
Help with my skin

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Hello i live stream a lot, and i kinda put my skin together from other skins i downloaded (i know this is not allowed on the forum, but i wont be releasing this skin publicly, and will give credit if someone wants its) and my issue is i have certain things like like from multiply skins, but they dont match or dont seem to want to work right, so i was curious if someone okay to good at skinning would be willing to help me turn my mangled monstrosity of a skin, into something that look awesome (at least to me) i can do photo shop, but i can only make like signatures, and similar things

Thanks for reading my thread
You just have to practice more of photoshop (I've been practicing it and I make my own signature and userpage banners already).
The more you get to do it yourself the more satisfied you'll be after that.
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lol its not that im not good at making my own stuff, if i have a render to start with, but editing others stuff, or mimicking i suck at, and i like most of how my skin is, its just like some things are HD and some are not, some stuff (mainly sound) does not work cause it has older textures, im missing some textures cause the thing is weird, and some stuff overlaps when it should not (the 3 2 1 things) and due to my own mental state, sense i dont find make or editing skins interesting enough, im literally useless when it comes to making my own skin from scratch xd
U better start from basic one (the easy one), like:
If you want some help I am willing as long as you are able to let me work on it over a period of time since I have my classes ending over next little while.
- [ Siro ] -
I started to create pictures with text and effects then was practicing with the other what would be the other effects,
,it will take time to use , luck

My english it's not good :)
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