
What kind of patterns/whatever do you dislike?

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Taiko:dddkdddkdddk,ddkddk,kkdkkdkkd,dddk,kkkd,and most double 1/4 notes

CtB:Jumps, I mean faaar jumps

Sup A Noob
I love all, but huge jumps with a half beat difference.
Random streams in taiko as in: dddkdddkddkdkdkkdkdkddkdkdkddkddkdkdkdkkdkkdkdkdkkkdkdkdkdkdkddkdkkdk
Crap like that that makes me use my left ka key to much.
zigzag streams
Long, wide-spaced 180+BPM streams

Always lose track of em because tapping sucks ;_;
Groups of jumps that get wider and wider/smaller and smaller.
ztrot spacing jumps

Even numbered streams (ones that start or end on blue ticks, fuck those)

Box mapping

Long straight sliders

Linear patterns in general

8+ OA on just about anything under 180~ BPM

Small circles

Probably some others but I can't think of any right now
If there are some 1/4th triplets in a row (If BPM is higher than 110). I CAN'T play those. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUU
(Although they are a biiit fun on CTB, only a bit....)
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Ninja spinners and ending notes after a huge spinner at the end of a map

and long streams/stacks on super slow BPM maps, I always end up going from 300s to 100s to 50s all the way then missing and dying, I can never seem to get my fingers on perfect rhythm :?
Oh shit now I remember

My absolute most hated pattern are those circle-slider-circle-slider-circle patterns (or variations where it might be slider-circle-circle-slider, etc)
Ugly overlap / SFG overlap
Ninja spinners
Zoom sliders
Bad spacing
Around the screen jumps.

This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Sup A Noob
Also, I hate those which have very, VERY slow timing circles.

Which means no easy maps for me.
Ninja Spinners
Notes between spinners
Unexpected slider speed (ignorethis' slowdown style)
1/4 Note streams more than 8 white margin, unless they are ~140 BPM
Unexpected slider's way (Usually slider arts that I don't know the way)
Streams that are a series of adjacent stacks, ESPECIALLY when the number of circles per stack doesn't match the music (ie stacks of 2 in a song snapped to 1/3). Also in cases where there are adjacent tall stacks it's often the case that I don't know if the stacks are 1/4 or 1/2 apart =/
Light colour notes + KIAI Time - -''
It's more terrible than Flashlight
Those circles that blend into the back ground such as Bad Apple - Ephemeral
Any pattern where I don't move my mouse. Stacks, kick sliders, etc.

Any pattern where I can't move my mouse fluidly. Zigzags, circles, etc.
I hate when I have to click.

I hate when mappers pull out jumps out of nowhere just to make the map harder.

I hate when the hitsounds are a complete mess.

I hate when stuff gets covered by another note (hidden sliders, small slider repeats, etc.)
I love pentagonal notes and note patterns, either in a pentagon, or as a symetrical pattern.

xXSupanoobXx wrote:

I love all, but huge jumps with a half beat difference.
Are you kidding? Those are the most fun.

I just hate it when a map is boring, that's about it.
Sup A Noob

rust45 wrote:

xXSupanoobXx wrote:

I love all, but huge jumps with a half beat difference.
Are you kidding? Those are the most fun.

I just hate it when a map is boring, that's about it.
I wasn't really serious when I said that. Jehovah Yahveh's helping me with these crazy jumps.

So if I were to summarise what I hate now, nothing.

But I do hate failing songs I wasn't supposed to fail.

xXSupanoobXx wrote:

Jehovah Yahveh's helping me with these crazy jumps.
There are jumps in that map?
Sup A Noob

strager wrote:

xXSupanoobXx wrote:

Jehovah Yahveh's helping me with these crazy jumps.
There are jumps in that map?
Real fast slider "jumps", and some normal jumps, in a sense. Apparently after passing Jehovah Yehveh on a regular basis I started doing better at jumps.
- Streams, rapid 1/4th beats or whatever the hell these things that require you to spam Z/X are called
- Bland patterns
- No curves
- Hold Sliders out of nowhere
- Sudden/random speed changes
- Skins that make you unable to see the approach circles/bad skins in general
- Bad contrast between the colors of hit circles and backgrounds
- playing
- probably a lot more
ninja spinners and small back and forth sliders >.>
Only ones I can personally note are:
A - Spinner traps (Spinner followed by a note so shortly after that its near crazy (and/or the note is placed in a real awkward place after the spinner))
B - Notes that follow a really weird or unnoticeable beat, that is annoying..
Since i play Taiko it will be a Taiko thing.

The one thing i hate are the hidden notes underneath the end of a slider... you can't see until you are too late unless you know it's there.
The one thing i hate are the hidden notes underneath the end of a slider... you can't see until you are too late unless you know it's there.
Have not experienced this yet myself but can imagine it being a pain XD
When there are lots of different colors close to each other and its extremely confusing, especially with sliders.
i like everything that makes people rage

conversely you may guess at what i hate
Shohei Ohtani
I play CtB, and what I dislike are repeating sliders that force you to keep going left and right, as it's impossible or requires intense percision to just sit there and catch all of it.
I dislike anything that doesn't follow the music, such as fake patterns that exist only to add artificial difficulty.

Mogsworth wrote:

I dislike anything that doesn't follow the music, such as fake patterns that exist only to add artificial difficulty.
Exactly. Beatmap need not be crazy difficult to be great. I see some mappers try to force beatmap to be more difficult. As a result, beatmap doesn't fit into the music. :?

-Notes right after spinners (mainly those that aren't in the center because I always find myself too far away from the note to hit it)
-Odd patterns with stacking (it's fine if it seems to go with the song, but there are some things that are unnecessary and hard to read)


-Spinners right after notes (I think the note is part of the spinner and miss it D:)
-Big back-and-forth 1/2-beat jumps
-Maps that are full of hard-to-hit sequences that make me want to pull my hair out (


-Seemingly random patterns
-Really fast 1/4 beat streams that contain an impossible-to-hit mixture of red and blue notes
-Long streams of 1/8 notes (as well as short 1/8 streams on anything above ~130 BPM)
Unintuitive jumps, ugly overlaps, sliders that try to be perfect but fail at it, too much copypasta, sacrificing intuitivity for pretty patterns.

Subjective stuff.

Larto wrote:

sliders that try to be perfect but fail at it

Larto wrote:

sacrificing intuitivity for pretty patterns.
The mapper must suck pretty bad to make a pretty pattern unintuitive.

Also mechanical maps that sync one line too faithfully and/or use robot spacing & boring patterns.

MetalMario201 wrote:

They are usually as perfect that the eyes of a normal player won't notice anything odd about them =(
-Terrible hitsounds, especially Normal Whistle. The most hated one is whistle slider. O.O

-Note hidden under a slider. Notes stacked at the start of the previous slider. I love notes stacked at the end of slider though.

-Box mapping.

-1-2 seconds break between each vocal line in a vocal song.

-And also, breaks that are too short, like 1-4 seconds long, hate that.

-Back and forth beats.
-Jumps (Especially back and forth ><).


-Slider speed changing.

-Maps that doesn't let me finish to full combo in the end...

-Patterns that are hard to follow.

-Why can't some maps offer solid play...?

*Sigh* :|

Maybe in the later future, I'll have the skills to do them :)

Mogsworth wrote:

I dislike anything that doesn't follow the music, such as fake patterns that exist only to add artificial difficulty.
I was going to say something but now I don't have to

deathstreams are particularly notorious for doing this

Mogsworth wrote:

I dislike anything that doesn't follow the music, such as fake patterns that exist only to add artificial difficulty.
Because this is a music game, anything that doesn't go well with the music, is ridiculous
Deathstream is one, another is random spinner
Tiny sliders.
Sliders with a note at the end.
Huge stacks of notes. Like 20+
mostly jumps, i suck at jumps >_>
ninja spinners, tiny circles
A long series of sliders with mini deathstreams in between.
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