ZenithPhantasm wrote:
What is the polling rate of your homebrewed keyboards?
I haven't noticed any issues with missing keystrokes or latency (and I run these at 16mhz instead of 8,) but this is something I should find out. I hope to have an answer for you within the next few days.
byfar wrote:
2 keys for 25 dollars. Man I'd rather get me an 108key all purpose mech kb for 100
Yeah but only $10 more for a third key. Excellent value!
I read this with a kappa at the end of it so I read it as a joke, but I'll try to provide some insight for anyone asking the same question.
-This isn't really something anyone needs to play osu, it's just a nice luxury hardware accessory to have.
-I have a mechanical keyboard, but to use it when playing osu means I have to reach past my tablet to play which is uncomfortable.
-I wouldn't necessarily say a mechanical keyboard is inherently better for playing the game when accounting for travel distance. Especially when playing a game like this, it's very difficult to not bottom out the keys with a linear keyswitch since there's no bump. If you have this in mind when shopping for a keyboard, you could get tactile switches, but even then it's still somewhat difficult to discern the actuation point in the heat of the game. I haven't included this in the product description (because I forgot) but I include two 2 mm o-rings (so 4 mm total) to lower the travel distance to just a little bit after the actuation point, which should make them a lot easier to hit in quick sequence.
-Reducing wear on your keyboard. It would suck to be typing and find out that your z or x keys stopped working.
-Portability if you move around a lot/have multiple computers.
-Customization without having to buy a whole set of keycaps.
If it seems cost prohibitive, keep in mind that I'm just making these for fun and not really making much of a profit. They do take time to make and I don't want to outsource to child labor