
[CTB] Daily League [BETA]

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Hello community!

I've done match-up changes and some new points-earning system as well.

Rules and restrictions
1. NO Rank restriction- so everyone can join
2. 1v1 matches + 1 judge
3. 3 Warm-up maps, 1 normal + 1 special
4. ONLY judges choose maps and mods that are available for map
5. Anyone can challenge anyone, but u need to have judge there!
6. Judges make Screenshots (Screenshots must be send to me)

New system
I was thinking about making it kinda interesting so I get inspiration from famous moba game. Well, you can hate it or love it - it doesn't matter, cause I changed it a little bit.

1. Placement matches - What are they? or What are they good for? - It's 3 early matches which u play. After that matches staff will choose division in which
u will be playing your games.

2. Divisions - Each division have 3 grades - 3 - is lowest, 2 is mid and 1 is highest.

3. Games in divisions - U can play against any player from any division. After match u get points.

You are in Silver division Grade II. You have enough points to play placement matches for new grade (Silver I. in this case). U need to win 2 from 3 matches. You won first but u lost last one and won third one (Your points won't be higher if u are playing placement matches). Ur placement are won. If u win only first match and lost that two ur placement are ruined. And u lost about 1/3 of your current points. But if u win 2 matches your grade will be changed to Silver I.
Example 2:
You are now Silver division Grade I. You have enough points to play placement matches for new division (Gold III. in this case). U need to win 3 from 4 matches. If you lost 2 matches ur placement is ruined nd 1/3 of ur current points are lost as well.

HT - not available
SD - only on extra maps
EDIT: U don't lose points if u lose match, only if it's ur placement "ruining" match.

No mods:
SS - 10 points
S - 6 points
A - 3 points
B or less - 1 point
Failure - 0 points

With HD (Hidden):
SS - 11 points
S - 7 points
A - 4 points
B or less - 2 points
Failure - 0 points

With HR (Hard Rock):
SS - 11 points
S - 7 points
A - 4 points
B or less - 2 points
Failure - 0 points

With DT (Double Time) or NC (Nightcore) is selected by staff:
SS - 12 points
S - 8 points
A - 5 points
B or less - 3 points
Failure - 0 points

With FL (Flashlight) - only AR4 or less so it must be picked if selected map with that AR:
SS - 9 points
S - 7 points
A - 3 points
B or less - 2 points
Failure - 0 points

With EZ (Easy):
SS - 7 points
S - 4 points
A - 2 points
B or less - 1 point
Failure - 0 points

Full combo points for gradesl:

SS - 8 points
S - 4 points
A - 2 points
B or less or Failure - 0 points

Full Combo points:
less then 250 = 1 point
250+ = 3 points
450+ = 5 points
750+ = 7 points
1000+ = 10 points
1300+ = 15 points

Points for matches
Winner - 4 points
Winner of extra map - 3 points
Loser without fail of extra map - 1 point

Division Points:
Placements - The highest division in your FIRST placements is Gold I.

Bronze III. - Bronze II. = 30 points for placement (PC later)
Bronze II. - Bronze I. = 30 more points for PC
Bronze I. - Silver III. = 45 more points for PC

Silver III. - Silver II. = 30 more points for PC
Silver II. - Silver I. = 30 more points for PC
Silver I. Gold III. = 50 more points for PC

Gold III. - Gold II. = 35 more points for PC
Gold II. - Gold I. = 35 more points for PC
Gold I. - Platinum III. = 60 more points for PC

Platinum III. - Platinum II. = 35 more points for PC
Platinum II. - Platinum I. = 35 more points for PC
Platinum I. - Diamond III. = 65 more points for PC

Diamond III. - Diamond II. = 45 more points for PC
Diamond II. - Diamond I. = 50 more points for PC
Diamond I. - Masters = 80 more points for PC

Masters - earn the most to be first!

Bronze - Silver players = Small banner with ur name and some bronze/silver things there.

Gold - Platinum players = Normal banner with ur name, placement in which grade they was and better placement guaranteed in final version of league.

Diamond players = Signature with ur name + grade + better placement in final version of league guaranteed + can add 1 of ur favourite map to Extra maps in final version

Masters -
First place will get the signature and be a Master of Masters in Beta version of Catch the Beat Daily League. Atleast Platinum III. in placements in final version of league guaranteed + can add 5 Extra maps.

Second place will get signature with - Second Master in Beta version of CTB DT. Atleast Gold I. guaranteed + can add 4 Extra maps.

Third place will get signature with - Third Master in Beta version of CTB DT. Atleast Gold II. guaranteed + can add 3 Extra maps.

All other Masters - Get signature with - One of Masters in Beta version of CTB DT. Atleast Gold III. guaranteed + can add 2 Extra maps.

Extra Maps/Points/Mods
Here are extra maps with few bonus points if u do them with restricted mod (or no mod) with restricted diff and restricted mark or fc it.
You have to do the first map with restricted Rain diff. + HD. You got SS on it. So you get that bonus 28 points and bonus points from "Full combo points", but no other points. (for ex. hidden on ss is 11 points worth, but u don't earn them, cause this is bonus map with its bonus points.)

More extra maps will be added later!

1. Romaji - VOiCE (Rain) by eldnl
HD - 25 points for FC (Bonus points +2 if SS)
NoMod - 20 for FC (Bonus points +2 if SS)

2. Kuraki Mai - Your Best Friend (Xinely's Easy) by Hinsvar
FL - 20 points for FC (Bonus point +1 if SS)

3. Mr. Saturn - Saturn (OverdoZe) by Saturnalize
NoMod - 35 points for FC (Bonus points +3 if SS)

4. Memme - NEW Astronomas (Extra) by Charles445
HR - 45 points for FC (Bonus points +7 if SS)
NoMod - 35 points for FC (Bonus points +4 if SS)

5. BACK-ON - Flyaway (Fly Away!!!) by ztrot
NoMod / HD - 20 points for FC (Bonus point +1 if SS)
DT / HDDT - 22 points for FC (Bonus points +2 if SS)
FL only - 25 points for FC (Bonus points +2 if SS)
HR / HDHR - 30 points for FC (Bonus points +5 if SS)

6. Sharlo - Vidro Moyou (Collab) by Sharlo
NoMod / HD - 28 points for FC (Bonus point +1 if SS)

7. LeaF - Calamity Fortune (Platter) by Krah
DT / HDDT - 25 points for FC (Bonus points +2 if SS)

8. Gentle Stick X M2U - Hades in the Heaven (ExtrA) by AngelHoney
NoMod / HD - 30 points for FC (Bonus points +4 if SS)

9. Sayaka Minami - Under the Sky (Ryu* Remix) (Alazy) by ouranhshc
DT / HDDT - 28 points for FC (Bonus points +2 if SS)
HR / HDHR - 30 points for FC (Bonus points +2 if SS)

Staff list
Map testers -

[Spot open]

Staff (Judges) -

[Spot open]

Starting: Right now
Ending: Don't know yet. I'll inform you in this thread week before it ends.
Matching time: Anytime one of judges is online, you can ask him to make a match or judge make a match in and invite u.

Topic Starter
I won't be active in-game for about 3 days because of my job, but you can PM -Neptune-, Benredbomb75 or jenjjiyo for match. When I come back I'll update forum and I hope there will be some new players already placed in division. :)
Good luck everyone!

7 players are participating right now. Two of them got 2 placement matches from 3 already played.

@Kise & afb - Send me atleast 5 extra maps + restricted mods/points etc tommorow, I'll try to add them here at night if I get some wifi with my "cool" mobile. Take care. o/
New Extra Maps (x5) available.
(Since Rinai has bad connections, I will post it by my own instead.)

1. BACK-ON - Flyaway (Fly Away!!!) by ztrot
NoMod / HD - 20 points for FC (Bonus point +1 if SS)
DT / HDDT - 22 points for FC (Bonus point +2 if SS)
FL only - 25 points for FC (Bonus point +2 if SS)
HR / HDHR - 30 points for FC (Bonus point +5 if SS)

2. Sharlo - Vidro Moyou (Collab) by Sharlo
NoMod / HD - 28 points for FC (Bonus point +1 if SS)

3. LeaF - Calamity Fortune (Platter) by Krah
DT / HDDT - 25 points for FC (Bonus point +2 if SS)

4. Gentle Stick X M2U - Hades in the Heaven (ExtrA) by AngelHoney
NoMod / HD - 30 points for FC (Bonus point +4 if SS)

5. Sayaka Minami - Under the Sky (Ryu* Remix) (Alazy) by ouranhshc
DT / HDDT - 28 points for FC (Bonus point +2 if SS)
HR / HDHR - 30 points for FC (Bonus point +2 if SS)

Good luck and have fun!
Topic Starter
League will continue tomorrow afternoon.
Is this happening right now or can you still sign up? :)

And is it a team vs or solo? :)
Is sign up still valid, if it is I will play.
Topic Starter
Anyone can sign-up at anytime when we are doing matches.

@-Crab- - do u even read it?
Rules and Restrictions - 2. 1v1 matches + 1 judge

Rinai wrote:

Anyone can sign-up at anytime when we are doing matches.

@-Crab- - do u even read it?
Rules and Restrictions - 2. 1v1 matches + 1 judge

Sorry~ =w=
Topic Starter
@-Crab- - It's ok. :)


Maps from alienflybot updated.
Scoreboard for placements added.
Working on another Extra Maps.
ÄHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH My english suck but I will playing so i will join ? :D

2280578 wrote:

ÄHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH My english suck but I will playing so i will join ? :D
Well yeah, you will be automatically added when you participate on a match.

Also is this still alive? I haven't seen a single edit here since 10 days now. :(
It seems that Rinai is banned, I think that this idea died ._.
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