
ZUN - Walking the Streets of a Former Hell

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1:19:571 (5) spacing or trap?
1:23:995 (2) place this on y-axis?

[hard] Position of notes doesn't within grids?
0:21:532 (8) right+ down 1 grid? Correspondingly (9) left 2 grid+up 1 grid
0:34:865 (1) move up a bit to suit (8)
0:45:061 (2) adjust the direction so that it's perpendicular to (1,3)

0:54:473 (1) spacing
1:32:120 (1,2,3) position of (2) is weird...

[easy] nice

All looks fine to me +Star
Updated Mod's Info:
Mine are all suggestions. You're free to follow or not this mod :3
If I found a beat who must be added, i'll write it.
Remember to check spacing after all modfies :3
I'll check with AImod (Ctrl+Shift+A) too, so, if there's something found on it for your difficulties, i'll write "AImod!"

Your rating spread is EHII. try to make it ENHI or ENII.
Source should be only Touhou. Maybe Subterranean Animism can be a tag.
Even they are forgiveable, i have to signal you some spacings errors due to too much free times D:

00:19:963 (1) - 4 grids down.
00:20:748 (2,3,4,5,1) - ^ + 1 grid right.
00:23:101 (2,3) - Flip vertically.
00:25:454 (1) - Spacing.

Nothing here :D

00:19:963 (3,4,5) - Flip vertically.
00:21:532 (8) - 1 grid down.
00:22:316 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Do them more simmetrically.
00:25:061 (1) - Spacing.
00:59:963 (1,2) - AWFUL! ;w;
01:35:256 (4) - Move this away instead of let it stay under 01:34:668 (2,3)

[Kurai's Hard]
I like it, but just rename with Kurai's Insane, i think it suits better the map.

That's all! Awesome!
Red: You must fix this.
Blue: You'd better do sth with this imo.
Green: Just suggestions.

don't use grey as a combo color, it may make players confused. (like failed.)
remove whistle on the sliders (different from "remove whistle on the start+end") example:00:25:454 (1) [Easy]

why use 1.6x distance spacing? it's weird for a Easy (sliders are too slow compared to the spacing, ...slider velocity=0.5)
01:25:061 (7) - new combo?
01:45:454 (4) - ^
01:49:375 (1,2) - switch new combo?

00:32:120 (1) - whistle?
00:47:414 (3) - break after this note is too short, remove plz.

HP Drain Rate -1/-2, Overall -1
01:03:100 (1) - may be better if it's stacked with the start of 01:01:531 (4)
01:42:904 (1) - remove new combo
01:43:885 (3,1) - switch new combo?
01:47:021 (1--) - add some notes at the last part.

[Kurai's Hard]
why this diff has a different kiai? (and...the kiai is so long...)
00:35:257 (2,4) - 1 grid up?
01:19:375 (4,5) - spacing?
Nothing to add, great maps. Touhou ftw :)
Colin Hou
  1. set the offset 9,767, there shouldn't be note before the first offset.
  1. just put clap due to the background music.
  1. 00:14:856 (T) - add a circle here
  2. 00:28:983 (T) - add a circle and put a clap on it
  3. 01:32:120 (1,2,3) - spacing
  1. 00:14:865 (T) - add a circle with clap
  2. 00:18:003 (T) - ^
  3. 00:27:414 (T) - ^
  4. 00:16:042 (3) - cancel the whistle on the slider and just put the whistle on the beginning circle.
  5. 00:24:081 (T) - try this:
  6. 01:43:885 (7) - new combo
[Kurai's Hard]:
  1. 00:33:689 (4,6) - finish
  2. 01:02:708 (8) - finish
  3. 01:08:199 (1) - finish
  4. 01:08:983 (1) - ^
  5. 01:10:748 (2) - finish at the end
  6. ......
  7. I can't find out how finish is placed in this diff :S same rhythm but different way x_x
  8. 01:12:512 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - spacing
AdRon Zh3Ro
[>>]Need to Change

:When one spiner ends, try to put the next circles near the center.

:Try new patterns, it gets boring if its only the same thing all song.

>>59:963 Make it more visible.
:Try new patterns.

Kurai's Hard
>>1:31:140 Add note
>>1:34:277 Add note
:Could have more sliders...


Make sure the tags is same for all diff

The bg (Yuugi.png) need to resize to 1024x768 OR find another bg (current 1024x722)

00:28:591 (4) - Overlapped by 2 and 3 doesn't looks good, make curve?
00:36:042 (1) - Move forward to white tick and cut short?
00:55:257 (1) - Move the new combo to 00:56:826 (3)?
01:33:297 (5) - I think there's some missing clap at the start of slider, add clap at start of slider?

00:14:865 (x) - Add note with clap?
00:23:885 (3) - Add a finish?
01:38:787 (1) - Move forward to white tick and cut short?

00:19:571 (1) - Move the new combo to
00:19:179 (8)?
00:34:865 (1) - Perhaps add 1 repeating slider?
00:43:492 (6) - I think this slider must shape as 00:42:316 (4)?
00:48:198 (1) - Move the new combo to 00:47:414 (6)?
00:50:943 (1) - Move the new combo to 00:50:551 (7)?
00:54:080 (1) - Move the new combo to 00:53:688 (12)?
00:57:218 (1) - Move the new combo to 00:56:826 (12)?
01:45:454 (10,11) - Spacing error
01:49:374 (1,2,3,4) - Make a square pattern?

[Kurai's Hard]

Great song
Yeah all is fine but "Kurai's Lunatic" is better.
Halo there :)

- Remove 11 Subterranean Animism from source and put it in tags also remove project from tags it's too general
- Make sure the tags is same for all diff (Kurai's Hard have different tags)
- Try using more finish hitsound, Kurai's Hard has good finish hitsound usage

00:36:042 (1) - Move this forward to 00:36:434 and shorten it to the previous long white tick, also add finish on the spinner
Combo mod
00:15:257 (1) - remove NC (new combo) then add NC on 00:16:042 (6)
00:18:395 (1) - remove NC then add NC on 00:19:179 (4)
00:19:963 (1) - remove NC
00:27:806 (2) - NC
00:30:944 (1) - remove NC then add NC on 00:31:728 (6)
00:53:689 (6) - NC then remove NC on 00:55:257 (1)
00:56:826 (5) - NC

- combo color 1 and 2 can be similar, especially with Kiai time, either reposition or change them
00:29:179 (3) - move this backward to 00:28:983 then add circle in 00:29:963
00:36:434 (3) - add finish
01:01:532 (5) - use finish instead off clap
01:02:316 (7,8) - use finish instead off clap
01:38:787 (1) - move this too 01:39:179 and add circle in 01:38:787
Combo mod
00:47:414 (3) - NC
- better decrease the circle size by 1
01:47:021 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - this section is too easy for a hard, try using slider just like in normal

[Kurai's Hard]
- Might as well name it to lunatic
Combo mod
the combo is.....hard to follow :o
01:47:218 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - this combos aren't really necessary, might as well put them in the same combo
try using pattern of 1 combo set for two stanzas (the stanza in the timing section) that will work for this music

Another good map of touhou, keep working on it ;)

I think 9766 is better


too loud volume now, turn to 70% imo


[00:21:923] remove whistle
[00:58:768] whistle
[01:10:159] whistle
[01:10:551] remove whistle and clap
[01:10:941] whistle
[01:28:571] (green line) move to [01:17:590]


[00:23:884] finish?
[01:28:571] (green line) move to [01:17:590]


[01:28:571] (green line) move to [01:17:590]

Kurai's Lunatic

offest is different , you have to set a same offest for all diffs

[01:04:081] remove new combo
[01:28:787] ^
[01:28:983] new combo
[01:47:512] remove new combo
[01:47:708] new combo
[01:47:806] new combo
[01:48:101] remove new combo
[01:48:199] new combo
[01:28:571] (green line) move to [01:17:591]

Actually i think such many claps dont fit the
00:09:767 (1) - end on left white tick (too close to next note for easy diff)
01:26:826 (1,1) - ^ (optional)
01:37:610 (1,1) - ^ (optional)

01:32:904 (2) - move right 1 gird (lv3)
01:38:786 (8) - add clap

00:34:865 (1) - add clap
00:47:414 (6) - new combo
00:52:120 (7) - ^
00:55:257 (7) - ^
00:58:394 (7) - ^
01:43:885 (7) - ^
01:50:158 (5) - ^

~Kurai's Lunatic~
00:34:081 (5) - move up & right 1 grid (Lv3)
01:02:708 (8) - move left 1 grid (Lv3)
01:03:689 (1) - remove new combo
01:04:081 (1) - ^
01:26:630 (1) - end on white tick
01:28:787 (1) - remove new combo
01:28:983 (2) - new combo
01:31:924 (1) - remove new combo
01:32:120 (2) - new combo
01:43:297 (2) - start on 01:43:199
01:46:434 (5) - new combo

Sonic Fumes
Best diff in the set.

00:09:767 (1) - Kill.
00:50:159 (1,2) - Kill.
00:50:944 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Move back 1/1, so the first slider is on 00:50:551.
00:56:433 (1,2,3,4) - Doesn't sound right after the above change, so redo this?
01:03:101 (1) - Move further from 01:01:532 (3).
01:25:061 (7) - New combo.
01:26:826 (1) - Too short, and next note appears during the spinner.
01:37:610 (1) - Next note appears during the spinner.

I don't really like the mapping during the kiai section.

Seems too hard for a Normal, mainly because of the stupid 1/2 repeating sliders everywhere. They're difficult to read.

HP drain is too high.

00:59:375 (5,6,1,2) - This overlap is hard to read.
01:04:276 (6,7,8) - Not straight?
01:29:374 (4,5) - Should be closer together.

Kurai's Lunatic
IMO, OD is inappropriate. Should be +1.

I don't like your use of Finish because it's not complete and consistent, and just distracted me.

00:12:904 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - Inconsistent spacing ahhhh.
00:22:316 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Inconsistent spacing ahhhh.
00:25:453 (1,2,3,4,5) - Inconsistent spacing ahhhh.
00:53:688 (1,3) - Moche, especially the overlap with 00:55:257 (1).
01:30:747 (1,2,3,4) - Needs one note before and after.
01:30:747 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - I hate this sudden switch.
01:33:884 (1,2,3,4) - Needs one note before and some after.
01:37:217 (1,2) - Swap new combos.
01:37:610 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Inconsistent spacing ahhhh.
01:44:865 (1,3) - Ew, overlap.
01:47:708 (1) - Why new combo?
01:48:590 (7) - New combo.
01:48:590 (7,8,9) - Hate. Especially at this OD.
01:51:727 (1) - Why is this silent?
Arusha Shuna
Request Accepted
Sorry for the delay

.osb still exist, remove it (ignore this one if you have deleted it and full submit since i've downloaded this map few days ago :p)
01:26:825 (B) - break is too short, remove this
seems fine
also fine
Kurai's Insane
some streams outside the kiai time seems a lttle bit messy, otherwise, it's fine

good mapset!
If you do want to remove the .osb file, delete it and FULL UPLOAD your map instantly works good.
and do the scorebar-bg.png and scorebar-colour.png are a bit short? I mean, if the HP drains just a bit, I can't see it have change at this length...

00:20:159 (x) - add a note here sounds better.
00:32:217 (5) - delete?

00:33:689 (7) - What this slider to 00:33:296 (6) - ,you may know you make this dlider wrong. :/
00:59:571 (6,1) - do you really want to place these notes like this? :/
01:01:531 (4) - try whistle --> finish at the begin of the slider.
Topic Starter
Thank you everybody ! :)
removed and fixed, bubbled.
Hop bulle ! GG Fight :D
Hold it! There's an important skin file missing: hitcircle.png. Also, not so important, but still missing:

  1. spinner-background.png
  2. spinner-osu.png
And while you're at it, resize all the "ki" images to a 1x1 transparent pixel image.

[Normal] seems to have a rather high HP drain, don't you think?
Hmm... I feel some of the 1/4 streams in [Kurai_'s Lunatic] don't fit... I'll just leave it be since it's rather easy anyway.

Offset sounds off at the start... The current offset is fine (if a tad late), but it isn't right musically speaking. :|

BPM: 153.00
Offset: 230
BPM: 146.00
Offset: 9,641
BPM: 153.00
Offset: 12,900

This is what I got.
Also, next time you map make sure to use more patterns to make the map more fun. :)
Pop 'till you fix all this.
Waw super map
c'est super ;)
Si il est fini ca va sinon essaie de trouver des erreurs
on sait jamais
Topic Starter

Gens wrote:

Hold it! There's an important skin file missing: hitcircle.png (I can't stay with the standard hitcircle ?). Also, not so important, but still missing:

  1. spinner-background.png Added
  2. spinner-osu.png I think it's good without it
And while you're at it, resize all the "ki" images to a 1x1 transparent pixel image. Done...I think...

[Normal] seems to have a rather high HP drain, don't you think? Dne
Hmm... I feel some of the 1/4 streams in [Kurai_'s Lunatic] don't fit... I'll just leave it be since it's rather easy anyway.

Offset sounds off at the start... The current offset is fine (if a tad late), but it isn't right musically speaking. :|

BPM: 153.00
Offset: 230
BPM: 146.00
Offset: 9,641
BPM: 153.00
Offset: 12,900

This is what I got. Done
Also, next time you map make sure to use more patterns to make the map more fun. :)
Pop 'till you fix all this.
Thank you o/

I have also added section-fail.png and section-pass.png

Fight69 wrote:

Gens wrote:

Hold it! There's an important skin file missing: hitcircle.png (I can't stay with the standard hitcircle ?).
Well, in fact, I said that so it doesn't mess up other skins. :P You still need to add a hitcircle (doesn't matter if it's the default) as it's necessary. The same goes for spinner-osu.png (even if it's another 1x1 image).

- The timing is not the same for all difficulties... it seems you messed up some sections :P
- Try +5 on the last section, I think it sounds better...
Still not updated... did you always have the default hitcircle there? I don't remember. If you're going to add the whole "hitcircle default set", why even put it there? O_o
If you're not going to add a custom hitcircle, delete hitcircle.png, hitcircleoverlay.png and approachcircle.png.

And change the timing for Kurai...
looks really good +_+
Ajoute "Kurai_" dans les tag et pas "Kurai"
Ne ré-up pas maintenant, sinon tu perdras ta bubble !
Attends que un autre BAT poste et te la dé-bubbled avant de faire ça !
I feel that the timing is a little off, i'd use 12865 or something like that
Noob Man
Nice map. Starred. ~
Rien à redire, super map :3

The file "spinner-background" is too large. It should be at a maximum of 1024x768. Fix it and do a full submission.

Put on the tags "Kurai_" instead of "Kurai".

EDIT: Re-Bubbled~
je ne connais pas la musique mais je suis onligé de la noter....OUAIHHHHH beau boulot fight^^!!!
J'ai déjà mis une star , j'peux plus en mettre :O
star from me
Topic Starter

Andrepoi wrote:

star from me
Thank you :)

La Kurai_'s Lunatic : Les cercles sont pas un peu trop grands? Monte d'un cran >_<
Une star au passage pour une map bien sympathique :)
Topic Starter

LRJulien wrote:


La Kurai_'s Lunatic : Les cercles sont pas un peu trop grands? Monte d'un cran >_<
Trop tard pour modder :>

Irato wrote:

Une star au passage pour une map bien sympathique :)
Merci ! :)

no-7 wrote:

-Source should just be "Touhou" and add "Subterranean Animism"in tags.

tmokb93 wrote:

Source should be only Touhou. Maybe Subterranean Animism can be a tag.

You've gotta be kidding me.... So should i fix this now?
Topic Starter

Cyclone wrote:

no-7 wrote:

-Source should just be "Touhou" and add "Subterranean Animism"in tags.

tmokb93 wrote:

Source should be only Touhou. Maybe Subterranean Animism can be a tag.

You've gotta be kidding me.... So should i fix this now?
Whoops...I thought it will be more accurate to add the full title instead of "Touhou" in the Source :/
GG mec ^____^
8-) congratulations
Topic Starter
Thank you everyone ! :)
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