
osu!station - The beatmap radio station

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The beatmap radio station, that streams beatmaps directly!

You heard right, this radio station extracts songs from beatmaps and streams it. Right now osu!station doesn't offer much more than you being able to listen to the stream, but there are plans for the future of this project.

Planned features:
- Song requests queue
- Song ratings
- Song history
- Beatmap download link on each song
- Pack-Hour, select a beatmap pack and stream all it's maps

You can find the project here

Please be aware this is a work in progress! Problems may happen, you can help by reporting them here.
Nice, I might listen to it occasionally.

Do you happen to offer an mp3 stream by any chance? My mobile phone can't read ogg and m3u streams :( (I would appreciate if you could make it 128 kbps, I have a limited data quota).
- Marco -
Great job, also why not multiple radio by genre? :D
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Sadly due to licensing issues i cannot provide mp3 and the bitrate is variable from 64 to 192 kbits, there is no additional encoding going on.


Thanks. There could maybe be such a thing in future, no promisses thought.

nanashiRei wrote:


Sadly due to licensing issues i cannot provide mp3 and the bitrate is variable from 64 to 192 kbits, there is no additional encoding going on.
No sweat, I understand.
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@XPJ38 you can use VLC beta to play the stream :)
- Marco -
When a song ends it jumps to the center of the song for 1 second then it go to the next song [it doesn't happen everytime]Looks like it's resolved

Also * is converted into _


nanashiRei wrote:

@XPJ38 you can use VLC beta to play the stream :)
Not on my 6-year-old phone :lol: It can only read mp3 and aac streams. But as I said, don't worry, I am probably an edge case.
- Marco -
Also on chrome console there is this error:

Error in event handler for extension.onRequest: undefined
Stack trace: undefined
Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type audio/x-mpegurl: "".
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macrostudios how did you produce this error? And what browser/version did you use?
- Marco -

nanashiRei wrote:

macrostudios how did you produce this error? And what browser/version did you use?
I just open the page and it gave those errors. Now there isn't the two errors i said before but there is this:

Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function main.js:21(anonymous function) main.js:21m.event.dispatch jquery.min.js:3r.handle

umm...forget that ^ i updated chrome beta (37.0.2062.94 beta-m (64-bit) ) and there aren't errors anymore
I'm not a radio guy, but...

nice, saved link :3
Seems like a great idea, but...

- Marco -

Gumpyyy wrote:

Seems like a great idea, but...

(incase it does not load: )
Correct format is

taked from
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I see there is a lot of crashes that i cannot identify, i'll have to debug this case. (It's just doing a random Broken Pipe error every so often.)
I've added a cronjob that checks the service every 5 minutes to restart it in case it crashes, so if it goes down, it'll come up within the next 5 min.

makes the bug less painful until it's resolved~
It's playing music just fine if I press play on the html5 music thing, but it says the stream is down and won't tell me the name of the song or anything.

Neat project idea.
That's because of an js error that nanashi needs to fix~
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I'm waiting for my new MacBook Pro to arrive, once it's here i will do a lot more then just fixing js errors. Promise.
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