
Where did your username originate from?

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2006 - x-tremera productions - a combination from x-treme and chimera (2 PIU Songs from Exceed and NX version respectively)

2008 - xtremera3x - a compress reference with extra 3x (hentai, lolicon bla bla bla)

2009 - xtrem3x - Actual and final nickname (globalizing x-treme, chimera from first nickname, 3x for hentai/lolicon and also ... m3x = Mexican)

Mix of Hana (flower in japanese) and Kochiya Sanae (my favorite character of Touhou ) = Hanae a good Japanese name of girl :3

Mercurial wrote:
You wanted to use (Sailor) Mercury but it was already taken, so you made it more masculine.
Mine wasn't too creative, i originally used "Reisen", based off of Reisen the moon rabbit in touhou, however it made me feel uncomfortable since it made me feel like a roleplayer. so i gave the name for my japanese friend to do whatever he wanted with it. this is what he came up with.
i just really like red panda's
Well, Luih is my real name and I REALLY LOVE THE HELL OUT OF LUIGI (luigi's mansion) and thus LuihGi was born/created idk.
To be honest, this is hard to explain. :D

Nekomi wrote:

To be honest, this is hard to explain. :D

nub- wrote:

Nekomi wrote:

To be honest, this is hard to explain. :D
Not that way :3
My real name Nadhif and the amount of money I used on toys and stuff that made my mom agree "Fee"
Can also be rearranged to Nadeef in order to pronounce my real name with an extended "i"

This is silly, but I shared it. topkek
Not really creative, but I like to be called "Nad" as most English speaking person I've met calls me "Nad"
Well Its A Long Short Story :( So I Was Talking To My Friend TheHabboDude123 He Told Me About This Game Called Osu! He Called Me Savannah (My Actuall Name) And I Was Signing Up... I Was Thinking Of A Name And Then This Name Comes In My Head "MineMare" It Was A Combination Of Minecraft and Mare But Really Short 7 Months Later I Got Supporter I Decided To Change My Name. I Decided To Change It To "Minecraft_Mare" And That Day On My Friends Called Me Savannah or MineMare.
I use this as an account name for a lot of my games and I didn't know that username = display name so I'm stuck with this until I get a supporter tag to change my name LOL

There was a game, Clive Barker's Jericho, I think. Xavier Jones was one of the members of Jericho Team. I finished the game and then created an osu! account, that was the first thing that came to my mind.
I am anime trash, and I liked the name since I thought it would be funny. Also it fit with me very well in more ways than one
Cuticle - certain furry things lol, not hairy
Thong - Certain pantsu, not just an ordinary pantsu, but westerners loves showing their cute curvy shiri lmao

Call me Thong. OK

Aomi wrote:

Mercurial wrote:
You wanted to use (Sailor) Mercury but it was already taken, so you made it more masculine.
Well, not gonna lie, that's an interesting theory.

Too bad my previous names were MercurialSpectre and iMercurial.
Well, this username was a recent switch. One of my best friends calls me Pringle as a nickname, and I really liked it!
I keymashed and then backspaced down to three letters.
ook ook aak aak
when i was grade 7 my friend and i decided to make OCs. he went with some name and i came up with AncientMU, thus my first name all the way up to october-ish when i got my first name change. The MU in AncientMU comes from the megaman starforce series, as in the main antagonist of the game afaik. And then i kinda regretted it so with my terribad quick thinking, i decided to name myself Anxient (my current name), because at the time, some japanese already took the name Ancient and right when i was about to name change it, some canadian took the name Ancient, so i sorta stuck with Anxient. Kinda got attached to this name tho and started using it everywhere, although ive been considering to change it to Anpan, yuniAnxi, etc.
Love Me
My name isn't actually taken from the song "Scarlet Rose" lolshocks
originally I just wanted Scarlett or scarlet
as it refers to my actually name in English then roses suddenly came up
and wow what a coincidence

Ps. HL are getting really annoying
I was on the phone to an old friend of mine and I was looking for a new username for a social network. She suggested Megatastic and I've used it ever since.
2006 - 2014 = Maruck -> My first pet's name was "Maruck", so I used that name for online gaming.

2014 = Dezept -> How did I came up with that name? Well, that was the name I trolled people with. However, at some point I thought that Dezept is a pretty good name, so I changed my name from Maruck to Dezept.
still a better lovestory than twilight

Greetings, Dezept.
My name is Iona and I'm an otaku.

But I wish I could change it because I cringe everytime.
Someone gimme supporter to change it ;;
Making a Minecraft account name in 2012 and had to think of a name.

Dinner inspired me greatly that day :o

CuticleThong wrote:

Cuticle - certain furry things lol, not hairy
Thong - Certain pantsu, not just an ordinary pantsu, but westerners loves showing their cute curvy shiri lmao

Call me Thong. OK
thongs are sexy.

i love the world fall or downfall so i decided to use it for my username and i added +ist to make it look cool
i stole this name from someone at facebook

KinomiCandy wrote:

i stole this name from someone at facebook
goddammit I thought it would be more interesting..
TK is my initials and the rest of the name is just randomness XD
Well... my name came from shinigami xdd don't kill me pls
cyborg ninja thunder god

all merged together
Calm = referred to my personality
Mirage = because I always want something ._. but can't be realized
D88 = my birthday, with formulas..

and.. I'll not change my username ^^
Just Nid
My username on twitch was ''Nidanieeel'', back when I started playing osu!, I looked for help on streamers that didn't have that much viewers and were friendly to people that watched them, this one streamer that I'm still friends with, called me ''Nid'' so I changed my username to ''Just Nid'' because of it c:
from a cat obviously :roll:

from my minecraft username
i'm gay
This name suddenly came out of my brain, and it's not too bad, so wrote it ._.
MK means Mario Kart and Guh is my nickname in real life O3O
I already mentioned this in another thread - years ago, I used to go by the name moksha. Too many times, I found this name was taken, and I didn't like adding a number to the end :P. I looked up synonyms for the word (I think it meant something like rebirth), and found mukti. I actually liked this name more, and have been using it ever since (you'll see me on multiple trackers, and IRC with the same name).

Apparently, this is also a normal human name in some countries... something I didn't know when I picked out the name lol
Hello :)

My Username has two parts, I guess. JOE as it's my name & MOMO is a random word I think sounds cool :D. I guess it makes sense as my surname starts with a M. 8-)
lol mukti is like similar bahasa's name.. btw, my username is take from my real name. ,
My very first username was "blafferke", it's basically a tiny version of a pistol in pirate language. I got it out of a pirate book I got when I was young. (Kappa)

Daxxor was made up on the spot by a friend of mine. We played Allods Online, and decided to create a new character. I asked: "Hey, think of a name for me as well". That's when "Daxxor" was born.
Literally my real name with with otay at the end for no reason \o/
For easier understanding, I'll split both the meanings of "Kurante" and "Melodii"

For "Kurante", as some you know, that's the name of the girl from FREEDOM DiVE, yes, they named it

As for "Melodii" , it's from a closed species in DeviantART, I owned one here , according to their closed species page, "Melodii" means... of course "Melody" in Korean

So I combines those 2 words, and my username was born
my cat pucci
Kyozoru, i mixed it with my old name in osu - Kyou-kun, favorite character in one piece is zoro, changed the o in zoro to u then remove the u in kyou = Kyozoru
It's a nickname that has followed me around all my life.

being a skrub in a game has always been my passion

so i just did this
I made a You Tube account in the 2000's and decided to keep the name, it's from "Star Wars The Clone Wars"
Also, why isn't this in surveys? Drum Drum you know better
[ Kakuja ]
:D I got my current username from the anime Tokyo Ghoul.
I went to the Tokyo Ghoul wiki and read a bit more about the incomplete kakujas and other stuff, after I've read the first sentence:
''A kakuja (赫者, red one) is a kind of ghoul with a transformed kagune.'' in exact that moment I went to my Osu! profile and changed name because I love the color red. My osu! skin is bloated with red colors, my computer is red/black theme and most of my clothes are red/black too.

How I got my old username: HaiHaiAnkan.
This was just a random name I choose because I couldn't make up a good name when I made my account.
HaiHaiAnkan directly translated from swedish to english: HelloHelloDuck.

Edit: I don't even know if Kakuja actually means the red one.. but it still sounds cool 8-)
Coz also named my mini pomeranian after that.

And I was born in 1997.

It was also around the time porsche released the carerra 997.

bolt997 looked cooler than bolt97.

And it's nice how 6 years later, naruto's son is bolt (ボルト) Hence my caption~
Well, the name I originally wanted was taken so I put this random name together and I guess I kind of stuck with it.

But I mean, I like it. :P
Biri Biri
Neat new forum design. Been a little while. Copied directly from my userpage. p:

Origin of my username
For the sake of misinterpretations and similar sounding words, the name Kamidachi breeds from several things, and is a "fanmade" one if anything.

Kami - Referring to "god" or a godlike figure. Also stemming from the anime "Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai", (The World God Only Knows) where the main character Katsuragi Keima is nicknamed as "Kami nii-sama" to his partner. I'm able to relate to him in many ways so I felt it was symbolic for me at least.

Tomodachi - Meaning friend(s) or close acquaintance. In life, I place large value on my friendships because they've helped me through life and blahblah misc other stuff. That's all for that.

Putting both together and ignoring japanese rules, "Kami" and "-dachi" make a "God/Godly Friend". Making the last and final meaning of my name reflect who I am individually, as someone who can be relied on at any time and would do anything for a friend. <3
It's my IRL name.
the origin of my nickname is pretty dumb, but let's say it anyway

My real name is Roberto, so i just took the "R" and i wrote it with the Italian pronunciation (erre) and then wrote the rest of my name.
It is my IG name ;;~

Where it came from?
I liked the word void for no apparent reason

I also like Electro - Im assuming because of electronic music but who knows

I didnt like Electrovoid, so I took out the R
Simples 8-)
I pretty much stole mine from a youtuber called Skippy9191. I suck at coming up with user names.
Its a genus of snake. I like snakes.
The Chaos Emeralds from Sonic the Hedgehog
My old name was Kazutodacer. I wanted to write Kazutodancer but i lost the N and dacer sounded nice.
Then i changed to NaThaNeL. Thats because i saw a tv spot where a passanger called Nataneal but you speak the Name "Natanäl"
Now my Name is NaTha its a short version of NaThaNeL cuz anyone in osu called me NaTha
A post-hardccore band "Etienne Sin." I have no idea how I used to like them.
The "XC" part refers to the sport Cross Country
'Feliciano' comes from Feliciano Vargas,which he comes from an anime called 'Hetalia'.
'Gasai' comes from an anime called 'Mirai nikki',or,in English,'The Future Diary'.
Now that I've gotten a new name.

I used to binge on reading competitive game wikia's (League of Legends/Dota/CS:GO) so whenever my friends needed to know shit for games or builds. Just call Jarvis...
I was tired of my previous nickname so i wanted something new and unique.

it's pronounceable and i was desperate ok ;_;
5 or 6 year old me.
because mules and star wars so
I used to part of a clan in runescape called "Roseus Deos" and pretty much it stemmed from that. The 'Jaeger' part is a little Attack on Titan inspired apart from the meaning literally meaning 'hunter'. My username is supposed to mean 'pink hunter' and just sound cool

RoseusJaeger wrote:

I used to part of a clan in runescape called "Roseus Deos" and pretty much it stemmed from that. The 'Jaeger' part is a little Attack on Titan inspired apart from the meaning literally meaning 'hunter'. My username is supposed to mean 'pink hunter' and just sound cool
no way, u cant
In other games and forums that used my forum name used to be "Made In Quebec". After a while, the diminutive MiQ was used for most people who interacted regularly with me.

At some point, I was looking for a new name for a new character I wanted to create, and one of my friends on that game suggested I use now, which stands for Em (M) aye (I) cue (Q)

Since then, it kinda grew on me, and now it's a standard wherever I go I always use that name... Thank god he never asked me for copyright fees :D

Darth_Mula wrote:

RoseusJaeger wrote:

I used to part of a clan in runescape called "Roseus Deos" and pretty much it stemmed from that. The 'Jaeger' part is a little Attack on Titan inspired apart from the meaning literally meaning 'hunter'. My username is supposed to mean 'pink hunter' and just sound cool
no way, u cant
I can't what?

RoseusJaeger wrote:

Darth_Mula wrote:

I used to part of a clan in runescape called "Roseus Deos" and pretty much it stemmed from that. The 'Jaeger' part is a little Attack on Titan inspired apart from the meaning literally meaning 'hunter'. My username is supposed to mean 'pink hunter' and just sound cool
no way, u cant
trust me.
I originated as Niudoru, because Nudoru wasn't available so I added an "i" in there somewhere. As I got more involved into the twitch community, every time a 1 miss or choke or 80% acc FC's, my friends and I would all type niuCri, as an emote. I thought it was clever to rhyme Niu to Cri, thus NiuCriu...
From my real name, my previous universal ign is "Botch Carl" cuz i was called "botchipig" cuz i used to be fat lel, then "carl" cuz my name's Carl, "jcdc" cuz of my 2nd name, MI, and surname.
I cant remember
I first discovered the word known as "Sonoluminescence" through a certain fact page on FB some months ago. It sounded cool, so I shortened it and made a variation. Thus, Sonolux was born.
GTA and WoW.

There was a car in a GTA Game called "Deimos" and I was searching a WoW Character Name aswell. Deimos/Deimous was already taken so I made it Deimousxo.
Fleeting: This describes my streaming ability perfectly: "lasting for a very short time.".

Jake: What can I say, I guess it's my first name :oops:

Not very original but I try :P
Birra is my real first name and my nickname. Then it has a good meaning as well according to my parents which is "kindness". I hope I can always keep and be the thing that my parents message me through the name they gave me, and I'm trully glad they gave me the name.
From a game called league of legends, a video game character named Ahri, its a skin that you buy
Daichi Shinku
My Personality, which is Mixed up...
and a Linkin park's song
From a World of Warcraft character I made around 9 or 8 years ago, I can't remember.

It came from a female human mage. I named her Keilara, a random name I came up with. So, my name here in osu! was Keilara at first, but later on I got a supporter tag (a friend gifted it to me, if I'm not mistaken) and changed it to Kei.

This was mainly because my friends here were calling me Kei and not Keilara. I slowly began to love it, so I decided to change it. Now I hate my old username lol.

I can also say that it's related to my real name which also starts with K.
From the word "equilibrium".
little crap from ctb...
Oh my.

Fa was like, fabulous or something..

and the rest of dem letters, just knocked my keyboard randomly

Random name actually. I just thought that a name that contains 'th' and 'x' is cool, then something chemistry-based (-ium).

That's just my osu! name, though. My actual gaming name that I use on most of my games is [kuriihu].
i chose mine because it's a combination of my first, middle and last names.
Lessee... I once had a character named Tron (no, he is not related to TRON, despite what you may think), or to be more precise, he is still my character, except renamed, redesigned and in limbo. But his first name was Tron, I created him when I was somewhere around 12-13. Then I had a username 841tron, then it became 852tron (both of these are my usernames on ROBLOX, I am no longer there and I regret most of my time there), and then I decided to change it to TheTron852 when I was 15. So yeah, pretty much like that.

I also have another username, "y6Ep-K0T", but that one is mostly for the Russian community.
Mass murderess. :>
Obliiv - Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
Eden - Assassins Creed's Peices of Eden
And they're 2 of my favourite games
My nick name started as a misspelling on Guitar Hero once when I was like 15 or 14 and it has stucked whit me since then.
Used to play GunZ1, quit, played GunZ2, playerbase grew, became a good sniper, needed a new name, Setsuna = in the spit of moment, or instantly, playerbase died off, been using the name ever since :x
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