This is confusing, as it does not cover mapsets where a few difficulties are a collab.Ranking Criteria wrote:
No guest mapper should have more difficulties in the mapset than the creator, all modes together. For collaboration mapsets, the uploader should take part in all collab difficulties. The person who should upload the map is the one who contributed most to it.
As the previous rule stated (which can be found in this thread), "you should fully map at least one difficulty of a mapset if you are the person who is uploading it", which means that apart from collaborative mapsets where all diffs are a collab (and uploader should take part in all difficulties), it is not allowed to have mapsets like Natteke's Let It Go, but the wording as it is now does not state whether or not it actually is allowed. We need to add something in the guideline to clear up these cases.
So the question is: how do we treat collabs from a accountability point of view ?
Any post discussing collab mapsets (where every difficulty in the mapset is a collab) will be removed. This is already covered by the guideline and is clearly allowed, as long as the uploader has a part in every difficulty.
Any post questioning the concept of accountability will be removed as well. It isn't contributing to the subject.
I know this is a hot subject, so try to keep the discussion civil. No need to attack me for bringing it up or each other for your opinions.
-------------------- personal opinion --------------------
I personally both like and dislike that version and would like to see it enforced. I don't see why someone who hasn't even mapped an entire difficulty should upload the mapset, unless it's the theme, like collab mapsets. On the other hand, it reduces the field for collab mapsets, making things like two mappers per diff on a gigantic collab mapset impossible, and encourages to refuse guest difficulties for different gamemodes if the uploader cannot map said gamemode at all.
One solution would be to consider that as long as the uploader participates in a collab (only the uploader, not guest mappers), that collab counts as a whole difficulty, but I dislike this because it is not a whole difficulty.
The other solution I can think of would be to consider non-integer accountability, taking the number of people participating in a collab into account. For example, a three-mapper collab would account for 33% of a difficulty for each mapper. With that logic, collab mapsets would be more lenient and allow for guest difficulties for different gamemodes, while still retaining the original idea behind the guideline, but it can make things awfully complicated, and there could be stupid borderlines cases (like a guest mapper/collaber having mapped 41% of the mapset and the uploader 40%, I mean what).
I'm waiting for your ideas on this matter. The goal is to explicitely state how collabs are handled (specifically on mapsets that aren't entirely collaborative) in the simplest possible way.