
Hello osu! community ^_^

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I've been playing osu! for quite a long time now, but have never actually been to the forums so here goes...

Hi everyone, I'm SpamJabZ. I'm a mouse player using some random mouse which came with my desktop many years back. IMO I can play quite well but my biggest flaw would be that I'm inconsistent, so it's really rare for me to FC or even S maps. Besides osu!, I also enjoy watching anime as well as listening to and playing music; I can play the piano, oboe as well as electric guitar. I also enjoy playing visual novels and League of Legends (though I get frustrated with the game a lot).

So there's that. I hope I can hang around in the forums more after my final exams are over. Till then!
Cerulean Veyron
Welcome to the forums, SpamJabz!

Good luck improving your playstyle \8D/
welcome to the community, JabZ
hope you enjoy your stay here
Welcome to osu! JabZ!
I would recommend buying better mouse or tablet if you feel your current one is holding you back.
You can play piano, oboe, and guitar! Wow!
Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy it here c:
Welcome JabZ :3
Welcome to osu!
Welcome to the Forums SpamJabZ!
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