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Hi, my name is Marc, on games known as xslyte. I have been playing osu for a while now but never used the forums, but I feel like its good to talk with a lot of stranger on the internet about random things. So Hi here I am and see you ingame or on the forums. Feel free to add me on skype or on somethng else if you want someone to talk about random things or play games with.
Skype: Borriewup
( Yea I know weird username for skype, I was young okay.... don't judge me)
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Xtrmite wrote:

Greetings, welcome to the World of Osu!

Hello Marc, if that is your real name! O_o (nah jk I know it's your real name omg i'm so funny ;_;)
Don't worry, my friend used to have something like doglicker69 on Skype couple years ago, so your username is far from weird! :)
Random things is what I want to talk about, Steam is what I will add you on, without a doubt. (That took my like 5 days to think about. Yes I'm from the future)

Anyways, welcome!

Edit: :o I can't find u on Steaaaaaaam! ;_;
Changed the steam link :)
Topic Starter

Xtrmite wrote:

Zankyu! (pro steam pic btw)
Friend got a new webcam, so instead of buying a new webcam for myself to talk face to face i decided to draw a full hd version of my face, I think its a good match :P
Welcome to the forum, Marc. :3
Raisha Millenia
welcome to the forums, Marc~
Welcome to this place on the internet!
AR10 Only
Welcome ! Hope you ll get some fun here !
Welcome to the forums xslyte!
I rarely use people's real name, if that's okay with you .~.
Don't worry, we've all been at this one part where we come up with a username at young and regret it horribly when you're older. So I won't judge, I hardly do.
I had something like green12345, most original thing evar.
You have potential to rise up to the charts (unlike me), so I hope your gameplay is full of xSTYLE!
Get it? Cos' it's your username jumbled up? Heheh... It's a compliment! ha... please laugh... T.T
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