Just so it's easier to track with maps you've done. Can be in different colors, or categories, to seperate which maps you've done for each gamemode.
Also, list each difficulty for each song, just so you know which difficulty's you've cleared also. but don't bother supporting or no supporting that, since it's to much of a hassle to do that, it wouldn't get done anytime soon.
oh and how about this? white "cleared" means that you haven't FC the map, and black fonted "clear" means you have made a Fc on that mapdifficulty.
This is this all to much to ask? i think it is, from experiance of suggesting.
This is no relevance to the topic of getting the achievments through CTB or taiko.
Also, list each difficulty for each song, just so you know which difficulty's you've cleared also. but don't bother supporting or no supporting that, since it's to much of a hassle to do that, it wouldn't get done anytime soon.
oh and how about this? white "cleared" means that you haven't FC the map, and black fonted "clear" means you have made a Fc on that mapdifficulty.
This is this all to much to ask? i think it is, from experiance of suggesting.
This is no relevance to the topic of getting the achievments through CTB or taiko.