This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, November 03, 2014 at 10:44:26 AM
Artist: EBICO & Jioyi
Title: Slit -Version O-
Source: Cytus
BPM: 165
Filesize: 4491kb
Play Time: 01:52
Difficulties Available:
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
4K Easy : 100% Finished and Cleaned
4K Normal : 100% Finished and Cleaned
5K Normal : 0%
6K Normal : 0%
4K Normal ++ : 100% Finished and Cleaned *
5K Normal ++ : 100% Finished **
6K Normal ++ : 0%
4K Hard : 100% Finished and Cleaned *
5K Hard : 100% Finished **
6K Hard: 0%
4K Super: 100% Finished and Cleaned *
5K Super: 100% Finished **
6K Super: 0%
4K Hyper: 100% Finished and Cleaned *
5K Hyper: 100% Finished **
6K Hyper: 0%
4K INSANE: 100% Finished and Cleaned *
5K INSANE: 100% Finished **
--7K ANOTHER--: 100% Finished but I think I won't include it in my set
* - Subject to further cleaning
** - Not cleaned
Special Thanks to Sheeniah999 (My sibling) for volunteering in making 5K Hard, Normal, Normal++ and 6K Normal and DanielFantasyVI (My cousin) for volunteering in making 6K Normal++, 6K Hard and 6K Super
Artist: EBICO & Jioyi
Title: Slit -Version O-
Source: Cytus
BPM: 165
Filesize: 4491kb
Play Time: 01:52
Difficulties Available:
- 4K Easy - 4Key (1.03 stars, 176 notes)
- 4K Hard - 4Key (3.04 stars, 938 notes)
- 4K Hyper - 4Key (4.03 stars, 1243 notes)
- 4K INSANE - 4Key (4.51 stars, 1435 notes)
- 4K Normal ++ - 4Key (2.65 stars, 732 notes)
- 4K Normal - 4Key (1.93 stars, 374 notes)
- 4K Super - 4Key (3.79 stars, 1124 notes)
- 5K Hyper - 5Key (4.21 stars, 1211 notes)
- 5K INSANE - 5Key (4.91 stars, 1498 notes)
- 5K Super - 5Key (3.79 stars, 1142 notes)
- Sheeniah999's 5K Hard - 5Key (3.23 stars, 898 notes)
- Sheeniah999's 5K Normal - 5Key (1.93 stars, 374 notes)
- Sheeniah999's Normal++ - 5Key (2.5 stars, 726 notes)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
4K Easy : 100% Finished and Cleaned
4K Normal : 100% Finished and Cleaned
5K Normal : 0%
6K Normal : 0%
4K Normal ++ : 100% Finished and Cleaned *
5K Normal ++ : 100% Finished **
6K Normal ++ : 0%
4K Hard : 100% Finished and Cleaned *
5K Hard : 100% Finished **
6K Hard: 0%
4K Super: 100% Finished and Cleaned *
5K Super: 100% Finished **
6K Super: 0%
4K Hyper: 100% Finished and Cleaned *
5K Hyper: 100% Finished **
6K Hyper: 0%
4K INSANE: 100% Finished and Cleaned *
5K INSANE: 100% Finished **
--7K ANOTHER--: 100% Finished but I think I won't include it in my set
* - Subject to further cleaning
** - Not cleaned
Special Thanks to Sheeniah999 (My sibling) for volunteering in making 5K Hard, Normal, Normal++ and 6K Normal and DanielFantasyVI (My cousin) for volunteering in making 6K Normal++, 6K Hard and 6K Super