
Jun.A - Final Haven

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Nyark Tolegna
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on mardi 25 novembre 2014 at 16:22:49

Artist: Jun.A
Title: Final Haven
Source: IOSYS
Tags: STEAMPUNK RAPSODIA スチームパンク・ラプソディア sound sepher
BPM: 100
Filesize: 3539kb
Play Time: 02:05
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (2,28 stars, 178 notes)
  2. Normal (1,7 stars, 132 notes)
Download: Jun.A - Final Haven
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Beautiful music ~

Circle: IOSYS and sound sepher

ryuu's Easy - ?%
Normal - done
Hard - done

Thanks for...
-Project Railgun
-Okoratu (mod + kudosu thanks ! >w<)
-Cherry Blossom for mp3
-A Mystery (mod another kudosu ? Thanks !)

I should be call a BAT ...
Hi, Im from ☆ Yuri & Ferna's Modding Room ☆ ^^


I recomend to put this approach circle rate

Important: Please don't do this and this in normal, new people can't read this (This includes all the map)

00:32:916 (3) - Don't use that much the reverse arrown, try this instead: Don't put objects that far in that short period of time, try to use Distance Snap! ;)


00:12:497 (1) - Instead of a spinner, try to put a faster-slider section and do this:

00:21:956 (5,6) - Put the RD to 1/6 and try this: (if you do it, put a last circle like I did, it sounds better)

Nothing more to say untill you make the changes. Im working with the Easy diff ;-)
Topic Starter
Nyark Tolegna

Ferna52 wrote:

Hi, Im from ☆ Yuri & Ferna's Modding Room ☆ ^^


I recomend to put this approach circle rate

Important: Please don't do this and this in normal, new people can't read this (This includes all the map)

00:32:916 (3) - Don't use that much the reverse arrown, try this instead: Don't put objects that far in that short period of time, try to use Distance Snap! ;)


00:12:497 (1) - Instead of a spinner, try to put a faster-slider section and do this:

00:21:956 (5,6) - Put the RD to 1/6 and try this: (if you do it, put a last circle like I did, it sounds better)

Nothing more to say untill you make the changes. Im working with the Easy diff ;-)
Thanks you ! :D

General: Try to avoid stacking the ends of sliders to the next slider. for example: 00:04:690 (1) - It makes the notes harder to read, it's a normal difficulty after all. I'm not saying to remove all of them... just limit them. This is because the spacing between some of the notes are different, and if you use the same technique for all the sliders, it'll be confusing for the person playing it.

01:18:819 (2) - For me, this feels too abrupt and sudden (it doesn't really flow with the music beat) Perhaps adding an extra hit circle in front of it?
01:59:317 (2) - The hit circle is rather difficult to catch on as it's directly under the previous note. Try moving it away with distance snap.


00:11:897 (7) - Make it repeat once more. It doesn't really fit with the music.
00:21:906 (5) - Change this note and the consecutive notes so that they show how many notes there are. If not, most people are bound to miss the last note in the combo.

Nothing else! A really good map actually. There aren't many mistakes~ Good Job!!!! :)
Topic Starter
Nyark Tolegna

Yumeriae wrote:


General: Try to avoid stacking the ends of sliders to the next slider. for example: 00:04:690 (1) - It makes the notes harder to read, it's a normal difficulty after all. I'm not saying to remove all of them... just limit them. This is because the spacing between some of the notes are different, and if you use the same technique for all the sliders, it'll be confusing for the person playing it.

01:18:819 (2) - For me, this feels too abrupt and sudden (it doesn't really flow with the music beat) Perhaps adding an extra hit circle in front of it?
01:59:317 (2) - The hit circle is rather difficult to catch on as it's directly under the previous note. Try moving it away with distance snap.


00:11:897 (7) - Make it repeat once more. It doesn't really fit with the music.
00:21:906 (5) - Change this note and the consecutive notes so that they show how many notes there are. If not, most people are bound to miss the last note in the combo.

Nothing else! A really good map actually. There aren't many mistakes~ Good Job!!!! :)
Thanks you for mod and this "Good Job!!!! " >w<
But I did not understand: "01:18:819 (2) - For me, this feels too abrupt and sudden (it doesn't really flow with the music beat) Perhaps adding an extra hit circle in front of it?"
Screenshot please ? :?

  1. The circle is sound sepher, so remove " (sound sepher)" from the Artist field and add it to the Tags field. The artist is just "Jun.A".
  2. Uncheck the "Enable Countdown" and "Widescreen Support" in all difficulties.
  3. Silence the End Spinner. It is possible to change the volume of certain sections by pressing F6.
  4. Is the mapset done or not? If it is, then move the mapset to Pending so it can start receiving mods!
  5. Nice hitsound choice
  1. Many of your Slider Velocity changes are Unrankable due to no auditory cue in the music or visual representation of combo colors to emphasize it. Patterns like 00:14:899 (1,2,3) - and 00:04:690 (1,2,3) - feature the same part of the music and have no visual cue to emphasize the change in Slider Velocity. You must fix this.
  2. 00:17:902 (1,2) - As stated in previous mods, do not do this pattern, or at least, try to avoid this pattern unless there is a cue in the music emphasizing the need for such. As this is the lowest difficulty in the mapset, expect novice players to play it.
  3. 00:20:304 (1,2) - Never overlap sliders like this on Easy / Normal.
  4. 00:38:921 (1,3,1) - Do not overlap sliders like this, either. It may cause confusion for the player.
  5. 01:10:111 (1,2,3,1) - As stated in previous mods, you should not follow this pattern. Try moving the circles around instead.
  6. 01:42:802 (4,5,1) - Such pattern may be considered unrankable in Normal because the user will aim towards Slider 1 (skipping Circle 5). I strongly recommend that you fix this.
  7. 01:31:692 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - Try a bit more diversity here. An example is below.

  1. 00:11:897 (7,8) - The flow here is almost impossible to follow. Do note how the Slider 7 ends in the opposite direction as opposed to the positioning of the next Slider 8.
  2. 00:04:690 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Remember to add New Combo(s).
  3. 00:21:505 (4,1,1,1) - Do NOT put multiple New Combos behind stacks. Key word here is multiple. One New Combo is fine, but 3 will make the mapset much harder to play than it should be, especially with the Hidden mod.
  4. 01:29:290 (1,2) - These Slider Ends do not stack properly. Ctrl+G the sliders to get the exact coordinates of the Slider Ends.
  5. 01:53:312 (1,3) - Same as above. The Slider End of Slider 1 does not stack properly with the Slider Start of Slider 3.
Good luck
Hey m4m here

In the aimod it says that the kiai time was on for too long. you should probably change that

I recommend you change the BPM to 100. yeah, it's a tiny change but it makes a huge difference as that song goes on. the beats fit better.

Normal Mode

@ 00:27:211 (1) it feels a bit clunky. you should try changing that. maybe space it out so its not crunched up next to each other.

00:36:519 (1,2) - I feel these shouldn't be overlapping so much it's rather confusing at least for normal mode.

I see this happening a lot where many of the objects are overlapping in a way that makes them seem like they're right after each other like this:

Try moving them so they're more defined like this:

Hard Mode
basically the same things as normal
Topic Starter
Nyark Tolegna

Project Railgun wrote:


  1. The circle is sound sepher, so remove " (sound sepher)" from the Artist field and add it to the Tags field. The artist is just "Jun.A".
  2. Uncheck the "Enable Countdown" and "Widescreen Support" in all difficulties.
  3. Silence the End Spinner. It is possible to change the volume of certain sections by pressing F6.
  4. Is the mapset done or not? If it is, then move the mapset to Pending so it can start receiving mods!
  5. Nice hitsound choice
  1. Many of your Slider Velocity changes are Unrankable due to no auditory cue in the music or visual representation of combo colors to emphasize it. Patterns like 00:14:899 (1,2,3) - and 00:04:690 (1,2,3) - feature the same part of the music and have no visual cue to emphasize the change in Slider Velocity. You must fix this.
  2. 00:17:902 (1,2) - As stated in previous mods, do not do this pattern, or at least, try to avoid this pattern unless there is a cue in the music emphasizing the need for such. As this is the lowest difficulty in the mapset, expect novice players to play it.
  3. 00:20:304 (1,2) - Never overlap sliders like this on Easy / Normal.
  4. 00:38:921 (1,3,1) - Do not overlap sliders like this, either. It may cause confusion for the player.
  5. 01:10:111 (1,2,3,1) - As stated in previous mods, you should not follow this pattern. Try moving the circles around instead.
  6. 01:42:802 (4,5,1) - Such pattern may be considered unrankable in Normal because the user will aim towards Slider 1 (skipping Circle 5). I strongly recommend that you fix this.
  7. 01:31:692 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - Try a bit more diversity here. An example is below.

  1. 00:11:897 (7,8) - The flow here is almost impossible to follow. Do note how the Slider 7 ends in the opposite direction as opposed to the positioning of the next Slider 8.
  2. 00:04:690 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Remember to add New Combo(s).
  3. 00:21:505 (4,1,1,1) - Do NOT put multiple New Combos behind stacks. Key word here is multiple. One New Combo is fine, but 3 will make the mapset much harder to play than it should be, especially with the Hidden mod.
  4. 01:29:290 (1,2) - These Slider Ends do not stack properly. Ctrl+G the sliders to get the exact coordinates of the Slider Ends.
  5. 01:53:312 (1,3) - Same as above. The Slider End of Slider 1 does not stack properly with the Slider Start of Slider 3.
Good luck
Thanks you for mod but i have a little problem :o
I change the artist name so when I want to update my map it will create me a new map set :(
This has happened to me before, I just asked a BAT to delete the old version, I just PM'd them in game!
Topic Starter
Nyark Tolegna

kamikin wrote:

This has happened to me before, I just asked a BAT to delete the old version, I just PM'd them in game!
Oops, it does not matter
I will mod it ok ?
Thank you! You'll be the first! I will try to have fully nodded your map by the end of the day!

  1. Hi i love this song.
  2. As someone already stated the bpm of this song is flat 100. yours is off by 0.09 and should be fixed
  3. According to this you should add スチームパンク・ラプソディア to tags because this is the katakana album title (i think you can replace ・ by a spacebar)
  4. apply the timing change after the rest of my mod btw - you could then delete all other timing sections because you needed them because your timing was slowly getting off anyway - both of them correct just bpms that are too early and these places line up nearly perfectly with just one 100 bpm timing section in the beginning.
  5. also fix your mp3 issue before you want to rank that


  1. some things are snapping to the wrong beats - also i'm not that cool with just stacking everything here, OD 8 and HP 8 might be a bit TOO high considering that your normal is OD2 HP3 you should nerf these at least to OD 6 HP6 or so
  2. 00:17:602 (1) - this stack is slightly off
  3. 00:26:760 (5) - this one should snap like this:
  4. 00:29:162 (5) - ^
  5. 00:38:771 (4) - ^
    ok watever i'll just mention the wrongly snapped noted imo before mentioning anything else
  6. 00:43:425 (3,4,5) - could be an 1/6 stream thing - 100bpm 1/6 is just 150 bpm as you may know so it's nothing too hard actually
  7. 01:05:157 (5) - .
  8. 01:19:569 (5) - .
  9. 01:24:336 (4) - .
  10. 01:33:944 (5) - .
  11. 01:39:950 (3) - .
  12. 01:49:559 (3) - .
  13. 01:53:162 (6) - .
  14. 01:57:966 (6) - .
  15. 01:59:167 (3) - .
  16. this is the reason this map is so hard to accu by the way also i would advise you to not stack these if you moved them to the musically correct ticks.
  17. let's go with the rest which is not about these stacks
  18. 00:34:117 (1) - could use more anchors to make this look a bit better (aka place a circle to help you blanket it and making the slidershape a bit better)
    I think that would look probably better
  19. 01:05:006 (4,5,1) - if you are gonna keep them stacking like this - which i would not advise you to do in the first place because a stack like this is confusing as hell let it be known that this happens when you look at the same thing ingame
  20. 01:33:794 (4,5,1) - similar stuff applies here - if you wanna keep it the autostacking destroys your blanket
  21. 01:45:505 (4) - this might be a bit nazi but might move this one up a bit for a smooth transition from 01:45:205 (3) - into 01:46:106 (1) -
  22. 01:42:503 (3) - sliderbow is a bit off
  23. 01:59:767 (6) - this would snap to a 1/6 beat again so i'd advise to leave it out completely here because that'd make the pattern super awkward
  24. 02:00:518 - i would recommend an additional circle before this spinner for a better feedback to the player (the start of a spinner has basically no impact gameplaywise while a circle would do the sound there justice)
since i've told you that you should firstly snap your stuff correctly i couldn't really mention much else because most patterns are connected to these things so i'd have to have another look after you fixed these - and i'm too lazy for that atm~
cool song is cool


  1. yo ar+1 and OD+1 could make sense here
  2. 00:08:894 (1) - this is kinda close to the previous object for no real reason what you could do to make this feel a bit better is adding a circle in 00:08:294 - on top of its head because i think the pause would make even beginners impatient
  3. 00:27:511 (2,3,4,5) - these are kinda hard to read and get correctly as a beginner so i would advise you to 1) unstack them at least and probably 2) to replace 00:27:511 (2,3) - with a slider because that'd be more straightforward imo
  4. 00:29:613 - why is this not mapped? sound is strong i would put a circle and you mapped the thing in 00:32:015 (1) - sooo
  5. 00:42:524 (1) - idk if this spinner isn't too short for a noob - which spin HUGE circles - to actually react to it you could also use a timeline like this instead for it:
  6. 01:07:108 (4) - would move this a bit to the left while having the distancesnap enabled in order to have this gap a bit bigger
  7. 01:11:312 (2,3,1) - while i think these are pretty straight forward due to the sounds i think 01:13:114 (2) - might not be as important to deserve an own circle so replacing it with an 1/2 slider would also make for a bit more variation here
  8. 01:14:915 (1) - what happened to this stack??
  9. 01:47:306 (3) - the sliderbow here is not only imperfect but is also destroyed by ingame stacking
  10. 01:49:708 (1) - i don't understand this NC should probably be removed
  11. 02:00:518 - same as hard - another circle here would be cool imo

I like this song o/
My Mod! :)

I feel like a storyboard would really help this map, the background gets a bit dull after a while
People have said this before, but you have to fix the timing, even though it takes a LONG time. Otherwise it can't be ranked

  • 00:08:294 You should have a note on this section as the music goes on and it feels off without the note there
    00:11:897 (1) - I would move this forward one white tick as it fits the music better
    00:10:696 (2) - If you do the above then make this a repeat
    00:17:602 You should put a hitcircle here to keep it sounding the same
    00:20:004 Same
    00:23:908 (2) - This sliders distance snap is off, it feels off putting
    00:29:913 (1) - The music suggest no reason for stacking this, as it is a 1/4 slider it feels strange when its stacked
    00:42:524 (1) - I think this should be a long slider, just my opinion though
    00:43:725 to 01:02:905 - I think a change in BG via storyboarding would be good here to keep players interested
    01:13:714 (3) - I think it sounds better when this is moved back to the red tick and a hitcircle is put on the next white tick
    01:18:519 There is a strong drum beat here, it is very confusing with no hitcircle here
    01:19:720 (1) - This is hard to read and the music doesnt back it up, dont stack things in this level unless they are on the next white tick, to keep it the same
    01:36:496 (1) - The same as the above
    01:37:397 (2) - Guess what? :)
    02:00:518 (1) - Shorten this and add a cymbal or something on the end

  • Hard needs to have more notes in places, its not hard enough and changing the difficulty settings isn't good to do that
    I think you should lower the HP drain by 1 or 2, the AR by 1 or more, and the OD by 2 or more (I got a C because the hit widows were so small)
    Also, to make it harder don't simplify sliders and reduce the break starting at 00:43:725, think about mapping the break up to 00:58:138
    00:00:487 (1) - Put a clap at the end of this
    00:04:690 (1) - And at the beginning of this
    To make your map harder, you should put a hitcircle at:
    00:16:701 (4) - End this on the red tick and have two hitcircles or a slider on 00:17:151 and 00:17:302 to make it harder
    00:19:103 (4) - The same here
    00:21:505 (4,1,2,3) - You did it here :)
    00:21:906 (1) - I dont think a NC is needed
    If you want to try a different pattern so everything isnt the same then try making 00:23:307 (3) - twice as long and 00:23:908 (4) - into a repeat slider starting on 00:24:208
    00:34:867 put a repeat slider in the gap or a normal slider
    00:36:069 Same
    00:37:270 ...again
    again at 00:39:672 and 00:40:873
    00:42:074 again? (maybe not this one)
    01:01:441 (1) - It feels better to start it on the next white tick
    01:07:108 (5) - Maybe halve the length of this and add a slider from 01:07:559 to the white tick
    01:08:309 (2) - Same
    In kiai time it is better to make it a bit more difficult than the rest of the song
    01:22:834 Repeat slider
    01:24:486 (1) - turn this into a repeat slider
    01:26:287 (4) - Maybe turn this into a repeat slider with two repeats?
    01:27:638 Repeat slider, here as well 01:30:041
    01:31:692 (1) - Turn this into a repeat slider and add a hitcircle here 01:32:143
    01:34:094 (1) - Repeat slider?
    01:40:700 (5) - Repeat slider
    01:43:103 (4) - Halve its length and add a slider or two hitcircles where it would normally be
    01:44:304 (2) - Same
    01:45:955 Hitcircle
    01:47:156 Same
    01:51:811 (2,3) - Change these into a repeat slider
    01:56:765 Hitcircle
    01:59:617 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - This is very hard to play and has too much overmapping in it, delete these 01:59:767 (6,8) - and maybe change 01:59:617 (5,7) - into a slider
Thats it from me! Good luck on getting ranked! This map has a lot of potential :) :) :) !
Ultima Fox
Hello, from M4M queue, (p.s., please mod my map :))


00:08:294 - put a circle here
00:22:706 (1,2) - Please use DS for normal
01:14:915 (1) - Ctrl + H
01:37:397 (2,3) - Use distance snap


00:14:299 (1) - Remove NC
00:21:906 (1) - ^
00:26:760 (5,6) - Use the same kind of stream as 00:21:906 (1,2,3)
00:29:162 (5,6) - Actually i think you should change 00:21:906 (1,2,3) to the ones after
01:52:111 (3,4,5) - Stack?
01:59:617 (5) - NC?

thats all i could find.. good luck!
it would certainly be a nice thing if you actually answered the mods
So, turn out I have free time today

Bold=Highly suggested
Red=somehow unrankable

  1. Bpm=100 well, this is the bpm I suggested I'm not sure about it tho
  2. Aimod say your mp3 bitrate is above 192kbps, from ranking criteria : The song's audio file must be of reasonable quality. Try and source mp3 files yourself; ripping them from a streaming video site often results in low quality audio with high file sizes. The bitrate of a beatmap's audio file must be no lower than 128kbps and no higher than 192kbps. If you are having trouble acquiring an appropriate audio file, contact one of the more audio-savvy BAT; they will be more than happy to help find an mp3 for you.
  • Firstly I think the way you use so many SV change like this will make this hard and beginner will have problem playing this so consider try to use less or not use SV change in Normal
  1. 00:14:899 (1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3) - This feel really inconsistent to me , first here 00:14:899 (1,2,3) - it plays like what it is then 00:17:902 (1,2) - the music actually sound just like the previous but you decide to change rhythm and it make this really inconsistent and you still keep chaning the rhythm here 00:20:304 (1,2,3) - well , you might think that using the same rhythm over and over will get repetitive but atleast you can change the pattern you use so I would suggest you to consider about this and others rhythm that I didn't mention here
  2. 00:27:511 (2,3,4,5) - single stacked double would be acceptable but I not think this will easy for beginners to play
  3. 00:32:916 (3) - imo this is really confusing for beginners , they still new to this game they might don't know that the reverse slider can reverse more than 1 time
    Honestly , this Normal isn't my taste because of the way you stack the notes like that and you might want to work on rhythm and flow a bit it kinda inconsistent to me
  • Oh wow xO why did you use HP=8 OD=8 ? It too much for Hard imo I would use only 6 for this
  1. 00:21:505 (4,1,2,3) - Use only1/1 slider so it consistent with the previous rhythm
  2. 00:26:310 (4,5,6) - Why don't you make this sound just like 00:21:505 (4,1,2,3) - ?
  3. 00:31:414 (5) - I prefer triplet here
  4. 01:31:692 (1) - Ctrl+G this then Ctrl+G 01:32:293 (2) - and it will flow better
  5. 01:38:300 (4) - How about Ctrl+G this, it might flow better
  6. 01:50:911 (1,2) - How about stack (2) at (1)'s tail then adjust the others , it flow a bit better imo
  7. 01:59:617 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - How about use reverse slider here instead? I think the current might be too hard for Hard
    Overall this is much better than Normal still need a little work on rhythm
Good luck :)
Topic Starter
Nyark Tolegna

Okoratu wrote:

it would certainly be a nice thing if you actually answered the mods
Yes I know sorry! I occupy school :o
Topic Starter
Nyark Tolegna

kamikin wrote:

My Mod! :)

I feel like a storyboard would really help this map, the background gets a bit dull after a while
People have said this before, but you have to fix the timing, even though it takes a LONG time. Otherwise it can't be ranked

  • 00:08:294 You should have a note on this section as the music goes on and it feels off without the note there
    00:11:897 (1) - I would move this forward one white tick as it fits the music better
    00:10:696 (2) - If you do the above then make this a repeat
    00:17:602 You should put a hitcircle here to keep it sounding the same
    00:20:004 Same
    00:23:908 (2) - This sliders distance snap is off, it feels off putting
    00:29:913 (1) - The music suggest no reason for stacking this, as it is a 1/4 slider it feels strange when its stacked
    00:42:524 (1) - I think this should be a long slider, just my opinion though
    00:43:725 to 01:02:905 - I think a change in BG via storyboarding would be good here to keep players interested
    01:13:714 (3) - I think it sounds better when this is moved back to the red tick and a hitcircle is put on the next white tick
    01:18:519 There is a strong drum beat here, it is very confusing with no hitcircle here
    01:19:720 (1) - This is hard to read and the music doesnt back it up, dont stack things in this level unless they are on the next white tick, to keep it the same
    01:36:496 (1) - The same as the above
    01:37:397 (2) - Guess what? :)
    02:00:518 (1) - Shorten this and add a cymbal or something on the end

  • Hard needs to have more notes in places, its not hard enough and changing the difficulty settings isn't good to do that
    I think you should lower the HP drain by 1 or 2, the AR by 1 or more, and the OD by 2 or more (I got a C because the hit widows were so small)
    Also, to make it harder don't simplify sliders and reduce the break starting at 00:43:725, think about mapping the break up to 00:58:138
    00:00:487 (1) - Put a clap at the end of this
    00:04:690 (1) - And at the beginning of this
    To make your map harder, you should put a hitcircle at:
    00:16:701 (4) - End this on the red tick and have two hitcircles or a slider on 00:17:151 and 00:17:302 to make it harder
    00:19:103 (4) - The same here
    00:21:505 (4,1,2,3) - You did it here :)
    00:21:906 (1) - I dont think a NC is needed
    If you want to try a different pattern so everything isnt the same then try making 00:23:307 (3) - twice as long and 00:23:908 (4) - into a repeat slider starting on 00:24:208
    00:34:867 put a repeat slider in the gap or a normal slider
    00:36:069 Same
    00:37:270 ...again
    again at 00:39:672 and 00:40:873
    00:42:074 again? (maybe not this one)
    01:01:441 (1) - It feels better to start it on the next white tick
    01:07:108 (5) - Maybe halve the length of this and add a slider from 01:07:559 to the white tick
    01:08:309 (2) - Same
    In kiai time it is better to make it a bit more difficult than the rest of the song
    01:22:834 Repeat slider
    01:24:486 (1) - turn this into a repeat slider
    01:26:287 (4) - Maybe turn this into a repeat slider with two repeats?
    01:27:638 Repeat slider, here as well 01:30:041
    01:31:692 (1) - Turn this into a repeat slider and add a hitcircle here 01:32:143
    01:34:094 (1) - Repeat slider?
    01:40:700 (5) - Repeat slider
    01:43:103 (4) - Halve its length and add a slider or two hitcircles where it would normally be
    01:44:304 (2) - Same
    01:45:955 Hitcircle
    01:47:156 Same
    01:51:811 (2,3) - Change these into a repeat slider
    01:56:765 Hitcircle
    01:59:617 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - This is very hard to play and has too much overmapping in it, delete these 01:59:767 (6,8) - and maybe change 01:59:617 (5,7) - into a slider
Thats it from me! Good luck on getting ranked! This map has a lot of potential :) :) :) !

CelsiusLK wrote:

So, turn out I have free time today

Bold=Highly suggested
Red=somehow unrankable

  1. Bpm=100 well, this is the bpm I suggested I'm not sure about it tho
  2. Aimod say your mp3 bitrate is above 192kbps, from ranking criteria : The song's audio file must be of reasonable quality. Try and source mp3 files yourself; ripping them from a streaming video site often results in low quality audio with high file sizes. The bitrate of a beatmap's audio file must be no lower than 128kbps and no higher than 192kbps. If you are having trouble acquiring an appropriate audio file, contact one of the more audio-savvy BAT; they will be more than happy to help find an mp3 for you.
  • Firstly I think the way you use so many SV change like this will make this hard and beginner will have problem playing this so consider try to use less or not use SV change in Normal
  1. 00:14:899 (1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3) - This feel really inconsistent to me , first here 00:14:899 (1,2,3) - it plays like what it is then 00:17:902 (1,2) - the music actually sound just like the previous but you decide to change rhythm and it make this really inconsistent and you still keep chaning the rhythm here 00:20:304 (1,2,3) - well , you might think that using the same rhythm over and over will get repetitive but atleast you can change the pattern you use so I would suggest you to consider about this and others rhythm that I didn't mention here
  2. 00:27:511 (2,3,4,5) - single stacked double would be acceptable but I not think this will easy for beginners to play
  3. 00:32:916 (3) - imo this is really confusing for beginners , they still new to this game they might don't know that the reverse slider can reverse more than 1 time
    Honestly , this Normal isn't my taste because of the way you stack the notes like that and you might want to work on rhythm and flow a bit it kinda inconsistent to me
  • Oh wow xO why did you use HP=8 OD=8 ? It too much for Hard imo I would use only 6 for this
  1. 00:21:505 (4,1,2,3) - Use only1/1 slider so it consistent with the previous rhythm
  2. 00:26:310 (4,5,6) - Why don't you make this sound just like 00:21:505 (4,1,2,3) - ?
  3. 00:31:414 (5) - I prefer triplet here
  4. 01:31:692 (1) - Ctrl+G this then Ctrl+G 01:32:293 (2) - and it will flow better
  5. 01:38:300 (4) - How about Ctrl+G this, it might flow better
  6. 01:50:911 (1,2) - How about stack (2) at (1)'s tail then adjust the others , it flow a bit better imo
  7. 01:59:617 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - How about use reverse slider here instead? I think the current might be too hard for Hard
    Overall this is much better than Normal still need a little work on rhythm
Good luck :)

GyroX20 wrote:

Hello, from M4M queue, (p.s., please mod my map :))


00:08:294 - put a circle here
00:22:706 (1,2) - Please use DS for normal
01:14:915 (1) - Ctrl + H
01:37:397 (2,3) - Use distance snap


00:14:299 (1) - Remove NC
00:21:906 (1) - ^
00:26:760 (5,6) - Use the same kind of stream as 00:21:906 (1,2,3)
00:29:162 (5,6) - Actually i think you should change 00:21:906 (1,2,3) to the ones after
01:52:111 (3,4,5) - Stack?
01:59:617 (5) - NC?

thats all i could find.. good luck!

Okoratu wrote:


  1. Hi i love this song.
  2. As someone already stated the bpm of this song is flat 100. yours is off by 0.09 and should be fixed
  3. According to this you should add スチームパンク・ラプソディア to tags because this is the katakana album title (i think you can replace ・ by a spacebar)
  4. apply the timing change after the rest of my mod btw - you could then delete all other timing sections because you needed them because your timing was slowly getting off anyway - both of them correct just bpms that are too early and these places line up nearly perfectly with just one 100 bpm timing section in the beginning.
  5. also fix your mp3 issue before you want to rank that


  1. some things are snapping to the wrong beats - also i'm not that cool with just stacking everything here, OD 8 and HP 8 might be a bit TOO high considering that your normal is OD2 HP3 you should nerf these at least to OD 6 HP6 or so
  2. 00:17:602 (1) - this stack is slightly off
  3. 00:26:760 (5) - this one should snap like this:
  4. 00:29:162 (5) - ^
  5. 00:38:771 (4) - ^
    ok watever i'll just mention the wrongly snapped noted imo before mentioning anything else
  6. 00:43:425 (3,4,5) - could be an 1/6 stream thing - 100bpm 1/6 is just 150 bpm as you may know so it's nothing too hard actually
  7. 01:05:157 (5) - .
  8. 01:19:569 (5) - .
  9. 01:24:336 (4) - .
  10. 01:33:944 (5) - .
  11. 01:39:950 (3) - .
  12. 01:49:559 (3) - .
  13. 01:53:162 (6) - .
  14. 01:57:966 (6) - .
  15. 01:59:167 (3) - .
  16. this is the reason this map is so hard to accu by the way also i would advise you to not stack these if you moved them to the musically correct ticks.
  17. let's go with the rest which is not about these stacks
  18. 00:34:117 (1) - could use more anchors to make this look a bit better (aka place a circle to help you blanket it and making the slidershape a bit better)
    I think that would look probably better
  19. 01:05:006 (4,5,1) - if you are gonna keep them stacking like this - which i would not advise you to do in the first place because a stack like this is confusing as hell let it be known that this happens when you look at the same thing ingame
  20. 01:33:794 (4,5,1) - similar stuff applies here - if you wanna keep it the autostacking destroys your blanket
  21. 01:45:505 (4) - this might be a bit nazi but might move this one up a bit for a smooth transition from 01:45:205 (3) - into 01:46:106 (1) -
  22. 01:42:503 (3) - sliderbow is a bit off
  23. 01:59:767 (6) - this would snap to a 1/6 beat again so i'd advise to leave it out completely here because that'd make the pattern super awkward
  24. 02:00:518 - i would recommend an additional circle before this spinner for a better feedback to the player (the start of a spinner has basically no impact gameplaywise while a circle would do the sound there justice)
since i've told you that you should firstly snap your stuff correctly i couldn't really mention much else because most patterns are connected to these things so i'd have to have another look after you fixed these - and i'm too lazy for that atm~
cool song is cool


  1. yo ar+1 and OD+1 could make sense here
  2. 00:08:894 (1) - this is kinda close to the previous object for no real reason what you could do to make this feel a bit better is adding a circle in 00:08:294 - on top of its head because i think the pause would make even beginners impatient
  3. 00:27:511 (2,3,4,5) - these are kinda hard to read and get correctly as a beginner so i would advise you to 1) unstack them at least and probably 2) to replace 00:27:511 (2,3) - with a slider because that'd be more straightforward imo
  4. 00:29:613 - why is this not mapped? sound is strong i would put a circle and you mapped the thing in 00:32:015 (1) - sooo
  5. 00:42:524 (1) - idk if this spinner isn't too short for a noob - which spin HUGE circles - to actually react to it you could also use a timeline like this instead for it:
  6. 01:07:108 (4) - would move this a bit to the left while having the distancesnap enabled in order to have this gap a bit bigger
  7. 01:11:312 (2,3,1) - while i think these are pretty straight forward due to the sounds i think 01:13:114 (2) - might not be as important to deserve an own circle so replacing it with an 1/2 slider would also make for a bit more variation here
  8. 01:14:915 (1) - what happened to this stack??
  9. 01:47:306 (3) - the sliderbow here is not only imperfect but is also destroyed by ingame stacking
  10. 01:49:708 (1) - i don't understand this NC should probably be removed
  11. 02:00:518 - same as hard - another circle here would be cool imo

I like this song o/
Thank you so much everyone!
I will try to apply all its mod tonight :o

"Thats it from me! Good luck on getting ranked! This map has a lot of potential :) :) :) !" - "Good luck :)" Thanks you again ! >w<
Can you reply to each individual thing? Reply to each one?
Cherry Blossom
Your mp3 is 320kbps.
I re-encoded to 192kbps, now it can be fine.
MP3 :
And please, reply to each suggestions, that can help modders.

Good Luck, no kd please.
A Mystery
Hello! from my queue


Really nice! I looked great. However, an insane (or second, harder, hard) would be so nice, because of the 1/6 rhythms. You have to see for yourself of course.
The timing is off? I don't know if you updated the map to the most recent version but...Okay I saw that you updated the mapset, but it's still not perfect. I would say that the offset is 485 and the bpm is exactly 100. I don't know how you got to this, but programs and website that can "find" the bpm are usually wrong. You don't need any more timing points than this one. (remove the others, and if you change the offset a few milliseconds, be sure to do the same with every inherited point as well)


Not gonna name them all, but the stacks are quite often misplaced. I recently noticed that this happens a lot to me and other mappers when they use the editor to stack objects. Just to make sure, check all of them, and yes, by pixel. In slow maps like these you can easily see a slider move a pixel when it's not perfectly stacked. But I really liked the slider-end/slider start stacks, they look really neat.
Another thing is the break. I didn't really mind it but maybe it's too long, although I don't see a point where to start mapping again would fit completely.

00:05:891 (1) - Stack?
00:20:304 (2) - ^
00:23:908 (4) - Improve this blanket a bit.
00:26:760 (5,6) - I saw this suggested in the previous mods,and they were right. Use the same rhythm as 00:21:906 (1,2,3) - . Why? because it's fun to play, and because there is literally nothing in the music that you can map on 00:26:760 (5) - , so that would be "overmapping" (used in a totally different context compared to where this word is usually used)
00:29:162 (5,6) - ^
00:30:213 (3,4) - This is unfortunate. I don't see a reason why the sliders would be offbeat, you should place them on the white ticks instead, it would make more sense. You have to emphasize the higher pitch of the synthesizer in the background by using a slider start or a circle.
00:32:916 (3,4) - Why not use this (1/3)? Also, in the second slider you placed is a tick which is not used in the song again. I think you did this because of the sloppy timing. Maybe this looks good to you:
00:38:621 (3,4) - Same as 00:26:760 (5,6) -
00:41:323 (1) - Why not make a blanket? :p
00:43:425 (3,4,5) - Same as 00:26:760 (5,6) -
01:01:387 (1) - What's with the hitsound?
01:05:006 (4,5) - The rhythm is there, I know, but I think mapping 1/3 would make more sense. So to the piano instead of the drums
01:06:508 (4,5) - Why not do something similar like you did here? 01:04:106 (3,4,5) -
01:09:510 (4) - Take care of this blanket a bit more. Make sure you copy paste and rotate it for replacing the next slider
01:10:712 (2) - I think the slider end is a too-strong tick to be a slider end. I prefer something tappable.
01:19:569 (5) - This one is supposed to be on the red tick after it (snap divisor 1/6) to match the rhythm (again because of the sloppy timing you did this I think)
01:20:921 (2,3) - This is really just 1/6 :( the slider don't fit, You can make 1/6 return sliders to replace the current ones, that would make a lot more sense.
01:24:336 (4) - Same as 01:19:569 (5) -
01:33:944 (5) - ^
01:36:196 (4) - Why don't you use the same rhythm here like the previous ones (01:33:944 (5) - ,01:24:336 (4) - , with the correct timing of that second circle of course)
01:39:950 (3) - same as Same as 01:19:569 (5) -
01:40:700 (5) - Again a strong tick that should be tappable imo
01:42:503 (3) - Take care of this blanket as well
01:49:559 (3) - same as Same as 01:19:569 (5) -
01:53:162 (6) - ^, make sure you fix the spacing then, because it wont make much sense anymore after changing this rhythm.
01:54:513 (3,4) - Improve both blankets
01:57:966 (6) - Same problem as suggesting all the time, I think you get it now
01:59:167 (3) - ^
01:59:617 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - Why not do this? Just make sure you don't use the 1/4 circles because they really don't fit.


The hard is pretty easy, but the normal is pretty...hard? I think you really need to reconsider the parts where you ignore the distance snap. They are not always easy to read

00:11:887 (3) - Just use a 1/6 return slider
00:28:087 (3,4) - This is pretty unexpected in a normal, especially in a spread like this. If you don't want to make an easy avoid this.
00:31:087 (3) - Again a stack that is not stacked perfectly, just reminding that you should check them in this diff as well.
00:32:887 (3) - hmm this is fine but I think that a 1/3 return slider would be fun as well to follow the synthesizer
01:02:887 (1) - I don't think it was your intention but the hitsounds switched back to the standard set here.
01:23:285 (2) - This stack? xD
01:37:397 (2,3) - Why the offbeat sliders? I don't think they fir the music in any way here
01:41:301 (1) - Unsnapped. Please make sure you fix these problems when changing the timing
01:44:904 (2) - Improve this blanket :p

Alright, that's it. I think if you fix the overall timing and the spacing things in the normal this mapset is pretty much done. I liked the way how your diffs looked like a lot, and map-art is somethings I can always appreciate. I will leave a star for you and good luck with ranking this!


Cherry Blossom wrote:

And please, reply to each suggestions, that can help modders.

kamikin wrote:

Can you reply to each individual thing? Reply to each one?
I agree, and I think it's clear now. Replies are often very useful to modders as well, especially when you say something about every single suggestion. If you are busy with school, etc, then say so. But reply at some time.
Topic Starter
Nyark Tolegna

A Mystery wrote:

Hello! from my queue


Really nice! I looked great. However, an insane (or second, harder, hard) would be so nice, because of the 1/6 rhythms. You have to see for yourself of course.
The timing is off? I don't know if you updated the map to the most recent version but...Okay I saw that you updated the mapset, but it's still not perfect. I would say that the offset is 485 and the bpm is exactly 100. I don't know how you got to this, but programs and website that can "find" the bpm are usually wrong. You don't need any more timing points than this one. (remove the others, and if you change the offset a few milliseconds, be sure to do the same with every inherited point as well)
Thanks you for mod ! :D

I agree , it would not be an insane denial but I do not know the map insane so ... and the bpm is low enough to maping the insane of a more complicated for me :?
I also think it would be really good storyboard (like say Kamikin) but it not I do not know how x)

Ok I would do all this but it's too late for me :o


A Mystery wrote:

There are some things I 're not changing as you say because it already reduced my hard difficulty is relatively easy ^^
But your mod still very useful ! Thanks ! :)

A Mystery wrote:


The hard is pretty easy, but the normal is pretty...hard? I think you really need to reconsider the parts where you ignore the distance snap. They are not always easy to read
You 're right, but Ryuu made ​​a normal for my set so I think rename my normal in "Normal +" :D

Again thank you for your mod !

Tout le monde aimerait bien que tu réponde aux mods de chacun avec en indication ce que tu as fixé, ce que tu n'as pas fixé et la raison qui t'on poussé à ne pas les fixer.
Cela est assez important pour les modders de savoir ce qui a été accepté ou non et pourquoi afin de produire des mods de meilleur qualité par la suite.

Je vois que tu as commencé, ce serait bien que tu finisse ^^ Merci beaucoup.
On verra si j'ai le temps pour la mod plus tard quand tu aura répondu à tout le monde correctement.
Topic Starter
Nyark Tolegna

Nozhomi wrote:


Tout le monde aimerait bien que tu réponde aux mods de chacun avec en indication ce que tu as fixé, ce que tu n'as pas fixé et la raison qui t'on poussé à ne pas les fixer.
Cela est assez important pour les modders de savoir ce qui a été accepté ou non et pourquoi afin de produire des mods de meilleur qualité par la suite.

Je vois que tu as commencé, ce serait bien que tu finisse ^^ Merci beaucoup.
On verra si j'ai le temps pour la mod plus tard quand tu aura répondu à tout le monde correctement.
J'ai compris et c'est en cours ~
Topic Starter
Nyark Tolegna
Now I am waiting for the Easy Ryuu ...

  1. Timing…. 1 red line will be enough offset 491 bpm 100,006 I'll mod on your current timing tho
  2. IOSYS should be in tags not in source
  3. Comboing is random, easy way to keep it consistent is to use NC on every downbeat (big white tick) or every 2 downbeats.
  4. This mapset needs another top level difficulty because you hard even not near to full rhythm potential of this song.
[Useful links]
  1. Guide 1 - Making common sliders neat -
  2. Guide 2 - Making delicious sliders -
  3. Guide 3 - Analyzing flow in beatmaps -
  1. AR should 3-4 for more balanced diff spread
  2. 00:10:687 (2) - For better flow (guide_3)
  3. 00:11:887 (3) - This kind of sliders shouldn't happen in normal level difficulties. It's way to confusing to newbies.
  4. 00:19:087 (2,3) - Check your DS. This is important to keep DS for normal level diffs unless you have a good reason to change them (not at random) (and you haven't any reason to make such variable DS)
  5. ^ Also applies to:
    00:20:287 (1,2) // 00:22:687 (1,2) // 00:23:887 (2,1) // 00:25:687 (3,4) // and so on
  6. 00:21:487 (3,1) - This kind of stack (under slider) should be avoided in normal level difficulties, especially this is lowest diff in mapset.
  7. ^ Also applies to:
    00:30:487 (2,3) // 00:34:087 (1,2) // 00:35:287 (2,1,2) // 01:13:705 (4,1) // 01:19:105 (1,1) // 01:28:689 (4,1) // 01:35:896 (4,1) // 01:38:899 (1,2) -
  8. 00:32:887 (3) - 2-repeat sliders should be avoided for normal level difficulties, especially considering that this is lowest difficulty in mapset.
  9. ^ Also applies to:
    01:20:905 (2) // 01:40:100 (2) -
  10. 01:02:887 (1) - Unsnapped
  11. 01:10:105 (1) - Touching hp bar, move a bit down.
  12. 01:11:305 (2,3,1,2,3) - Similar stacks for different rhythm is not a good idea for normal level difficulties, unstack at least one of them.
  13. 02:00:668 (1) - Should start on 02:00:518 () and end on 02:05:322 ()
  1. AR 6 for better diff spared.
  2. 00:04:687 (1) - It would be rhythm-wise to split this to slider + circle to actually allow player to play strong beat on 00:05:290 (2) -
  3. ^ Also applies to:
    00:07:087 (3) // 00:23:887 (4) // 00:28:687 (4) -
  4. 00:26:287 (4,5,6) - This should be in 1\6 like previous 00:21:487 (4,1,2,3) -
  5. ^ Also applies to:
    00:38:587 (4,5) // 00:43:387 (4,5,6)
  6. 00:28:687 (4) - Repeat arrow is covered by 00:28:087 (3) -
  7. 01:07:055 (5) - unsnapped
  8. Hitsounds way too rude, consider to include in your pattern soft sample set.
Don't forget to read guides in useful links :3 Good Luck!
Bonsoir \o


  1. Oublie pas de check tout ce que Sieg à déjà dit.
Je te déconseille très fortement les changements de SV sur les diffs Normal et en dessous. c'est pas forcément instinctif sur les Normal/Easy. Enfin, en tout cas içi je pense pas que ce soit le cas. D:

  1. 00:05:887 (1) - Je pense pas que le New Combo içi soit réelement nécessaire, tu peux le delete.
  2. 00:07:087 (2,3) - si tu prends 1,2 en spacing, fait en sorte que sur la Normal le spacing soit constant. Actuellement le spacing entre le 2 et le 3 est de 1,0.
  3. 00:11:887 (3) - N'utilise pas de 1/4 slider sur une normal, c'est surtout des patterns de Hard/Insane, même si, c'est théoriquement un simple hold 3/4. Au passage ce spinner fait aussi un peu court 00:12:487 (1) - . Si tu ne sais pas comment remplacer le slider d'avant, tu peux toujours faire start ton spinner içi 00:11:887 - et le finir la 00:13:687 - .
  4. Je comprends pas trop ton spacing : par exemple :
    - de la 00:14:887 - à la 00:19:687 - ton spacing est en x1
    - de la 00:19:687 - 00:20:887 - en x1,4
    - 00:20:887 (2,3) - ces deux la en x1
    - etc ...
  5. 00:21:487 (3,1) - je te déconseille très grandement les stacks comme ça. Tu ferais mieux de bouger le 1 avec un spacing constant plutôt que stack.
  6. 00:23:887 (2) - un anti jump en Normal n'est vraiment pas très beau à voir et jouer, rechange le spacing de sorte qu'il soit constant.
  7. 00:29:587 (5) - la aussi tu reprends ton spacing en x1 ; je comprends pas la raison >_>
  8. 00:29:587 (5,1) - inverse les New Combo des 2. Pour être constant avec tes autres New Combo.
  9. 00:30:487 (2,3) - plus ou moins pareil que précédemment, tu ferais mieux d'enlever les stacks comme ça, afin qu'ils soient plus agréable à jouer.
  10. 00:34:087 (1,2,1) - ^
  11. 00:42:487 (1) - change le additions en haut à gauche en Soft, est rajoute un finish.
  12. 01:02:737 - tu peux retirer cette green line, elle est inutile. D:
  13. 01:10:105 (1) - en jeux, ce slider touche la bar de vie, baisse le un peu tout en gardant le spacing constant.
  14. 01:11:305 (2,3,1,2,3,4) - içi, le problème, est que tu as stack en 1/1 sur ces notes la 01:11:305 (2,3,1) - ; puis ensuite stack en 1/2 ceux la 01:13:105 (2,3,4) - . Le problème est que ça créer une incohérence des stacks pouvant rapidement porter à confusion pour de nombreux débutant.
  15. 01:13:705 (4,1) - pareil que tout à l'heure sur les stacks simulaires des sliders, unstack.
  16. 01:19:105 (1,1) - ^
  17. 01:22:084 (1,2) - ^
  18. 01:19:105 (1) - je pense pas que le New Combo en plein milieux comme ça soit nécessaire, je pense que tu devrais le delete.
  19. Tu as commencer à mettre des claps en 2/1 à certain endroit qui sont plutôt logique, continue sur cette voie en en rajoutant içi : 01:25:086 -
  20. 01:29:290 (1) - unstack, et aussi, ce slider est complètement dans la bar de vie, pense à le baisser un peu de sorte qu'il reste entièrement dans l'écran du joueur.
  21. 01:35:896 (4,1) - unstack les, pour les même raisons que les autres.
  22. 01:38:899 (1,2) - ^
  23. 01:41:301 (1) - rajoute un finish avec soft en addition pour accentuer la cymbale ?
  24. 01:44:904 (1) - Enlève le New combo içi pour être constant avec le reste de la diff.
  25. 01:59:617 (3,5) - rajoute des whistles sur les 2.
  26. Termine ton spinner içi 02:05:322 -

    Pour cette diff, je te conseil grandement de revoir un tout le spacing afin d'en faire un constant, et éviter/ne pas faire de stack avec la fin d'un slider, sur le début d'un slider.

  1. 00:08:287 (1,2) - en ce qui concerne la mélodie, je dirais que échanger les New Combo rendrait beaucoup mieux.
  2. 00:13:087 (2,3) - leurs position ne les rends pas trop évident à lire. Sans oublier que leurs position laisse suggérer qu'il y a 2 aller/retour plutot qu'un seul retour. Si tu veux le rendre + lisible et rendre le flow + agréable, tu peux toujours essayer quelque chose du genre
  3. 00:21:887 (1) - en terme de logique sur les New Combo que tu as fait précédemment, tu devrais remove le New combo pour être constant.
  4. 00:26:737 (5,6) - içi, le stream devrait être en 1/6, comme les autres que tu as fais sur les patterns simulaire. Le 1/4 est complètement offbeat et ça rend weird à entendre.
  5. 00:28:687 (4) - même si c'est quand même un peu visible, ne cache jamais une flèche d'un slider, même si c'est partiellement. C'est unrankable.
  6. 00:38:587 (4,5) - pareil que sur les autres, içi c'est sensé être un quadruplé en 1/6, et non un triplet en 1/4
  7. 00:43:387 (4,5,6) - ^
  8. 00:43:687 (6) - rajoute un finish, avec soft en addition pour mieux accentuer la cymbale.
  9. 01:07:055 (5) - resnap le slider correctement en 1/1 sur le tick blanc.
  10. 01:22:084 (1,2,3) - l'overlap en symétrie n'est pas super beau je dirais, si tu compte garder la symétrie, je conseil fortement de le changer de cette manière la :
  11. 01:31:992 (3) - Si on suit la logique que tu as faites avec les New Combo sur le vocal, je dirais que tu devrais en add un içi.
  12. 01:53:312 (1,3) - la fin de ton slider 3 est beaucoup trop caché par le 1. Si tu compte garder à peu près le même flow, il serait bien mieux que tu essaie de ne pas trop overlap les fins de sliders.
  13. 02:00:518 (8) - rajoute un finish, t'en as mis un sur la Normal.
Voila voila, c'est tout ce que j'ai à dire dessus \o
bonne chance ~
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