
[CTB] Daily League [ALPHA] - [-Ended-]

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it's me again. Since that WT tournament was kinda failure I was thinking about new "project".
So let me explain it.

It's pretty simple.
There will be 3 or 4 staff members including me, who will do matches.
Every staff member could make up to 3 matches with 3 different maps + different mods allowed.
Matches will be called in #ctb - chat room.

Staff member will do Multiplayer room with atleast 5 free spots - it's minimum.
Score or combo will be conditions of victory. (Depends on what staff member choose.)

Rank restrictions: None


No mods:
SS - 15 points
S - 8 points
A - 4 points
B or less - 1 point
Failure - 0 points

With HD (Hidden):
SS - 18 points
S - 10 points
A - 6 points
B or less - 2 points
Failure - 0 points

With HR (Hard Rock):
SS - 20 points
S - 14 points
A - 8 points
B or less - 3 points
Failure - 0 points

With DT (Double Time) or NC (Nightcore):
SS - 19 points
S - 11 points
A - 7 points
B or less - 3 points
Failure - 0 points

With FL (Flashlight):
SS - 20 points
S - 14 points
A - 8 points
B or less - 3 points
Failure - 0 points

One bonus mod with bonus points - SD (Sudden Death):
20 points on ar8
35 points on ar9

With EZ (Easy):
SS - 7 points
S - 4 points
A - 2 points
B or less - 1 point
Failure - 0 points

Scoring for placement in match:

3 and 4 players match:
1st - 7 points
2nd - 5 points
3rd - 2 points
4th - 1 point

5 players match:
1st - 8 points
2nd - 6 points
3rd - 3 points
4th and 5th - 1 point

6 players match:
1st - 9 points
2nd - 7 points
3rd - 4 points
4th - 2 points
5th and 6th - 1 point

7 players match:
1st - 10 points
2nd - 8 points
3rd - 5 points
4th - 3 points
5th - 2 points
6th and 7th - 1 point
We count 1 of staff members like 1 player in match. (But we don't participate.)
Example - If u do HD and HR on SS + first place - score will be added together. (So it's mods/no mods + potition + mark)
If u have some mod u can't get score for no mod. (I think it's obvious but...)

Staff member responsibilities:
1. Make match + invite players through forum.
2. Share score here or leave message to me with scores - so i can edit this one and make scoreboard.
3. Make atleast 1 mach per day. (up to 3)
4. Don't forget to make it at random time!
5. Choose 3 warm-up maps.
Staff list:
[Free spot!]
We are looking for someone with different timezone.
GMT+/--2:00 - this is my timezone.
1. Signature - First CTB DL [ALPHA] Winner (ur name)
2. Banner - CTB DL[ALPHA] (ur name) Second place
3. Banner - CTB DL [ALPHA] (ur name) Third place

End time: Depends on how much players will join - will be added later
Friday - 8.8. - 18:00 GMT (-02:00)
Well, prizes aren't that good, but I think this isn't about prize. It's about make some fun and maybe show that our CTB community is good enough to have atleast one league.


1. Kisetsunotori - 32 points - SS - 1x; S - 1x
2. Sey- 27 points - S - 2x
3. alienflybot - 24 points - SS - 1x; S - 1x
4. Negri_sk- 22 points - SS - 1x
5. Ikillforpies - 21 points - SS - 1x
6. sarkras - 19 points- S - 1x; A - 1x
7. uppia - 18 points - S - 1x
8. Kingkevin30 - 16 points - S - 1x
9. newtoniorock8 - 15 points - S - 1x
10. Amir - 13 points - S - 1x
11. BoberOfDarkness- 10 points - S - 1x
12. Julie - 9 points - S - 1x
13. HugoCA - 8 points - A - 1x
14. Benredbomb75 - 7 points - A - 1x
15. -Neptune-- 4 points
16. Asteny - 4 points

Warm up from third match-up:

Third match-up: - song 1 - song 2

Score (Song 1): - Asteny - Julie - -Neptune- - Kisetsunotori - sarkras

Score (Song 2): - Asteny - -Neptune- - Kisetsunotori - sarkras
Warm up from fourth match: - well, i kinda messed up that screenshot, but hope u see the name of song

Fourth match-up - song

Score: - Sey - Amir - newtoniorock8

Warm up screenshots from fifth match-up:

Fifth match-up: - song 1 - song 2

Score (song 2): - HugoCA - uppia - alienflybot
Why have HD rated higher than HR?
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My fault -I'll change it.
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Mods score fixed
Scoreboard updated for 1.8. - 21:45
Screenshots from earlier matches will be deleted after 24 or 36 hours and new will be added!

Stay tuned!
Hi, I was wondering if the staff role spot is still free, if it is I can help.
now hanging around the #ctb chatroom just in case i get a chance to join in the tournament
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@IchigoSaki - Well, if u see me in-game, PM me there :) or via message for more info
@Yuuribo - Sorry :/ none of us were online that time :/
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End time edited.

I am working on Beta version of this tournament. I will not change or add anything new here, only updating Scoreboard and uploading matches. In Beta version will be more ways to get points.
Right now I am looking for about 5 Beta Maptesters for the major change I want to add. Plus one good Photoshop user.

Rinai wrote:

End time edited.

I am working on Beta version of this tournament. I will not change or add anything new here, only updating Scoreboard and uploading matches. In Beta version will be more ways to get points.
Right now I am looking for about 5 Beta Maptesters for the major change I want to add. Plus one good Photoshop user.
(Probably) I can be one of the map testers.
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@afb - Okay thx, I'll PM u in-game for more info. :)

Rinai wrote:

End time edited.

I am working on Beta version of this tournament. I will not change or add anything new here, only updating Scoreboard and uploading matches. In Beta version will be more ways to get points.
Right now I am looking for about 5 Beta Maptesters for the major change I want to add. Plus one good Photoshop user.
What do you mean by map testers?
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@Kise - In Beta version I wanna choose some special maps. They will be extra maps with extra points. Staff can choose one of them to get some extra points for players in matches.
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Kise, Sey and AFB will receive their rewards (in 6 - 7 hours cause I am going to work now) through message (I'll add them later here on forum too)

[BETA] - will be added this weekend
Starting time: maybe Monday/Tuesday
Matching time - want to fix it for 1 match per hour - that's why I am looking for more ACTIVE staff.

Also, AFB I'll send u details about "maptesting". (We were writting about it few days ago, but to have things clear I'll post u details)

Rinai wrote:

Kise, Sey and AFB will receive their rewards (in 6 - 7 hours cause I am going to work now) through message (I'll add them later here on forum too)

[BETA] - will be added this weekend
Starting time: maybe Monday/Tuesday
Matching time - want to fix it for 1 match per hour - that's why I am looking for more ACTIVE staff.

Also, AFB I'll send u details about "maptesting". (We were writting about it few days ago, but to have things clear I'll post u details)
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Here are prizes for you guys. I hope u will like 'em.

1. Kisetsunotori:

2. Sey:

3. alienflybot:

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