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Booty Trap
hi i'm new to the forums & i chose a different subject except for "hi" because i like being different.
you can call me "adena" or something
i suck at introducing myself bye
Hahaha, welcome to the forums. :3
Hope you enjoy it here.
Greetings, welcome to the World of Osu!

I gotta say, I think you chose a NICE topic title. (hehe, see what I did there? no? k i'll just stop sowwy)
Hope you enjoy the game! (YOU BETTER ENJOY THE GAME JSJSHFDSJF >:3)
Between "Adena" and "Something", I think I'll name you something! You said you like being different after all :3

Anyways, welcome!
AR10 Only
Welcome Adena to the forums !
Topic Starter
Booty Trap

Harumi wrote:

Hahaha, welcome to the forums. :3
Hope you enjoy it here.
thank you!!!
Topic Starter
Booty Trap

Xtrmite wrote:

Greetings, welcome to the World of Osu!

I gotta say, I think you chose a NICE topic title. (hehe, see what I did there? no? k i'll just stop sowwy)
Hope you enjoy the game! (YOU BETTER ENJOY THE GAME JSJSHFDSJF >:3)
Between "Adena" and "Something", I think I'll name you something! You said you like being different after all :3

Anyways, welcome!
yeah, i have to say, i did choose a NICE topic.
I enjoy osu a lot so far, but i actually have been playing this game for 2-3 years (on another account of course) but i never payed much attention to the forums.
btw, Something seems like a fantastic name. i agree with it!!
Topic Starter
Booty Trap

Jeeroox wrote:

Welcome Adena to the forums !
thank you!!
Topic Starter
Booty Trap

GenoClysm wrote:

Breaking an unwritten rule I have made for myself, which is don't reply to Introductions twice, but this time I'm breaking it!

Ohmygod the puns are real O_o
Oh my goodness I need to do more research before I reply to introductions. (Sorry I'm just so lazy! ;_;)

EDIT: Well I guess I've broke the rule once allready..... meh twice can't hurt!
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