
A friendly reminder about ingame bans

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Chat bans (via !kill in IRC) are only permanent under exceptional circumstances and often are removed hours after they are placed.

They have no impediment on your ability to do anything with the game aside from chatting through the game client. You can still play the game as normal, mod and map - and even post on the forums in the meantime.

In the event that you feel you may have been banned for a bit longer than is necessary, a civil private message via the forums to the staff member that banned you asking them to justify the length of the ban and how long further it may last for, will often amicably resolve the situation far faster than being a complete idiot and spamming the forums or making a thread about it.

Making another account to evade such a ban will invoke the 'exceptional circumstances' aspect and will probably result in both accounts being outright deleted.

This has been happening more frequently lately and all it does is waste people's time. Have a good long think about what you stand to lose if you ban evade.
Posting this in the forum that many don't spam with unban requests?

Global announcement over all forums plz. 8-)
I know. Remember that asshole Photon? He'd spam forums everywhere, get banned, make another account, and recycle the process.

Derekku Chan wrote:

Global announcement over all forums plz. 8-)

Zekira wrote:

Derekku Chan wrote:

Global announcement over all forums plz. 8-)
Even Other Language forums work plz :3
It's important thing imo...
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