
StarCraft II

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Well, invitations will start rolling out and stuff, we will need a thread for this :>

I'll be looking at the sexy menu while waiting though~
Wahh, my thread was more popular.


add me when/if you guys get in.
I'm going to enjoy the beta
when it's open beta

Seriously I have like no hope of getting in.(even though I signed up almost the moment got its new accounts.) ... =tutorials

How to get replays working with yur menu
oh man. here is my first match of sc2 (kinda). Oh man the noob mistakes.

Least I won.
share your replays with us :3
Hey look, it's Starcraft with updated graphics! Well, what else do you want?
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i need a key, NOW

Gabi wrote:

i need a key, NOW
Forgot to sign up. damnit
There's no full working crack yet, the only one out there is able to watch replays right now.

Gabi wrote:

someone try it GO
fake. original files inside rar :/
I have registered very early but still i haven't got my key ;__;

Nharox wrote:

Hey look, it's Starcraft with updated graphics! Well, what else do you want?

Ph0X wrote:

Nharox wrote:

Hey look, it's Starcraft with updated graphics! Well, what else do you want?
Thing is, I'm not hyped out about the game, since I'm also one of those saying that it's just a remake with better graphics, which is why I never really respected Blizzard (Although I do respect them for one thing, and that's their use of p2p for update distribution, which valve fails at during major releases).

They have their 3 main franchises and all they do is make sequels. I personally am the type of person who rather have a 1hour fun game than a boring 10hour game (read: Portal).

But thing here is:
big community + great mapping/modding engine = Amazing mini-games.
Which is exactly what I described above (short enjoyable games rather than long boring ones).

Wc3 was known for all it's great custom games, and mainly DotA, RPG games and TD games, but now with SC2, they finally realized this and worked hard on making a new modding system that gives way more power in the hand of the community, almost making the game opensource.

Also, I'm quite certain that sc2 will have a far bigger community.
WHOA WHOA WHOA! Wait till you play before you even judge the game. Its is NOT SC1 with better graphics.

SC2 has a COMPLETELY different feel than SC1. Mechanics of the game are COMPLETELY different! Macro in SC1 was pretty much minimized, and the only optimization came with timing expansions and such. In SC2, each race has a way to boost their macro (Terran MULE, Zerg Qeen, Protoss Chrono Boost). This changes SO MUCH. Sets up all kinda of timing pushes, builds, etc etc. Microing, as always, is just as important. With all the new things such as units who can jump cliffs and such combat is much more intense and may I saw harder. SC1 I was B- rank on Teamliquid (rofl don't laugh at me), SC2... its so different I'm so terrible now and still getting used it to.

tl;dr: Don't judge a game before you even get to play it, it's stupid. Spectate =/= game.

KIA wrote:

share your replays with us :3
If you have your client fixed to were you can only view replays I'll go ahead. But I'll be uploading videos to my youtube account. I'll let you guys know in here when I post.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

lukewarmholiday wrote:

Are you really going to argue with people over the internet about the intricacies of SC
Yes. Problem?
It's a remake of Starcraft with minor modifications.
Blizzard said so themselves. Don't bother them about it.
Topic Starter

yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

tl;dr: Don't judge a game before you even get to play it, it's stupid. Spectate =/= game.
From experience, what you are talking about here is very relative. Pretty much any game that has been coming out in the past 5 years has been an example of this to me. MW2 for example. so many people seem enjoy it and say that it has a different feeling , but to me, every fps shooter game from cs1.6 to mw2 has beenl the same and failed to entertain me (The only reason I played 1.6 or source was because of the mods, which mw2 doesn't even have).

tl;dr: Don't judge my judgement with your way of seeing games.

yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

KIA wrote:

share your replays with us :3
If you have your client fixed to were you can only view replays I'll go ahead. But I'll be uploading videos to my youtube account. I'll let you guys know in here when I post.
Well point is, I can:
1. See how well the game runs on my computer (they srsly should've put a benchmark atleast :(! )
2. I can see it at my 2048x1152 with everything on ultra instead of youtube quality (even if its 720p)

EDIT: nvm~
Needs more AA though :<

I can run it smoothly with everything on ultra except texture which is at high ( vram is low : )
Replays are pretty sick, because you can get a feel with the cameras and hotkeys and everything.
Here's a huge pack of ~100 replays
and if you're having trouble patching it, pm me. I have this easy .exe that pretty much does everything for you.
SC2 seems to aim to increase the micromanagement of starcraft exponentially. In SC it's what gave you that competetive edge, in SC2 some of the moves(the the protoss units that can block pathways for example) you NEED to execute well.

To be honest though SC1 competitive play just sort of happened, and none of the developers really intended to make a game as deep as they did.
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