Hello peeps~ I'm not that active among the osu! forums but I hope that to eventually change... I'm unsure about where to post my first dedicated work to osu! I did it so people could understand the game through a fairly "quick" read and as such improve their viewing experience when watching other peeps play or the world tournaments that we appear to have so often.
https://imgur-archive.ppy.sh/2d8y3WS.jpg < It's a "bit" too huge for me to post on the forums :c
I hope you'll enjoy this! Please leave me suggestions on how to improve it and correct me if anything is wrong!
Thank you!
https://imgur-archive.ppy.sh/2d8y3WS.jpg < It's a "bit" too huge for me to post on the forums :c
I hope you'll enjoy this! Please leave me suggestions on how to improve it and correct me if anything is wrong!
Thank you!