse wheel to change the DS value
2015-01-03 16:32 Avishay: from 0.1 to 2.0
2015-01-03 16:33 Avishay: 00:12:709 (8,9) - either make 9 a slider like 8 as well, or make 8 a circle, just for consistency with the beat
2015-01-03 16:33 Avishay: 00:13:412 (3,4,5) - the DS here is horrible
2015-01-03 16:33 Avishay: 0,9 to 2.17
2015-01-03 16:33 Avishay: you can see the DS values in top right after pressing on a circle
2015-01-03 16:34 Avishay: it is colored yellow
2015-01-03 16:34 IRio97: yes, i noticed it
2015-01-03 16:34 Avishay: 00:15:287 (1) - Sure you don't want to map that? It sounds really cool
2015-01-03 16:35 Avishay: 00:23:724 (15,16) - no one would even guess it is still a stream, DS
2015-01-03 16:35 Avishay: Overall
2015-01-03 16:35 Avishay: you need to use DS on almost the whole diff
2015-01-03 16:35 Avishay: it will make it look nicer and play better
2015-01-03 16:35 IRio97: yeah
2015-01-03 16:35 IRio97: ty!
2015-01-04 12:53 IRio97: Hey
2015-01-04 12:53 IRio97: Post your irc mod on forum if you want ^^
2015-01-04 12:53 IRio97: for kudosu

Small IRC mod.
Topic Starter

Avishay wrote:

2015-01-03 16:25 IRio97: Hi ^^
2015-01-03 16:25 Avishay: hey
2015-01-03 16:25 IRio97: Can i ask you for a mod? ^^
2015-01-03 16:25 IRio97: ACTION is listening to [ Nico Nico Douga - Nico-Nii]
2015-01-03 16:26 IRio97: 31 seconds
2015-01-03 16:26 IRio97: :3
2015-01-03 16:26 Avishay: sure
2015-01-03 16:26 Avishay: no problems with IRC mod right?
2015-01-03 16:26 IRio97: no problem
2015-01-03 16:26 Avishay: ACTION is editing [ Nico Nico Douga - Nico-Nii [Insane]]
2015-01-03 16:27 Avishay: 00:02:631 (7) - why does this slider have 4 points? 3 are enough to make it look nice and curvy
2015-01-03 16:27 IRio97: ok
2015-01-03 16:27 Avishay: 00:01:928 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - the stream is not flowing well, it gets broken a bit around 6/7
2015-01-03 16:27 IRio97: done
2015-01-03 16:28 Avishay: just follow the DS on that stream
2015-01-03 16:28 Avishay: to make it look better
2015-01-03 16:29 Avishay: It is like that on the other streams such as 00:03:803 (11,12,13,14,1) - and 00:05:678 (5,6,7,8,9,10,1) -
2015-01-03 16:29 Avishay: use one distance snap to make it look nicer and more flowy
2015-01-03 16:30 Avishay: 00:06:849 (2,3) - either stack them or make the distance between them bigger, since there's 2/4 beat space between them
2015-01-03 16:30 Avishay: also if you'd still like to keep this pattern, move 2 a bit more higher, since the way it goes into 3 now is uly
2015-01-03 16:30 Avishay: ugly*
2015-01-03 16:31 IRio97: ok
2015-01-03 16:31 Avishay: 00:08:490 (1,2,3,4,5) - again, use DS to make the stream nicer
2015-01-03 16:31 Avishay: I won't note this anymore, just go over all of the streams ^
2015-01-03 16:32 IRio97: how can i use it
2015-01-03 16:32 IRio97: ?
2015-01-03 16:32 IRio97: the ds
2015-01-03 16:32 IRio97: on streams
2015-01-03 16:32 Avishay: hold ALT
2015-01-03 16:32 Avishay: and move the circle
2015-01-03 16:32 Avishay: use the mouse wheel to change the DS value
2015-01-03 16:32 Avishay: from 0.1 to 2.0
2015-01-03 16:33 Avishay: 00:12:709 (8,9) - either make 9 a slider like 8 as well, or make 8 a circle, just for consistency with the beat
2015-01-03 16:33 Avishay: 00:13:412 (3,4,5) - the DS here is horrible
2015-01-03 16:33 Avishay: 0,9 to 2.17
2015-01-03 16:33 Avishay: you can see the DS values in top right after pressing on a circle
2015-01-03 16:34 Avishay: it is colored yellow
2015-01-03 16:34 IRio97: yes, i noticed it
2015-01-03 16:34 Avishay: 00:15:287 (1) - Sure you don't want to map that? It sounds really cool
2015-01-03 16:35 Avishay: 00:23:724 (15,16) - no one would even guess it is still a stream, DS
2015-01-03 16:35 Avishay: Overall
2015-01-03 16:35 Avishay: you need to use DS on almost the whole diff
2015-01-03 16:35 Avishay: it will make it look nicer and play better
2015-01-03 16:35 IRio97: yeah
2015-01-03 16:35 IRio97: ty!
2015-01-04 12:53 IRio97: Hey
2015-01-04 12:53 IRio97: Post your irc mod on forum if you want ^^
2015-01-04 12:53 IRio97: for kudosu

Small IRC mod.
Thank you ^^
Normal Modding.

00:28:178 (4) - Add NC.

Easy and Normal is not readied for a rank. If you click an object, you will see the yellow letters at the right of the "Insert Breaktime" button. Easy and Normal should keep the distance value consistently.

00:12:474 (7) - (128,156) for spacing.
00:15:990 (2,3,5,6) - Make the rhythm this way to fit the music.

00:21:967 (4,5) - This spacing change is hard to read.

[Inori's eXtra]
00:31:107 (5) - Remove clap at the end.
Interesting shapes.

[Hard] should be added for the difficulty name spread.
Topic Starter

Sonnyc wrote:

Normal Modding.

00:28:178 (4) - Add NC.

Easy and Normal is not readied for a rank. If you click an object, you will see the yellow letters at the right of the "Insert Breaktime" button. Easy and Normal should keep the distance value consistently.

00:12:474 (7) - (128,156) for spacing.
00:15:990 (2,3,5,6) - Make the rhythm this way to fit the music.

00:21:967 (4,5) - This spacing change is hard to read.

[Inori's eXtra]
00:31:107 (5) - Remove clap at the end.
Interesting shapes.

[Hard] should be added for the difficulty name spread.
Updated and added [Hard] diff ^^
- I n o r i

Sonnyc wrote:

[Inori's eXtra]
00:31:107 (5) - Remove clap at the end.
Interesting shapes.
I'm glad you like them :3
change bitrate to 192kbps
warning: offset will be changed


00:03:217 - try add circle here


00:16:459 - try add circle here
00:16:928 (1) - 2 back arrows 00:17:396 - and here a new circle


edit: change OD to 2 or 3

00:30:053 (4) - retire circle and change spinner to start here

good luck
Hi! Came from #modreqs

I'll mod just easy, normal and hard

00:08:490 - maybe move preview point here
and take "Nico Nico Douga" off from tags, no need to repeat artist

Yuki's Easy
Why spam claps whole map?! It's not so bad but just wondering.
00:01:928 (1,2,3,1) - maybe too much overlap, I suggest to move 00:03:803 (1) - first point at x252 y144 and second point x368 y176
00:04:740 (2,3) - If you accepted ^, then move these to x448 y88
00:07:553 (4) - NC
00:13:178 (4) - NC
00:13:646 (1) - remove NC
00:30:053 (4) - why not remove this and make 00:30:287 (1) - spinner start at 00:30:053 -

00:05:678 (5) - why overlap? make maybe like this
00:09:896 (1) - unnecessary NC
00:11:771 (4) - NC
00:13:178 (3) - NC
00:18:803 (4) - NC
00:19:271 (1) - remove NC
00:20:678 (6) - NC
00:22:553 (2) - NC
00:23:021 (1) - remove NC
00:24:428 (5) - NC
00:25:365 (1) - remove NC
00:26:303 (3) - NC
00:28:178 (3) - NC
Here also clap spam :p

00:12:240 (6) - If this is blanket, check its distant
00:18:568 (4) - move to x344 y76
00:18:803 (5) - move to x276 y60
00:25:365 (3,4) - overlaps: move 3rd circle to x260 y304, 4th circle to x192 y312, 5th circle to x140 y264
00:26:068 (6,1) - to x100 y208
00:27:006 (2,3) - stack with 00:25:599 (4,5) -

good luck with map.
Topic Starter

Firewest wrote:

change bitrate to 192kbps
warning: offset will be changed


00:03:217 - try add circle here


00:16:459 - try add circle here
00:16:928 (1) - 2 back arrows 00:17:396 - and here a new circle


edit: change OD to 2 or 3

00:30:053 (4) - retire circle and change spinner to start here

good luck

smsh150 wrote:

Hi! Came from #modreqs

I'll mod just easy, normal and hard

00:08:490 - maybe move preview point here
and take "Nico Nico Douga" off from tags, no need to repeat artist

Yuki's Easy
Why spam claps whole map?! It's not so bad but just wondering.
00:01:928 (1,2,3,1) - maybe too much overlap, I suggest to move 00:03:803 (1) - first point at x252 y144 and second point x368 y176
00:04:740 (2,3) - If you accepted ^, then move these to x448 y88
00:07:553 (4) - NC
00:13:178 (4) - NC
00:13:646 (1) - remove NC
00:30:053 (4) - why not remove this and make 00:30:287 (1) - spinner start at 00:30:053 -

00:05:678 (5) - why overlap? make maybe like this
00:09:896 (1) - unnecessary NC
00:11:771 (4) - NC
00:13:178 (3) - NC
00:18:803 (4) - NC
00:19:271 (1) - remove NC
00:20:678 (6) - NC
00:22:553 (2) - NC
00:23:021 (1) - remove NC
00:24:428 (5) - NC
00:25:365 (1) - remove NC
00:26:303 (3) - NC
00:28:178 (3) - NC
Here also clap spam :p

00:12:240 (6) - If this is blanket, check its distant
00:18:568 (4) - move to x344 y76
00:18:803 (5) - move to x276 y60
00:25:365 (3,4) - overlaps: move 3rd circle to x260 y304, 4th circle to x192 y312, 5th circle to x140 y264
00:26:068 (6,1) - to x100 y208
00:27:006 (2,3) - stack with 00:25:599 (4,5) -

good luck with map.

Done! Thank you ^^
Hi Rio!
From #modreqs.
Errhm, well, it's not a "mod" just some little tips.

Well well, the mp3 has a bad bitrate.

If you noticed it, the bitrate is VBR+ (255,0 Kbps average).
Just don't worry, now I'll give you the 192Kbps one.



If you don't know how to insert the new mp3, just do this:

1) Download the MP3 (right click on the PAUSE and select Save video as... like this) and substitute the old with the new.
2) Now, in the .OSU files, set this:
AudioFilename: Nico-Nii.mp3

[Yuki's Easy]

Please don't set CS3 in Easy diffs. Try to change CS2/2,5?

00:15:287 - This part can't be empty. Set a break or insert a spin maybe.


HP4, please.

Don't do united parts like 00:03:803 (3,4,1,2,3,4,5) -. It's a little bit, uuh, annoying.
00:08:490 (1) - Delete this spinner. And do something else.


SV1,55/1,60 is better maybe?


00:30:053 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Delete this and do a spinner ;_;

And OD6 is better.

[I n o r i's eXtra]

Mhh, I like it, but with CS5 and SV2 is a little bit difficult. Try to change the CS to 4,5/4,7! :)

[Flobu's Extra]

Just add a slider with slow velocity in 00:16:459 - and set CS to 4,5/4,7.


Good luck!
Topic Starter

Kamanezu wrote:

Hi Rio!
From #modreqs.
Errhm, well, it's not a "mod" just some little tips.

Well well, the mp3 has a bad bitrate.

If you noticed it, the bitrate is VBR+ (255,0 Kbps average).
Just don't worry, now I'll give you the 192Kbps one.



If you don't know how to insert the new mp3, just do this:

1) Download the MP3 (right click on the PAUSE and select Save video as... like this) and substitute the old with the new.
2) Now, in the .OSU files, set this:
AudioFilename: Nico-Nii.mp3

[Yuki's Easy]

Please don't set CS3 in Easy diffs. Try to change CS2/2,5?

00:15:287 - This part can't be empty. Set a break or insert a spin maybe.


HP4, please.

Don't do united parts like 00:03:803 (3,4,1,2,3,4,5) -. It's a little bit, uuh, annoying.
00:08:490 (1) - Delete this spinner. And do something else.


SV1,55/1,60 is better maybe?


00:30:053 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Delete this and do a spinner ;_;

And OD6 is better.

[I n o r i's eXtra]

Mhh, I like it, but with CS5 and SV2 is a little bit difficult. Try to change the CS to 4,5/4,7! :)

[Flobu's Extra]

Just add a slider with slow velocity in 00:16:459 - and set CS to 4,5/4,7.


Good luck!
Thank you! ^^
Did some irc :3

21:14 IRio97: Hi ^^
21:14 Rakuen: hey
21:16 IRio97: I asked you for a mod yesterday
21:16 IRio97: Do you remember (?)
21:16 Rakuen: i dint receive??
21:17 IRio97: uhm
21:18 IRio97: then you "escaped"
21:18 IRio97: and you was supposed to come back 2 hours later
21:18 IRio97: Nico nico nii (map)
21:18 IRio97: <_<
21:22 *IRio97 is listening to [ Nico Nico Douga - Nico-Nii]
21:22 IRio97: This is the map i sent to you
21:22 Rakuen: huh?
21:22 Rakuen: did you? :3
21:22 Rakuen: sry i dont remember
21:22 Rakuen: could send me forum pm next time
21:24 IRio97: no problem :3
21:24 IRio97: of course xD
21:24 IRio97: Ok ^^
21:26 IRio97: will you send a msg on the forum or irc?
21:27 Rakuen: i think forum
21:27 Rakuen: and i need time to mod
21:27 Rakuen: i still have other requests
21:28 IRio97: you was going to do it yesterday ç_ç
21:28 IRio97: np
21:28 IRio97: I will wait
21:29 Rakuen: i can do irc tho
21:29 Rakuen: i'll call you in an hour ltr?
21:29 Rakuen: cuz i need to eat dinner and upload gd
21:29 IRio97: Ok, thank you ^^
23:02 Rakuen: :3
23:06 Rakuen: .
23:08 Rakuen: :3
23:08 IRio97: Hi
23:08 Rakuen: irc?
23:08 IRio97: I upaded the beatmap ^^
23:08 IRio97: Yes
23:09 IRio97: Later post on the forum
23:09 IRio97: Just a minute
23:09 Rakuen: k
23:10 IRio97: Ok
23:10 IRio97: Let's start
23:10 Rakuen: downloading
23:11 Rakuen: a sec
23:11 IRio97: ok!
23:14 Rakuen: so um just your diffs
23:14 Rakuen: or gds too?
23:14 IRio97: Let's do everything
23:14 IRio97: then when you post of forum
23:14 IRio97: they will read
23:15 IRio97: *on
23:15 Rakuen: k
23:15 Rakuen: so i'll do irc here for your diffs
23:15 Rakuen: and post forum on their diffs
23:15 Rakuen: is that ok? :33
23:15 Rakuen: then i'll post the log too
23:15 IRio97: Ok! ^^
23:15 IRio97: yep
23:15 Rakuen: lets start with normal
23:15 *Rakuen is editing [ Nico Nico Douga - Nico-Nii [Normal]]
23:16 Rakuen: 00:03:803 (3) - the DS have to be same with others, use 1.0x
23:16 Rakuen: or you can try to move 00:01:928 (1,2) - to make (3) 1.0x DS
23:16 Rakuen: 00:06:615 (1) - Try not to overlap with 00:04:740 (2,3,4,5) -
23:17 Rakuen: Makes complicated reading when it conflicts the lighting
23:17 Rakuen: same as 00:08:021 (1) -
23:17 Rakuen: 00:08:959 (1) - Spinner too short for Normal, can't be rankable
23:18 Rakuen: Normall it needs 4000-6000 extra points for Auto to spin
23:18 Rakuen: and after spinner you need 500ms (0.5 second) or 2 beat spacing time
23:18 Rakuen: for next note
23:18 IRio97: ok
23:19 IRio97: um
23:19 IRio97: 00:06:615 (1) -
23:19 IRio97: if i move this
23:19 IRio97: DS will change
23:19 IRio97: is it a problem?
23:19 Rakuen: try to remain 1.0x DS
23:19 Rakuen: use the Distance snap function
23:20 Rakuen: 00:15:287 (1) - Need more ready time for 00:16:928 (1) -
23:21 Rakuen: 00:21:615 (1) - Remove NC
23:21 Rakuen: 00:27:709 (1) - Like this NC is not needed too
23:21 Rakuen: stick all the NC on "heavy downbeat"
23:21 Rakuen: big white ticks
23:22 IRio97: Ok
23:22 IRio97: 00:06:615 (1) -
23:22 IRio97: I don't know where to move them
23:22 IRio97: DS..
23:22 IRio97: ,_,
23:24 Rakuen: maybe this?
23:25 Rakuen: tell me when u done, i'll go hard diff
23:28 IRio97: i've done this
23:28 IRio97:
23:28 Rakuen: k
23:29 IRio97: Ok
23:29 IRio97: Done
23:29 *Rakuen is editing [ Nico Nico Douga - Nico-Nii [Hard]]
23:29 Rakuen: 00:01:928 (1,2,3) - Spacing is a bit messy here :3
23:30 Rakuen: make DS of 00:02:279 (2) - balance between 2 notes
23:30 Rakuen: 00:02:865 (4) - This one looks too close, might wanna use more DS to make it easier to read
23:30 Rakuen: 00:04:974 (4,5,6) - hard to read the jump
23:31 Rakuen: it confuses player 00:05:443 (5) - is 1/4
23:31 Rakuen: The spacing here too 00:08:490 (3,4,1) -
23:31 Rakuen: when you map more you'll understand :3
23:32 Rakuen: 00:16:459 (8) - stack perfectly on 00:16:107 (7) -
23:32 Rakuen: :3
23:32 IRio97: Crash
23:32 IRio97: Sorry
23:32 Rakuen: k
23:32 Rakuen:
23:33 Rakuen: 00:16:928 (1,2) - hard to predict the jump too 0.0
23:33 Rakuen: it looks insane
23:35 IRio97: mmh
23:36 IRio97: ok
23:36 Rakuen: done for hard? :3
23:36 IRio97: i've moved it
23:36 IRio97: anything else?
23:36 IRio97: :3
23:37 Rakuen: nope
23:37 IRio97: Ok
23:37 Rakuen: Insane is quite ok :3
23:37 Rakuen: but imo might need more experience in mapping orz
23:37 Rakuen: i know you're good player
23:38 IRio97: i'm trying
23:39 Rakuen: it's ok, take your time :3
23:39 IRio97: ah
23:39 Rakuen: i'll mod other diffs and post at forum
23:39 IRio97: If there's something to mod on the easy diff
23:39 IRio97: write it here
23:39 Rakuen: k
23:40 IRio97: Yuki is my girlfriend xD
23:40 Rakuen: owo
23:40 *Rakuen is editing [ Nico Nico Douga - Nico-Nii [Yuki's Easy]]
23:43 Rakuen: 00:01:928 (1,2,3) - a bit bad flow hmm
23:43 Rakuen: like umm
23:44 Rakuen: try this?
23:45 Rakuen: 00:15:287 (1) - Spinner need more ready time, for Easy diff need 1000ms (1 second) or 4 beat
23:45 IRio97: 1 note and 2 sliders?
23:45 Rakuen: no, slider + 2 circle
23:45 Rakuen: just different direction
23:45 Rakuen: others are ok
23:46 IRio97: spinner
23:46 IRio97: 00:15:521 (1) - to 00:15:521 (1) -
23:46 IRio97: is too short?^
23:46 Rakuen: no
23:46 Rakuen: the ready time
23:46 Rakuen: for 00:16:928 (1) -
23:46 Rakuen: like u need 1 second blank
23:47 IRio97: ah
23:47 Rakuen: or try to map something, remove spinner :3
23:47 Rakuen: cant help, it's ranking criteria :c
23:47 IRio97: No problem
23:48 IRio97: I'm tryiiiing!
23:48 IRio97: xD
23:48 Rakuen: ok :3
23:48 Rakuen: i'll post the log then?
23:50 IRio97: yep
23:50 IRio97: Ok
23:50 IRio97: Done :3
23:50 IRio97:
23:50 IRio97: is it good?
23:50 Rakuen: yea, it's cool
23:50 Rakuen: :3
23:51 IRio97: Inori (inori's extra)
23:51 IRio97: is online
23:51 IRio97: If you want
23:51 IRio97: we can mod it too here
23:51 IRio97: :3
23:53 Rakuen: hmm, nah :3
23:53 Rakuen: i'll skip the 2 other diffs
23:53 IRio97: Ok :3
Topic Starter

Rakuen wrote:

Did some irc :3

21:14 IRio97: Hi ^^
21:14 Rakuen: hey
21:16 IRio97: I asked you for a mod yesterday
21:16 IRio97: Do you remember (?)
21:16 Rakuen: i dint receive??
21:17 IRio97: uhm
21:18 IRio97: then you "escaped"
21:18 IRio97: and you was supposed to come back 2 hours later
21:18 IRio97: Nico nico nii (map)
21:18 IRio97: <_<
21:22 *IRio97 is listening to [ Nico Nico Douga - Nico-Nii]
21:22 IRio97: This is the map i sent to you
21:22 Rakuen: huh?
21:22 Rakuen: did you? :3
21:22 Rakuen: sry i dont remember
21:22 Rakuen: could send me forum pm next time
21:24 IRio97: no problem :3
21:24 IRio97: of course xD
21:24 IRio97: Ok ^^
21:26 IRio97: will you send a msg on the forum or irc?
21:27 Rakuen: i think forum
21:27 Rakuen: and i need time to mod
21:27 Rakuen: i still have other requests
21:28 IRio97: you was going to do it yesterday ç_ç
21:28 IRio97: np
21:28 IRio97: I will wait
21:29 Rakuen: i can do irc tho
21:29 Rakuen: i'll call you in an hour ltr?
21:29 Rakuen: cuz i need to eat dinner and upload gd
21:29 IRio97: Ok, thank you ^^
23:02 Rakuen: :3
23:06 Rakuen: .
23:08 Rakuen: :3
23:08 IRio97: Hi
23:08 Rakuen: irc?
23:08 IRio97: I upaded the beatmap ^^
23:08 IRio97: Yes
23:09 IRio97: Later post on the forum
23:09 IRio97: Just a minute
23:09 Rakuen: k
23:10 IRio97: Ok
23:10 IRio97: Let's start
23:10 Rakuen: downloading
23:11 Rakuen: a sec
23:11 IRio97: ok!
23:14 Rakuen: so um just your diffs
23:14 Rakuen: or gds too?
23:14 IRio97: Let's do everything
23:14 IRio97: then when you post of forum
23:14 IRio97: they will read
23:15 IRio97: *on
23:15 Rakuen: k
23:15 Rakuen: so i'll do irc here for your diffs
23:15 Rakuen: and post forum on their diffs
23:15 Rakuen: is that ok? :33
23:15 Rakuen: then i'll post the log too
23:15 IRio97: Ok! ^^
23:15 IRio97: yep
23:15 Rakuen: lets start with normal
23:15 *Rakuen is editing [ Nico Nico Douga - Nico-Nii [Normal]]
23:16 Rakuen: 00:03:803 (3) - the DS have to be same with others, use 1.0x
23:16 Rakuen: or you can try to move 00:01:928 (1,2) - to make (3) 1.0x DS
23:16 Rakuen: 00:06:615 (1) - Try not to overlap with 00:04:740 (2,3,4,5) -
23:17 Rakuen: Makes complicated reading when it conflicts the lighting
23:17 Rakuen: same as 00:08:021 (1) -
23:17 Rakuen: 00:08:959 (1) - Spinner too short for Normal, can't be rankable
23:18 Rakuen: Normall it needs 4000-6000 extra points for Auto to spin
23:18 Rakuen: and after spinner you need 500ms (0.5 second) or 2 beat spacing time
23:18 Rakuen: for next note
23:18 IRio97: ok
23:19 IRio97: um
23:19 IRio97: 00:06:615 (1) -
23:19 IRio97: if i move this
23:19 IRio97: DS will change
23:19 IRio97: is it a problem?
23:19 Rakuen: try to remain 1.0x DS
23:19 Rakuen: use the Distance snap function
23:20 Rakuen: 00:15:287 (1) - Need more ready time for 00:16:928 (1) -
23:21 Rakuen: 00:21:615 (1) - Remove NC
23:21 Rakuen: 00:27:709 (1) - Like this NC is not needed too
23:21 Rakuen: stick all the NC on "heavy downbeat"
23:21 Rakuen: big white ticks
23:22 IRio97: Ok
23:22 IRio97: 00:06:615 (1) -
23:22 IRio97: I don't know where to move them
23:22 IRio97: DS..
23:22 IRio97: ,_,
23:24 Rakuen: maybe this?
23:25 Rakuen: tell me when u done, i'll go hard diff
23:28 IRio97: i've done this
23:28 IRio97:
23:28 Rakuen: k
23:29 IRio97: Ok
23:29 IRio97: Done
23:29 *Rakuen is editing [ Nico Nico Douga - Nico-Nii [Hard]]
23:29 Rakuen: 00:01:928 (1,2,3) - Spacing is a bit messy here :3
23:30 Rakuen: make DS of 00:02:279 (2) - balance between 2 notes
23:30 Rakuen: 00:02:865 (4) - This one looks too close, might wanna use more DS to make it easier to read
23:30 Rakuen: 00:04:974 (4,5,6) - hard to read the jump
23:31 Rakuen: it confuses player 00:05:443 (5) - is 1/4
23:31 Rakuen: The spacing here too 00:08:490 (3,4,1) -
23:31 Rakuen: when you map more you'll understand :3
23:32 Rakuen: 00:16:459 (8) - stack perfectly on 00:16:107 (7) -
23:32 Rakuen: :3
23:32 IRio97: Crash
23:32 IRio97: Sorry
23:32 Rakuen: k
23:32 Rakuen:
23:33 Rakuen: 00:16:928 (1,2) - hard to predict the jump too 0.0
23:33 Rakuen: it looks insane
23:35 IRio97: mmh
23:36 IRio97: ok
23:36 Rakuen: done for hard? :3
23:36 IRio97: i've moved it
23:36 IRio97: anything else?
23:36 IRio97: :3
23:37 Rakuen: nope
23:37 IRio97: Ok
23:37 Rakuen: Insane is quite ok :3
23:37 Rakuen: but imo might need more experience in mapping orz
23:37 Rakuen: i know you're good player
23:38 IRio97: i'm trying
23:39 Rakuen: it's ok, take your time :3
23:39 IRio97: ah
23:39 Rakuen: i'll mod other diffs and post at forum
23:39 IRio97: If there's something to mod on the easy diff
23:39 IRio97: write it here
23:39 Rakuen: k
23:40 IRio97: Yuki is my girlfriend xD
23:40 Rakuen: owo
23:40 *Rakuen is editing [ Nico Nico Douga - Nico-Nii [Yuki's Easy]]
23:43 Rakuen: 00:01:928 (1,2,3) - a bit bad flow hmm
23:43 Rakuen: like umm
23:44 Rakuen: try this?
23:45 Rakuen: 00:15:287 (1) - Spinner need more ready time, for Easy diff need 1000ms (1 second) or 4 beat
23:45 IRio97: 1 note and 2 sliders?
23:45 Rakuen: no, slider + 2 circle
23:45 Rakuen: just different direction
23:45 Rakuen: others are ok
23:46 IRio97: spinner
23:46 IRio97: 00:15:521 (1) - to 00:15:521 (1) -
23:46 IRio97: is too short?^
23:46 Rakuen: no
23:46 Rakuen: the ready time
23:46 Rakuen: for 00:16:928 (1) -
23:46 Rakuen: like u need 1 second blank
23:47 IRio97: ah
23:47 Rakuen: or try to map something, remove spinner :3
23:47 Rakuen: cant help, it's ranking criteria :c
23:47 IRio97: No problem
23:48 IRio97: I'm tryiiiing!
23:48 IRio97: xD
23:48 Rakuen: ok :3
23:48 Rakuen: i'll post the log then?
23:50 IRio97: yep
23:50 IRio97: Ok
23:50 IRio97: Done :3
23:50 IRio97:
23:50 IRio97: is it good?
23:50 Rakuen: yea, it's cool
23:50 Rakuen: :3
23:51 IRio97: Inori (inori's extra)
23:51 IRio97: is online
23:51 IRio97: If you want
23:51 IRio97: we can mod it too here
23:51 IRio97: :3
23:53 Rakuen: hmm, nah :3
23:53 Rakuen: i'll skip the 2 other diffs
23:53 IRio97: Ok :3
Thank you Rakuen :) :)
what yuki's easy, i havent realize i had made that map.

hi, from your request, in fact it's not a complete mod ( i dont like nico, seriously )
but i want to say something to mention you here.

(1)about the metadata
"Nico Nico Douga" cant be an artist name, it's just a website
also the source cant be "Nico Nico Douga" too, you should add it in tags.
The artist should be the uploader of the video.
also you should add some tags like "love live" blabla to make other players easier to get this map.

(2)about drain time
it starts from 00:01:928 - and ends at 00:31:342 - , well 29.414s drain time < 30s.
in I n o r i's eXtra, it ends at 00:31:693 - , well 29.765s <30s

Ranking Criteria wrote:

The minimum draining (play) time for a map is 30 seconds (but the recommended minimum is 45 seconds). If your map is shorter than that, then try looping the song with an audio editing program. This is so each map gives a high enough score, and also so people do not try and cut songs too short for no reason, thus stopping people from enjoying the song fully.
you should ask some qats about the rankability of the map.

in I n o r i's eXtra there are too many unreasonable sliders and sv change.
00:02:865 (1,2) - what's this
00:08:959 (6) - using tick sliders at a lasting vocal is unreasonable
00:10:365 (5,6,7) - hey that sv change
00:16:107 (5,6,7) - at least you should nc that 7
00:31:107 (5,6,7) - ^

Flobu's Extra is much better, i quite perfer your style.

in Insane diff there are too many overmapped streams.
00:05:678 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - 00:01:928 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - blablablabla
also the placement of the note are too crowd. most of the notes are placed in the centre area, why not try to put it away from the centre, making full use of the edit area?

the distance between notes in hard are too random.
sometimes 00:08:490 (3,4) - , sometimes 00:24:428 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
also the rhythm is hard to get.

also, please keep your preview time the same. check your aimod before submitting.

the quality of the whole mapset is quite far away from ranking.

good luck.
Topic Starter

Minakami Yuki wrote:

what yuki's easy, i havent realize i had made that map.

hi, from your request, in fact it's not a complete mod ( i dont like nico, seriously )
but i want to say something to mention you here.

(1)about the metadata
"Nico Nico Douga" cant be an artist name, it's just a website
also the source cant be "Nico Nico Douga" too, you should add it in tags.
The artist should be the uploader of the video.
also you should add some tags like "love live" blabla to make other players easier to get this map.

(2)about drain time
it starts from 00:01:928 - and ends at 00:31:342 - , well 29.414s drain time < 30s.
in I n o r i's eXtra, it ends at 00:31:693 - , well 29.765s <30s

Ranking Criteria wrote:

The minimum draining (play) time for a map is 30 seconds (but the recommended minimum is 45 seconds). If your map is shorter than that, then try looping the song with an audio editing program. This is so each map gives a high enough score, and also so people do not try and cut songs too short for no reason, thus stopping people from enjoying the song fully.
you should ask some qats about the rankability of the map.

in I n o r i's eXtra there are too many unreasonable sliders and sv change.
00:02:865 (1,2) - what's this
00:08:959 (6) - using tick sliders at a lasting vocal is unreasonable
00:10:365 (5,6,7) - hey that sv change
00:16:107 (5,6,7) - at least you should nc that 7
00:31:107 (5,6,7) - ^

Flobu's Extra is much better, i quite perfer your style.

in Insane diff there are too many overmapped streams.
00:05:678 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - 00:01:928 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - blablablabla
also the placement of the note are too crowd. most of the notes are placed in the centre area, why not try to put it away from the centre, making full use of the edit area?

the distance between notes in hard are too random.
sometimes 00:08:490 (3,4) - , sometimes 00:24:428 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
also the rhythm is hard to get.

also, please keep your preview time the same. check your aimod before submitting.

the quality of the whole mapset is quite far away from ranking.

good luck.
I've remapped most of the insane and fixed metadata errors
Also changed something in I n o r i's eXtra, i don't think it's that bad. After all, it's an extra diff ;)
Thank you for the mod!
God Faelthas
Hi, here to make your map look/sound better. ^^

Flobu's Extra Diff.

00:17:396 (1) - this slider make like this, it sounds better.
you can add slider for that "Aaah" at the end 00:31:459 -

Inori's Extra Diff.

add circle here 00:23:842 -
make this slider end here 00:31:459 (1) -

Insane Diff.

Add circle here 00:02:513 -
make this two sliders faster VC 00:03:803 (1,2) -
This stream is not needed here 00:11:303 - , it ends here 00:11:888 -
add circle here 00:13:060 -
add slider instead of circle here 00:16:459 (9) -
make this slider like this 00:19:271 (2) -
add circle here 00:20:092 -
make this slider like this 00:24:428 (1) -

Hard Diff.

Add circle here 00:06:381 -

Normal Diff.

add circle here 00:19:974 - , and here 00:11:068 -

Easy Diff.


This is my personal opinion, hope you like it and i hope this helped, also, since this is only my personal opinion, don't hate it please. ^^ :)
Topic Starter

] Faelthas [ wrote:

Hi, here to make your map look/sound better. ^^

Insane Diff.

Add circle here 00:02:513 - mm, ok
make this two sliders faster VC 00:03:803 (1,2) - i think it's already good
This stream is not needed here 00:11:303 - , it ends here 00:11:888 - ^same
add circle here 00:13:060 - ok
add slider instead of circle here 00:16:459 (9) - good idea
make this slider like this 00:19:271 (2) - it's good
add circle here 00:20:092 - ok
make this slider like this 00:24:428 (1) - i think it's good

Hard Diff.

Add circle here 00:06:381 - ok

Normal Diff.

add circle here 00:19:974 - ok
, and here 00:11:068 - mmh..ok

Easy Diff.


This is my personal opinion, hope you like it and i hope this helped, also, since this is only my personal opinion, don't hate it please. ^^ :)

Thank you ^^
- I n o r i

] Faelthas [ wrote:

Inori's Extra Diff.

add circle here 00:23:842 -
make this slider end here 00:31:459 (1) -
I think the slider here "00:31:459 (1) -" is great because it follows the sound of the "Aaah" considering the fact that it is curved, making it even more the idea of the sound of the vocal.

And yeah, I miss circle here 00:23:842 - :C

Anyways, thanks for the mod!
If there is anything else that does not convince you, tell us as well!

  1. Remove audio stream from video file
  2. bg quality is really bad consider to find a new one
  3. offset +22
  1. use 1.2x DS difficulty will be way more clear
  2. 00:08:724 (3) - avoid short 2-repeat sliders for lower difficulties, use 1 long or slider + circle instead
  3. 00:15:287 (1) - this spinner is too short for normal, also there is not enough time to recovery after
  1. there is not hitsounds
  2. 00:01:928 (1,2,3) - flow is bad here, you can try something like
  3. 00:09:662 (2,3,4) - ^ same
  1. you forgot to add hitsounds
Topic Starter

Sieg wrote:

  1. Remove audio stream from video file
  2. bg quality is really bad consider to find a new one
  3. offset +22
  1. use 1.2x DS difficulty will be way more clear
  2. 00:08:724 (3) - avoid short 2-repeat sliders for lower difficulties, use 1 long or slider + circle instead
  3. 00:15:287 (1) - this spinner is too short for normal, also there is not enough time to recovery after
  1. there is not hitsounds
  2. 00:01:928 (1,2,3) - flow is bad here, you can try something like
  3. 00:09:662 (2,3,4) - ^ same
  1. you forgot to add hitsounds
Everything done. Thank you!

] Faelthas [ wrote:

Hi, here to make your map look/sound better. ^^

Flobu's Extra Diff.

00:17:396 (1) - this slider make like this, it sounds better.
you can add slider for that "Aaah" at the end 00:31:459 -

osu file format v13

AudioFilename: Nico-Nii.mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: 8562
Countdown: 1
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 1
WidescreenStoryboard: 1

DistanceSpacing: 1.9
BeatDivisor: 4
GridSize: 4
TimelineZoom: 1.7

Version:Flobu's Extra
Source:Love Live! School Idol Project
Tags:Love live Nico Nico Douga


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples


Combo1 : 64,128,128
Combo2 : 255,128,192
Combo3 : 255,0,128
Combo4 : 0,64,128

Disattiva il Widescreen support perchè c'è un video e non una SB.
Topic Starter

Riyukii wrote:

Disattiva il Widescreen support perchè c'è un video e non una SB.
Fatto, grazie ^^
YO, I'm from Krauv's Modding Mods Mod Mods Queue (as you should know) and I'm here to tell you how horrible your map is (just kidding). It's wonderful

00:11:793 (2) - I would suggest making parallel to (1)
I'm not 100% sure about this, but I think the stacking of 3+ hitcircles may confuse newer players and thus making it more difficult for an Easy.

00:05:700 (5) - blanket around (3,4)
00:15:308 (5,6) - move 1/2 beat to the left. (7) can stay there.

00:26:771 (3) - move down one grid space
Spacing is a little too inconsistent for my taste. Feels like I'm jumping around a lot and those jumps aren't so consistent.

00:10:834 (8) - one grid space to the right to match up with (1)

I n o r i's eXtra
00:16:107 (5,6) - switch spots (so 6 is the new (5))
00:31:107 (5,6) - ^

Flobu's Extra
I love this difficulty. Even though I can't play it at all, this looks like so much fun.

As always, these are suggestions. I may be stupid and irrelevant. But here you are. My mod. Yaaaaay. Good luck with your map!
- I n o r i

Krauv wrote:

I n o r i's eXtra
00:16:107 (5,6) - switch spots (so 6 is the new (5))
00:31:107 (5,6) - ^
Fixed :3
Topic Starter

Krauv wrote:

YO, I'm from Krauv's Modding Mods Mod Mods Queue (as you should know) and I'm here to tell you how horrible your map is (just kidding). It's wonderful

00:11:793 (2) - I would suggest making parallel to (1)
I'm not 100% sure about this, but I think the stacking of 3+ hitcircles may confuse newer players and thus making it more difficult for an Easy.

00:05:700 (5) - blanket around (3,4)
00:15:308 (5,6) - move 1/2 beat to the left. (7) can stay there.

00:26:771 (3) - move down one grid space
Spacing is a little too inconsistent for my taste. Feels like I'm jumping around a lot and those jumps aren't so consistent.

00:10:834 (8) - one grid space to the right to match up with (1)

I n o r i's eXtra
00:16:107 (5,6) - switch spots (so 6 is the new (5))
00:31:107 (5,6) - ^

Flobu's Extra
I love this difficulty. Even though I can't play it at all, this looks like so much fun.

As always, these are suggestions. I may be stupid and irrelevant. But here you are. My mod. Yaaaaay. Good luck with your map!

Thanks for the mod Krauv :)


you should probably fix those issues
Topic Starter

FlobuFlobs wrote:

you should probably fix those issues

IRio97 wrote:

Non funziona il link.
Topic Starter
Map updated with some fixes

Riyukii wrote:

IRio97 wrote:

Non funziona il link.
Rimosso ^^
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