
Gorillaz - Dirty Harry

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 19 August 2010 at 19:02:38

Artist: Gorillaz
Title: Dirty Harry
Tags: Agent Spin Here
BPM: 96.19
Filesize: 17451kb
Play Time: 03:12
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.61 stars, 148 notes)
  2. Hard (4.9 stars, 372 notes)
  3. Normal (4.33 stars, 291 notes)
Download: Gorillaz - Dirty Harry
Download: Gorillaz - Dirty Harry (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
I something a something to something my something something something

Collab with Agent Spin Here
L e M oN
Yay another Gorillaz song
This should be good :)
Just one section.
96.19 bpm
81 offset
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Timing's fixed. The Storyboard will (hopefully) be done soon is done~
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Uploaded with a new storyboard and video. I did have a higher quality video but it was too big to upload :/

If someone has a better video that isn't as huge as mine was, that would be awesome~
And now for something awesome. Remember to add my timing sections cos most of it is 2x and there's some kiai too.

Download: Gorillaz - Dirty Harry (RandomJibberish) [Hard].osu
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Thanks, it's awesome.
Gorillaz :D
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Awesome. Moving to pending now~
Wow? I'm the first mod?

Just a quick mod, I can't see major things except for in Easy going a bit hard for newbies to read especially in ASH's part. But I don't wanna worry about that.

02:47:065 - Intended that it has no break right. If not, please put one?

02:14:346 (2,3,4) - Spacing's intended too?
02:46:158 - Same as Normal.
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I'm pretty sure that the lack of a break is intentional as I think it's short enough and makes a good tense moment of nothing but HP drain (Is it just me than finds those moments fun ? XD) but if ASH says otherwise I'll change it.

Idk about the spacing though.
General opinion on the map:

Well, the map is technically fine, but I think it can be improved. Combos in all difficulties generally felt a bit weird to me, though not in ASH's part (iirc).
[Easy]'s flow is really weird; it isn't good at all, imo. Maybe you could try snapping more to the background beats while keeping the beat still a bit on the lyrics.
[Normal] was a bit better, no real flaws I saw. The star rating is bothering me, though I think you can't do something about it. Really nice slider shapes.
[Hard] was lovely~ specially the 2x part by ASH. The lack of that break in ASH's part was a bit annoying though. Also the spinners felt awkward (maybe because I know the lyrics in the rap part and I just wanted to play them).
I really wish you mapped up to the final part, since it feels a bit awkward. it shouldn't be much anyway. :P

Second, I think offset is early. Try +~15, it sounds better to me. I got many "late" hits when testing.
Third, what's up with the SB? What's that weird lighting thing that pops out each finish? (I hope it doesn't involve video since I always download the novideo version when modding) I think the SBed names could look a bit better with some filters/effects. Right now it's just text with a black border and a simple gradient. I could try to do some but I think you're capable enough of adding something else to it. :P

And just another thing: don't you need to add Agent Spin Here to the tags?

I guess that's it. :)
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the SB is a flare, it makes sense if you've seen the video. I'll change the background so there's some sky in it though so it makes some more sense, and maybe mess with the motion a little.

Looking into everything else too, thanks.
[Hard] :
02:25:745 (3,4) - it's not an issue, but maybe move one/two squares down (I guess I'm not the only player who don't like objects under the scorebar). This won't change a lot the pattern ...

[Normal] :
01:17:131 (1,2) - huuu, you make me cry T.T, but I won't say anything because it's hard to change that.

well, I hate Gorillaz, but it's a good map STAR
Horayyy fo gorilaz 8-)

I agree the current BG is not very appealing (even though it fits the song) probably because of the low quality
I really wish you would mapped till the end

Kinda confusing to read, idk maybe because of the blue tick notes?

Nice n neat
00:55:611 (x) - add note here to follow music?
03:00:520 (2) - delete this?
03:04:730 (1) - I want to play this part
Combo mod
00:32:219 (5) - NC (new combo)
01:19:626 (6) - ^
01:31:789 (6) - ^
01:33:348 (1) - remove NC
My favorite diff
A 2x BPM warning would be nice, because of the break the 2x slider startled me and I broke my combo :cry:
How about following the music more closely in 01:32:101 (5,6,7) by moving them forward 1 tick, then delete 01:32:725 (1) ?
Combo mod
00:22:239 (5) - NC
00:27:229 (6) - ^
00:32:219 (7) - ^
00:37:210 (3) - ^?
01:24:616 (5) - NC
Cool map n epic collab
The video is interesting too ;)


RandomJibberish wrote:

I need a something, to keep my something something.
I need a gun, to keep myself from harm. I think. Tempting as it may be, do not kudosu this post.

Also starred
I haven't heard this song before, so my sight read of easy was kind of frustrating. It felt like a lot of the beats just didn't go with the music at all.
Maybe some of the things that make it feel really off are things like 00:24:422 (2) ending a 1/4 beat late compared to the strong beat in the music, followed by going with the second note in the vocals for the start of beats. I found that the bass line was the easiest and most natural to follow.
Since you've already set this up to a more difficult easy, you may as well add a note at 00:22:239 to make it play a little less awkwardly.
00:34:870 (1) - Remove the whistle from the slider slide.
00:37:365 (1,2,3) - The placement of these three felt really weird. You're following the second vocal note on all three hits, and I was still feeling the bass line out and 100'd them out. Maybe a lot of my issue is the delayed vocals with the child chorus.
03:11:903 (4,1) - This jump intended for an easy?

This diff is hawt. Good stuff.

01:04:811 (2) - Remove whistle from slider.
01:12:296 (2) - ^ It's so rare for this sound to sound good, I've found, hehe.
02:25:433 (2,3,4) - You may want to lower these a bit as the 3 and 4 are sticking into the life bar.

Yeah, focus on making the easy mode easier to follow. The other two diffs are gold.
AdRon Zh3Ro
[:]You can change
[>>]You need to change

:Offset 90
:the orange hand with the light stuff can be on bouth sides

Seems a little confusing for begginers xD

:2:28:546(5) off-screen?

>>2:45:393 Add break

hard song to map, good job :P
Louis Cyphre

Seems good


I think too long for easy =/
01:17:436 - remove new combo (SPAM)
02:27:298 - distance
02:28:546 - ^

03:12:209 - remove new combo

00:23:013 - distance
00:29:874 - ^
01:36:149 - ^

01:42:231 - Add a note?
01:47:221 - ^

03:12:209 - remove new combo

00:27:223 - add new combo
00:32:213 - ^

02:37:434~02:39:462 - fill this place with notes.

Nice map :3 Star~

00:24:416 (2) - that slider have end in 00:25:040.
01:24:766 (1) - that not in 01:24:922.
01:25:389 (2) - ^ in 01:25:545.
01:25:857 (3) - deleted.
02:21:060 (3) - left 1, use grid lvl 3. (that nazi)
02:49:754 (1) - finish in end.
02:52:249 (2) - ^
03:12:209 (1) - do that closer to (4).


01:09:327 (8) - finish.
02:44:140 (8) - remove clap and add whistle.


Best diff with best hitsounds and without errors.

02:23:400 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - i dont like that, really.

Hello RandomJibberish.

Well,I am a big fan of Gorillaz,so have a star~

Map is fine,haven't found something wrong,but maybe some suggestions here:

00:34:864 (1) - Start at 00:35:020?

01:18:060 (3) - Maybe add a circle here and start the slider at 01:18:216 up to 01:18:684?
01:49:248 - Adding a circle?
02:41:957 (8) - New combo?
02:43:204 (3) - ^

00:29:406 (1) - Remove and add circles to 00:29:406 (9),00:29:718 (10)?
00:30:030 (1) - Add a circle here and start New Combo? Probably adding a circle to 00:30:186 (2).
01:24:610 (5) - New combo?
02:34:316 (1) - So long spinner,I think you should start it at 02:34:783 (1).
02:34:471 (8) - Adding a circle?
02:34:627 (9) - ^

Good luck to your map.I wish it'll be ranked soon.
Fine =)


00:24:416 (2) - What the heck is this following? Vocals start at the end of it. Shouldn't it start there? 00:25:196 -

00:25:664 (1,2,3) - Creating your own beat doesn't help. It is very clear to me that these notes are awkward. Note 2 belongs on the blue note. Both the beat and the vocal starts there. 3 could be place back to the previous red tick as well.

All these sections could potentially screw up someone following the beat.

00:40:010 (1,2) - Move back to the blue ticks.

01:08:704 (4) - Still belongs on the previous blue tick.

01:13:070 (3,4) - Previous blue ticks.

01:20:555 (3,4) - ^

01:24:922 (1,2) - ^

01:29:912 (1,2,3) - Eh. I think you get the point.

02:16:070 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Note placement check. The singer is singing off tune. Check the snap here.


01:02:310 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - These sections are spllatered all over the map and they vary in where the notes stack and how they stack. There shouldn't be much of a variation at all.

02:15:914 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I still don't know about this. It fits better than easy.


00:25:040 (1,2,3,4,5) - Making up your own beat again I see. This doesn't even come close to following the beat.

00:36:112 (2) - End on blue tick? 00:36:736 -

02:32:600 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - A tad confusing being al the same combo.

I'm not going to attempt to search for flow issues. It's too fast for me.

Eh. The song is off tune. I can't blame you for any of that so I'll give this a star.
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Those notes in easy were on blue ticks, but many people pointed out that they were hard to read if you hadn't heard the song before and that I should follow the beat so it's easier to play.

Also, although the singer is slightly off beat at 02:16:070 (1,2,3,4,5,6), I'm pretty sure he is meant to be on the beats that are used in the map. It'd be confusing itherwise

Fixed pretty much everything else though
Hi ^^!

You'll need a bigger BG image, I think the smallest one you can have is 860x640 (or something like that <_<)

Yeah, Confusing for an easy ._.
00:40:010 (1) - Move one grid right (Wihout moving (2) ) (?)
00:54:981 (1) - Whistle (?)
00:59:971 (1) - ^ (?)
01:08:080 (3) - Clap
01:13:070 (3) - ^
01:14:941 (1,2) - Try to put the endpoints at the same height than the startpoints (?)
01:20:555 (3) - Clap
01:22:738 (3) - Whistle (?)
01:30:535 (2) - Unwhistle, then Clap
01:35:526 (2) - ^
01:29:912 (1) - Whistle (?)
01:34:902 (1) - ^ (?)
01:39:892 (1) - ^ (?)
01:44:882 (1) - ^ (?)
02:16:070 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - What about transforming this combo into 2 repeat sliders (?) That'd be easer to read for newbs imho
02:21:684 (4) - UnClap the end (?)
02:26:051 (3) - Clap the end
02:27:298 (4) - ^
02:28:546 (5) - ^
02:49:754 (1) - Clap the repeat and the end
02:52:249 (2) - ^
03:11:897 (4) - Either remove the finish or the clap >_<
03:12:209 (1) - I failed here. 3 times ._. Maybe you could transform 03:11:897 (4) Into a slider that ends here (?) Something like this ?

Most of this is hitsounds suggestions.
00:29:406 (1) - What is this slider following?
00:33:773 (4) - I thought this was 1/4 earlier. I could read it the second time though.
00:35:020 (2) - ^. I'd change this into a 1 beat long slider, 1/4 earlier. That'd be me though.
00:40:322 (3) - Whistle (?)
01:08:080 (6) - Clap at the start
01:09:327 (8) - I'd rather a clap here, but the finish is nice too
01:09:951 (1) - Unclap the end
01:10:575 (2) - Clap
01:11:043 (4) - Remove the finish at the end. Maybe replace it with a whistle (?)
01:14:941 (1) - UnWhistle the end, then clap it.
01:18:060 (3) - Clap the start. UnClap the end
01:19:308 (5) - UnWhistle, then clap
01:19:776 (2) - UnClap the end.
01:20:555 (3) - Clap
01:21:491 (6) - I'd rather a clap at the end, but the finish is nice too.
01:30:535 (3) - UnClap the end, Clap the start
01:31:783 (1) - UnClap the repeat, clap the start
01:36:149 (5) - Clap the end
01:41:140 (7) - UnClap the start
01:46:130 (7) - ^
01:49:872 (x) - Add a note?
02:18:565 (6) - Clap the second repeat
02:26:051 (3) - Clap the end
02:27:298 (4) - ^, Unwhistle it.
02:28:546 (5) - ^
02:45:699 - Why is this blank space here ._.?
02:50:377 (2) - Clap
02:51:625 (4) - ^
02:52:249 (1) - UnClap the start
02:53:496 (2) - UnFinish the start
I didn't like the finish abuse in ASH's part ._.

01:15:409 (3) - /Nazi/ It's too close to (2)
01:16:501 (6) - /Nazi/ It's too far away from (5)
01:17:904 (3) - /Nazi/ It's too close to (2)
01:18:996 (6) - /Nazi/ It's too far away from (5)
The notes here are similar to Normal, so for hitsounding it should follow a similar pattern ^^
I won't mod the speed up, sorry, I can't play it ._.

Everything seems nice and clean, though this is a hard song to map.
Couldn't find much (/me wishes she could map so flawlessly...)
Well here's my mod (more like suggestions...meh :P)

02:27:298 (4,5)- spacing? (Although when I play it I had no trouble reaching them, it’s up to you)

00:22:389 (6) - spacing
00:31:122 (3) - ^
01:36:149 (5) - ^

00:30:186 (4) - spacing
00:30:810 (5) - ^
00:31:278 (7) - ^
01:23:518 (4) -...kinda looks weird to me
02:14:589 (4) - spacing (not sure how you’ll change it though, since it doesn’t really look nice anywhere else :( )

~Twinkle twinkle little star~
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Bumping with my iPod and a few mins of Wifi :/
Just one thing.

The flare has unnecessary transparency.

Also reduce the normal sampleset section volume a bit?

EDIT: OK, I'm silly. Have a fragile bubble...
bg is.. pixelated.. unless it is intentional..

map is ok though..
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I found it hard to find anything better, But if anyone knows where I can get any improved ones they'd be great

I'm ok with it like this though.
rank then. no regrets ok?
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Ilu James

All my ranked maps are good from here on guiz
Don't forget next time to set genre and language :P

I did it already x3
first on easy for probably one day ~.~
Why isn't Mashley in the tags? :I

Derekku wrote:

Why isn't Mashley in the tags? :I
Well, Mashley wasn't invented yet when the map was tagged. :p

Added now
Downloading now =D
Awesome song.

LuigiHann wrote:

Derekku wrote:

Why isn't Mashley in the tags? :I
Well, Mashley wasn't invented yet when the map was tagged. :p

Added now
Still, it was bubbled/ranked post-name change. :v
One thing I'd like to mention besides the maps are perfect.

It's probably just a personal issue, but I hate it when people put their name on the map...
Dun know if you could/are willing to take that off. Not that you have to, but I think it's nice =D

Nice map again!
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The names are just so you know who mapped each part :V
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