
ZUN - Walking the Streets of a Former Hell

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on samedi 19 juin 2010 at 19:22:12

Artist: ZUN
Title: Walking the Streets of a Former Hell
Source: Touhou 11 : Subterranean Animism
Tags: project kurai_ stage 3 yuugi hoshiguma
BPM: 153
Filesize: 4902kb
Play Time: 01:51
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2,13 stars, 119 notes)
  2. Hard (4,46 stars, 240 notes)
  3. Kurai's Lunatic (4,99 stars, 342 notes)
  4. Normal (3,96 stars, 153 notes)
Download: ZUN - Walking the Streets of a Former Hell
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Touhou 11 : Walking The Streets Of a Former Hell (BGM 6)
Theme Song of the Stage 3

It's my 1st beatmap ^^

27/02/10 : Easy Finished !
06/03/10 : Hard Finished !
19/03/10 : Kurai's Hard Added ! (Renamed Kurai's Lunatic)
19/03/10 : Normal Finished !

And a lot of mods...

Redownload if you have downloaded the map before 28/05/10 : Skin edited (yes, again)
I have used some parts from Utsuho Reiuji skin
Press F6, select the first timing point.

Offset: 12'846
BPM: 152.92

Check "Snap to new timing" and chose "1/2 (Red ticks)".

Press OK.

You'll have to fix some things like 01:15:427 (1,2) yourself.
You can remove "walking the streets of a former hell zun" since... well, it's the title

Why "Fight69's Easy"? The map is yours, and everyone knows the diff is yours too! (well, you don't have a guest diff here, i think)
Use distance snap! ;o
Your hitsounds are pretty good, and rythm too. Nothing to complain about. Just the sliders (they are a bit ugly) and distance snap.
01:27:198 (1) - this spinner is very short for easy! o.o

Same thing about distance snap.
00:37:957 (2) - put a new combo here o.o

Star! :3
Topic Starter

Blue Dragon wrote:

You can remove "walking the streets of a former hell zun" since... well, it's the title
Done ^^

Blue Dragon wrote:

Why "Fight69's Easy"? The map is yours, and everyone knows the diff is yours too! (well, you don't have a guest diff here, i think)
Why ? Hum...I don't know xD
I have deleted the "Fight69's" ^^

Blue Dragon wrote:

Use distance snap! ;o
Ok, I think it's better now

Blue Dragon wrote:

Just the sliders (they are a bit ugly)
I will fix that ^^

Blue Dragon wrote:

01:27:198 (1) - this spinner is very short for easy! o.o
Fixed, the spinner is a bit longer now

Blue Dragon wrote:

00:37:957 (2) - put a new combo here o.o
Done ^^

Blue Dragon wrote:

Star! :3
Thank you for your help ! :)
Star~ Héhéhé, Je moddrai une autre fois, j'ai la flemme la :D
Mr Gaddy
Add preview points on both difficultys.

[00:59:929] (7) New combo
[01:03:068] (4) ^
[01:04:637] Move new combo to next slider <at 01:05:422>
[01:15:427] (1) Move it to 01:15:623 <snap divisor 1/3>
[01:21:901] (6) New combo
[01:42:304] (4) New combo
You should add some hitsounds in this difficulty.

[00:41:096] (5) New combo
[00:42:273] Move new combo to next slider <at 00:44:234>
[01:15:427] (1) Move this slider to 01:15:623
[01:25:040; 01:25:825] New combo
Imo it also lacks of hitsounds.

Not bad map, +star c:
Topic Starter

Kurai_ wrote:

Star~ Héhéhé, Je modderais une autre fois, j'ai la flemme la :D
Merci ^^

gadasiu wrote:

Add preview points on both difficultys. Added

[00:59:929] (7) New combo Added
[01:03:068] (4) ^ Added
[01:04:637] Move new combo to next slider <at 01:05:422> Done
[01:15:427] (1) Move it to 01:15:623 <snap divisor 1/3> Done
[01:21:901] (6) New combo Added
[01:42:304] (4) New combo Added
You should add some hitsounds in this difficulty. I will add them

[00:41:096] (5) New combo Added
[00:42:273] Move new combo to next slider <at 00:44:234> Done
[01:15:427] (1) Move this slider to 01:15:623 Done
[01:25:040; 01:25:825] New combo Added
Imo it also lacks of hitsounds. I will also add them

Not bad map, +star c:
Thank you for your help :) , 1 kudosu for you ;)
Pourquoi utilises tu la grille au niveau 1, au niveau 3 c'est mieux. quand tu l'auras fait, replace toutes tes note une a une avec le distance snap, utiliser le level grid a 1 cause des erreurs de spacing, c'est long je sais mais important

00:15:200 (1) - New combo
00:18:339 (1) - ^
00:23:832 (2) - Enleve le new combo
00:25:401 (3) - New combo xD'
00:36:387 (1) - Enleve le new combo
00:37:957 (1,2,3) - Pas du tous dans le rythme. fait un truc comme sur le screen

00:50:512 (x) - Met une note
00:50:905 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - entre chacun de ces slides mets une note
01:28:179 (Timing section) - change l'offset de cette section pour 88 571
01:37:792 (1) - recule sur le tick blanc précédant puis rallonge sur le prochain tick blanc
01:51:721 (x) - Ajoute une nouvelle section inherited pour enlever le kiai

01:28:179 (Timing section) - change l'offset de cette section pour 88 571
01:37:792 (1) - recule sur le tick blanc précédant puis rallonge sur le prochain tick blanc
01:51:721 (x) - Ajoute une nouvelle section inherited pour enlever le kiai

Voilivoilou, tous ce que j'ai trouvé pour l'instant !
Sinon, jpeux faire une diff ? :D
Nazi mod go go go

General: Please remove the words Touhou, 11, subterranean and animism in the tags (maybe project too) because those are already in the source


Circle Size larger by 1 notch?

00:15:984 (3) - move one grid to the left
00:23:047 (1) - a clap really sounds weird here (maybe it's just me though)
00:35:602 (1) - a clap and a whistle sounds messy. maybe remove the clap?
00:57:182 (9,10) - offscreen
01:43:874 (2,3,1,2,3) - this pattern looks messy
01:51:721 (4) - move one grid downwards
01:28:571 (1) - make this red line a green one by making it an inheriting timing section w/ kiai

Comments: Don't use very long combos since it's an easy
Also, this needs more hitsounds :3


01:13:858 (9) - a clap really sounds weird here
01:44:266 (3) - offscreen

here you go.
remarques :
*la timeline est pas mal, je vais évité de la modder.
*le orange est moche, change de couleur.
*en plus, gris et blanc a la suite c'est pas cool! change un des 2!
*00:14:415 (8,1) - les spacings de ce type, faut être très bon pour en mettre, abstiens toi et modifie ça à chaque fois que tu en as mis ...
*les clap font assez moche, tu fais des changements entre whistle/clap alors qu'il n'y a pas de changement flagrant dans la musique.

[ Hard ] :

00:04:998 (1) - fais le commencer 4 tick blanc plus tard, et terminer un tick blanc plus tard aussi.
00:13:434 (4) - whistle.
00:14:023 (6) - idem.
00:15:592 (2) - enlève le whistle.
00:15:984 (3) - whistle à la fin.
00:16:769 (4) - whistle au début.
00:18:339 (6) - whistle.
00:19:123 (8) - finish.
00:19:516 (1,2,3,4,5) - rien sur 1/3/5, whistle sur 2/4.
00:20:693 (6,7,8,9) - rien sur 6/8, whistle sur 7, finish sur 9.
00:22:262 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - rien sur 1/2/3/5/7, whistle sur 4/6/8, finish sur 9.
00:25:009 (1) - whistle.
00:25:401 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - fais la même chose que pour le 1er combo.
00:27:755 (1,2) - whistle sur 1, finish sur 2.
00:28:540 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - pareil encore. (mets un new combo sur le 3 aussi!)
00:30:502 (1,2,3) - rien sur les 1,mets seulement un whistle sur 2, finish+whistle sur 3.
00:31:679 (4) - whistle tout à la fin.
00:33:248 (6,7) - enlève le whistle à la fin des 2 sliders!
00:34:033 (8) - whistle au début, rien au milieu, finish à la fin.
00:34:818 (9) - new combo !, whistle à la fin.
00:35:602 (1,2,1) - enlève les 2 new combo, et dans l'ordre, tu mets : rien sur le 1, finish+whistle sur le suivant puis finish pour le dernier.

la suite très bientôt :) .
STAR (pour la musique *.*)
Topic Starter
Thank you everybody ! :)
Met le Circle Size comme dans le normal
00:06:568 (1) - met la fin sur le tick rouge d'avant

00:20:689 (2) - overlap avec la fin du (1) et deplace 00:21:081 (3,4,5,6,7,8) avec la bonne distance du coup :>

Circle size +1 ? les petits cercles ça pue xD
00:06:568 (1) - met la fin sur le tick rouge d'avant :>

[Kurai's Hard]
Met une section de fin pour le kiai

Les timelines sont plutôt propre à part ça :>
Make the circle size 2.
Raise OD by 1.
Make sure all your curved sliders curve neatly.
00:06:568 (1) - Not snapped.
01:24:609 (6) - Align with 5
01:29:707 (4) - Align with 3
01:31:276 (1) - Example of bad curve.
Run AIMod and fix spacing problems.

Make sure all your curved sliders curve neatly.
00:15:983 (7) - New combo
00:19:512 (1) - Align over 2
01:34:413 (10) - New combo
01:43:825 (5) - New combo
01:46:962 (6) - New combo
Run AIMod and fix spacing problems.

Make the circle size 3.
Make sure all your curved sliders curve neatly.
00:06:568 (1) - Not snapped.
00:46:571 (4) - Spacing.
00:50:492 - Add a beat.
00:52:061 - Add a beat.
00:53:629 - Add a beat.
00:55:198 - Add a beat.
00:56:767 - Add a beat.
00:58:335 - Add a beat.
01:03:041 (1) - Align this under the 4.
01:29:315 (4) - Spacing.
01:41:080 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - Randomly placed. Looks messy.

Add Kurai to the tags.

00:35:982 (4) - 1 grid left so it's spaced like the others.
00:59:904 (1) - Add 2 repeats.
01:00:688 (2) - Add 2 repeats.
01:02:453 (8) - Move this 1/2 forward.
01:12:060 (5) - Make this in line with 3
01:14:021 (1) - Shorten bt 1/2
01:17:158 (1) - Shorten by 1/2
01:20:296 (1) - Shorten by 1/2
01:23:237 - Add a beat.
01:31:080 - Add a beat.
01:31:962 - Add a beat.
01:32:158 - Add a beat.
01:32:550 - Add a beat.
01:34:217 - Add a beat.
Map to the end.

Nice map.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Download: ZUN - Walking the Streets of a Former Hell (Fight69) [Kurai's Hard].osu
o.o This map still in WIP?

- Add tag "Kurai" to all diffs
- Delete "touhou project 11 subterranean animism" from TAG on [Kurai's Hard]
- Make sure that your tag All diffs are the same

00:56:767 (8) - Spacing
00:22:257 (6) - new combo
00:23:041 (1) - remove new combo
00:27:747 (1) - ^
00:28:532 (4) - new combo
00:31:669 (4) - ^
00:35:590 (1) - remove new combo
00:37:943 (5) - new combo
00:43:433 (6) - ^
00:55:198 (6) - ^
01:05:394 (1) - remove new combo
01:06:570 (7) - new combo
01:08:139 (1) - remove new combo
01:12:453 (7) - new combo
01:19:119 (6) - ^
01:19:903 (1) - remove new combo
01:35:197 (1) - ^
01:51:668 (4) - add sound finish

00:19:120 (7) - new combo
00:19:512 (1) - remove new combo
00:22:257 (7) - new combo
00:28:532 (5) - ^
00:34:806 (7) - ^
00:41:080 (5) - ^
00:47:355 (3) - ^
00:54:414 (6) - ^
00:59:904 (4) - ^
01:06:178 (5) - ^
01:12:453 (5) - ^
01:22:256 (6) - ^
01:32:060 (7) - ^

00:14:022 (1) - remove new combo
00:19:120 (8) - new combo
00:19:512 (1) - remove new combo, and fix spacing a bit
00:28:532 (1) - remove new combo [make they like 00:30:492 (1,2)?]
01:18:923 (7) - new combo
01:19:903 (1) - remove new combo
01:21:864 (8) - new combo
01:23:433 (1) - remvoe new combo
01:35:197 (1) - ^

[Kurai's Hard]
- +1 or +2 Overall difficulties?
01:51:668 (1) - add sound finish? +_+

+ Star *
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Download: ZUN - Walking the Streets of a Former Hell (Fight69) [Kurai's Hard].osu
Star deserved!
The mp3 is pretty low quality. Try this one. Use offset 12,876. Don't forget to resnap all notes/timing sections. I'd check the offset just in case too. Also, you'll have to rename the file to the name of the MP3 in your folder currently unless you want to do some .osu editing.
Note that all the times I give on the mods are from the offset I gave here.
Try using claps on the snare hits later on in the song (maybe around 1 minute in) to raise the intensity of the song a bit. It feels kind of subdued with only whistles and finishes.
Try to end the songs with a spinner instead of normal beats. It tends to feel anti-climactic otherwise.
Use the same combo colors throughout all of your difficulties.

Overall, the use of soft whistle feels over-done. Try using it as an emphasis of the note instead of just a way to make it louder.
The two spinners at the beginning is kind of weird. Maybe only use the second one?
00:27:777 (2,3) - Try to not have these covered up by the slider.
The way the song goes, it feels that the slider should start at 00:41:110 (4) instead of 00:40:718.

Run through this difficulty with distance snap on and check your spacing. It varies occasionally and makes for some confusing feeling rhythms. (Like at 00:42:679 (3,4,5) - )

There's that double spinner start again. Bleh.
00:44:248 (1,2,3,6) - These triplet rhythms really don't fit at this part of the song at all. =
00:51:502 (4) - Line this up with the rest of the combo

[Kurai's Hard]
00:37:973 - This is a really weird spot to have a kiai section.
01:03:071 - This one is better, but considering you turn it off when the song repeats that section exactly (with some flutes, I guess) right afterward... Eh.
Why so many combo changes at 01:47:188 but not for 01:47:188?

Keep it up!
Please don't rip audio from Youtube and then re-encode it at a higher bitrate, it makes things sound bad.

Here is a better mp3:

The timing for the new file will be:

153.000 (not 153.002 or whatever you have now)
Offset: 12,905
;) Hey
-Source should just be "Touhou" and add "Subterranean Animism"in tags.

-[00:40:688]4:try to put a note here and start the following slider at [00:41:080]
-[01:42:256]1:try to snap this note a bit lower since it's partly in the health meter
-[01:46:178]add something here?

-[00:17:355]add a note here since you do the same thing at [00:13:434]
-[01:19:315]add a note here since you do the same thing at [01:16:178]

Star~ ;) nice map
Up pour le nouveau timing de lyby avec le nouveau mp3.

Download: ZUN - Walking the Streets of a Former Hell (Fight69) [Kurai's Hard].osu
Topic Starter
Thank you everybody !!! :)
Yuji Tokaji
Yo Fight :D

[ Easy ]

- T'es notes ne sont pas placés , il faut que tu les resnap. C'EST TRÈS IMPORTANT ! :D
- Sa commence à 00:13:699 de 01:51:738.
- Je trouve qu'il y a beaucoup de notes pour un easy >.<' .Essaie d'arranger sa à ta sauce genre met moins de sliders,
met plus de pause etc..
- A part cela, le easy n'est pas mal :D

[ Normal ]

- Ici c'est pareil, il faut que tu snap les notes, sa commence à 00:13:504 et sa fini à 01:50:170.
- Met quelques pauses, parce que la sa enchaîne, sa enchaîne et je te rappelle que c'est juste un Normal :D
- Sinon ta fait un Good Work sur le Normal :D

[ Hard ]

- AH :D , ici il y a juste 2 notes non-snapées :
01:43:099(2) : Snap la
01:45:452(3) : Snap la
-Si tu veux, augmente l'Overall Difficulty de 1, c'est une suggestion :D
-C'est pas mal sinon =)

[ Kurai's Hard ]

-Augmente l'Overall Difficulty de 1

Voila :D
Pas mal du tout pour une 1ère map :D

~Star :D ^^
Yuji Tokaji
Yop ^^

J'ai réduit la taille de la musik

2.68Mo => 2.24Mo

Download: YouTube- Subterranean Animism BGM 6.mp3
[Mod Infos]

Azure: Suggestions.
Blue: You should fix this.



  • • 00:28:199 (3,1) - Spacing (keep "Distance Snap" active and fix it)
    • 01:26:630 (x) - Add a circle


  • • 00:47:406 (x) - Add a circle


  • • 01:27:217 (1) - Start this spinner here 01:26:826 (red tick)
    • 01:37:805 (1) - ^ 01:37:610 (white tick)
Déjà le Easy o.o

Vraiment un petit car c'est dur de placer des hitsounds sur un easy :<
Oublie pas que c'est que des suggestions, hein, si tu aime vraiment pas tu fais pas o.o

00:13:689 (2) - vire le whistle
00:14:473 (3) - whistle à la place du finish
00:15:650 (2) - clap
00:16:042 (3) - aucun hitsounds au début, whistle à la plac du finish à la fin
00:18:787 (2) - clap
00:19:179 (3) - whistle à la place du finish
00:19:963 (1) - whistle
00:21:140 (3) - clap
00:23:885 (3) - whistle
00:25:454 (1) - pas de finish à la fin
00:28:199 (3) - clap
00:28:591 (1) - whistle à la place du finish
00:28:591 (1) - no new combo
00:30:944 (2) - new combo
00:31:336 (3) - clap
00:31:728 (1) - pas de new combo
00:35:650 (5) - aucun HS
00:36:434 (6) - whistle à la place du finish ou mettre un spinner jusqu'à 00:38:003
00:50:159 (1) - clap
00:50:552 (2) - aucun HS
00:50:944 (3) - whistle début et fin
00:52:120 (4) - rien
00:52:512 (5) - whistle début et fin
00:53:689 (6) - rien
00:54:081 (7) - whistle début et fin
00:55:257 (1) - rien
00:55:650 (2) - whistle début et fin
00:56:826 (3) - rien
00:57:218 (4) - whistle début et fin
00:58:395 (5) - rien
00:59:963 (1,2) - clap au début sur les deux et tu peux laisser les finish à la fin o.o
01:01:532 (3) - Alors pour celui là : Début = clap, premier retour = Whistle, deuxieme retour = clap et fin whistle
01:03:101 (1) - Whistle ou rien, comme tu le sent
01:03:493 (2) - clap
01:03:885 (3) - whistle
01:04:277 (4) - clap
01:04:669 (5) - whistle
01:05:061 (x) - ajoute une note en clap
01:05:454 (6) - clap au milleu et whistle à la fin
01:06:630 (1) - clap
01:07:414 (3) - clap tout seul :>
01:07:806 (4) - whistle
01:08:199 (5) - Debut : clap, Retour : vide, Fin : clap
01:09:375 (1) - whistle
01:09:767 (2) - clap
01:10:552 (4) - clap sans whistle
01:10:944 (5) - whistle
01:11:336 (6) - Debut : clap, Retour : vide ou whistle, Fin : clap
01:13:297 (2) - vide
01:14:081 (3) - whistle
01:15:650 (1) - ils vont te faire chier comme quoi faut pas de 1/2 dans du easy, enleve un retour
Sur le même après avoir enlever un retour, Whistle au début, clap à la fin
01:16:826 (3) - juste le clap
01:17:218 (4) - whistle
01:19:179 (1) - clap
01:19:571 (2) - whistle
01:19:963 (3) - seulement clap
01:20:159 (4) - pareil que le slider, ils veullent pas 1/2 en easy :/
01:20:355 (5) - whistle
01:20:748 (5) - clap début et fin
01:21:924 (1) - whistle
01:22:708 (2) - vide
01:23:885 (4) - clap
01:24:669 (6) - seulement clap
01:25:061 (7) - whistle
01:26:630 (x) - ici, ça fait vide, met un spinner jusqu'à 01:28:199
01:28:591 (1) - clap
01:28:983 (2) - whistle
01:29:375 (3) - clap
01:29:767 (4) - debut vide, fin clap
01:30:552 (5) - whistle
01:30:944 (6) - clap
01:31:336 (1) - debut vide, fin clap
01:32:120 (2) - whistle
01:32:512 (3) - clap
01:33:297 (5) - début clap, fin whistle
01:34:081 (6) - clap
01:34:473 (1) - whistle
01:34:865 (2) - clap
01:35:257 (3) - début vide, fin clap
01:36:042 (4) - début whistle, fin clap
01:36:826 (5) - début vide, fin clap
01:41:140 (1) - clap
01:41:532 (2) - whistle
01:41:924 (3) - clap
01:42:316 (1) - whistle
01:42:708 (2) - clap au début, rien à la fin
01:43:493 (3) - les trois en clap
01:45:454 (4) - whistle
01:45:846 (5) - clap
01:46:238 (6) - vide
01:46:630 (7) - clap
01:47:022 (1) - whistle
01:48:591 (3) - whistle
01:49:375 (1) - whistle
01:50:159 (2) - vide
01:50:944 (3) - whistle
Star =D
1:19:571 (5) spacing or trap?
1:23:995 (2) place this on y-axis?

[hard] Position of notes doesn't within grids?
0:21:532 (8) right+ down 1 grid? Correspondingly (9) left 2 grid+up 1 grid
0:34:865 (1) move up a bit to suit (8)
0:45:061 (2) adjust the direction so that it's perpendicular to (1,3)

0:54:473 (1) spacing
1:32:120 (1,2,3) position of (2) is weird...

[easy] nice

All looks fine to me +Star
Updated Mod's Info:
Mine are all suggestions. You're free to follow or not this mod :3
If I found a beat who must be added, i'll write it.
Remember to check spacing after all modfies :3
I'll check with AImod (Ctrl+Shift+A) too, so, if there's something found on it for your difficulties, i'll write "AImod!"

Your rating spread is EHII. try to make it ENHI or ENII.
Source should be only Touhou. Maybe Subterranean Animism can be a tag.
Even they are forgiveable, i have to signal you some spacings errors due to too much free times D:

00:19:963 (1) - 4 grids down.
00:20:748 (2,3,4,5,1) - ^ + 1 grid right.
00:23:101 (2,3) - Flip vertically.
00:25:454 (1) - Spacing.

Nothing here :D

00:19:963 (3,4,5) - Flip vertically.
00:21:532 (8) - 1 grid down.
00:22:316 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Do them more simmetrically.
00:25:061 (1) - Spacing.
00:59:963 (1,2) - AWFUL! ;w;
01:35:256 (4) - Move this away instead of let it stay under 01:34:668 (2,3)

[Kurai's Hard]
I like it, but just rename with Kurai's Insane, i think it suits better the map.

That's all! Awesome!
Red: You must fix this.
Blue: You'd better do sth with this imo.
Green: Just suggestions.

don't use grey as a combo color, it may make players confused. (like failed.)
remove whistle on the sliders (different from "remove whistle on the start+end") example:00:25:454 (1) [Easy]

why use 1.6x distance spacing? it's weird for a Easy (sliders are too slow compared to the spacing, ...slider velocity=0.5)
01:25:061 (7) - new combo?
01:45:454 (4) - ^
01:49:375 (1,2) - switch new combo?

00:32:120 (1) - whistle?
00:47:414 (3) - break after this note is too short, remove plz.

HP Drain Rate -1/-2, Overall -1
01:03:100 (1) - may be better if it's stacked with the start of 01:01:531 (4)
01:42:904 (1) - remove new combo
01:43:885 (3,1) - switch new combo?
01:47:021 (1--) - add some notes at the last part.

[Kurai's Hard]
why this diff has a different kiai? (and...the kiai is so long...)
00:35:257 (2,4) - 1 grid up?
01:19:375 (4,5) - spacing?
Nothing to add, great maps. Touhou ftw :)
Colin Hou
  1. set the offset 9,767, there shouldn't be note before the first offset.
  1. just put clap due to the background music.
  1. 00:14:856 (T) - add a circle here
  2. 00:28:983 (T) - add a circle and put a clap on it
  3. 01:32:120 (1,2,3) - spacing
  1. 00:14:865 (T) - add a circle with clap
  2. 00:18:003 (T) - ^
  3. 00:27:414 (T) - ^
  4. 00:16:042 (3) - cancel the whistle on the slider and just put the whistle on the beginning circle.
  5. 00:24:081 (T) - try this:
  6. 01:43:885 (7) - new combo
[Kurai's Hard]:
  1. 00:33:689 (4,6) - finish
  2. 01:02:708 (8) - finish
  3. 01:08:199 (1) - finish
  4. 01:08:983 (1) - ^
  5. 01:10:748 (2) - finish at the end
  6. ......
  7. I can't find out how finish is placed in this diff :S same rhythm but different way x_x
  8. 01:12:512 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - spacing
AdRon Zh3Ro
[>>]Need to Change

:When one spiner ends, try to put the next circles near the center.

:Try new patterns, it gets boring if its only the same thing all song.

>>59:963 Make it more visible.
:Try new patterns.

Kurai's Hard
>>1:31:140 Add note
>>1:34:277 Add note
:Could have more sliders...


Make sure the tags is same for all diff

The bg (Yuugi.png) need to resize to 1024x768 OR find another bg (current 1024x722)

00:28:591 (4) - Overlapped by 2 and 3 doesn't looks good, make curve?
00:36:042 (1) - Move forward to white tick and cut short?
00:55:257 (1) - Move the new combo to 00:56:826 (3)?
01:33:297 (5) - I think there's some missing clap at the start of slider, add clap at start of slider?

00:14:865 (x) - Add note with clap?
00:23:885 (3) - Add a finish?
01:38:787 (1) - Move forward to white tick and cut short?

00:19:571 (1) - Move the new combo to
00:19:179 (8)?
00:34:865 (1) - Perhaps add 1 repeating slider?
00:43:492 (6) - I think this slider must shape as 00:42:316 (4)?
00:48:198 (1) - Move the new combo to 00:47:414 (6)?
00:50:943 (1) - Move the new combo to 00:50:551 (7)?
00:54:080 (1) - Move the new combo to 00:53:688 (12)?
00:57:218 (1) - Move the new combo to 00:56:826 (12)?
01:45:454 (10,11) - Spacing error
01:49:374 (1,2,3,4) - Make a square pattern?

[Kurai's Hard]

Great song
Yeah all is fine but "Kurai's Lunatic" is better.
Halo there :)

- Remove 11 Subterranean Animism from source and put it in tags also remove project from tags it's too general
- Make sure the tags is same for all diff (Kurai's Hard have different tags)
- Try using more finish hitsound, Kurai's Hard has good finish hitsound usage

00:36:042 (1) - Move this forward to 00:36:434 and shorten it to the previous long white tick, also add finish on the spinner
Combo mod
00:15:257 (1) - remove NC (new combo) then add NC on 00:16:042 (6)
00:18:395 (1) - remove NC then add NC on 00:19:179 (4)
00:19:963 (1) - remove NC
00:27:806 (2) - NC
00:30:944 (1) - remove NC then add NC on 00:31:728 (6)
00:53:689 (6) - NC then remove NC on 00:55:257 (1)
00:56:826 (5) - NC

- combo color 1 and 2 can be similar, especially with Kiai time, either reposition or change them
00:29:179 (3) - move this backward to 00:28:983 then add circle in 00:29:963
00:36:434 (3) - add finish
01:01:532 (5) - use finish instead off clap
01:02:316 (7,8) - use finish instead off clap
01:38:787 (1) - move this too 01:39:179 and add circle in 01:38:787
Combo mod
00:47:414 (3) - NC
- better decrease the circle size by 1
01:47:021 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - this section is too easy for a hard, try using slider just like in normal

[Kurai's Hard]
- Might as well name it to lunatic
Combo mod
the combo is.....hard to follow :o
01:47:218 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - this combos aren't really necessary, might as well put them in the same combo
try using pattern of 1 combo set for two stanzas (the stanza in the timing section) that will work for this music

Another good map of touhou, keep working on it ;)

I think 9766 is better


too loud volume now, turn to 70% imo


[00:21:923] remove whistle
[00:58:768] whistle
[01:10:159] whistle
[01:10:551] remove whistle and clap
[01:10:941] whistle
[01:28:571] (green line) move to [01:17:590]


[00:23:884] finish?
[01:28:571] (green line) move to [01:17:590]


[01:28:571] (green line) move to [01:17:590]

Kurai's Lunatic

offest is different , you have to set a same offest for all diffs

[01:04:081] remove new combo
[01:28:787] ^
[01:28:983] new combo
[01:47:512] remove new combo
[01:47:708] new combo
[01:47:806] new combo
[01:48:101] remove new combo
[01:48:199] new combo
[01:28:571] (green line) move to [01:17:591]

Actually i think such many claps dont fit the
00:09:767 (1) - end on left white tick (too close to next note for easy diff)
01:26:826 (1,1) - ^ (optional)
01:37:610 (1,1) - ^ (optional)

01:32:904 (2) - move right 1 gird (lv3)
01:38:786 (8) - add clap

00:34:865 (1) - add clap
00:47:414 (6) - new combo
00:52:120 (7) - ^
00:55:257 (7) - ^
00:58:394 (7) - ^
01:43:885 (7) - ^
01:50:158 (5) - ^

~Kurai's Lunatic~
00:34:081 (5) - move up & right 1 grid (Lv3)
01:02:708 (8) - move left 1 grid (Lv3)
01:03:689 (1) - remove new combo
01:04:081 (1) - ^
01:26:630 (1) - end on white tick
01:28:787 (1) - remove new combo
01:28:983 (2) - new combo
01:31:924 (1) - remove new combo
01:32:120 (2) - new combo
01:43:297 (2) - start on 01:43:199
01:46:434 (5) - new combo

Sonic Fumes
Best diff in the set.

00:09:767 (1) - Kill.
00:50:159 (1,2) - Kill.
00:50:944 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Move back 1/1, so the first slider is on 00:50:551.
00:56:433 (1,2,3,4) - Doesn't sound right after the above change, so redo this?
01:03:101 (1) - Move further from 01:01:532 (3).
01:25:061 (7) - New combo.
01:26:826 (1) - Too short, and next note appears during the spinner.
01:37:610 (1) - Next note appears during the spinner.

I don't really like the mapping during the kiai section.

Seems too hard for a Normal, mainly because of the stupid 1/2 repeating sliders everywhere. They're difficult to read.

HP drain is too high.

00:59:375 (5,6,1,2) - This overlap is hard to read.
01:04:276 (6,7,8) - Not straight?
01:29:374 (4,5) - Should be closer together.

Kurai's Lunatic
IMO, OD is inappropriate. Should be +1.

I don't like your use of Finish because it's not complete and consistent, and just distracted me.

00:12:904 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - Inconsistent spacing ahhhh.
00:22:316 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Inconsistent spacing ahhhh.
00:25:453 (1,2,3,4,5) - Inconsistent spacing ahhhh.
00:53:688 (1,3) - Moche, especially the overlap with 00:55:257 (1).
01:30:747 (1,2,3,4) - Needs one note before and after.
01:30:747 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - I hate this sudden switch.
01:33:884 (1,2,3,4) - Needs one note before and some after.
01:37:217 (1,2) - Swap new combos.
01:37:610 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Inconsistent spacing ahhhh.
01:44:865 (1,3) - Ew, overlap.
01:47:708 (1) - Why new combo?
01:48:590 (7) - New combo.
01:48:590 (7,8,9) - Hate. Especially at this OD.
01:51:727 (1) - Why is this silent?
Arusha Shuna
Request Accepted
Sorry for the delay

.osb still exist, remove it (ignore this one if you have deleted it and full submit since i've downloaded this map few days ago :p)
01:26:825 (B) - break is too short, remove this
seems fine
also fine
Kurai's Insane
some streams outside the kiai time seems a lttle bit messy, otherwise, it's fine

good mapset!
If you do want to remove the .osb file, delete it and FULL UPLOAD your map instantly works good.
and do the scorebar-bg.png and scorebar-colour.png are a bit short? I mean, if the HP drains just a bit, I can't see it have change at this length...

00:20:159 (x) - add a note here sounds better.
00:32:217 (5) - delete?

00:33:689 (7) - What this slider to 00:33:296 (6) - ,you may know you make this dlider wrong. :/
00:59:571 (6,1) - do you really want to place these notes like this? :/
01:01:531 (4) - try whistle --> finish at the begin of the slider.
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