
Russian Roulette (Jackfruit)

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Russian Roulette
Moderator: GuyInFreezer

  1. CalignoBot
  2. DakeDekaane
  3. Chamelo_Th
  4. Gumica
  5. Zexion
  6. Sakura
  7. Navizel
  8. Tanzklaue
  9. Drezi

Still Playing (Alive)
  1. DakeDekaane, Town 1-shot Day Vigilante, survived and won.
  2. Tanzklaue, Town 1-shot Day Vigilante, survived and won.
  3. Drezi, Town 1-shot Day Vigilante, survived and won.

Game Over (Dead)
  1. CalignoBot, Town 1-shot Day Vigilante, was shot.
  2. Sakura, Town 1-shot Day Vigilante, was shot.
  3. Zexion, Town 1-shot Self Day Vigilante, was shot.
  4. Chamelo_Th, Town 1-shot Self Day Vigilante, was shot.
  5. Gumica, Mafia 1-shot Day Vigilante, was shot.
  6. Navizel, Mafia 1-shot Self Day Vigilante, was lynched.

Topic Starter

General Rules:

  1. General rules always apply here.
  2. If you have a question for me, you can always PM me. If you need to talk to me in thread, please bold your question like this so I can locate it better.
  3. You may not use hidden or encrypted text.
  4. If you have a power to edit/delete your post, don't do it. If you scumslip, just accept it and eat rope.
  5. Play nice. I really don't mind you guys using bad languages, but don't direct them to the other players. Insult the playstyle, not the player.
  6. Do not EVER discuss the ongoing games in this thread nor discuss this game elsewhere. If I catch you, you're out.
  7. Do not quote the PM that moderator sends you. Paraphrasing is fine till certain level.
  8. Do not use provable randomization in this game. Saying that you rolled a dice is fine, using dice tag is not.
  9. This is my color. (#408000) Don't use it.
  10. If you break these rules, I have full rights to punish you at my will. This can range from simple warning to modkill/force-replace.
  11. If I find the certain factors/actions damaging the state of the game, I will intervene and/or take action.
  12. Keep the personal complaint, whatever they may be, outside of the wrong VC/information, private by PMing me.
  13. If I feel like it, I always have a full right to add/modify the rules. If I do, I will fully explain the reason behind such action.
  14. Most importantly, have fun!
Voting and Lynching:

  1. You vote by using bold tag(Vote:GuyInFreezer).
    This is how you do it.
  2. Unvote is not required to change your vote. Also, if it looks like a vote for someone, I will count it. No tricking me!
  3. Lynch happens when half of players + 1 vote the same person. Once lynch happens, the lynchee and the living players may talk until get back and post the flip.
  4. If the deadline is over before majority hits, the day will end with No Lynch.
  5. If you're nightkilled, you may post one information-less "bah" post.
Activity and Deadline:

  1. Deadline for each day is 6 days, and deadline for each night is 2 days.
  2. If you're on V/LA, please tell me beforehand by either post it in thread or PM to me.
  3. If you don't post here for 24 real hours, I will prod you. Failure to receive prod within 24 hours or receiving 3+ prods in game will cause force-replacement.
  4. If you do not submit a night action, it will count as No Action.
  5. If I have to extend the deadline, I will. If I do, I will post it on thread.

Setup Specifis

Russian Roulette

- 5 Town 1-shot Day Vigilante
- 2 Town 1-shot Self Day Vigilante

-1 Mafia 1-shot Day Vigilante
-1 Mafia 1-shot Self Day Vigilante

* The game is nightless.

* Mafia will know whether their shots will backfire or not, but town won't.

* All shots must be submitted via PM.

* After each shot will be 24 hours grace period, where no one will be able to shoot. The grace period will be 48 hours if the game is in LyLo with shots left.

* If the game is not over with all shots exhausted, 6 days deadline will be imposed to lynch. Failing to lynch before deadline will cause ROCK FALLS AND EVERYONE DIES (everyone loses). To compensate, the game will use plurality lynch mechanic.


You are a Town 1-shot Day Vigilante..

You must submit your kill via a PM.

You win when all mafias are eliminated.


You are a Mafia 1-shot Day Vigilante..

You must submit your kill via a PM.
You may talk to your partner in this PT.

You win when your faction control 50% of the remaining players or nothing can prevent it from happening.
I shouldn't be playing... but I can't resist shooting someone then end up shooting myself.



Plz no rocks falling on me

Where are the pre ins and my falling rocks?
Topic Starter

Gumica wrote:

my autocorrect likes you.
If you need a last player and can't find any add me, but i'm in permanent V/LA.
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Navizel wrote:


Where are the pre ins and my falling rocks?
Thanks for reminding me of the pre-ins lol

rock fall ftw
cth nav scum team again wb
It's going to be fun if it happen again. lol

I am gone this entire weekend so I can rejoin this sunday if needed
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I'll pull if this doesn't fill in 2 days.
The mafia thread is quite empty lately.
I mean, I occasionally visit here and barely saw any games going on.
/out replace
Since you're having trouble filling this.
I'm thinking you may need to readjust this for 7 players

one more come on!
I'm bored
omg Tanz yes
giffy pls
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I was gonna get to this last night but stuff happened so
role PMs are going out. Confirm in thread.
k den

Confirm. Finals coming soon but I'll try to keep up in my free time.
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So I see that everyone confirmed.
Let the game begin.
Alright let's get this started.
pokes and votes CalignoBot
I want to get this out there before shit happens, because I see this as a very real possibility:

YOLOshooting is awful. Don't ever ever do it.
Now that that's over,

Vote: Tanzklaue
Vote: Gumica
Because wai not.
Hold on, we don't have a lynch right? Since its nightless and all the stuff...
It's nightless but if you didn't sumbit any actions at night, it will count as no action huehuehuehue
we do have a lynch and votes in case that after all shots are fired people are still standing.

Vote: Sakura
i also think someone should shoot as soon as everyone has posted. else we will jsut sit here awkwardly without doing jackshit.
also before anyone shoots, self vigis should claim to reduce the targetpool.

Tanzklaue wrote:

i also think someone should shoot as soon as everyone has posted. else we will jsut sit here awkwardly without doing jackshit.
This is YOLOshooting, and therefore bad.

Tanzklaue wrote:

also before anyone shoots, self vigis should claim to reduce the targetpool.
Except... self-vigs dont know they are self-vigs

Sakura wrote:

Tanzklaue wrote:

also before anyone shoots, self vigis should claim to reduce the targetpool.
Except... self-vigs dont know they are self-vigs
so we have literally nothing to go by except trying to guess our way out?

well that seems like fun.
i still stand by my word though that the first shot should be fired rather sooner than later. else all we do is RVS-ing and then everyone will goof off until someone shoots.
I suppose the game won't move until someone shoots. I am not suggesting YOLOshooting but... its kinda what will happen.

The game is funny, after all, even if we "catch" a very likely scum and someone has to shoot them, maybe the shooter would end up killing themselves.

Also why are you guys voting? I still don't get it, the lynch only happens if everyone uses up their shot and the game hasn't ended.
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Because I feel like I need to clarify this:

Lynch mechanic is present but just without the deadline until the specific condition meets. Also, the votes reset upon successful shooting.
before i go to bed, i'll propose that we vote on who we shoot in the official vote and vote foor the shootee in an official vote, for the most efficient gain of information.

Tanzklaue wrote:

we vote on who we shoot in the official vote and vote foor the shootee in an official vote
I think you're half asleep when typing now.

Zexion wrote:

I suppose the game won't move until someone shoots. I am not suggesting YOLOshooting but... its kinda what will happen.
It is extremely bad just on the setup alone. Just planning shots is infinitely better in the long run, but even better than that is planning on who shoots who only after we decide on which two to put on the block.
@Mod: Do people flip their correct role or will they always show up as Dayvigs?
I propose we all submit two names and the top two listed will be the shooter and shootee. We'll decide after the two are chosen.

No strong reads atm.

67% chance of not getting a self vig shooter
78% chance of getting a town shooter
56% chance of getting a not self vig town shooter

56% is kinda ugh

Going to sleep now so percentages might not be accurate

CalignoBot wrote:

I propose we all submit two names and the top two listed will be the shooter and shootee. We'll decide after the two are chosen.

The point is scum can vote for the same town so there's a bigger chance for two town (or one) to be chosen. :roll:
Olanning the shots might give you some basic information on whos a daywig and who is a selfwig, butbthis plan can backfire badly if we pick the wrong players.

Chamelo_Th wrote:


CalignoBot wrote:

I propose we all submit two names and the top two listed will be the shooter and shootee. We'll decide after the two are chosen.

The point is scum can vote for the same town so there's a bigger chance for two town (or one) to be chosen. :roll:
The first pass is almost never going to turn out good for town, but it's more likely to work out than if we just TROLOLOL shoot because we could force the mafia self-vig to shoot.
This plan inherently makes getting chosen a huge risk for the mafia, so they're going to want to edge out of it as best they can. It's better this way rather than choosing who's shooting who right away because the case where the mafia vig is asked to shoot someone results in absolutely no pressure (outside of shooting his partner, but eh).

I don't see how it's any different than how wagons work fundamentally.

Sakura wrote:

Tanzklaue wrote:

we vote on who we shoot in the official vote and vote foor the shootee in an official vote
I think you're half asleep when typing now.
sorry, being both tired and sick = nonsense writing.

the gist of the post is that we vote on a guy we shoot and the guy who will do the shooting. basically what CB said. it's the msot sensible way of doing things in this game.
Topic Starter
Flip will include correct information.
So, what are we going to do now? :roll:
Well, lurking like this is even worse than CB's plan, so I guess we should go with it then.
3 posts in since my post 27 hours ago.

almost 48 hours into the game and just half the players even bothered to show up and say hi.

yea i have better things to do than waiting for lurkers to never talk.

repalcing out.
I guess we should go for CB's plans for the game to move forward. I don't really have any better ideas
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