It is a fact that I can't keep providing direct downloads for beatmaps to the level I currently am. Donations/subscriptions do not cover the costs of bandwidth. For example, a one month subscription ($4) will provide around 20gb of traffic, which depending on how outgoing the user that subscribed is, may only cover 3-4 users' traffic.
In the near future there will be the introduction of a peer to peer distribution system. It will mean some changes to how beatmaps are downloaded and loaded into osu!. For the purpose of this discussion, let us assume the system works perfectly and speed of downloads will not be affected.
I want to find out how people feel about sharing their bandwidth (outgoing) and how willing they are to help ensure availability of maps. Bandwidth usage will be optimised to have no effect on gameplay, and have a setting for usage when minimised/idle.
In the near future there will be the introduction of a peer to peer distribution system. It will mean some changes to how beatmaps are downloaded and loaded into osu!. For the purpose of this discussion, let us assume the system works perfectly and speed of downloads will not be affected.
I want to find out how people feel about sharing their bandwidth (outgoing) and how willing they are to help ensure availability of maps. Bandwidth usage will be optimised to have no effect on gameplay, and have a setting for usage when minimised/idle.