
Default Numbers

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I'm trying to make a new skin and the only thing I'm having a problem with is the appearance of number 10 as a default number. I obviously have numbers 0 and 1 made but when there is bound to be a number 10 it appears as 01 instead of a 10. I don't really know how to fix this and it might seem dumb but I would really appreciate if someone helped me with this sudden and silly issue. Thank you. :oops:
Make sure to number the things properly. You probably accidently named them the opposite of what they are.
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It's set as "default-0" and "default-1". I don't think there's a problem with that. Is there? Or did you mean something else?
I meant as in you might've switched the names around. For example; you might've named the picture with a 1 as "default-0.png". It's the only thing I can think of since the 0 and 1 for 10 are switched around.
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I haven't. They're named properly.
Ayesha Altugle
The hitcircleoverlap in skin.ini is set to a high value
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Thanks! I fixed it.
I have the same problem

Numbers are right and HitCircleOverlap is set to 999

What should I do?


iMCrafter wrote:

I have the same problem

Numbers are right and HitCircleOverlap is set to 999

What should I do?

Set to 0 and is fixed. 999 is wrong :D
That bump O.o
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