
Sano Ryoko - Kumo no Youni Kaze no Youni

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Hujibayasi Kyou
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2010년 4월 14일 수요일 at 오후 9:00:37

Artist: Sano Ryoko
Title: Kumo no Youni Kaze no Youni
Tags: Kumokaze
BPM: 111
Filesize: 3312kb
Play Time: 01:31
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.21 stars, 98 notes)
  2. Hard (4.94 stars, 588 notes)
  3. Normal (4.26 stars, 446 notes)
Download: Sano Ryoko - Kumo no Youni Kaze no Youni
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My first beatmap..:D


Anime (japanese)

easy 100%
nomal 100%
hard 100%
Ang Ang
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
별도장 쾅!!
Arusha Shuna
Random Modding
Next time POST your request in a MODDING QUEUE THREAD

00:44:073 (5) - align w/ 00:43:532 (4)
00:55:154 (4,5) - 1 grid down
00:02:992 (6) - 1 grid left
00:26:101 (5,6) - 1 grid up
00:25:966 (4) - spacing issue
00:26:506 (7) - ^
01:27:857 (6,7,8) - move 1/4 tick backward
01:28:397 (x) - add note
01:48:668 (4) - remove finish
01:52:452 (4) - spacing issue
01:52:993 (7) - ^
02:04:208 (x) - add note
02:21:641 (x) - ^
02:31:101 (3) - 1 grid right
02:37:182 (6,7,8) - move 1/4 tick backward
02:37:587 (x) - add note
03:03:127 (6,7,8) - move 1/4 tick backward
03:03:532 (x) - add note
03:09:208 (5) - remove clap
03:09:343 (1) - move 1/4 tick forward
03:09:478 (1) - remove new combo
03:09:749 (2) - add new combo
03:13:532 (1) - move 1/4 tick backward
03:24:073 (1) - silence at the end

not bad! STAR!
translated the mod and gave him some help as well

Download: Sano Ryoko - Kumo no Youni Kaze no Youni (Hujibayasi Kyou) [Hard].osu
Cyril Scarlet
umm ^^ relaxing

not hard ~ :3
좋네여 ㅇ ㅇ. star~/
(항상 쓸말이 없잖아. 뭐라도 적어야 될거 같은데 흐..ㅁ')
well done. here is your star =)
Dark Layer
다크레이어가 쿄우님에게 별을 하사하노라(?)....
BPM : 111
Offset : 587
Modded in IRC

No kudo. plz
Hurude Rika
star. :)
Arusha Shuna
inb4 add a beatmap description?

no DO NOT give me kudosu for this post

00:04:100 (3,4,1) - I'd use the same placement as 00:02:749 (4,5,6)
00:10:722 (5) - remove it D:
00:25:587 (2) - ^
00:26:127 (5) - ^
00:26:127 (5) - ^
01:30:587 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - what rhytm is this stream following?
01:36:803 (1) - unsnapped
02:40:722 (4,5,6,7,8) - don't feel beats connection to music

and some rectangle-shaped beats are kinda insane, imo

also recheck combos. I'm bad at it, but they feel kinda not right sometimes. Well, it got lots of space for improvement, but at least you've put some effort, star.
chat mod :)

and star~
mod in irc!
ganbatte kudasai!!! :)

Please give me that wallpaper (with the biggest size you have) :(
Delete .osb and full submit.
Set a preview time.75451 is better.

00:04:370 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:04:641 (2) - New combo.
01:19:235 (x) - Add note?
01:19:505 (1) - Remove new combo.(Maybe)
01:19:776 (2) - New combo.( ^ )
01:34:100 (5) - New combo.
01:34:235 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:37:614 (x) - Add note?
01:39:776 (5) - New combo.
02:35:992 (1,2,3) - Whistle?
02:37:478 (9) - ^
02:37:614 (x) - Add note?and whistle?
02:37:073 (6) - ^
02:37:884 (1) - Spacing.
02:41:397 (x) - Add note?
03:01:938 (1,2,3) - Whistle?
03:03:154 (6) - New combo.
03:07:343 (x) - Add note?
03:09:370 (1) - 1/4back(03:09:770) and remove new combo.


nice. gan batte ~ !!
La Valse
I think it's pretty fun, but I was finding an awful lot of just long stream of slow hitcircles in normal. Also, I hope you are planning to finish mapping the Normal, since it feels too short compared to your hard.
hard and normal have same overall.
i think hard overall +1 or +2 is good for playing.
yay,relaxing map.
try searching for a better BG, I mean a BG with a higher resolution :o


no errors


try to map with more sliders?
I think this map is a bit boring :(

00:00:587 (1,1,1,1) - these are not fun at all, actually. Try at least to make this a perfect square, no rectangle.

try your best to improve your map a bit more :P
Set a preview point, the same as [Hard] (Preview point in [Hard] is 75451)

03:03:154 (1,2,3,4) - 1/4 earlier ?
03:09:776 (2) - Bad spacing

Very Good map :D Star~
Topic Starter
Hujibayasi Kyou

Kurai_ wrote:

Set a preview point, the same as [Hard] (Preview point in [Hard] is 75451)

03:03:154 (1,2,3,4) - 1/4 earlier ?
03:09:776 (2) - Bad spacing

Very Good map :D Star~
03:09:776 (2) <---- small Jump :)
A couple points for both difficulties:
02:50:046 [4] Maybe a good spot for kiai? Stop it around 03:07:343 or so?
03:24:370 Maybe turn the volume down on the spinner. That revving up sound doesn't really fit the finish too well.

No real issues with Normal.


00:41:397 [4] The finish sound doesn't really fit the music here. Maybe just keep it as the default hit.
00:45:722 [4] ^
01:18:154 [1, 2] Use shift to drag the end point of this slider to line these two up like the 3, 4, and 5 right after them.
01:48:830 [5] Oddly placed finish sound
01:54:911 [4] ^
03:03:830 [1] Spacing

With the two small jumps you have near the end (03:09:505 and 03:10:587) I think the issue is more that it comes out of nowhere when the entire rest of the map, it's all been nice and smooth. Maybe include some jumps on the 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 that go with the stringed instrument. It would make more sense, if anything.

One thing I felt while playing these is that there doesn't feel like there's much of a difference between normal and hard. There's a couple faster rhythms, but as a whole, the song feels like it plays the same on both difficulties. Maybe incorporate those small jumps at the ends of the musical phrases to add some spice to the difficulty. Try more of the covered up notes making cross patterns and such.

Edit: Geez, I forgot to star this way back when. Sorry.

Garven wrote:

A couple points for both difficulties:
02:50:046 [4] Maybe a good spot for kiai? Stop it around 03:07:343 or so?
03:24:370 Maybe turn the volume down on the spinner. That revving up sound doesn't really fit the finish too well.

No real issues with Normal.


00:41:397 [4] The finish sound doesn't really fit the music here. Maybe just keep it as the default hit.
00:45:722 [4] ^
01:18:154 [1, 2] Use shift to drag the end point of this slider to line these two up like the 3, 4, and 5 right after them.
01:48:830 [5] Oddly placed finish sound
01:54:911 [4] ^
03:03:830 [1] Spacing

With the two small jumps you have near the end (03:09:505 and 03:10:587) I think the issue is more that it comes out of nowhere when the entire rest of the map, it's all been nice and smooth. Maybe include some jumps on the 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 that go with the stringed instrument. It would make more sense, if anything.

One thing I felt while playing these is that there doesn't feel like there's much of a difference between normal and hard. There's a couple faster rhythms, but as a whole, the song feels like it plays the same on both difficulties. Maybe incorporate those small jumps at the ends of the musical phrases to add some spice to the difficulty. Try more of the covered up notes making cross patterns and such.

두가지난이도에서 지적할것이 2가지.
02:50:046[4] 키아이 타이밍이 적절하지 못한거같다. 03:07:343쪽이나 다른곳으로 옮기는게어떤가/
03:24:370 스핀볼륨을 줄이는게어떤가? 회전사운드가 이상하다. (피니시음인가본데요)

노말난이도는 딱히 지적할게없다.


00:41:397 [4] 피니시 사운드가 어울리지 않는다. 디폴트사운드를 계속쓰는게 낫겟다.
00:45:722[4] 마찬가지.
01:18:154 [1,2] 쉬프트앤 드래그를 사용(눈금무시) 해서 3,4,5슬라이더가 이어지게 하라(의역했음)
01:48:830 [5] 피시니사운드가 이상하다.(어울리지 않음)
01:54:911 [4] 매한가지.
03:03:830 [1] 스페이싱이 이상함.

두개의 작은점프(03:09:505 , 03:10:587)이정도도 고치면
내생각에는 더이상 이슈화될만한 문제는 없다고본다. 다고치면 더 좋아지고 부드러워질것이라본다.
5,6,7,8,9노트를 선율에맞춰 점프를 넣으면 이치에 맞을것이다.(무슨소린지.. 노래를안들어봐서';)

내가 플레이를 하면서 느낀것은 노말과 하드의 차이가 거의 없다는것이다. 전체적으로.
둘다빠른리듬이라서 두가지난이도를플레이할때 같은 느낌을 느낀다. 아마 일부분 같은 점프와
작은 점프들에다 약간의 변화만 줘서 그런듯. 좀더 겹치는 패턴을 보완할 방법을 찾아보라.

[Exit] 역자. revving이 뭔가했네요 ㅋㅋㅋ 회전하다는뜻이네. 별하나드려요! 해석본이 도움되셨다면

쿠도수를! 읭 ㅋㅋㅋ
Thanks for the translation, Exit. I just figured he understood enough to comment on the other replies that were in English.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Why this map still in WIP =3=
Go Go!! Move it to pending ^^

- offset: 583
- There have a Preview Point only on [Easy] and [Normal] then Set a Preview Point here And make sure that your Preview Point are the same with [Hard]
- TAG: Kumokaze
- BG Colour: Black ?
- Disable Countdown
- IMO, Normal hitsound is fit better with this song

- HP Drain Rate -1 or 2 ?
- Overall Difficulty -1 or 2?
Seem fine for me ~

Seem fine for me ~

00:04:641 - This timine selection seem useless?
Seem fine for me ~

Starrrrrrrr ~ ☆
소스하고 곡 제목이 같네여 ㄷㄷ
소스 지우셔야 합니다.

그리고 오프셋 바꾸셨다면 RESNAP ALL NOTES을 항상 해야된다는것도 잊으시면 안됩니다.
아.... 요즘 게을러서 ㄷㄷ
considering this is 1st map, bubbled.
Popped. Sorry.

Set offset to 312ms to match up the "long white line" in the timeline. you don't need to resnap all note by the way.

Suggestion: do not use 1/4 circle(that means, circle in blue tick) in normal. use repeat slider instead could be better.
음.. 따로 부탁하진 않으셨지만 그냥 코리안 모딩큐보고 온거라 ㅋㅋ (사운드만 모딩해드릴께요)


00:21:934 (1) - add hit sound - finish
00:25:177 (5) - add hit sound - clap
00:29:501 (5) - ^
00:33:826 (5) - add hit sound - finish
00:38:149 (5) - ^
00:42:474 (4) - ^
00:46:799 (4) - ^
01:14:907 (2) - ^


00:21:393 (1) - add hit sound - finish
00:25:718 (2) - ^
00:28:420 (4) - ^
00:39:231 (3) - ^
00:41:934 (4,5,6) - add hit sound - clap
00:55:447 (5) - add hit sound - finish
00:56:528 (3) - ^
01:14:907 (4) - ^
01:15:988 (3) - add hit sound - finish 추가로 01:15:988 (3) 여기서부터 kiai 타임 넣어주세요 그리고 01:31:393 (4) 여기서 끝내기
01:24:637 (3) - ^
01:40:312 (3) - add hit sound - finish 한다음에 del hit sound - whistle
01:47:880 (1) - add hit sound - finish
02:25:177 (3) - ^ 추가로 02:25:177 (3) 여기서부터 다시 kiai 타임 넣어주기 그리고 02:40:583 (4) 여기서 끝내기
02:29:501 (3) - add hit sound - finish
02:51:123 (3) - ^ 여기도 02:51:123 (3) 키아이 타임 넣으세요 그리고 03:07:068 (7) 여기서 끝내기
02:55:447 (4) - add hit sound - finish
02:59:772 (3) - ^

아..... 하드는 나중에 할께요. 쪽지주세요 그나저나 음악이 고전삘... ㅎㅎ

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