I want to keep this short, so I'm just going to say I think there should be more options to change the slider D:
1. Option to have the slider border the same color as the combo color.
2. Be able to put a gradient / image on the slider track, as well as being able to remove the default "gradient"
3. Option to remove the slider track under the hitcircle, such as https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/2071484
Nothing else to say
If you need me to explain more, just ask!
1. Option to have the slider border the same color as the combo color.
2. Be able to put a gradient / image on the slider track, as well as being able to remove the default "gradient"
3. Option to remove the slider track under the hitcircle, such as https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/2071484
Nothing else to say
If you need me to explain more, just ask!