
[Updated!] osu!grab v.2

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Faishal Akbar

osu!grab v2
Bring browser beatmap downloading more better than ever

osu!grab is back now :D . even more better

What's New?

  1. Sliding UI
  2. Newer UI Than a Single Form
  3. Improved with Audio Preview
  4. Advanced Browser Intergration with user javascript (Use Greasemonkey or similar Extension like that)
  5. Auto Adding osugrab: protocol by running as Administrator
  6. APIKey is User-defined and saved to Registry to save Disk Space

How to Install?

  1. Install .net Framework 2 and .net Framework 4 (seems the MetroFrameworks require .net 4 and this project using .net 2. much confusing)
  2. Extract it on anyplaces
  3. Run As Admin for first time (to register the osugrab: protocol for first time, after that run as regular)
  4. Enter Your API Code if needed
  5. osu!grab closed and ready to use
  6. Install Greasemonkey on your default browser
  7. Install Extension (Make sure Greasemonkey or similiar browser extentions like that handle that file and install it for you)
  8. Finish \o/

Known Bugs

  1. Can't download Unranked,WIP,Graveyard Beatmap (Because Bloodcat doesn't cache it, but you'll redirected to /d/{mapsetnumber}).
  2. can't run manually (that means you need to use your browser with extensions or use some args to run it)
  3. Cannot process Map if osu! isn't opened, causing crashes after map finish downloaded (Fixed on Patch 1, Replace old osu!grab v2.exe with this patch)
  4. This Apps .net Requirements =/= MetroFramework .net Requirement. so need to install .net2 and .net4 (WIP)
Please Report any bugs Here or on this Github Project

[ Pingu ]
This looks so cool!
Topic Starter
Faishal Akbar

[ Pingu ] wrote:

This looks so cool!
Thank you :D . you can try it now (using other hosting than the first build, and using other port than 80 for map parser :D )

Any suggest are welcome here :D
based on DuH
Topic Starter
Faishal Akbar

egas00 wrote:

based on DuH
sure DuH will aprroves this 100/10 now
- Marco -

Le informazioni su come richiamare il debug JIT (Just-In-Time) anziché questa finestra
sono riportate in fondo al messaggio.

************** Testo dell'eccezione **************
System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Impossibile trovare una parte del percorso 'C:\Users\Tiziano\Documents\osu!grab\osu!grab.xml'.
in System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
in System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)
in System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)
in System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options)
in System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path, Boolean append, Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize)
in System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path)
in osu_Grab.Main.MyApplication_Shutdown(Object sender, EventArgs e)
in System.Windows.Forms.Form.WmClose(Message& m)
in System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
in System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

************** Assembly caricati **************
Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.5485 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)
Base di codice: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework64/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll
Versione assembly:
Versione Win32:
Base di codice: file:///C:/Users/Tiziano/Downloads/osu!Gra/osu!Grab.exe
Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 8.0.50727.5483 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)
Base di codice: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/Microsoft.VisualBasic/
Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.5485 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)
Base di codice: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/
Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.5483 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)
Base di codice: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/
Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.5483 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)
Base di codice: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/
Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.5488 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)
Base di codice: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Runtime.Remoting/
Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.5485 (Win7SP1GDR.050727-5400)
Base di codice: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework64/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll
Versione assembly:
Versione Win32: 2.0.50727.5420 (Win7SP1.050727-5400)
Base di codice: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms.resources/

************** Debug JIT **************
Per attivare il debug JIT, è necessario impostare il valore
jitDebugging nella sezione del file di configurazione
dell'applicazione o del computer (machine.config).
L'applicazione inoltre deve essere compilata con il debug

Ad esempio:

< jitDebugging="true" />

Quando il debug JIT è attivato, tutte le eccezioni non gestite
vengono inviate al debugger JIT registrato nel computer,
anziché essere gestite da questa finestra di dialogo.

marcostudios wrote:

You need to add arguments.
Topic Starter
Faishal Akbar

Bauxe wrote:

marcostudios wrote:

You need to add arguments.
^agree, you need to insert argument to download it (read on how to execute on #1 )

Plus, the IO.Directory.Exists bug is solved now i think ._. , since i've removed the "remove unfinished map script" on the latest build

on first try it works but at second try, the deletion was failed because file in use error (i'm believe that because CancelASync() failure

Help :c
Topic Starter
Faishal Akbar

cadencelg wrote:

Help :c
inaccidently i've remove the php from my server. it's my fault. :D . will fixing again ETA 5 days
oh god visual basic no

the concept is cool though. Would you give me the permission to create something like this in c#? I definetly want to contribute to make this better.
Topic Starter
Faishal Akbar

Howl wrote:

oh god visual basic no

the concept is cool though. Would you give me the permission to create something like this in c#? I definetly want to contribute to make this better.
actually it's but, sure you can since this application is open-source, just fork this project on github and convert it into C#

*note : maybe you'll confused with the script, because i put it randomly.

Faishal Akbar wrote:

Howl wrote:

oh god visual basic no

the concept is cool though. Would you give me the permission to create something like this in c#? I definetly want to contribute to make this better.
actually it's but, sure you can since this application is open-source, just fork this project on github and convert it into C#

*note : maybe you'll confused with the script, because i put it randomly.
Yeah, I knew already it was open source. Though, I still wanted to ask if I could make this to c# to avoid eventuals rages at me because I stole an idea :P

Going to do this afternoon if I have time for it.
Topic Starter
Faishal Akbar

Howl wrote:

Yeah, I knew already it was open source. Though, I still wanted to ask if I could make this to c# to avoid eventuals rages at me because I stole an idea :P

Going to do this afternoon if I have time for it.
since you have my permission, i will not rage :D . btw, have fun.
nice app !
did it, still in beta but i did it. ... 0.1.0-beta
Topic Starter
Faishal Akbar

Howl wrote:

did it, still in beta but i did it. ... 0.1.0-beta
the .php is very complex , and very clean code. wow. fully approves this :D
- P l u e m -
pis help :c
Topic Starter
Faishal Akbar

- P l u e m - wrote:

pis help :c

server died because some problem :< sorry . will create update around 2-3 days again
Topic Starter
Faishal Akbar
Take more than one month to redesign it lol
WIP :>

[+] Audio Preview
[+] BG Preview
[+] Charmbar sliding effects
[+] more stable Server to Use
[+] Greasemonkey script for advanced intergration with Browser
[-] Use your API key since using one API key for public application was disallowed by ppy :>
- P l u e m -

Faishal Akbar wrote:

Take more than one month to redesign it lol
WIP :>

[+] Audio Preview
[+] BG Preview
[+] Charmbar sliding effects
[+] more stable Server to Use
[+] Greasemonkey script for advanced intergration with Browser
[-] Use your API key since using one API key for public application was disallowed by ppy :>
good update i like it
I'll wait :D

Topic Starter
Faishal Akbar

- P l u e m - wrote:

Faishal Akbar wrote:

Take more than one month to redesign it lol
WIP :>

[+] Audio Preview
[+] BG Preview
[+] Charmbar sliding effects
[+] more stable Server to Use
[+] Greasemonkey script for advanced intergration with Browser
[-] Use your API key since using one API key for public application was disallowed by ppy :>
good update i like it
I'll wait :D

i've disabled old server that used for o!grab v1 , and reuse more reliable hosting for v2. (i hope they didn't take down my hosting lol)
- P l u e m -
wow thx :D
Topic Starter
Faishal Akbar

- P l u e m - wrote:

wow thx :D
Glad to hear it works on other machine _(;3
Does not run on Win 8
Topic Starter
Faishal Akbar

ma3uk wrote:

Does not run on Win 8
eh really? are you have .net framework 2 installed on your machine. XP and 7 machine reported works with .net 2 installed

Faishal Akbar wrote:

ma3uk wrote:

Does not run on Win 8
eh really? are you have .net framework 2 installed on your machine. XP and 7 machine reported works with .net 2 installed
huh? isn't mahapps running on top of .net framework 4.5?
Topic Starter
Faishal Akbar

Howl wrote:

Faishal Akbar wrote:

eh really? are you have .net framework 2 installed on your machine. XP and 7 machine reported works with .net 2 installed
huh? isn't mahapps running on top of .net framework 4.5?
err really? i think it's available on .net 2 too :| will check this thing ASAP

EDIT : my packages are using thielj MetroFramework that requires .net 4 (why i didn't recheck this things -_-)


Faishal Akbar wrote:

How to Install?

  1. Install .net Framework 2 and .net Framework 4 (seems the MetroFrameworks require .net 4 and this project using .net 2. much confusing)
  2. Extract it on anyplaces
  3. Run As Admin for first time (to register the osugrab: protocol for first time, after that run as regular)
  4. Enter Your API Code if needed
  5. osu!grab closed and ready to use
  6. Install Greasemonkey on your default browser
  7. Install Extension (Make sure Greasemonkey or similiar browser extentions like that handle that file and install it for you)
  8. Finish \o/
can't install help :?
Topic Starter
Faishal Akbar

Mousr wrote:

Faishal Akbar wrote:

How to Install?

  1. Install .net Framework 2 and .net Framework 4 (seems the MetroFrameworks require .net 4 and this project using .net 2. much confusing)
  2. Extract it on anyplaces
  3. Run As Admin for first time (to register the osugrab: protocol for first time, after that run as regular)
  4. Enter Your API Code if needed
  5. osu!grab closed and ready to use
  6. Install Greasemonkey on your default browser
  7. Install Extension (Make sure Greasemonkey or similiar browser extentions like that handle that file and install it for you)
  8. Finish \o/
can't install help :?
Hmm... send me the error message, or tell me what error happened less than 100 words.
Ciyus Miapah
nic e nice cniecne cniecneicnei

Nice job bro! =w=)b
Topic Starter
Faishal Akbar

Fort wrote:

nic e nice cniecne cniecneicnei

Nice job bro! =w=)b
thanks fort =w=)b

Faishal Akbar wrote:

Hmm... send me the error message, or tell me what error happened less than 100 words.
never solved

gj anyway
Topic Starter
Faishal Akbar

Mousr wrote:

Faishal Akbar wrote:

Hmm... send me the error message, or tell me what error happened less than 100 words.
never solved

gj anyway
sorry, but i have many tasks to do IRL :D . i can't even open VS at this moment. i hope First time setup Guide finished after National Exam =3= (8~10 may probabily public released)

anyway, tq
based tikusr
I dont know what to type to get APi code, can anyone tell me?
Topic Starter
Faishal Akbar

Kei1koh2 wrote:

I dont know what to type to get APi code, can anyone tell me?
1. Run osu!grab as Admin
2. Click here or click on here :

3. Click Create New API Key
4. Fill the form. site doesn't matter ( or you can link the site form to this thread )
5. Copy API Key to osu!grab API key Request Box

ps: i'm not sure osu!grab is working right now because may long server inactivity makes the osu!grab Parse server suspended. but i'll try to reenable ( or maybe using in application JSON parser to saving time)

Faishal Akbar wrote:

Kei1koh2 wrote:

I dont know what to type to get APi code, can anyone tell me?
1. Run osu!grab as Admin
2. Click here or click on here :

3. Click Create New API Key
4. Fill the form. site doesn't matter ( or you can link the site form to this thread )
5. Copy API Key to osu!grab API key Request Box

ps: i'm not sure osu!grab is working right now because may long server inactivity makes the osu!grab Parse server suspended. but i'll try to reenable ( or maybe using in application JSON parser to saving time)

thanks, and app name is osu!grab v2, right?
and when I try to DL the map , it says '' we cant get map data make sure you connect to the internet'' and Ive already connected, please tell me what to do to solce that problem ;_;
Topic Starter
Faishal Akbar

Kei1koh2 wrote:

and when I try to DL the map , it says '' we cant get map data make sure you connect to the internet'' and Ive already connected, please tell me what to do to solce that problem ;_;
server was down 4 days ago lol. will fix ASAP
please tell me wher server works again ;_;
Topic Starter
Faishal Akbar

Kei1koh2 wrote:

please tell me wher server works again ;_;
i will update the thread and app soon after build finished. btw, still working on it.
does the server still being down????
Topic Starter
Faishal Akbar

Kei1koh2 wrote:

does the server still being down????
still don't have any hosting recommendation ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . anyway still working to make it work without any hosting (live process)

EDIT : osu!grab is Up now without External Server help (yay)

Faishal Akbar wrote:

Kei1koh2 wrote:

does the server still being down????
still don't have any hosting recommendation ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . anyway still working to make it work without any hosting (live process)
I'd recommend to check out either Vultr or Digitalocean, they offer VPS for some hella low prices ($5/mo) and are pretty great. If you have some sort of proof that you're a student, you can also apply for the GitHub student developer pack, that gives you $100 on Digitalocean. If you plan on spending the least money, RamNode has some VPSs starting from $15/year, aka $1.25/mo. Of course you can also ask for the VM hosting offered by peppy. finally, if you wish, I can give you some space on my dedicated server if you need it. contact me via pm (ingame/forums) for info.
Topic Starter
Faishal Akbar

Howl wrote:

I'd recommend to check out either Vultr or Digitalocean, they offer VPS for some hella low prices ($5/mo) and are pretty great. If you have some sort of proof that you're a student, you can also apply for the GitHub student developer pack, that gives you $100 on Digitalocean. If you plan on spending the least money, RamNode has some VPSs starting from $15/year, aka $1.25/mo. Of course you can also ask for the VM hosting offered by peppy. finally, if you wish, I can give you some space on my dedicated server if you need it. contact me via pm (ingame/forums) for info.
Thanks for your recommendations and also your offer. but i'll try to make the data-processing inside the app instead using external web processing first.

seems i can't get the GitHub student developer pack since i don't have school domain e-mail :( .
Topic Starter
Faishal Akbar
Good news, This application now running without any external server help. thanks to Rejenzusama for Helping with JSON Stuff :D

Edit : New Update Released.

Topic Starter
Faishal Akbar

New Update(s) Available!

osu!grab v2.3

What's New?
  1. Automatically Check when new update pushed to github releases

osu!grab v2.2

What's New?
  1. Using new Font for UI (Exo 2.0)
  2. Title And Artist Name are Centerized now
  3. Click right in the Beatmap Image Preview to Play/Stop Audio Preview
Looks clean and nice, gotta love metro-styled apps.
But all those DLLs for MetroFramework? You can easily make a metro app with a few panels lmao.

One small bug, if you click OK on the API request dialog, a popup message will occur, then the form will show again and if you press OK again, the panel shows and then retracts back quickly and then the application closes.
Topic Starter
Faishal Akbar

LoliFlan wrote:

Looks clean and nice, gotta love metro-styled apps.
But all those DLLs for MetroFramework? You can easily make a metro app with a few panels lmao.

One small bug, if you click OK on the API request dialog, a popup message will occur, then the form will show again and if you press OK again, the panel shows and then retracts back quickly and then the application closes.
but seems metro app will not handle args correctly.

try to download new release (seems it was old release because osu!grab v2 Preview text still there) :)

EDIT : oops, #1 Post download link redirects to old build. fixed

EDIT AGAIN : you need to run osu!grab with argument (actually this thing will automatically handled by osu!grab extensions for browser with greasemonkey) .
See the end of this message for details on invoking 
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: File not found.
at System.Drawing.Text.PrivateFontCollection.AddMemoryFont(IntPtr memory, Int32 length)
at osugrabv2.osugrab.Form1_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.EventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl(Boolean fIgnoreVisible)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmShowWindow(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

I am seeing the above when i open the application.
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