Well, recently I've been watching some guys playing and their cursor movement were so different from mine,
Does Raw Input have anything to do with it or not ?
I'll post my replay
http://puu.sh/av6VN/7b7fefca30.osr - Me playing An - Artcore JINJA [Lunatic] - map link : https://osu.ppy.sh/b/297411
By the way I am using osu!tablet, I don't know if it is the tablet,
Look at my note jumps, I jump to other notes so awkward when a lot of people jump straight, like in a straight line, well, hope you guys understand me...
thanks anyways
Does Raw Input have anything to do with it or not ?
I'll post my replay
http://puu.sh/av6VN/7b7fefca30.osr - Me playing An - Artcore JINJA [Lunatic] - map link : https://osu.ppy.sh/b/297411
By the way I am using osu!tablet, I don't know if it is the tablet,
Look at my note jumps, I jump to other notes so awkward when a lot of people jump straight, like in a straight line, well, hope you guys understand me...
thanks anyways