
Which software you use to track your gaming hours?

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I hope this is right place to post this.

So when X-fire was actually new I used it untill it got bought out and it became crap. After that I switched to Raptr and I'm still using it. But now I've started to think is there maybe better options for it or is all softwares like Raptr little less than they could be? I'm aware that everybody is not to this kind of thing but I guess some people might be.

I personally know only three of this softwares: Xfire, Raptr and Evolve.

I think Raptr is most popular one of those three but it doesn't always mean it's actually best.

So what's your favorite tracking software?
I don't use any but this belongs in Surveys either way
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Brian OA wrote:

I don't use any but this belongs in Surveys either way
Oh yeah you are right. Sorry that I post it to wrong place!
None because I don't need to show that I'm a gaymur
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Friendan wrote:

None because I don't need to show that I'm a gaymur
I just like statistics and that's the reason why I use them.
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