
Denmark for OWC 2014!

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(Team has been chosen and a PM to Loctav has been sent)

Hej mennesker! OWC approaches!

Denmark hasn't had an OWC team the past few years - and that is something we're going to change this year. We feel that the competition has had a distinct lack of RØDE PØLSER, which sadly has kept the competition from being all it truly could be.

In all seriousness, a few of us have been talking about forming a team, and we will need your support! The captain will be TimG, although I will help manage potential tryouts and various other related things.

Yes, this means that you can tryout for the team if you feel ready for the challenge - Check the bottom of this post for more info - but remember! OWC is a big tournament, and there are many things to keep in mind:

(Credit to Xytox for this helpful list)
  1. 1. Just because you're in the team does not necessarily mean that you will actually get to play.
    Only 4 players can play at any one point in time, but you're allowed to have 8 players in the team. This is more a safety measure than anything else. If something happens so a player can't show up, there has to be backups to replace said player.

  2. 2. You must show up to every single match in the tournament, even if there's a high chance you won't be playing it.
    This is so we actually do have backups and don't have to sit and look like idiots when someone is missing. I've already had enough of stupid crap from last year's tournament, and I'd rather not experience it again.

  3. 3. No delaying matches at all, especially not in the group stage.
    If there's a match you don't want to play, you have to specifically tell me so ahead of time. No leaving multiplayer lobbies if I don't tell you it's ok, no telling me "I don't want to play." when I'm telling you to join, etc. Those who organize the tournament are on a very tight schedule, especially when it's group stage. If we delay even just a second, we are not doing what we're supposed to and I will get shit for it.

  4. 4. Consistency and being able to play NoMod are the most important aspects of playing in a tournament.
    The majority of the maps in the mappool are NoMod. If you feel like you're not that great at NoMod, then reconsider if you think it's a good idea to sign up. But remember, just because YOU think you're bad a NoMod because you're better at all the other mods, or something along those lines, doesn't necessarily mean that you're actually bad at it compared to other people.

    Consistency is also super important. It's all about holding a combo in tournaments. If you get 99.99% with a miss, you will lose against someone who gets 93% accuracy and gets an FC. I need players who rarely miss.

  5. 5. The tournament is streamed in front of thousands of people.
    Yeah, that's a lot of people. Do you suffer from stage fright? You can't handle when a bunch of people look at you when playing and they cheer you on? Then this is definitely not for you. If it affects your performance to a point where you become worthless at the game, then you should not sign up for this.

And, last but not least, there must be absolutely no sore loser behaviour. Absolutely none. It's a competition, you must have a fitting attitude for the situation.

Good luck to those of you wanting to tryout, and let's see all of your support for our final team!
The tryouts

Format: Mayoi Hachikuji and I will divide you into two teams (due to there being too many of you to do this all at once). Don't worry, the team we put you in won't matter as we will look at performances individually, it's merely because there's only so much space in a multi lobby.

You will be invited to a lobby where you will play the 11 maps of the mappool along with about 8-ish others at the same time. Mayoi and I will both also be in the lobby - he has told me he plans to stream the event, so be prepared for that.

I highly recommend that you save your replays after each map and send it to me. This way, I can have a look at your plays one by one in order to better judge you. While Mayoi and I would love to do this in a way that would allow us to spec you, that would simply take too much time.

Again, thanks for the amount of attention this post has gotten, I would never have expected the tryouts to be necessary due to the size of our little country. :)

Failing: Yes. These maps are hard. Some of these are harder than the group stage maps are likely to be.
As a result, failing does not disqualify you.

[box=The mappool]Nomod:
Wotamin - Gigantic O.T.N [S.S]
Neru - Ningen Shikkaku [Posthomous]
Natsume Chiaki - Hana Shoku Hiyori [Hanabi]
jippusu - Mushikui Saikede Rhythm [RLC]

Paraoka – Manima ni [(‘(oo)’)]
Memme - China Dress [Guy’s extra]

PESS vs t.A.T.u. - All The Things She Said (DnB Remix) [Stressboxer]
yuikonnu - Yakimochi no Kotae -another story- [Insane]

doriko feat. Hatsune Miku - Paradise Cage [Insane]
Nakae Mitsuki - Pure Love, True Love [Insane]

Free/Tiebreaker map
Yousei Teikoku - Kokou no Sousei [Collab]

Note: While it's not a tiebreaker in this scenario, we have chosen a tiebreaker-like map that is here as freemod.

Maps have been chosen by Mayoi Hachikuji and me. Help from Silmarilen as well!
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Pls teamarino
Holy shit i can't wait for this!
If you need me for something, like removing shitposts from the thread or something, throw me a message.
smoothie 4 captain
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Noted! Thanks Xytox.

The way things are looking now, I will be hosting tryouts at the end of October for everyone. PP is not an indication of consistent skill, after all.
All people wishing to compete in the tryouts will be listed under potential members. Simply state your interest here and I will add you.

Everyone can, of course, contact me ingame or via pm if needed.

Edit: Of course, if we end up with 8 members or less, I would be happy to include everyone on the team (will have to talk to TimG about this)
Kazu 2Bad4OWC :(
GL the rest ;)
Still wanna try though ~
I actually want to participate in this.
I might not be the most skilled player, but I think I can handle the situation.
I am fairly good if I have to say t myself, but there might be a bunch of others that are better than me.
But it would awesome if I could tryout for this sort of thing c:
Whatever :P

Would like to see how far I can get!
Osu! marathon for me.

This is gonna be interesting.


PlasticSmoothie wrote:

absolutely no sore loser behaviour[/b]. Absolutely none. It's a competition, you must have a fitting attitude for the situation.
Is it OK to whine about your own performance?
Why not try it for the sake of it :D
Dk will soon rise from depth and will be nr.1 ;)
it's gonna be rly interesting.

Kazutakee wrote:

PlasticSmoothie wrote:

absolutely no sore loser behaviour[/b]. Absolutely none. It's a competition, you must have a fitting attitude for the situation.
Is it OK to whine about your own performance?
You will do anyways :D
I would actually try it!
I like NoMod, but i don't think that im good enough to play.
John Cena
RØDE PØLSER delivered!

I am up for it. Will train consistency like a Madman™
Mayoi Hachikuji
GL Røde pølser!
May your Pølser be grilled!
May your Rød grød be filled with fløde!
It's time to wave your flag in the glorious snow!

Gogo Team Denemarkistan!!
Kan jeg tilmelde mig? How2dansk.
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Kazutakee wrote:

Is it OK to whine about your own performance?
We wouldn't be osu players if we didn't constantly whine about how much we suck, now would we?

Just clarifying here:
By sore loser behaviour I mean lashing out towards the opponent, ragequitting etc. when not winning.

CXu wrote:

Kan jeg tilmelde mig? How2dansk.
Kun hvis du spiser nok røde pølser 8-)
........when are we going to do the tryouts?....
John Cena

PlasticSmoothie wrote:

I will be hosting tryouts at the end of October
I think if she put a date now it would be subject to change, we are going to know at some point either way.
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Okay guys. I've had a chance to talk to TimG regarding the tryout process. I've been informed that OWC signups happen in the middle of October (and not november like I thought), så we're moving the tryouts a month back.
Tryouts happen on September 27th. probably starts around 20:00 or so, that's when most people are free.
What this means is that I will have a small mappool ready on September 20th. These maps will mainly focus on reading as I feel OWC mappool maps tend to feature a lot of 'odd' maps.

However, I will be inviting everyone to random multi fun (without AR10 shitmaps or AR10.3 clickspam) whenever I have the time for it, so we avoid judging everyone on just a single hour or so of multi. You can join if you wish.

I'm aiming to make this fun for everyone, especially since this thread got more attention than I thought it would (As well as I did get some complaints that having chosen certain members already was unfair, leading to this way of doing it)

Final team will be chosen very quickly after tryouts.

PlasticSmoothie wrote:

Okay guys. I've had a chance to talk to TimG regarding the tryout process. I've been informed that OWC signups happen in the middle of October (and not november like I thought), så we're moving the tryouts a month back.
Tryouts happen on September 27th. probably starts around 20:00 or so, that's when most people are free.
What this means is that I will have a small mappool ready on September 20th. These maps will mainly focus on reading as I feel OWC mappool maps tend to feature a lot of 'odd' maps.

However, I will be inviting everyone to random multi fun (without AR10 shitmaps or AR10.3 clickspam) whenever I have the time for it, so we avoid judging everyone on just a single hour or so of multi. You can join if you wish.

I'm aiming to make this fun for everyone, especially since this thread got more attention than I thought it would (As well as I did get some complaints that having chosen certain members already was unfair, leading to this way of doing it)

Final team will be chosen very quickly after tryouts.
So Smoothie-chan, are you the one judging us or do we have some specialists to do that :?
Mayoi Hachikuji
I would like to volunteer to do something.. If you would give me another chance... :i

Mayoi Hachikuji wrote:

I would like to volunteer to do something.. If you would give me another chance... :i
Give my onii-chan another chance <3
Mayoi Hachikuji

Kazutakee wrote:

Mayoi Hachikuji wrote:

I would like to volunteer to do something.. If you would give me another chance... :i
Give my onii-chan another chance <3
Er du ikke bare den sødeste!!!! :D ♡♥♡♥♡
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Mayomayomayo, I'd be very thankful if you'd help me with tryouts! :D (Unless you mean you want to play?) originally I wasn't supposed to do the tryouts all on my own, it was supposed to be a joint effort between TimG and me (and whoever else wanted to lend a hand) but due to the complaints about fairness he isn't really allowed to help me anymore so I'm kind of all on my own.

Regarding member-picking: I was planning on picking out the ones who's done the best myself and then let them take over regarding picking the rest.
I'm not even going to be on the team myself (not good enough + OWC is right in the middle of some important exams) so once we have a team I won't have a part in it aside from cheering for them.
Mayoi Hachikuji
I probably won't play since i might end up like always.. "Work/stuff/OtherStuff/Etc.../Stuff. But i would like in any way i can! Coaching and stuff if possible! :D
Mayoi Hachikuji
If people still trust my jugdement, i would be more than happy to help you pick the team and keep an eye out for special players :)

If there is room for 1 more player when we are done with all of this. I might aswell just participate.. If i get some time i could maybe play some maps for us. :)

Just tell me where you need me!
Mayo pls do so :D
Vil også gerne prøve ligesom de andre :)
I would like to participate in this event. Looks and sounds like a ton of fun :D
Sign me up!
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Okay people.

Tryouts are on Saturday September 27th, at 20:00 local time.

I've almost made the mappool now - I'm gonna release it this Saturday at 20:00 as well. It's not going to be easy, and I'm not expecting many - if any - FCs. The point behind this tryout is to see how you all do against what OWC might throw at you.

...Just... Don't kill me on Saturday, okay? :^)

PlasticSmoothie wrote:

Okay people.

Tryouts are on Saturday September 27th, at 20:00 local time.

I've almost made the mappool now - I'm gonna release it this Saturday at 20:00 as well. It's not going to be easy, and I'm not expecting many - if any - FCs. The point behind this tryout is to see how you all do against what OWC might throw at you.

...Just... Don't kill me on Saturday, okay? :^)
Sure thing :-)
I dont expect to do good at all at this point...
Ima still try though.

gl everyone! :)
Jun you OP as fuck guy thats better than me...
You should replace me...

Im into it if you are ;)
maybe next year haha :D
hearthstone tourny 27th :'c rip me. gl ppls. kek
Yo, I am here, and I brought a new and improved version of my old osu!DK logo in case anyone would be interested.

This version features:
-A transparent background
-No annoying miscolored edges
-No misplacements of the flag
-Pure danish pride

osu!DK Logo 1260x1260

osu!DK Logo Smaller (Kinda wonky, but hey, it works) 620x620

I hope this'll bring some national pride to your hearts.
In any case, good luck guys!
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Here are the groups for tomorrow

Group 1 is on at 20:00, group 2 at 21:00. You may swap groups with other players if you wish, but remember to inform me. (Remember, your group does not determine your chances, it's merely because I can't get all of you in a multi room at the same time.)

The groups have been chosen randomly.

Group 1:

Group 2:
Whynot. You can have 16 people in a room
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Both Mayoi Hachikuji and I are gonna be in that multi room (Mayoi has said he wants to stream it)

That means that there are too many ):
Due to the lack of time, and really bad timing on my behalf, I am somewhat forced to forfeit or actually just quit this OWC tryout.
I am sorry for the trouble of having to change the posts and what not just because I am horrible at keeping track on my stuff.
But I have to prioritize family over gaming this time.

Good luck to all of those who wanted to participate, and best of luck to those who got the chance to be on the team!
Plus, I am a low level player, and I am no where near you guys, so you are all out of my league xD
But anyway, again, best of luck!
Chrille will be cheering for you all~! c:
Kazutakee (Missing one replay coz I forgot to F2 u.u ) My replays to Smoothie-chan

Sadly it doesnt seems like I did good enough to be a part of OWC (My predictions )
Good luck to the rest! <3
Ill be there cheering!! /o/
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The team has been chosen!

The team is the following:

Captain: TimG


Congratulations to the participants, go Denmark! :D
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