
Easy Kudosu Mods

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Well, I'd hate to admit it, but easy kudosu is still kudosu.
I just sure hope that these mods will be used as a supplement along with
I admit to doing the mods below, but to the extent that there was nothing else i could have modded.

Song info:
Is the title, artist and/or source correct? - Usually you can confirm by googling it
Suggest adding tags if there are none - Guest mapper's names must be in the tags

Song folder:
Unnecessary files in the song folder. - Unused bg pictures, sprites, hitsounds, etc.
Two .osb files - Sometimes occurs when the title/artist is changed.
Unused .osb files - Very common. If there is no non-diff specific storyboard, then it's unused.
Skin - Is the skin within the proper size limit?

Is there appropriate lead-in times for songs that need it? - Especially if first note appears immediately at the start of the song

Copy-pasting what AImod (ctrl+shift+a) says.

Combo colors - Are they contrasting enough with the background and each other?
.mp3/video editing - Not as easy but knowledge of a media editing software gives you an advantage
Video - is it too large? does it need to be compressed? does it still have audio?

Something else to add?

Please do not post about distance snap of AIMod.

As well, check the folder in general for oversized skins, and check if there's lead-in time on the diffs that need it.

Also, check the video if it has an audio stream.
Yes, teaching people how to skimp is totally worthwhile. Actually, I recommend just modding everything you can think of, and check out the drastically fixed up and condensed modding guide instead, along with the FAQ:


I'd rather just add it to that thread instead of making a new one saying "EASY KUDOSU HERE!" when it's really just giving you more things to mod.

...Can I?
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Matma Rex

NoHItter wrote:

Suggest adding tags if there are none - Guest mapper's names must be in the tags
Unused .osb files - Very common. If there is no non-diff specific storyboard, then it's unused.
Copy-pasting what AImod (ctrl+shift+a) says.

Don't you dare post such crap in my beatmaps' topics. Seriously.
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NoHItter wrote:

I just sure hope that these mods will be used as a supplement along with
Matma Rex
I don't care if it's supplement. All these modders that keep repeating "OMG ADD SUM TAGZ" or "OMG WTF OSB" make me rage.
Tags aren't required (from what I've seen, searching for guest mappers works properly without tags but you should add them just to make sure), but there shouldn't be any unused file in the folder. If you take care of it before anyone mods it you won't see that kind of "messages" in your beatmaps' topics. ;)

Gens wrote:

Tags aren't required (from what I've seen, searching for guest mappers works properly without tags but you should add them just to make sure)
The search sees difficulty names, so that's how it finds them in most cases. It's the ones where the difficulty names don't include the guest mapper names that need the tags, mostly.

I'm not entirely sure if I agree with the spirit of this thread, but I do like the idea of people besides me noticing when a song title or artist name is spelled or capitalized wrong, so anything that encourages that can't be all bad.
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