
Ranked Local Score Option

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Let's say you have a really good score that you feel you could make better. You throw on some HD, and go to work. You end up FCing the song again, causing you to beat your score. However, the percentage is lower, and you lose pp.

Isn't that annoying? Sure, it can inspire you to do even better with the same mod, but the game isn't allowing you to get the most pp out of the song you are playing.

My solution to the issue is allowing the player to choose which score, in their local scores, is the one that is actually ranked. Sure, it doesn't show the higher score, however, I still feel players should have the option. Higher score, or more pp? You decide. I like that concept.

Some players care about higher score, some care about pp. Some don't care at all. This feature should cater to all parties, guaranteed.
Been request and denied many times before. Not gonna happen sorry...

Also, next time post in Feature Requests forum if you have a suggestion to make.
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