
u's - Bokura no LIVE Kimi to no LIFE

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, October 19, 2014 at 10:42:11 AM

Artist: u's
Title: Bokura no LIVE Kimi to no LIFE
Source: Love Live! School idol project
Tags: ラブライブ! 1st season insert song Best Album Collection Xinely 高坂穂乃果 Kousaka Honoka 園田海未 Sonoda Umi 南ことり Minami Kotori 矢澤にこ Yazawa Niko Nico 絢瀬絵里 Ayase Eri Eli 東條希 Toujou Nozomi 西木野真姫 Nishikino Maki 小泉花陽 Koizumi Hanayo 星空凛 Hoshizora Rin 新田恵海 Nitta Emi 三森すずこ Mimori Suzuko 内田彩 Uchida Aya 徳井青空 Tokui Sora 南條愛乃 Nanjou Yoshino 楠田亜衣奈 Kusuda Aina 堀絵梨子 Hori Eriko Pile 久保ユリカ Kubo Yurika 飯田里穂 Iida Riho Muse
BPM: 210
Filesize: 9325kb
Play Time: 05:16
Difficulties Available:
  1. Affection (5.98 stars, 1274 notes)
Download: u's - Bokura no LIVE Kimi to no LIFE
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

SB by Xinely.

Since you requested a mod in #modreqs, here I am :)


00:02:199 (4) - Maybe convert it into two normal beats...? Also I think it should be the start of a new combo (I mean the first beat)
00:03:627 (4) - I think it should go in the previous combo
00:34:627 (1) - Maybe in the previous combo
00:36:199 (4) - ctrl+G
00:40:342 (1) - Maybe in the previous combo
00:52:913 (1) - Same ^
You didn't stacked properly 01:17:913 (4) with 01:18:913 (5) (maybe they're too far, but there's still a difference)
01:45:913 (2,3,4) - To arrive here the player needs to make a very big jump. Due to this I think it would fit better a slider instead, or at least put them in line and not stacked
03:15:770 (1) - ctrl+H and ctrl+J . Then replace the start where it was (?) Explanation:
03:18:770 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Maybe stupid, but I see them better this way:
03:28:770 (4) - Maybe stack it on top of (1) of the same combo
03:51:913 (4) - Maybe moved to (352;224) (x;y)
03:53:199 (1) - I think this is done on symmetrical purpose and not on stacking purpose. I mean: since I saw it wasn't stacked well I tried to understand your reasons and looks fine also for me :)
04:22:484 (2) - Not stacked properly
04:29:627 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Maybe the same as 03:18:770 (1,2,3,4,5,6)
05:01:199 (2) and 05:02:056 (1) aren't stacked well
05:16:342 (4) - Maybe change it:
I think this fits better the song

NOTE: these are only suggestions. That's why almost always I didn't give any reason of my choices. So I'd be satisfied just with having you keeping my suggestions in mind :)
Either the song and the map are awesome. I can't wait to see this ranked, good luck ;)
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[-MrSergio-] wrote:

Since you requested a mod in #modreqs, here I am :)


00:02:199 (4) - Maybe convert it into two normal beats...? Also I think it should be the start of a new combo (I mean the first beat) The instrument that plays at the beginning and the end of the slider is "connected", thus the usage of the slider. And I'm simply following how the music goes here for the combo.
00:03:627 (4) - I think it should go in the previous combo Sure.
00:34:627 (1) - Maybe in the previous combo Nope; we're on a new stanza here in the song, so...
00:36:199 (4) - ctrl+G With the movement you need from 00:35:627 (1,2,3), it'd create an awkward flow if I were to Ctrl+G this.
00:40:342 (1) - Maybe in the previous combo Nope; same reason as 00:34:627 (1).
00:52:913 (1) - Same ^ ^
You didn't stacked properly 01:17:913 (4) with 01:18:913 (5) (maybe they're too far, but there's still a difference) No, they won't make a difference. It's been so far between them that this will not make any effect anymore.
01:45:913 (2,3,4) - To arrive here the player needs to make a very big jump. Due to this I think it would fit better a slider instead, or at least put them in line and not stacked I personally feel that the massive jumps here fit with the strength of the song, but hey, I'll reconsider.
03:15:770 (1) - ctrl+H and ctrl+J . Then replace the start where it was (?) Explanation: Uh no; it'll break the flow to 03:16:056 (2), making this part uncomfortable to play.
03:18:770 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Maybe stupid, but I see them better this way: I just asked captin to test an hour ago and he suggested the similar thing to me. I tried to fit 1/4 sliders and patterns and stuff in, but they just... don't fit with the song and how the map is constructed. Because of this, I have decided not to use them.
03:28:770 (4) - Maybe stack it on top of (1) of the same combo Sure.
03:51:913 (4) - Maybe moved to (352;224) (x;y) I feel that it's more fitting to stack this below the previous circle due to how the vocal goes.
03:53:199 (1) - I think this is done on symmetrical purpose and not on stacking purpose. I mean: since I saw it wasn't stacked well I tried to understand your reasons and looks fine also for me :) Haha, yeah. I never wanted to stack this. It's okay as is.
04:22:484 (2) - Not stacked properly Fixed.
04:29:627 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Maybe the same as 03:18:770 (1,2,3,4,5,6) Nope; you should know my reason now.
05:01:199 (2) and 05:02:056 (1) aren't stacked well Not gonna be visible; actually, so uh.
05:16:342 (4) - Maybe change it:
I think this fits better the song There isn't any notable instrument sound at 05:16:484, thus the usage of a 1/1 slider.

NOTE: these are only suggestions. That's why almost always I didn't give any reason of my choices. So I'd be satisfied just with having you keeping my suggestions in mind :)
Either the song and the map are awesome. I can't wait to see this ranked, good luck ;)
Thank you! And I hope to see this ranked too~

Also thanks to captin for testing, and also for the star. Made the transition to streams smoother, I guess.
As requested. I think. lol.

Whoever maps the best song of µ's deserves a mod.


Finish the SB lel. I also suggest using a better font for the Latin text.


I see that you're hard-set on not following the vocals. huhu.

01:15:056 (4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - The shape of this stream can be improved.
03:18:770 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Suggesting this from others lelele.

But then again, if it's not really possible then ok.
03:27:056 (4,1) - Not a straight flow.
04:20:770 - I don't see why there would be no note here. There are similar points within the song that has notes. :<
04:30:056 (1) - Rotate by -9 degrees using Selection Centre?

Low quality mod. orz. GL! :)
Topic Starter

Mira-san wrote:

As requested. I think. lol.

Whoever maps the best song of µ's deserves a mod.


Finish the SB lel. I also suggest using a better font for the Latin text. Everything is up to Xinely for this lol


I see that you're hard-set on not following the vocals. huhu. I am still following the vocals, but I do focus on the instruments.

01:15:056 (4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - The shape of this stream can be improved. Fixed, hopfeully.
03:18:770 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Suggesting this from others lelele.

But then again, if it's not really possible then ok. Nope. I already decided not to use this kind of pattern.
03:27:056 (4,1) - Not a straight flow. Straightened I guess.
04:20:770 - I don't see why there would be no note here. There are similar points within the song that has notes. :< Sure.
04:30:056 (1) - Rotate by -9 degrees using Selection Centre? Cool. Done!

Low quality mod. orz. GL! :)
Thank you!
Ujimatsu Chiya

\:D /
i forgot how 2 mod

  1. 00:03:627 (4) - Ini drum clap di akhir bener" gk pas.. klo mau ikutin instrumen di musiknya drum sampleset doang kyknya ud cukup. Bknnya bakal lbih cocok disini 00:04:627 (3) - ya ? :3
  2. 00:15:770 (3) - Di part ini bukannya whistle cmn khusus emphasize trompet doang ya ? dan disini kebetulan gak ada trompet jadi agak aneh. klo replace whistle ny ke 00:16:056 (4) - aja gimana ?
  3. 00:21:627 (5,6,7,1) - Weird rhythm.. try image below sir ;w;
  4. 00:24:056 (1) - Berhubung gak ada suara di bgm.. reverse samplesetnya di ganti soft aja mungkin ?
  5. 00:27:484 (2,1) - Ini bener" gk kliatan klo 1/4 lol.. di tumpuk dikit aja biar ada kesan kesan 1/4 nya gitu lol
  6. 00:28:199 (2,3) - Transisinya sekilas nggak natural berhubung (2) letaknya nggak sinkron sama (1) trus (3) nya terlalu ke atas jadi gak match shape nya 4. coba di arrange dikit
  7. 00:57:913 (2) - Missing finish at slider-end ?
  8. 01:02:056 (2) - Aneh rasanya ini lol.. di ganti single note di 01:02:199 - yang ngestack aja biar efeknya keren ? atau 1/1 slider mulai 01:01:913 (1) - jg bakal lbih cocok menurutku
  9. 01:33:627 (1) - Normal sampleset aja.. lagian ini stream nya jg ud mulai kok
  10. 01:46:484 (7,1) - Kyknya mendingan 1/1 slider dari sini deh biar ikut vocal.. dan patternya rasanya jg bakal cocok sama 01:45:484 (1) - yg jg ngikutin vocal
  11. 01:37:484 (1,1) - whistle nya tarik mundur 1/2 aja lbih cocok sm terompet di bg. ah iya jg berlaku buat similiar part di next kiai lol
  12. 02:01:627 (2) - Ctrl J ?
  13. 02:12:484 (2) - Delete.. nggak cover vocal maupun musik, >< kesannya malah bikin (1) dan (3,4) nya jadi gak cocok
  14. 02:17:056 (3) - Ctrl G.. ? the current flow feels weird imo
  15. 02:19:484 (4) - Ini daripada di blanket mending skalian paralel-in aja sama 02:19:770 (1) - .. lbih cool deh kayaknya
  16. 02:47:199 (1) - Kasih rest dikit pls... 1/1 aja lol
  17. 03:29:342 (2) - Stack with 03:27:770 (1) - instead ..?
  18. 03:55:770 (1) - Berhubung ada suara drum di tick merah.. di pecah jadi 1/2 sama note kyknya bakal lbih cocok sama pattern selanjutnya
  19. 04:41:484 (1,2) - Does this really need to be stacked ? ><
  20. 02:58:818 (2) - Delete whistle... maybe
  21. 03:18:770 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 210 bpm ouch, ok nice
  22. 03:12:056 (4,1) - Blanket them for neater pattern.. i guess ?
  23. 03:24:770 (5) - Finish.. cymbal di bgm nya kedengeran, klo kerasa kekerasan di kecilin dikit volumenya aja biar pas
  24. 03:49:770 - Gimana klo 1/8 reverse slider aja disini buat ikutin piano nya ? buat rhythm variasi aja gitu
  25. 04:00:913 (3) - Just a normal curve is better.. imo =w=
  26. 05:00:770 (6) - whistle ?
  27. 04:14:056 (1) - ? huehue
  28. 04:34:627 (1) - Finish.. ?

Klo menurutku ada beberapa stack yg rasanya aneh, soalnya berkesan ngeemphasize beat yg salah. 00:29:913 (5,1) - misalnya.. kan jadi kerasa yang dapet emphasize nya jump dari (4) ke (5) padahal downbeatnya itu di (1) ._.
00:34:627 (1,2) - satu" nya anti-jump.. just mentioning, consider perfect stack instead >< or.. add more pattern like this lmao

Baru nyadar nggak ada spinner nya sama sekali.. coba add plg nggak 1 ah buat score variasi. guide line jg kan w :roll:

Good Luck !
Yo, from my Modding Queue

This is a super fun map to play, with lots of distance snapping changes, which I love in extra diffs.
To be honest I thought I was playing a ranked map when I was playing this the first time, it's of that high quality (apart from a few things I noticed here and there). However I don't know how easily this is going to be ranked as it only has 1 standard diff, but it is definitely worthy in my books :)

  1. There are some weird timing parts of this: 02:09:342 (1,2,3) for example, that are quite hard to read on a first play, I would suggest moving these further apart.
    02:37:342 (3,4) - This is a good use of the spacing, as you have to move up to hit the first one and then down to get the next one, so even though the gap isn't too big, it seems like it's bigger.
    02:09:627 (2) - Maybe move this up a bit.
  2. 01:04:342 (1) - Change to soft hitsounds from this point until here 01:11:199 (1)
  3. Starting a stream on the offbeat sounds and plays strangely, you could remove the 2nd note from the stream and move the first note to somewhere else (obviously changing where the NC is), I believe it sounds better like that.
  4. 01:56:770 (3) - Maybe move this note up a tiny bit, this pattern is quite confusing.
  5. 02:23:770 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Could you have this whole stream at one distance snapping, making it change is hard to hit/read on a first play. Having it on the larger snapping would be better.
  6. 02:48:199 (4,1) - Add quiet note between these 2 maybe, it sounds only a little weird in the current setup but I think it might benefit from a note.
  7. 02:58:627 (1,2,3,4) - I think actually having these closer together makes this triplet easier to read.
  8. 03:48:913 (1,2,3,4) - ^ This one not so much.
  9. 03:18:770 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - What I said about the offbeat stream before.
  10. 03:57:056 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6) - These I feel are fine on the offbeat because of the lead up.
  11. 04:01:484 (1,5,6) - This is not perfect symmetry but it's very close so it doesn't matter too much.
  12. 04:52:913 (1,2) - This is the only instance in the song where you use this technique of 1/4 between sliders so I suggest you remove it.
  13. 05:05:770 (2,3) - Blanket this better
  14. 05:14:484 (1,2,3,1,2) - This feel strange but it goes along with the music and I hit it first play so it's probably fine.

Sorry it's quite a small mod but that's because I love this map already and I really look forward to it getting ranked so I can get that pp :D

aaaa, sorry double post I don't know how to delete it ;;

Hurray for 5am mods ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ

00:19:056 (2) - Stack this with 00:17:627 (2) - head maybe?
00:22:342 (2,1) - Stack 1 with 2's head
00:30:484 (2,3) - Stack 3 with 2's head
00:32:913 (3) - Same thing here^
00:34:913 (2,4) - Stack 4 with 2's head
00:53:484 (3,4) - Try to make 4 end land on 3? Nvm i see why you did that now
00:57:913 (2,1) - Stack 1 with 2
01:10:627 (3,2) - Stack 2 with 3
01:27:770 (4,1) - Stack 1 on 4's head
01:47:199 (3,4) - Stack 4 with 3's head
01:46:913 (2,3) - Stack 3 with 2's head
02:06:484 (2,3) - You could make this stack better
02:20:770 (1,1) - Stack red 1 on blue 1
02:27:770 (1,2) - Stack 2 on 1
02:41:342 (1,2) - Stack right here isn't perf
03:08:770 (4,2) - Stack 2's end with 4 maybe
03:18:770 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - dubudubudubudubu
03:34:770 (4,3) - Stack 3's head with 4
03:52:342 (1,1) - Stack purple 1 on red one perfectly

Welp that's it for my mod. Couldn't find anything else to nitpick. Good luck
Topic Starter

Momochikun wrote:

i forgot how 2 mod qe

  1. 00:03:627 (4) - Ini drum clap di akhir bener" gk pas.. klo mau ikutin instrumen di musiknya drum sampleset doang kyknya ud cukup. Bknnya bakal lbih cocok disini 00:04:627 (3) - ya ? :3 Bener juga sih. Done!
  2. 00:15:770 (3) - Di part ini bukannya whistle cmn khusus emphasize trompet doang ya ? dan disini kebetulan gak ada trompet jadi agak aneh. klo replace whistle ny ke 00:16:056 (4) - aja gimana ? ^
  3. 00:21:627 (5,6,7,1) - Weird rhythm.. try image below sir ;w; Hmm.... Pokoknya coba ritme lain deh.
  4. 00:24:056 (1) - Berhubung gak ada suara di bgm.. reverse samplesetnya di ganti soft aja mungkin ? Oke.
  5. 00:27:484 (2,1) - Ini bener" gk kliatan klo 1/4 lol.. di tumpuk dikit aja biar ada kesan kesan 1/4 nya gitu lol Ini dipertimbangin deh nanti. So far rasanya enak-enak aja sih; masih kebaca karena di (2) ada tick itu dan karena AR-nya juga.
  6. 00:28:199 (2,3) - Transisinya sekilas nggak natural berhubung (2) letaknya nggak sinkron sama (1) trus (3) nya terlalu ke atas jadi gak match shape nya 4. coba di arrange dikit Done. Kind of.
  7. 00:57:913 (2) - Missing finish at slider-end ? Ups.
  8. 01:02:056 (2) - Aneh rasanya ini lol.. di ganti single note di 01:02:199 - yang ngestack aja biar efeknya keren ? atau 1/1 slider mulai 01:01:913 (1) - jg bakal lbih cocok menurutku Done.
  9. 01:33:627 (1) - Normal sampleset aja.. lagian ini stream nya jg ud mulai kok Stream emang udah mulai, tapi musiknya sendiri masih lemah di sini.
  10. 01:46:484 (7,1) - Kyknya mendingan 1/1 slider dari sini deh biar ikut vocal.. dan patternya rasanya jg bakal cocok sama 01:45:484 (1) - yg jg ngikutin vocal well let's stack
  11. 01:37:484 (1,1) - whistle nya tarik mundur 1/2 aja lbih cocok sm terompet di bg. ah iya jg berlaku buat similiar part di next kiai lol Done.
  12. 02:01:627 (2) - Ctrl J ? Kenapa? IMO flow-nya bagus kok, dan rasanya jadi aneh kalau di-flip vertikal.
  13. 02:12:484 (2) - Delete.. nggak cover vocal maupun musik, >< kesannya malah bikin (1) dan (3,4) nya jadi gak cocok Uh, saya sendiri merasa gak ada yang salah sama ini sih, tapi lihat kata modder lain deh nanti.
  14. 02:17:056 (3) - Ctrl G.. ? the current flow feels weird imo Hmm really? Saya rasa ini justru bisa memberikan variasi flow biar gak terlalu smooth gitu. Kalau dibikin nyaman terus justru yang main bakal merasa bosen.
  15. 02:19:484 (4) - Ini daripada di blanket mending skalian paralel-in aja sama 02:19:770 (1) - .. lbih cool deh kayaknya Gak deh, mau ngejaga flow di sini.
  16. 02:47:199 (1) - Kasih rest dikit pls... 1/1 aja lol Well karena musiknya kayak gini... Can't be helped.
  17. 03:29:342 (2) - Stack with 03:27:770 (1) - instead ..? Kenapa? Saya rasa lebih pas kalau diletakin di tempat yang sekarang.
  18. 03:55:770 (1) - Berhubung ada suara drum di tick merah.. di pecah jadi 1/2 sama note kyknya bakal lbih cocok sama pattern selanjutnya Drum di sini gak terdengar jelas sih, gak kayak 02:47:199 (1) yang kerasa banget, jadi...
  19. 04:41:484 (1,2) - Does this really need to be stacked ? >< Yeah... untuk nekanin vokal.
  20. 02:58:818 (2) - Delete whistle... maybe IMO masih diperluin buat menekankan instrumen di ini.
  21. 03:18:770 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 210 bpm ouch, ok nice RIP
  22. 03:12:056 (4,1) - Blanket them for neater pattern.. i guess ? Done.
  23. 03:24:770 (5) - Finish.. cymbal di bgm nya kedengeran, klo kerasa kekerasan di kecilin dikit volumenya aja biar pas IMO masih kurang kuat buat dikasih finish biarpun ada cymbal. Gak dulu deh.
  24. 03:49:770 - Gimana klo 1/8 reverse slider aja disini buat ikutin piano nya ? buat rhythm variasi aja gitu Hmm idk why, tapi rasanya 1/8 slider di sini... bakal tabrakan sama ritme sebelum dan sesudah objeknya ._.
  25. 04:00:913 (3) - Just a normal curve is better.. imo =w= Okay.
  26. 05:00:770 (6) - whistle ? ^
  27. 04:14:056 (1) - ? huehue Waktu main gak kelihatan kok. Biarin aja deh.
  28. 04:34:627 (1) - Finish.. ? Gak deh, musik di sini gak kuat-kuat amat.

Klo menurutku ada beberapa stack yg rasanya aneh, soalnya berkesan ngeemphasize beat yg salah. 00:29:913 (5,1) - misalnya.. kan jadi kerasa yang dapet emphasize nya jump dari (4) ke (5) padahal downbeatnya itu di (1) ._. Bingung juga sih, soalnya vokal sama instrumen kayak gini...
00:34:627 (1,2) - satu" nya anti-jump.. just mentioning, consider perfect stack instead >< or.. add more pattern like this lmao Stacked.

Baru nyadar nggak ada spinner nya sama sekali.. coba add plg nggak 1 ah buat score variasi. guide line jg kan w :roll: Gak ada tempat yang pas i cri

Good Luck !

sullyjhf wrote:

Yo, from my Modding Queue

This is a super fun map to play, with lots of distance snapping changes, which I love in extra diffs.
To be honest I thought I was playing a ranked map when I was playing this the first time, it's of that high quality (apart from a few things I noticed here and there). However I don't know how easily this is going to be ranked as it only has 1 standard diff, but it is definitely worthy in my books :)

  1. There are some weird timing parts of this: 02:09:342 (1,2,3) for example, that are quite hard to read on a first play, I would suggest moving these further apart. I personally find this to be easily readable, but I guess I'll wait for the other modders to see if they have a comment on this or not.
    02:37:342 (3,4) - This is a good use of the spacing, as you have to move up to hit the first one and then down to get the next one, so even though the gap isn't too big, it seems like it's bigger. \o/
    02:09:627 (2) - Maybe move this up a bit. Why? It's intended to be in line with 02:09:342 (1,3).
  2. 01:04:342 (1) - Change to soft hitsounds from this point until here 01:11:199 (1) I find Normal to be quite fitting honestly, so uh.
  3. Starting a stream on the offbeat sounds and plays strangely, you could remove the 2nd note from the stream and move the first note to somewhere else (obviously changing where the NC is), I believe it sounds better like that. I believe the stream is fine as is. Don't worry, it's fitting with the song and plays naturally.
  4. 01:56:770 (3) - Maybe move this note up a tiny bit, this pattern is quite confusing. Done.
  5. 02:23:770 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Could you have this whole stream at one distance snapping, making it change is hard to hit/read on a first play. Having it on the larger snapping would be better. Sure.
  6. 02:48:199 (4,1) - Add quiet note between these 2 maybe, it sounds only a little weird in the current setup but I think it might benefit from a note. It would feel very forced, so I'll avoid doing that for now.
  7. 02:58:627 (1,2,3,4) - I think actually having these closer together makes this triplet easier to read. I feel the opposite, though. People might misread the rhythm here if I made the spacing smaller.
  8. 03:48:913 (1,2,3,4) - ^ This one not so much. \o/
  9. 03:18:770 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - What I said about the offbeat stream before. I will... uh, I don't know, let this be as is for now?
  10. 03:57:056 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6) - These I feel are fine on the offbeat because of the lead up. \o/
  11. 04:01:484 (1,5,6) - This is not perfect symmetry but it's very close so it doesn't matter too much. Okay~
  12. 04:52:913 (1,2) - This is the only instance in the song where you use this technique of 1/4 between sliders so I suggest you remove it. The song requires me to do something like this, so...
  13. 05:05:770 (2,3) - Blanket this better I'm sure enough it's already correctly blanketed.
  14. 05:14:484 (1,2,3,1,2) - This feel strange but it goes along with the music and I hit it first play so it's probably fine. k!

Sorry it's quite a small mod but that's because I love this map already and I really look forward to it getting ranked so I can get that pp :D


chaee wrote:


Hurray for 5am mods ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ

00:19:056 (2) - Stack this with 00:17:627 (2) - head maybe? Not gonna be visible while playing and I'll need to pour a lot of effort to something that won't be worth it if I do this, you know...
00:22:342 (2,1) - Stack 1 with 2's head ^
00:30:484 (2,3) - Stack 3 with 2's head ^
00:32:913 (3) - Same thing here^ I guess it'll be necessary here. Done.
00:34:913 (2,4) - Stack 4 with 2's head Why?
00:53:484 (3,4) - Try to make 4 end land on 3? Nvm i see why you did that now Haha.
00:57:913 (2,1) - Stack 1 with 2 Again, why? This won't be noticeable while playing.
01:10:627 (3,2) - Stack 2 with 3 ^
01:27:770 (4,1) - Stack 1 on 4's head ^
01:47:199 (3,4) - Stack 4 with 3's head ^
01:46:913 (2,3) - Stack 3 with 2's head ^
02:06:484 (2,3) - You could make this stack better Yeah, true. Fixed.
02:20:770 (1,1) - Stack red 1 on blue 1 Umm? Which red are you talking about?
02:27:770 (1,2) - Stack 2 on 1 Won't be noticeable while playing.
02:41:342 (1,2) - Stack right here isn't perf What stack? o.o
03:08:770 (4,2) - Stack 2's end with 4 maybe Nope; you should know the reason now.
03:18:770 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - dubudubudubudubu huehuehue
03:34:770 (4,3) - Stack 3's head with 4 Yeah, not gonna change this too because... you know.
03:52:342 (1,1) - Stack purple 1 on red one perfectly ^

Welp that's it for my mod. Couldn't find anything else to nitpick. Good luck
Thank you, guys!

Momochikun wrote:

i forgot how 2 mod
i don't know how 2 mod
Fun fact : sambil ngmod gw mikir kapan lagunya slesai

[Drums of something]
00:08:199 (42) - kat, nyamain rhythm di 00:05:913 (28) -
00:09:342 (50,51,52,53) - prefer this as k D d k though. lebih enak dimainin
00:18:913 (109) - ada clap, ganti ke kat.
00:20:056 (116) - gak mau dijadiin kat aja biar patternnya terkesan simpel + konstan?
00:20:913 (122,123) - mereka berdua pitch gitarnya sama, jadi dua"nya kat aja daripada k lalu d
00:37:199 (210) - kedengeran kaya clap ketimbang drum menurutku, ganti ke kat?
01:56:484 (673) - kat? karna kalo didengerin baik" di musiknya ada suara asdfnya, tapi bukan asdf yang kuat, cuma ringan. sama kaya 01:56:342 (672) -
02:01:770 coba kasih kat di sini. berenti di red line itu janggal banget, ya beberapa doang sih . .
02:03:484 (718) - ganti ke kat, di musiknya ada semacam clap atau asdf lah itu ``
02:24:627 (833,834,835,836,837,838,839,840,841,842,843,844,845,846) - pas'in sama bassnya aja, jadi ddkddd kdddkddkd? 1/2
02:40:627 (927,928) - swap buat ngikutin vokalnya?
02:46:484 kasih d di sini, lalu ganti 02:46:627 (961) - ke kat? buat ngikutin musiknya sih
02:50:342 (983,984) - swap buat ngikutin bassnya
03:00:484 (1043,1044,1045,1046,1047) - ganti ke ddkkd buat ganti suasana + ngikutin vokalnya yang tiba" muncul di 03:00:627 (1045,1046) -
03:17:342 (1144) - kat buat ngikutin vokal
03:18:770 (1154,1155,1156,1157,1158) - kat? daritadi dddddd mulu sih, lagian drum di sini ngga terlalu berat imo
04:04:913 lebih enak dikasih d, disambung imo lebih enak daripada diputus di tengah", lagian di sana kan bisa didengerin permulaannya drum yah
04:12:913 (1477) - geser ke 04:13:056 coba buat ngikutin vokalnya
04:17:484 (1505) - ^ 04:17:627
04:43:484 (1664) - ganti ke d, karna vokalnya tiba" muncul, ngebedain dari 04:43:342 (1663) - , yang ngikutin instrumen juga
04:50:484 (1700) - ganti ke d, instrumennya tekresan berat di sana
05:11:484 (1835,1836,1837,1838) - coba ganti ke KK KD, nyamain musiknya + gitarnya. dan mirror dari 1833 1834
idk ini serasa Semi-Oni, dan mendekati Muzukashii yang lebih disusahin dikit gegara ada streamnya.. menurut gw sih, gatau modder lain

Kalo ada yang ketinggalan ntar gw chat deh
Aeonian Sonder
Very good usage of Hitsounds.

00:36:913 (1) - Make the part after the red point a little more curved
00:55:199 (1) - Suggestion: Why not trying moving the slider so that the red point is in the center of the first combo circle 00:54:056 (1)?
01:12:342 (1) - Why not something like this to make the slider look more pleasant?:

01:17:913 (4) - Move to: x:168, y: 112
02:39:627 (2,3) - Move to: x: 312, y: 304
03:26:484 (2,3) - Suddenly, half beat sliders with red-points
03:35:199 (1) - I personally don't think that we need a finish here. Also Try moving the slider so that 03:34:484 (3) is at the end of the slider and 03:34:770 (4) is in the center of the red point of this slider

Can't wait to see this get approve~
M4M here


03:06:342 (4) - I think if you move this one more to the top, it'll make the flow 4 and 1 better. The flow will looks more like a loop. but it will increase the jump between 4 and 1.
03:29:770 (2,4) - I think it's better to unstack them, since they have the same color and only 3/2. Also it will make it more readable.
03:46:342 (3,4) - just my opinion, but I think it flow better if you ctrl+g, if you fix this, don't forget the hitsound

A really nice diff, I love the flow !

[Drums of feelings]

00:11:342 (62,63) - I prefer to swap it, I mean change as k d. the k will follow the melody which is here 00:11:342 -
00:13:056 (72,73,74) - almost same as earlier, k d k. high pitched melody are here 00:13:056 - 00:13:342 - ; Also I think it sound pretty good with the pattern.
00:18:913 (109) - change as k ?
00:22:484 (131) - I'll prefer to delete it. I think it'll make this one 00:22:627 - sound better with the guitare
00:25:770 (149) - just my personnal opinion, but I like how it sound if you change it as k
00:27:199 (156,157) - you used big note for the strong melody, why not for this two ? Also if you want this one 00:27:484 - different from this one 00:27:770 - ; change it as big K 00:27:484 (157) -
00:40:913 (231) - change as k for the strong melody ?
00:43:342 (243) - here the melody have the same sound as here 00:43:199 (242) - ; So change this one 00:43:342 (243) - as k ?
00:45:056 (253,254,255) - I don't know why, but dkd sound good for me.
00:56:342 (322) - how about change it as k ? for the melody
00:57:913 (331,332) - change both a big D ?
01:04:413 - how about add one green line with x0,75 as SV ? I fit pretty well with the music
If you do this ^ ; it better if you add green line here 01:10:770 - (x0,81) ; 01:10:913 - (x0,87) ; 01:11:056 - (x0,93) ; Also, if you do this, I think it's better to delete this note 01:10:484 (400) -
want the 3 last green line (0,81 ; 0,87 ; 0,93) but lazy to do it ?
01:15:770 (436) - change it as big D ? big K will be kinda strange to play after a ddddk
01:20:342 (463) - change as big D for the cymbal sound ?
01:50:342 (641) - change it as k ?
01:51:056 (645,647) - change both as big K to emphasize the strong melody ?
01:52:342 - I don't know if they removed this rule, but I'm pretty sure flash kiai is forbidden on taiko diff
02:10:056 (755,756) - change both as big D ? previous note also have finish for the melody, so why not this 2 notes ?
02:37:627 (908,909) - your previous pattern is following the melody, so, change this 02:37:627 (908) - as k ?
If you fix this ^ ; this one 02:37:770 (909) - sound kinda weird to me ; delete it ?
02:39:913 (921) - change this one as k for the melody ?
02:40:770 (926) - how about change it as big K ? and this 02:41:056 (927) - as k
02:47:270 - how about add a green line x0,75 SV ?
If you fix this ^ ; it's better to add green line like previous one
like previous one
And also, if you add'd this SV change, I think it's better to delete this note 02:53:342 (996) -
03:19:056 (1154) - change it as k ?
03:23:770 (1183) - change it as big D for cymbal sound ?
03:36:199 (1257,1259) - change both as big K to emphasize the strong melody ?
03:37:484 - same as earlier for flash
04:10:770 (1459,1461) - add finish to both ?
04:47:056 (1679,1681) - change both as big K to emphasize the strong melody ?
05:09:627 (1820) - the high pitched guitare sound is here, change it as k ?

For this diff, I'll say it's a Muzukashii+ or soft Oni, but I think it's a Oni 7★
I'm pretty sure it's your 1st, or one of your 1st taiko diff. Some thing can be improved, but it's not a bad one, it's actually a nice relaxing one.

Good luck ! hope to see this ranked soon ! \o
Topic Starter

Senritsu wrote:

Momochikun wrote:

i forgot how 2 mod
i don't know how 2 mod
Fun fact : sambil ngmod gw mikir kapan lagunya slesai

[Drums of something]
*Drums of moeness
00:08:199 (42) - kat, nyamain rhythm di 00:05:913 (28) - Done.
00:09:342 (50,51,52,53) - prefer this as k D d k though. lebih enak dimainin ^
00:18:913 (109) - ada clap, ganti ke kat. ^
00:20:056 (116) - gak mau dijadiin kat aja biar patternnya terkesan simpel + konstan? ^
00:20:913 (122,123) - mereka berdua pitch gitarnya sama, jadi dua"nya kat aja daripada k lalu d ^ (all k)
00:37:199 (210) - kedengeran kaya clap ketimbang drum menurutku, ganti ke kat? ^
01:56:484 (673) - kat? karna kalo didengerin baik" di musiknya ada suara asdfnya, tapi bukan asdf yang kuat, cuma ringan. sama kaya 01:56:342 (672) - ^
02:01:770 coba kasih kat di sini. berenti di red line itu janggal banget, ya beberapa doang sih . . ^
02:03:484 (718) - ganti ke kat, di musiknya ada semacam clap atau asdf lah itu `` ^
02:24:627 (833,834,835,836,837,838,839,840,841,842,843,844,845,846) - pas'in sama bassnya aja, jadi ddkddd kdddkddkd? 1/2 did stuff by myself kthx.
02:40:627 (927,928) - swap buat ngikutin vokalnya? Done.
02:46:484 kasih d di sini, lalu ganti 02:46:627 (961) - ke kat? buat ngikutin musiknya sih ^
02:50:342 (983,984) - swap buat ngikutin bassnya ^
03:00:484 (1043,1044,1045,1046,1047) - ganti ke ddkkd buat ganti suasana + ngikutin vokalnya yang tiba" muncul di 03:00:627 (1045,1046) - ^
03:17:342 (1144) - kat buat ngikutin vokal ^
03:18:770 (1154,1155,1156,1157,1158) - kat? daritadi dddddd mulu sih, lagian drum di sini ngga terlalu berat imo ddkkk ftw
04:04:913 lebih enak dikasih d, disambung imo lebih enak daripada diputus di tengah", lagian di sana kan bisa didengerin permulaannya drum yah Done.
04:12:913 (1477) - geser ke 04:13:056 coba buat ngikutin vokalnya ^
04:17:484 (1505) - ^ 04:17:627 ^
04:43:484 (1664) - ganti ke d, karna vokalnya tiba" muncul, ngebedain dari 04:43:342 (1663) - , yang ngikutin instrumen juga ^
04:50:484 (1700) - ganti ke d, instrumennya tekresan berat di sana ^
05:11:484 (1835,1836,1837,1838) - coba ganti ke KK KD, nyamain musiknya + gitarnya. dan mirror dari 1833 1834 Ganti 05:11:913 (1841) ke don aja deh; kayaknya jauh lebih akurat sih.
idk ini serasa Semi-Oni, dan mendekati Muzukashii yang lebih disusahin dikit gegara ada streamnya.. menurut gw sih, gatau modder lain

Kalo ada yang ketinggalan ntar gw chat deh
Makasih \o/

Will check the other mods soon.

-APXH wrote:

Very good usage of Hitsounds. \:D/

00:36:913 (1) - Make the part after the red point a little more curved Sure.
00:55:199 (1) - Suggestion: Why not trying moving the slider so that the red point is in the center of the first combo circle 00:54:056 (1)? Because I want to follow 00:54:484 (4)'s curve.
01:12:342 (1) - Why not something like this to make the slider look more pleasant?: The current slider fits with the vocal vibration, and it's pretty nice to look, at least for me..

01:17:913 (4) - Move to: x:168, y: 112 Why? I feel that the current position is good enough.
02:39:627 (2,3) - Move to: x: 312, y: 304 Again, why? It feels... weird.
03:26:484 (2,3) - Suddenly, half beat sliders with red-points It's always good to make a few variations!
03:35:199 (1) - I personally don't think that we need a finish here. Also Try moving the slider so that 03:34:484 (3) is at the end of the slider and 03:34:770 (4) is in the center of the red point of this slider I think it'll be needed to emphasize that heavy instrument. Also, I feel that moving the slider isn't necessary. It won't really improve anything, IMO.

Can't wait to see this get approve~

Kin wrote:

M4M here


03:06:342 (4) - I think if you move this one more to the top, it'll make the flow 4 and 1 better. The flow will looks more like a loop. but it will increase the jump between 4 and 1. Eh idk, not too sure about doing this due to the increased jump spacing you mentioned. I'll consider, though.
03:29:770 (2,4) - I think it's better to unstack them, since they have the same color and only 3/2. Also it will make it more readable.Just think of this as a pattern variation. I feel that it's easily readable and fits wth the song.
03:46:342 (3,4) - just my opinion, but I think it flow better if you ctrl+g, if you fix this, don't forget the hitsound The current pattern fits better since the jumps get larger by every object.

A really nice diff, I love the flow !

[Drums of feelings]

00:11:342 (62,63) - I prefer to swap it, I mean change as k d. the k will follow the melody which is here 00:11:342 - Done!
00:13:056 (72,73,74) - almost same as earlier, k d k. high pitched melody are here 00:13:056 - 00:13:342 - ; Also I think it sound pretty good with the pattern. ^
00:18:913 (109) - change as k ? ^
00:22:484 (131) - I'll prefer to delete it. I think it'll make this one 00:22:627 - sound better with the guitare ^
00:25:770 (149) - just my personnal opinion, but I like how it sound if you change it as k ^
00:27:199 (156,157) - you used big note for the strong melody, why not for this two ? Also if you want this one 00:27:484 - different from this one Only made 00:27:484 (156) into a big don; the other one is still pretty weak IMO.
00:27:770 - ; change it as big K 00:27:484 (157) - Done.
00:40:913 (231) - change as k for the strong melody ? ^
00:43:342 (243) - here the melody have the same sound as here 00:43:199 (242) - ; So change this one 00:43:342 (243) - as k ? ^
00:45:056 (253,254,255) - I don't know why, but dkd sound good for me. Let's try ddk.
00:56:342 (322) - how about change it as k ? for the melody Done.
00:57:913 (331,332) - change both a big D ? The instruments aren't strong enough IMO.
01:04:413 - how about add one green line with x0,75 as SV ? I fit pretty well with the music
If you do this ^ ; it better if you add green line here 01:10:770 - (x0,81) ; 01:10:913 - (x0,87) ; 01:11:056 - (x0,93) ; Also, if you do this, I think it's better to delete this note 01:10:484 (400) -
want the 3 last green line (0,81 ; 0,87 ; 0,93) but lazy to do it ?
Huh, seems like an interesting idea, but... I don't really like it for some reason. I dunno why, but uh, I'll think of this again.
01:15:770 (436) - change it as big D ? big K will be kinda strange to play after a ddddk Done.
01:20:342 (463) - change as big D for the cymbal sound ? ^
01:50:342 (641) - change it as k ? ^
01:51:056 (645,647) - change both as big K to emphasize the strong melody ? ^
01:52:342 - I don't know if they removed this rule, but I'm pretty sure flash kiai is forbidden on taiko diff Removed.
02:10:056 (755,756) - change both as big D ? previous note also have finish for the melody, so why not this 2 notes ? Just the latter I suppose.
02:37:627 (908,909) - your previous pattern is following the melody, so, change this 02:37:627 (908) - as k ? Done.
If you fix this ^ ; this one 02:37:770 (909) - sound kinda weird to me ; delete it ? I believe this one follows the song's rhythm pretty nicely, so why should it be gone?
02:39:913 (921) - change this one as k for the melody ? Done.
02:40:770 (926) - how about change it as big K ? and this 02:41:056 (927) - as k ^
02:47:270 - how about add a green line x0,75 SV ?
If you fix this ^ ; it's better to add green line like previous one
like previous one
And also, if you add'd this SV change, I think it's better to delete this note 02:53:342 (996) - Not for now; same reason as the previous suggestion.
03:19:056 (1154) - change it as k ? Sure.
03:23:770 (1183) - change it as big D for cymbal sound ? ^
03:36:199 (1257,1259) - change both as big K to emphasize the strong melody ? ^
03:37:484 - same as earlier for flash ^
04:10:770 (1459,1461) - add finish to both ? Agan, I feel that the instruments aren't strong enough to support them.
04:47:056 (1679,1681) - change both as big K to emphasize the strong melody ? Done.
05:09:627 (1820) - the high pitched guitare sound is here, change it as k ? ^

For this diff, I'll say it's a Muzukashii+ or soft Oni, but I think it's a Oni 7★
I'm pretty sure it's your 1st, or one of your 1st taiko diff. Some thing can be improved, but it's not a bad one, it's actually a nice relaxing one. Not really my first, but yeah, it's still pretty close; probably my fourth Oni and eight (overall) Taiko diff or something.

Good luck ! hope to see this ranked soon ! \o
Thanks guys! \o/
Ciyus Miapah
mod by Fortune cookie

..... kayanya kagak ada deh

mending post ini aja lah first try

kasih star aja ya. muach :*
Let me give you some advice.

1. OD9 is too high. Change it into OD8.
2. Avoid using large-DS streams, such as 01:15:199 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) and 01:33:627 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1). There are many of them, you should replace them with smaller-DS streams.
3. 00:45:770 (3) - I think you should use New Combo here. 00:45:484 (1,2,3,4) is a back-and-forth jump whose DS changes, and you should use New Combo to give the player a hint.
02:45:484 (4) - NC
02:45:770 (6) - NC
04:54:913 (3) - NC
I think you should use These NCs because there are similar back-and-forth jumps like 00:45:484 (1,2,3,4). You should give the player some hints.
Hi from m4m

D(big d)
K(big k)

Drums of Feelings

OD5.5→5(be better)

Song Setup→Design→Epilepsy warning & letter box (uncheck)

00:02:627 (10) - change d
00:03:770 (16) - change k
00:18:551 - add d
00:18:627 (109) - not Finish
00:21:770 (127) - change k
00:35:770 (202) - change d
01:39:627 (578) - change k
02:17:342 (787) - change k
02:42:342 (936) - change k
02:48:770 (974) - change k
03:45:199 (1309) - not Finish
03:55:770 (1368) - ^
04:49:994 - add d
04:50:056 (1701) - change k
04:50:342 (1703) - change d
04:50:484 (1704) - change k
04:50:562 - add d
04:51:556 - add d
04:52:280 - add d
05:05:556 - add d
05:05:853 - add d
05:06:134 - add k
05:06:277 - add d
05:06:416 - add k
05:06:562 - add d
05:06:627 (1820) - not Finish

Good luck :)
Topic Starter
@Fort: Makasih star-nya masbro m(___)m

zhengyuanhang wrote:

Let me give you some advice.

1. OD9 is too high. Change it into OD8. Yeah, you're right on this. It's pretty ridiculous.
2. Avoid using large-DS streams, such as 01:15:199 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) and 01:33:627 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1). There are many of them, you should replace them with smaller-DS streams. I feel that these streams fit the song and are also still nice enough of a challenge without going overboard.
3. 00:45:770 (3) - I think you should use New Combo here. 00:45:484 (1,2,3,4) is a back-and-forth jump whose DS changes, and you should use New Combo to give the player a hint.
02:45:484 (4) - NC
02:45:770 (6) - NC
04:54:913 (3) - NC
I think you should use These NCs because there are similar back-and-forth jumps like 00:45:484 (1,2,3,4). You should give the player some hints. Hmm idk, but I feel that these are not needed. I've asked a few people to play this and no one complained about the back-and-forth jumps. I'll consider, though, since it might be correct.

Charlotte wrote:

Hi from m4m

D(big d)
K(big k)

Drums of Feelings

OD5.5→5(be better)

Song Setup→Design→Epilepsy warning & letter box (uncheck)

00:02:627 (10) - change d Oh yep. Sure.
00:03:770 (16) - change k The instrument here is quite similar to 00:03:913, so no.
00:18:551 - add d Just realized that I can do this lol. Sure.
00:18:627 (109) - not Finish I think it's okay to place a big note 1/4 beats after another note as long as if there wasn't a stream before the note. I'll keep this as is for now.
00:21:770 (127) - change k Done.
00:35:770 (202) - change d The pitch of the instrument here is higher than 00:35:627, thus the usage of kat.
01:39:627 (578) - change k Done.
02:17:342 (787) - change k ^
02:42:342 (936) - change k It's already k...
02:48:770 (974) - change k Done.
03:45:199 (1309) - not Finish The instrument here is pretty heavy, IMO.
03:55:770 (1368) - ^ ^
04:49:994 - add d Done.
04:50:056 (1701) - change k ^
04:50:342 (1703) - change d ^
04:50:484 (1704) - change k ^
04:50:562 - add d ^
04:51:556 - add d ^
04:52:280 - add d ^
05:05:556 - add d I can't see why should I add a note here...
05:05:853 - add d Added.
05:06:134 - add k Nope; same reason as 05:05:556.
05:06:277 - add d Added too.
05:06:416 - add k Again, no; same reason as the previously rejected suggestion.
05:06:562 - add d Done.
05:06:627 (1820) - not Finish Nope. I believe it should be fine for now.

Good luck :)
Thank you everyone! \o/
Hey I played this song on my love live app!


i got rekt
  1. 00:11:627 (5,6) - overmapped, kinda feels out of place here. turn the playback speed to 25% and i don't hear anything
  2. 00:12:770 (1) - you can put a random circle near the slider and use its approach circle to help blanket
  3. 00:14:770 (4) - i'd redo the order of notes to have a keypress on 00:14:913 instead of a weak slider end
  4. 00:34:913 (2,4) - overlap heads to be neater
  5. 01:01:342 (3) - also want a slider head or circle here on the long white tick at 01:01:484 because the beat is stronger there (also vocals are there)
  6. 01:10:342 (2,3) - improve blanket here
  7. 01:17:913 (4,5) - overlap completely
  8. 01:29:484 (1,5,6) - make them same distance apart to be a little neater
  9. 01:34:484 (2) - move to the left (so its head is closer to end of previous slider) for better flow
  10. 01:45:984 (3) - there is no percussion on this tick but i can hear something on 01:46:270 so you could have a triple there instead
  11. 02:33:484 (1,2) - blanket is a little far at the edges
  12. 02:53:627 (2,1) - improve this one too
  13. 02:58:627 (1,2,3) - if they're gonna use the 1/6 beat snap divisor in a mostly 1/4 song, let's use a repeating slider to avoid confusing the player about the exact rhythm
  14. 03:00:913 (1) - curve down for better flow
  15. 03:46:627 (1) - i'd also rearrange this object for better flow
  16. 03:48:913 (1,2,3) - same thing i said earlier about 1/6
  17. 03:49:770 - don't want to use the 1/8 repeating slider for fun?
  18. 04:10:842 (2,3) - maybe i been playin too much wcx maps, because usually when he does this the circles at the end of the slider are in the same direction as the slider
  19. 04:22:056 (1,3) - blanket is a little far in the middle
  20. 05:13:484 (1) - ctrl-g for better flow
  21. 05:15:056 (3,1) - spacing is still kind of far
that's it from me, good luck!
If you can plz change this color to an another one because it's hard to see for current BG.
May be yellow one.


02:05:484 (1,2,1) - slider 1 ( red one ) 02:06:056 (1) - should be a bit upper for good movement OR down 02:05:770 (2) - a little so it more balance with 3 slides.

02:45:199 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - change like this (I 've change a color for you to make a easy looking No need to follow it )

02:53:913 (4,5,1) - this triple is weird maybe delete 5 ?

02:59:342 i heard a drum sound here. 02:59:199 (4) - maybe change this to return slider mid point is here 02:59:342

02:59:627 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - remove the clap hitsound in this section sound better than have it especially 03:00:342 (1,2,3,4,5) -

03:03:199 (1,2,1) - i saw you whistle only 1st beat and 3rd beat of measure did whistle here 03:03:484 (2) - is intention?

03:36:199 (1) - can you change this slider to curve + zigzag like this 01:19:199 (1) - but let it a little curvy

03:40:913 (1) - same as above but ( optional )

03:50:056 (1,2,1,2) - I think you can make this 4 slider good pattern ( the current is too plain for me)

03:55:770 (1,2,3,4) - change this too circle might fit a drum sound. 03:55:913 << this place should have a note. and you can make alot of pattern like
zigzag or star or X cross jump. if you do plz raise a volume here.

04:11:484 (1,2,3,4,1) - you should arrange a stream here a little bit ( inverse a curve is better flow )

04:56:913 (1,2,1,2) - this note don't require new combo , I think it's very easy to guess compare to your map difficult.

05:12:056 (1) - why this slider is slow instead of same speed as 05:11:199 (1,2) - and make it zigzag plus curvy.

nice map only above are suggestion.

sorry if bad mod I didn't mod for too long month or 2 months.

xinely is put extreme effort to the storyboard.

clap clap clap :) :)
Topic Starter

xxdeathx wrote:

Hey I played this song on my love live app! Haha \o/


i got rekt RIP
  1. 00:11:627 (5,6) - overmapped, kinda feels out of place here. turn the playback speed to 25% and i don't hear anything I'm sure enough I can feel an instrument sound even at 100%.
  2. 00:12:770 (1) - you can put a random circle near the slider and use its approach circle to help blanket Fixed.
  3. 00:14:770 (4) - i'd redo the order of notes to have a keypress on 00:14:913 instead of a weak slider end The instrument is stronger at the beginning of the slider, though.
  4. 00:34:913 (2,4) - overlap heads to be neater Won't affect anything while playing..
  5. 01:01:342 (3) - also want a slider head or circle here on the long white tick at 01:01:484 because the beat is stronger there (also vocals are there) No; same reason as 00:14:770 (4).
  6. 01:10:342 (2,3) - improve blanket here Sure.
  7. 01:17:913 (4,5) - overlap completely No need to; trust me.
  8. 01:29:484 (1,5,6) - make them same distance apart to be a little neater Uh... what are you trying to say, exactly?
  9. 01:34:484 (2) - move to the left (so its head is closer to end of previous slider) for better flow Sure.
  10. 01:45:984 (3) - there is no percussion on this tick but i can hear something on 01:46:270 so you could have a triple there instead ^
  11. 02:33:484 (1,2) - blanket is a little far at the edges ^
  12. 02:53:627 (2,1) - improve this one too ^
  13. 02:58:627 (1,2,3) - if they're gonna use the 1/6 beat snap divisor in a mostly 1/4 song, let's use a repeating slider to avoid confusing the player about the exact rhythm I've tested this and also asked a few pro players to play this, and they didn't complain about it.
  14. 03:00:913 (1) - curve down for better flow I honestly feel that a little flow break is actually a good way to keep the flow here.
  15. 03:46:627 (1) - i'd also rearrange this object for better flow I'm sure it's fine as is...
  16. 03:48:913 (1,2,3) - same thing i said earlier about 1/6 Same.
  17. 03:49:770 - don't want to use the 1/8 repeating slider for fun? Can't really do this, you know. What will I do with 03:49:484 (4,1)?
  18. 04:10:842 (2,3) - maybe i been playin too much wcx maps, because usually when he does this the circles at the end of the slider are in the same direction as the slider I'm just following how 04:10:484 (1) is curved.
  19. 04:22:056 (1,3) - blanket is a little far in the middle Fixed.
  20. 05:13:484 (1) - ctrl-g for better flow I actually feel that this breaks the flow a lot.
  21. 05:15:056 (3,1) - spacing is still kind of far Don't worry, this is okay and fits the song well.
that's it from me, good luck!

regenz wrote:

If you can plz change this color to an another one because it's hard to see for current BG.
May be yellow one. But Kotori will be sad ;__; Well I guess I'll make it a little darker.


02:05:484 (1,2,1) - slider 1 ( red one ) 02:06:056 (1) - should be a bit upper for good movement OR down 02:05:770 (2) - a little so it more balance with 3 slides. Made (2) lower.

02:45:199 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - change like this (I 've change a color for you to make a easy looking No need to follow it ) The flow is weird with such an angle, IMO.

02:53:913 (4,5,1) - this triple is weird maybe delete 5 ? There is an instrument sound on (5)'s place, though...

02:59:342 i heard a drum sound here. 02:59:199 (4) - maybe change this to return slider mid point is here 02:59:342 It isn't that noticeable, and it'd be a painful transition from 1/3 to 1/2, trust me.

02:59:627 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - remove the clap hitsound in this section sound better than have it especially 03:00:342 (1,2,3,4,5) - Sure.

03:03:199 (1,2,1) - i saw you whistle only 1st beat and 3rd beat of measure did whistle here 03:03:484 (2) - is intention? I'm sure enough it's correct as is...?

03:36:199 (1) - can you change this slider to curve + zigzag like this 01:19:199 (1) - but let it a little curvy Quite a nice idea. Done.

03:40:913 (1) - same as above but ( optional ) I think it's better for this slider to stay as is, though.

03:50:056 (1,2,1,2) - I think you can make this 4 slider good pattern ( the current is too plain for me) I don't think so. In fact, I feel that this really fits the instruments!

03:55:770 (1,2,3,4) - change this too circle might fit a drum sound. 03:55:913 << this place should have a note. and you can make alot of pattern like
zigzag or star or X cross jump. if you do plz raise a volume here. Again, that one's almost unnoticeable, and I... uh, just don't feel like trying to remap this part with a circle on the spot that you mentioned.

04:11:484 (1,2,3,4,1) - you should arrange a stream here a little bit ( inverse a curve is better flow ) I'm thinking of the opposite. The curve supports the flow that I made at 04:10:484 (1,2,3).

04:56:913 (1,2,1,2) - this note don't require new combo , I think it's very easy to guess compare to your map difficult. Sure.

05:12:056 (1) - why this slider is slow instead of same speed as 05:11:199 (1,2) - and make it zigzag plus curvy. Because the music "demands" it. Made it curvier, though.

nice map only above are suggestion.

sorry if bad mod I didn't mod for too long month or 2 months.

xinely is put extreme effort to the storyboard.

clap clap clap :) :)
Thanks for the mod, guys! o/

EDIT: Also thanks to Asphyxia for testing and giving suggestions!
Hi~ from your queue!


  1. 00:17:199 (4) - how about put at 136||327? It seems better for play and flow

  2. 00:25:199 (5) - ^ 331||247

  3. 00:27:484 (2,1) - quite confuse with 1/2beat. make disance smaller please

  4. 00:37:627 (3) - how about placing at 133||167

  5. 00:39:627 (2,3,4,5) - i want a jump here las the map was before. ->
  6. 01:03:770 (6,7) - make distance smaller because the song's tension becomes lower.
  7. 01:12:342 (1) - i felt strange beacause of this slider when i played first. make it more normally~

  8. 01:16:199 (2,3,4) - circle-slider-slider hears better than slider-slider-circle imo. just stack circle 2 on the head of 01:16:342 (3)

  9. 01:39:627 (1) - nazi but change like this for better flow
  10. 01:42:056 (1) - remove NC

  11. 01:43:199 (1) - ^

  12. 01:44:627 (2) - NC

  13. 02:11:627 (4,3) - stack

  14. 02:17:056 (3) - ctrl+g and move 02:17:342 (4,1)

  15. 02:36:627 (3) - bend it like 02:37:056 (2)

  16. 02:58:627 (1,2,3) - NC to each circle not to confuse with rythm. It's too surprisely changing to 3/4 beat.

  17. 03:48:913 (1,2,3,4) - ^

  18. 03:16:913 (1) - ctrl + H and move to current place for flow

  19. 03:37:199 (2,1) - how about this
  20. 04:10:913 (3,4,5) - i think this isn't fit with song. change into slider-slider or four circles please~

  21. 04:10:913 (3,4,5) - stack

  22. 04:23:198 (1) - doesn't fit with song too. try this rythm and pattern
  23. 04:33:913 (3) - ctrl + g is better lol

  24. 04:37:627 (3) - yep try this shape
  25. 04:38:913 (2) - ctrl + g

  26. 04:47:770 (1,2,1) -
  27. 05:10:627 (1,2) - place them at x=256 cause you used symmetical pattern at 05:10:913 (1,2,1,2)

Very fun map to play!
I hope these would be helpful ^^ Good Luck
*my own self reminder to mod the taiko *
08:40 wendao: repost
08:40 wendao: 00:05:342 (2) - 204,236? biar stek sama slidertail (3) kombo merah, nope, not recommend, just suggest biar rapi
08:41 Hinsvar: Done ``b
08:42 wendao: 00:32:342 (1) - node ke 4 (node setelah node merah) ke 388,248, blanket is love, blanket is life
08:43 wendao: 00:36:913 (1) - node ke 2 188, 108
08:44 wendao: 00:38:056 (1) - pindahin agak kebawah? Y=360 gitu, biar ga sejajar amat sama slider sebelumnya
08:44 Hinsvar: 00:32:342 (1) - Bener node 4? Node 3 kali lol
08:44 wendao: node merah = 2x
08:44 wendao: :3
08:44 Hinsvar: ...Itu kan di file .osu-nya ``
08:44 Hinsvar: lol
08:44 wendao: still count for me orz
08:45 Hinsvar: ):
08:45 Hinsvar: Well okay, changed soal yang node.
08:46 Hinsvar: Tapi 00:38:056 (1) - IMO kelihatan rebih rapi kalau sejajar di sini.
08:46 Hinsvar: Kelihatan random kalau dipindahin ke mana lagi gitu lol
08:47 wendao: b-b-but, biar lebih gampang "swing" cursor nya
08:47 wendao: ;_;
08:47 wendao: 00:24:770 (2,3,4,5,6) - trep!!!
08:48 wendao: btw, 01:07:199 (3,4,1) - maksud gw kayak gini lho
08:49 Hinsvar: ;_;
08:49 Hinsvar: 00:24:770 (2,3,4,5,6) - 8)
08:49 Hinsvar: Hmm.
08:50 wendao: 01:12:342 (1) - ga keliatan fresh slidernya
08:50 Hinsvar: Itu kan udah beda kasus; yang itu sengaja biar lebih nge-flow, karena slider kedua dibikin lengkung.
08:50 Hinsvar: Kalau lurus gini ya :P
08:50 Hinsvar: Well, saya pake ginian karena merasa pas sama vokal aja sih ._.
08:51 wendao: >pake ginian
08:51 wendao: pake apaaaa ;_;
08:51 Hinsvar: lol
08:51 Hinsvar: Slider yang... berlekuk-lekuk gini ``
08:51 wendao: /\/\/
08:54 Hinsvar: lol
08:55 wendao: 03:08:484 (3) - ini, mengapa, i'd prefer 120,180
08:58 Hinsvar: Uh emangnya kenapa? Ini biar sejajar sama 03:08:199 (2) - , dan kalau pindah ke (120,180) flow ke 03:08:770 (4) - bakal jadi gak bagus o.o
08:59 wendao: not for wendao 8)
08:59 Hinsvar: ok 8)
09:02 wendao: kok slider kayak 04:57:484 (1) - overuse bangey ya
09:02 wendao: *baget
09:02 wendao: banget
09:02 wendao: ;_;
09:02 wendao: bahkan in slow version (05:12:056 (1) - )
09:03 Hinsvar: I'm not creative i cri
09:03 Hinsvar: ;_;
09:06 wendao: ODnya ga kegedean ya buat 5 menitan
09:07 Hinsvar: 8 udah pas banget lah ini.
09:07 Hinsvar: Malah sebelumnya 9.
09:07 wendao: w-what
09:07 Hinsvar: Banyak tester yang suruh jadi 8.
09:07 wendao: 00:12:484 (3) - sliderslide whhistle
09:08 Hinsvar: 7 kata mereka kegampangan nanti.
09:08 wendao: 7.5
09:08 wendao: owo)B
09:08 wendao: b
09:08 wendao: owo)b
09:08 wendao: kalo OD gede,HP turunin dikit
09:08 wendao: kalo OD kecil, HP naikin dikit
09:09 wendao: nvm, I wont do hitsound mod, too nazi
09:09 Hinsvar: 00:12:484 (3) - Ini gimana yah... Kayaknya whistle slide terlalu berlebihan deh lol
09:09 Hinsvar: 7.5 why hue
09:10 wendao: nyambung kok whistlenya, seharusnya
09:10 wendao: gw prefer OD 7.5-7.8 sih
09:10 wendao: terus HP 6.6-6.8
09:10 Hinsvar: Nyambung, tapi kerasa terlalu overpowering ``b
09:10 Hinsvar: Hmm.
09:10 Hinsvar: Lihat nanti dulu deh.
09:11 Hinsvar: Ini testers gak komplain banyak soal setting sih.
09:11 wendao: karena mereka cuma main
09:11 wendao: cuma komen bagian yang mereka anggap susah
09:13 Hinsvar: Well justru karena itu... Itu artinya mereka sendiri merasa nyaman kalau gak komplain :D
09:13 wendao: mereka hanya malas untuk F4
09:13 wendao: 8(
09:15 Hinsvar: Kalau F4 buat setting, kan di halaman depan udah ada setting-nya...
09:15 wendao: 02:58:627 (1,2,3,4) - I hope there's warn SB
09:15 Hinsvar: Saya sendiri kalau soal kenyamanan bermain, apalagi buat yang super susah kayak gini, saya lihat tester.
09:15 Hinsvar: Hmm.
09:15 Hinsvar: Emang sih terasa cepet.
09:16 Hinsvar: Mari kita coba epilepsy warning.
09:16 wendao: oh btw buat F4, gw lupa ada settingnya di hal depan, soalnya gw sendiri juga waktu modding jarang liat settingan
09:16 wendao: >epilepsy warning
09:17 Hinsvar: wait
09:17 wendao: `-` maksud gw kayak "1/3 ahead" lol
09:17 Hinsvar: Warning SB di sini saya anggep karena lirik-nya kecepetan---
09:17 Hinsvar: fuck
09:17 Hinsvar: i
09:17 Hinsvar: got it wrong gg
09:17 Hinsvar: RIP
09:17 Hinsvar: ...let's forget about that
09:18 wendao: epilepsy itu buat flash yang berlebih = =)a
09:18 wendao: penderita epilepsi bisa buta kalo liat kebanyakan flash orz
09:19 Hinsvar: i know ):
09:19 Hinsvar: Hmm.
09:19 Hinsvar: Tapi gerakan cepat juga bisa nge-trigger kan kalau gak salah.
09:19 Hinsvar: Apa salah inget kali yah lol
09:19 wendao: afaik flash doang
09:20 Hinsvar: Oh yep, tepatnya flash yang intens/cepet.
09:21 Hinsvar: i'm not a certified doctor i cri
09:21 Hinsvar: (?)
09:22 wendao: 00:27:484 (2) - last node 352,200?
09:24 Hinsvar: Wah, tadi slider itu saya pindahin ke (476,199) ``
09:24 Hinsvar: Coba SS.
09:24 wendao: 503,199
09:24 wendao: `-`
09:25 Hinsvar: ok looks cool
09:25 Hinsvar: ``b
09:26 wendao: mapping ngikutin flow emang cepet kehabisan ide
09:26 Hinsvar: Tapi kalau terlalu terstruktur flow kadang malah ancur ``
09:28 wendao: >batere abis
09:28 wendao: hampir
Hey Hinsvar.

[Info Crap]
Add "Muse" to the tags.

Manually edit your .osu file to remove Letterbox breaks?

Epilepsy is enabled in Taiko mode. Is there a reason for it? If not, you should remove.

During the kiai times, it feels like it would make more sense to whistle to the vocals instead of the beat. For example: 01:16:770 (4,1) - Whistle on the (4) instead of the (1)'s head. This would require a bit of work, so I thought I'd mention it up here instead of every 5 seconds during the kiai time.

Delete the extra .osb (not sure if I just had it as a leftover, but check just in-case)

There was a few people suggesting preview points and such. Why not try 01:15:413 - which is 1/4 before the vocals come up. Because the BPM is really fast. 01:15:342 - might actually work better!

Although it doesn't really matter since one is Taiko: Combo4 is different in Taiko / Standard. Combo4 : 175,175,95 (taiko) vs Combo4 : 166,156,104 (standard)

01:51:770 - and similar parts. It's a bit difficult to read the lyrics here because they don't appear for even half a second before vanishing. Is it possible to make them all appear like the rest of the lyrics before fading them out? If you wanted, you can even have a longer fade out as well since there is any lyrics after this for a few seconds. Just some thoughts.

AIBat v3.1 wrote:

Unused Image Files
  1. 00:03:342 (3,4) - Maybe swap these whistles so that they're used on the high guitar sounds like the rest of this section?
  2. 00:03:342 (3,4) - Timing feels really off in this part | Maybe get someone to double check it.
  3. 00:06:342 (2,3) - If you move this down to x279 y246. It will cover the 00:05:342 (2) - nicely, and make somewhat of a better blanket for 00:07:199 (1) - They are a bit far apart, but the blanketing can still have an effect.
  4. 00:12:484 (3,1) - Consider adding a whistle to the head of (1) | This is mostly because of 00:10:199 (3,1) - which follows the same patterns.
  5. 00:13:770 (5) - Nazi: x176 y68 | to fit snug with the earlier slider. (read below's mod as well)
  6. 00:13:913 (6) - Move this to x468 y223 to make 00:13:484 (3,5) - and 00:13:627 (4,6) - symmetrical with each other. (this is assuming you did the previous mod as well)
  7. 00:23:056 (4) - I don't really have much of a suggestion for this. But the flow and movement of this feels a bit awkward to me. I think the movement from (3) -> (4) is the main reason, as I honestly feel like it should be a bit lower. I do see the increased spacing problems though and how it might feel out of place if moved any lower with the upcoming sliders. | honestly the only thing I can really think of to somewhat maintain this pattern is to move (2,3) up slightly ->
  8. 00:38:484 (2) - How about a whistle here? The guitar trumpet really makes it feel like it would fit well.
  9. 00:45:342 (5) - Try x336 y362. I still feel like you're working on the up/down flow here before it transitions into the next few.
  10. 00:56:913 (1) - I really really don't understand why you decided to NC here.
  11. 01:05:770 (2) - The head of this feels like it's missing some drum effect. Possibly even the tail of the previous (1) as well if you follow 01:09:913 (1,2) - 's pattern
  12. 01:20:056 (4) - Maybe somewhere around x208 y316 to help carry the flow better
  13. 01:27:342 (2) - Is this double whistle intentional?
  14. 01:36:056 (4,5) - how about placing these so they blanket the 01:35:199 (1,2) - | | It also creates a bit more downward flow to the upcoming note instead of a straight horizontal one that I personally find a bit uneasy to play. (ps. I don't play Insane difficulties)
  15. The timing feels a bit off again around this section. I really don't know :?
  16. 01:46:627 (1) - There isn't anything playing on the head of this note. Maybe you can adjust the patterns to make this slider start at 01:46:484 (7) - instead. It will also help maintain consistency with 01:44:199 (1) -
  17. 01:56:199 (4,5,6) - Try curving this a little to fit with the curve of 01:55:627 (1,2,3) - and help point the flow in the correct direction (even if a little) It'll also be kind of nice to blanket around the (1)
  18. 02:04:770 (5,1) - Same reasoning as 1:46. It might mess up your patterning a bit, but it would suit the rhythm of the music one-hundred fold
  19. 02:12:627 (3,4) - Move (3) to x306 y75 | Move (4) to x215 y41 | After this. Move the 02:12:913 (1) - as needed. | Pretties up, and creates symmetry
  20. 02:22:842 (3) - Is this spacing intentional? Might be better to make it even
  21. 02:42:056 (4,5,6,7) - Try swapping (4,5) | Next try moving (6,7) just a little beside (4,5) to get a back and forth flow going. Something like this:
  22. 02:54:913 (3) - This note definitely isn't snapped correctly
  23. 03:09:484 (1,2) - how about something like this? | | uhh... I don't really have any reason why you should use this over the other. It just feels more comfortable I guess.
  24. 03:10:199 (2) - That cute double whistle again. I really don't understand it, but <3
  25. 03:55:770 (1,2,3,4) - Try putting an addition drum finish on the tail of (1), a Normal hit on (2) | Addition Drum Finish on (3)'s tail, and finally a Normal on (4)'s head. This is to create some drum build-up.
  26. 04:07:627 (2,3) - How about moving these to about x204 y292 to have a little bit more feeling with the previous slider.
  27. 04:52:627 (6) - Clap feels a bit out of place. Maybe remove this? or change to one of your soft whistle/drum normal like the other notes you have in this section.
  28. 04:57:199 (3) - For proper scaling. Move this to x468 y151. | I honestly think it suits the combo all rising as it is and does create somewhat of a triangle effect with the upcoming slider.
  29. 05:08:627 (5) - With the gap from (3) to (4). This slider feels like it should be raised slightly more. Either this or maybe move 05:08:342 (4) - down a hair.
  1. Some of this I wonder if it's intentional. lol. Only use what you care about. I know you don't really care for stacks and such which is why I'm putting all these down here. To seperate the mildly helpful from the "who really cares" :P
  2. 00:12:199 (1) - If you're serious about blanketing. You can take this nazi. | Middle node: x51 y296 | Tail node: x47 y200
  3. 00:25:199 (5) - More Nazi: -1 +2 to x364 y175 | This makes the patterns symmetrical again.
  4. 00:32:913 (3) - Sometimes I wonder if you want me to point out 1px things that are noticeable in the editor but aren't in the game. Part of me thinks you are doing this on purpose XD. Anyways. Y -1 because of 00:31:913 (3) -
  5. 00:48:627 (2) - Y -1
  6. 01:17:484 (3) - Red node: x226 y219 | Symmerty and makes the point reflect the beat correctly.
  7. 01:26:770 (4) - x283 y206 for a better blanket
  8. 02:27:342 (2,4) - please ;_; I honestly can't tell if you're trolling me or not right now. (ps. stack these x226 y366 for (5))
  9. 02:44:770 (1) - Move the tail to x128 y336 for a blanket
  10. 02:51:770 (1) - You can move the red node to x405 y356 for better symmetry.
  11. 03:46:342 (3) - Y +1 (260)
  12. 04:13:770 (4) - Y -1 (207) | I think by now, you must have some reason for all this. X_x
  13. 04:23:342 (2) - RIP whistle :(
  14. 04:26:342 (4) - x312 y344 | Self explanitory hopefully.. If not. even balancing between these notes.
  15. 04:26:627 (1) - Try moving the tail end to Roughtly x279 y53 | That brown combo is hard to adjust blankets for lol.
  16. 05:12:484 (2,3,4,5,1,2) - Copy (3,5,2) | Delete (2,4,1) | Paste, rotate 180, and move the new (2,4,6) numbers to x320 y101 (which is your old location for (2) | There was a few numbers off here. | Don't forget to re-hitsound these and NC the (6)
Topic Starter

Prayer wrote:

Hi~ from your queue!


  1. 00:17:199 (4) - how about put at 136||327? It seems better for play and flow (84,328) instead. Not too far from the spot that you suggested and it feels nicer.

  2. 00:25:199 (5) - ^ 331||247 I'd like to keep the 00:24:770 (2,3,4,5,6) pattern as is, as they are neater and facilitate a better-playing back-and-forth jumps.

  3. 00:27:484 (2,1) - quite confuse with 1/2beat. make disance smaller please Sure.

  4. 00:37:627 (3) - how about placing at 133||167 Why? I feel that it's fine as is.

  5. 00:39:627 (2,3,4,5) - i want a jump here las the map was before. ->
  6. 01:03:770 (6,7) - make distance smaller because the song's tension becomes lower. Done.
  7. 01:12:342 (1) - i felt strange beacause of this slider when i played first. make it more normally~ I think it's a nice way to emphasize the vocal.

  8. 01:16:199 (2,3,4) - circle-slider-slider hears better than slider-slider-circle imo. just stack circle 2 on the head of 01:16:342 (3) Are you sure? Again, I think this is a good way to emphasize the vocal here.

  9. 01:39:627 (1) - nazi but change like this for better flow
    Changed to something like that.
  10. 01:42:056 (1) - remove NC Why? It's the beginning of a new pattern.

  11. 01:43:199 (1) - ^ ^

  12. 01:44:627 (2) - NC Umm why? It's not like the pattern or rhythm here changes or anything.

  13. 02:11:627 (4,3) - stack Done.

  14. 02:17:056 (3) - ctrl+g and move 02:17:342 (4,1) Intentional to create a variety in flow.

  15. 02:36:627 (3) - bend it like 02:37:056 (2) But these two sliders belong on different stanzas in the song. Wouldn't it be weird...?

  16. 02:58:627 (1,2,3) - NC to each circle not to confuse with rythm. It's too surprisely changing to 3/4 beat. I know the fact that this might be hard to sightread, but here, I don't think NCs are needed. I know the rhythm changed to 1/3, but uh, I just don't think they're necessary for now.

  17. 03:48:913 (1,2,3,4) - ^ ^

  18. 03:16:913 (1) - ctrl + H and move to current place for flow I feel that the flow is actually broken because of that...

  19. 03:37:199 (2,1) - how about this
    I think the current pattern fits with the how silent this part is.
  20. 04:10:913 (3,4,5) - i think this isn't fit with song. change into slider-slider or four circles please~ I feel that the slider fits with the vocal.

  21. 04:10:913 (3,4,5) - stack ...What should I stack here?

  22. 04:23:198 (1) - doesn't fit with song too. try this rythm and pattern
    Are you sure? This circle was meant to emphasize the vocal.
  23. 04:33:913 (3) - ctrl + g is better lol But then the jump that was meant to emphasize the instrument at the beginning of the slider wouldn't be there any more.

  24. 04:37:627 (3) - yep try this shape
    I want to make the slider parallel to 04:36:913 (1), and I think I've used something like that a lot here.
  25. 04:38:913 (2) - ctrl + g Why?

  26. 04:47:770 (1,2,1) -
    Nope; same reason as the end of the previous kiai.
  27. 05:10:627 (1,2) - place them at x=256 cause you used symmetical pattern at 05:10:913 (1,2,1,2) Sure!

Very fun map to play!
I hope these would be helpful ^^ Good Luck
Thank you!

Dan makasih juga buat mod-nya wendao; dapet pencerahan dikit ``b

Will check Lanturn's mod soon.

Lanturn wrote:

Hey Hinsvar.

[Info Crap]
Add "Muse" to the tags. Done.

Manually edit your .osu file to remove Letterbox breaks? ^

Epilepsy is enabled in Taiko mode. Is there a reason for it? If not, you should remove. ^

During the kiai times, it feels like it would make more sense to whistle to the vocals instead of the beat. For example: 01:16:770 (4,1) - Whistle on the (4) instead of the (1)'s head. This would require a bit of work, so I thought I'd mention it up here instead of every 5 seconds during the kiai time. I personally feel that it's far better this way, but I'll reconsider maybe.

Delete the extra .osb (not sure if I just had it as a leftover, but check just in-case) There's only one here lol

There was a few people suggesting preview points and such. Why not try 01:15:413 - which is 1/4 before the vocals come up. Because the BPM is really fast. 01:15:342 - might actually work better! Done.

Although it doesn't really matter since one is Taiko: Combo4 is different in Taiko / Standard. Combo4 : 175,175,95 (taiko) vs Combo4 : 166,156,104 (standard) Fixed for the lulz.

  1. 00:03:342 (3,4) - Maybe swap these whistles so that they're used on the high guitar sounds like the rest of this section? Done.
  2. 00:03:342 (3,4) - Timing feels really off in this part | Maybe get someone to double check it. Added an uninherited timing point at 00:03:370.
  3. 00:06:342 (2,3) - If you move this down to x279 y246. It will cover the 00:05:342 (2) - nicely, and make somewhat of a better blanket for 00:07:199 (1) - They are a bit far apart, but the blanketing can still have an effect. Played with 00:07:199 (1) instead.
  4. 00:12:484 (3,1) - Consider adding a whistle to the head of (1) | This is mostly because of 00:10:199 (3,1) - which follows the same patterns. Added.
  5. 00:13:770 (5) - Nazi: x176 y68 | to fit snug with the earlier slider. (read below's mod as well) Done.
  6. 00:13:913 (6) - Move this to x468 y223 to make 00:13:484 (3,5) - and 00:13:627 (4,6) - symmetrical with each other. (this is assuming you did the previous mod as well) ^
  7. 00:23:056 (4) - I don't really have much of a suggestion for this. But the flow and movement of this feels a bit awkward to me. I think the movement from (3) -> (4) is the main reason, as I honestly feel like it should be a bit lower. I do see the increased spacing problems though and how it might feel out of place if moved any lower with the upcoming sliders. | honestly the only thing I can really think of to somewhat maintain this pattern is to move (2,3) up slightly -> ^
  8. 00:38:484 (2) - How about a whistle here? The guitar trumpet really makes it feel like it would fit well. ^
  9. 00:45:342 (5) - Try x336 y362. I still feel like you're working on the up/down flow here before it transitions into the next few. ^
  10. 00:56:913 (1) - I really really don't understand why you decided to NC here. I want to separate 00:56:339 (1,2) from 00:56:911 (1,2), as the two of them are completely different patterns, thus the usage of the NC.
  11. 01:05:770 (2) - The head of this feels like it's missing some drum effect. Possibly even the tail of the previous (1) as well if you follow 01:09:913 (1,2) - 's pattern Added a drum sampleset here.
  12. 01:20:056 (4) - Maybe somewhere around x208 y316 to help carry the flow better Done.
  13. 01:27:342 (2) - Is this double whistle intentional? yES.
  14. 01:36:056 (4,5) - how about placing these so they blanket the 01:35:199 (1,2) - | | It also creates a bit more downward flow to the upcoming note instead of a straight horizontal one that I personally find a bit uneasy to play. (ps. I don't play Insane difficulties) Actually, this was how I designed this part. However, I find the flow to be weird and it's hard to make a good pattern to continue this, so...
  15. The timing feels a bit off again around this section. I really don't know :? I personally find the timing here to be okay.
  16. 01:46:627 (1) - There isn't anything playing on the head of this note. Maybe you can adjust the patterns to make this slider start at 01:46:484 (7) - instead. It will also help maintain consistency with 01:44:199 (1) - Are you sure? I can clearly hear something here.
  17. 01:56:199 (4,5,6) - Try curving this a little to fit with the curve of 01:55:627 (1,2,3) - and help point the flow in the correct direction (even if a little) It'll also be kind of nice to blanket around the (1) Made them both straight instead.
  18. 02:04:770 (5,1) - Same reasoning as 1:46. It might mess up your patterning a bit, but it would suit the rhythm of the music one-hundred fold Same.
  19. 02:12:627 (3,4) - Move (3) to x306 y75 | Move (4) to x215 y41 | After this. Move the 02:12:913 (1) - as needed. | Pretties up, and creates symmetry I feel that a little more curving (?) here makes a better flow.
  20. 02:22:842 (3) - Is this spacing intentional? Might be better to make it even Oh shit.
  21. 02:42:056 (4,5,6,7) - Try swapping (4,5) | Next try moving (6,7) just a little beside (4,5) to get a back and forth flow going. Something like this: Took a weird way to get this done: 02:41:911 (3) - Moved this to (70,134).
  22. 02:54:913 (3) - This note definitely isn't snapped correctly It's Kiseki all over again.
  23. 03:09:484 (1,2) - how about something like this? | | uhh... I don't really have any reason why you should use this over the other. It just feels more comfortable I guess. I feel that the current sliders are nice enough to fit the music, and look more structured.
  24. 03:10:199 (2) - That cute double whistle again. I really don't understand it, but <3 <3
  25. 03:55:770 (1,2,3,4) - Try putting an addition drum finish on the tail of (1), a Normal hit on (2) | Addition Drum Finish on (3)'s tail, and finally a Normal on (4)'s head. This is to create some drum build-up. Hmm idk why, but I just feel that they don't fit with the map for some reason. I'll consider, though.
  26. 04:07:627 (2,3) - How about moving these to about x204 y292 to have a little bit more feeling with the previous slider. I can't feel any change at all, honestly lol. I'll keep the current positioning for now since it seems to be neater.
  27. 04:52:627 (6) - Clap feels a bit out of place. Maybe remove this? or change to one of your soft whistle/drum normal like the other notes you have in this section. Let's use the drum sampleset.
  28. 04:57:199 (3) - For proper scaling. Move this to x468 y151. | I honestly think it suits the combo all rising as it is and does create somewhat of a triangle effect with the upcoming slider. This one's intentional to give some kind of variety in flow, and I think it's the best way to do it here too, so...
  29. 05:08:627 (5) - With the gap from (3) to (4). This slider feels like it should be raised slightly more. Either this or maybe move 05:08:342 (4) - down a hair. Raised (5).
  1. Some of this I wonder if it's intentional. lol. Only use what you care about. I know you don't really care for stacks and such which is why I'm putting all these down here. To seperate the mildly helpful from the "who really cares" :P Let's get to the second round then!
  2. 00:12:199 (1) - If you're serious about blanketing. You can take this nazi. | Middle node: x51 y296 | Tail node: x47 y200 Played around with 00:13:768 (5)'s position instead.
  3. 00:25:199 (5) - More Nazi: -1 +2 to x364 y175 | This makes the patterns symmetrical again. Done.
  4. 00:32:913 (3) - Sometimes I wonder if you want me to point out 1px things that are noticeable in the editor but aren't in the game. Part of me thinks you are doing this on purpose XD. Anyways. Y -1 because of 00:31:913 (3) - Well this one won't be noticeable while playing and it's quite an effort to actually be able to move these stuff perfectly, so I guess no for this one.
  5. 00:48:627 (2) - Y -1 Fixed this one for the lulz (and since it's easier to fix).
  6. 01:17:484 (3) - Red node: x226 y219 | Symmerty and makes the point reflect the beat correctly. ...Tweaked this slider I suppose.
  7. 01:26:770 (4) - x283 y206 for a better blanket Done.
  8. 02:27:342 (2,4) - please ;_; I honestly can't tell if you're trolling me or not right now. (ps. stack these x226 y366 for (5)) ^ ;_;
  9. 02:44:770 (1) - Move the tail to x128 y336 for a blanket Tweaked the slider.
  10. 02:51:770 (1) - You can move the red node to x405 y356 for better symmetry. ^
  11. 03:46:342 (3) - Y +1 (260) Done.
  12. 04:13:770 (4) - Y -1 (207) | I think by now, you must have some reason for all this. X_x I'm starting to be sure that the editor is causing all these weirdness.
  13. 04:23:342 (2) - RIP whistle :( !revive
  14. 04:26:342 (4) - x312 y344 | Self explanitory hopefully.. If not. even balancing between these notes. Let's try (312,348).
  15. 04:26:627 (1) - Try moving the tail end to Roughtly x279 y53 | That brown combo is hard to adjust blankets for lol. Played around with the objects here.
  16. 05:12:484 (2,3,4,5,1,2) - Copy (3,5,2) | Delete (2,4,1) | Paste, rotate 180, and move the new (2,4,6) numbers to x320 y101 (which is your old location for (2) | There was a few numbers off here. | Don't forget to re-hitsound these and NC the (6) Umm, I honestly don't understand why should I do this. The current pattern works well with the pitch of the instruments.

Thanks! o/
Hi~ From my marathon modding queue. :3


-There is a strong blue color in combo colors. Maybe lighten it?
-Hitsounds are too loud. And I recommend custom hitsound? It would be better.
-Drums of Feelings : Bad diff name.


Polished nice diff, had a hard time modding this. :(

00:12:199 (2,3) - I guess curve? so (3) can properly blanket the tail of (1)
00:27:199 (1) - Bad NC. Unreadable to be a 1/2.
01:08:342 (4) - Does'nt really need to be wavy. There's somtehing I hear from the voice I can't explain.
01:12:342 (1) - This slider does'nt emphasize anything. Even though it's a start of a new section in the song, there's no acceptable reason from me to do a bad slider shape.
01:15:056 - I don't get why there should be a stack in the stream. I understand it's a style of mapping, But I just dont see it fit.
01:21:770 (2) - This curve is very bland to emphasize the reversing jumps (01:22:199 (3,4,5) - ) and also to blanket slider (1)!
01:24:770 (6) - How bout stack this to x 176 y 324? It will nicer flow in my opinion.
01:28:913 (1) - I dont understand why you should NC this. The instrument come in 4 not in 2, so I recommend to remove this NC.
02:10:056 (1) - 'Nother bad NC.
02:14:056 (1) - Bland slider. I badly want it to blanket with (2), but I just cant because it's your map.
03:14:056 (1) - Bad Nc again. Already explained.
04:16:770 (2) - You can improve this blanket , Am I right?
04:24:342 (1,2) - This sharp slider gray point angle is just too acute.
04:24:913 (1) - Bad NC. ;_;
04:25:199 (2) - Ctrl G I guess ? Better flow + it fits the song better.
05:12:056 (1) - Bland slider. You know what I think right?
05:15:199 (1) - Bad NC.

[Drums of Feelings]

Since I can play only until Muzukashii, I can say Muzukashii diffs has more 1/4 streams tha your diff, maybe try adding logical streams on this diff, especially on kiai time? (And even your osu! STD diff has more 1/4. hy? :<)

So that's all, good luck with your map. :D
Topic Starter

RenzMichael wrote:

Hi~ From my marathon modding queue. :3


-There is a strong blue color in combo colors. Maybe lighten it? Darkened it instead.
-Hitsounds are too loud. And I recommend custom hitsound? It would be better. The current hitsound is decent enough already, IMO.
-Drums of Feelings : Bad diff name. w0w r00d--- j/k; I do think that it sounds kinda weird, but it's hard to come up with something good for a Taiko diff here.


Polished nice diff, had a hard time modding this. :(

00:12:199 (2,3) - I guess curve? so (3) can properly blanket the tail of (1) Oh sure.
00:27:199 (1) - Bad NC. Unreadable to be a 1/2. I feel that it's readable as is.
01:08:342 (4) - Does'nt really need to be wavy. There's somtehing I hear from the voice I can't explain. I personally think that the waviness actually fits the vocal a lot.
01:12:342 (1) - This slider does'nt emphasize anything. Even though it's a start of a new section in the song, there's no acceptable reason from me to do a bad slider shape. Fine enough, since a lot of people said the same thing. Made it curved.
01:15:056 - I don't get why there should be a stack in the stream. I understand it's a style of mapping, But I just dont see it fit. I think it does, though. It's hard to explain, but it just feels comfortable to do this if a stream starts on a red tick.
01:21:770 (2) - This curve is very bland to emphasize the reversing jumps (01:22:199 (3,4,5) - ) and also to blanket slider (1)! Can't be helped; this is what I think goes well to keep the flow.
01:24:770 (6) - How bout stack this to x 176 y 324? It will nicer flow in my opinion. I'm doing the stacks to emphasize the vocal.
01:28:913 (1) - I dont understand why you should NC this. The instrument come in 4 not in 2, so I recommend to remove this NC. I use this to separate two different patterns in the stanza.
02:10:056 (1) - 'Nother bad NC. ^
02:14:056 (1) - Bland slider. I badly want it to blanket with (2), but I just cant because it's your map. Made this curved, at least.
03:14:056 (1) - Bad Nc again. Already explained. Nope. You should know the reason.
04:16:770 (2) - You can improve this blanket , Am I right? I guess so.
04:24:342 (1,2) - This sharp slider gray point angle is just too acute. Softened.
04:24:913 (1) - Bad NC. ;_; Uh no, it isn't...
04:25:199 (2) - Ctrl G I guess ? Better flow + it fits the song better. I feel that the flow becomes broken that way, actually.
05:12:056 (1) - Bland slider. You know what I think right? I... don't think so.
05:15:199 (1) - Bad NC. ^

[Drums of Feelings]

Since I can play only until Muzukashii, I can say Muzukashii diffs has more 1/4 streams tha your diff, maybe try adding logical streams on this diff, especially on kiai time? (And even your osu! STD diff has more 1/4. hy? :<) I will try to increase the note density.

So that's all, good luck with your map. :D

The Taiko diff is undergoing a massive reworking in order to increase the difficulty. Please don't mod it if possible until I strike this text! The rework is done! Feel free to mod!
please change back to the old taiko diff, for these reasons:

  1. 1) Just because it's an easy Oni it's not bad - actually, it's very nice to see in the huge pile of overmapped anime songs this year.
  2. 2) Too much overmap is bad anyway lol
  3. 3) It was better, had better emphasis and stuff

@RenzMichael: Never suggest something like this ever again, please
Topic Starter
Well I do think that it was waaaaay too easy, and I've been thinking of doing that since some people said it was... well, too easy. No need to blame on him... at least no need to fully blame it on him; he's merely a trigger that made me sure to do it :P

I don't have the old version of the Taiko diff any more, so I'm afraid I can't revert (really should have saved the older version as a backup lol).

I do realize that the previous version was good enough, but I feel that it couldn't complement the difficulty of the standard diff, and I think that with a little more work, I can flesh out the bad parts of the new version.

...But if I really must change it, then I'll try to get the old version back somehow. For now, I'll try to find the spots that are truly overmapped and reduce them, since I also feel that I overdid it at a few parts.

Thanks for the feedback!
Nwolf just throwing the old version here :>

gonna mod the diff soon
Topic Starter
Hmm, I guess I'll just flesh out the current version (just realized that I really overmapped a lot LOL), since I fixed a few crappy parts that are unrelated to the overmaps too. Should be done in 15 minutes or so.

Don't mod the Taiko diff yet until I strike this line! Yep, should be ready to mod now!
k then

[Drums of Feelings]

00:14:340 (80) - Maybe change to kat for snare emphasis (which you pretty much did most of the time)
00:38:269 (240) - Move this note 00:37:698 - here for more consistence and to give the kats around 240 more emphasis
00:40:269 (254) - Move to 00:39:983 - same reason
00:41:483 (262) - Big kat maybe cause drums?
00:49:198 (314) - Think there are too many dons here, change to kat
00:52:198 (332) - ^
01:00:198 (383) - If you have this as kat, 01:00:483 (385) - should be one too
01:16:912 (493) - Change to don, doesn't really fit
01:17:198 (495) - And then this to kat for vocal and snare
01:37:340 (643) - Kat for consistency
01:51:340 (741) - Why no big note for this too?
01:54:126 - If you want to, there's a note in the piano here :>
02:17:055 (891,893) - Trade those, fits song and the way you previously mapped better
03:06:483 (1224) - kat for vocals
03:07:198 (1230) - ^
04:06:126 - Add a note for the guitar
04:12:769 (1664,1666) - Trade
04:13:198 (1668) - Kat, vocals and too many dons

good luck^^
Here is a taiko mod requested via in PM :)

[ Drums of Feelings]

  1. 00:08:840 -try to add k here, to connect the next part more impressing
  2. 00:17:483 (103) - add finish here to enhance the guitar's accent with 00:16:340 (95,98) -
  3. 00:29:912 (183) - change to k based on vocal's pitch
  4. 00:31:483 (192) - ^
  5. 00:33:483 (208) - ^
  6. 00:39:483 (248) - ^
  7. 00:49:198 (314) - ^
  8. 00:52:055 (331,332,337) - ^
  9. 01:20:912 (521) - ^
  10. 01:32:912 (609) - ^
  11. 00:44:198 (280) - also change to k to follow the instrument's pitch
  12. 00:55:483 (355,356,357,358,359,360,361) - this pattern is a bit awkward to me, try to follow vocal like this?
  13. 01:16:055 (486,487,488,489,490,491,492,493,494,495,496,497,498,499,500) - i suggest you follow the vocal like this : as you used on 01:18:340 (502,503,507,508) -
  14. 01:29:483 (583,584,585,586,587) - try to use k kkd k to follow the vocal well
  15. 01:30:840 - add note to make a pattern as 01:29:626 (584,585,586) -

I stop mod on 01:34:055 - , this diff is overall fine but needs kat to follow the vocal/instrument's pitch :P

Good Luck~
Topic Starter

Nwolf wrote:

k then

[Drums of Feelings]

00:14:340 (80) - Maybe change to kat for snare emphasis (which you pretty much did most of the time) Done.
00:38:269 (240) - Move this note 00:37:698 - here for more consistence and to give the kats around 240 more emphasis I think I did... something else.
00:40:269 (254) - Move to 00:39:983 - same reason Done.
00:41:483 (262) - Big kat maybe cause drums? ^
00:49:198 (314) - Think there are too many dons here, change to kat ^
00:52:198 (332) - ^ ^
01:00:198 (383) - If you have this as kat, 01:00:483 (385) - should be one too ^
01:16:912 (493) - Change to don, doesn't really fit ^
01:17:198 (495) - And then this to kat for vocal and snare ^
01:37:340 (643) - Kat for consistency ^
01:51:340 (741) - Why no big note for this too? ^
01:54:126 - If you want to, there's a note in the piano here :> Added a don.
02:17:055 (891,893) - Trade those, fits song and the way you previously mapped better Done.
03:06:483 (1224) - kat for vocals ^
03:07:198 (1230) - ^ ^
04:06:126 - Add a note for the guitar Added a kat.
04:12:769 (1664,1666) - Trade Done.
04:13:198 (1668) - Kat, vocals and too many dons ^

good luck^^

qoot8123 wrote:

Here is a taiko mod requested via in PM :)

[ Drums of Feelings]

  1. 00:08:840 -try to add k here, to connect the next part more impressing Oh sure.
  2. 00:17:483 (103) - add finish here to enhance the guitar's accent with 00:16:340 (95,98) - ^
  3. 00:29:912 (183) - change to k based on vocal's pitch ^
  4. 00:31:483 (192) - ^ ^
  5. 00:33:483 (208) - ^ I feel that the pitch has already lowered here considerably, so...
  6. 00:39:483 (248) - ^ Done.
  7. 00:49:198 (314) - ^ It's already a kat, I think?
  8. 00:52:055 (331,332,337) - ^ Done.
  9. 01:20:912 (521) - ^ ^
  10. 01:32:912 (609) - ^ Already a kat.
  11. 00:44:198 (280) - also change to k to follow the instrument's pitch Done.
  12. 00:55:483 (355,356,357,358,359,360,361) - this pattern is a bit awkward to me, try to follow vocal like this? The current pattern follows the instruments, and I feel that it'll be more comfortable to play if I follow them than the vocals.
  13. 01:16:055 (486,487,488,489,490,491,492,493,494,495,496,497,498,499,500) - i suggest you follow the vocal like this : as you used on 01:18:340 (502,503,507,508) - Did everything except for the kkd; I personally feel that it sounds kinda weird.
  14. 01:29:483 (583,584,585,586,587) - try to use k kkd k to follow the vocal well Simply changed 01:29:483 (584) to a kat.
  15. 01:30:840 - add note to make a pattern as 01:29:626 (584,585,586) - Added a don.

I stop mod on 01:34:055 - , this diff is overall fine but needs kat to follow the vocal/instrument's pitch :P

Good Luck~
Thanks guys! :D
From Taiko NM request~

Drums of Feelings
00:45:912 k
00:47:055 k

01:08:340(435,437,438) change to k will be better following vocals pitch

01:12:340 k

01:13:340 d
01:13:483 K

*01:28:198 change to d, has obvious lower pitch than previous note. And maybe delete next note ( 01:28:340 ) which doesn't have clear sound

01:47:626 k

02:17:769 (898,899,900) I think kkk fits better

02:29:912 k

02:35:626 (1022,1023) k

02:40:626 and 02:41:055 also add finisher

02:51:483(1126,1127) k

03:07:626 k

03:09:555 and 03:09:698 add d

04:24:198 same suggestion as * above

04:29:698 move to 04:29:983 would be nice

04:40:198 k

04:43:483(1892,1893) k
Hello~ :3 Taiko M4M~.
[The lyrics about the SB]

  • I think these are wrong.
  1. 01:15:769 – , 04:11:769 - ~~ 答えなくいいん >> 答えなくていいん
  2. 01:29:483 - , 04:25:483 - ~~ 探ことが >> 探すことが
  3. 02:10:626 - ~~ いても >> 泣いても
  4. 02:30:055 - ~~ んで >> 並んで
  5. 02:42:626 - ~~ すぐにわるよ >> すぐに伝わるよ
  6. 02:52:340 - ~~ 勇気の欠片 >> 勇気の欠片
  7. 03:11:483 - ~~ 起きがって >> 起き上がって
  8. 03:23:483 - ~~約束とかいけど >> 約束とかいらないけど
My mod is for suggetions. if you dont like, ignore please.
d is Red Note.
k is Blue Note.
and, D ,K is finisher .. .
“+ ?” is I like pattern (※example→ add? , remove?
Big text is strong suggestion.

Taiko Mod
  1. 00:10:912 (58) - k ? pith is up here ?
  2. 00:18:483 (112) - k? follow the snare roll .?
  3. 00:24:626 (152,153,154,155) – how about change k,kkd? back sounds are high, I felt don soundsl are little noisy.
  4. 00:25:483 (159) – D ? , for emphasize to 00:26:483 (165) – K sound.
  5. 00:28:340 – delete? for little cool down , and (more) emphasize the part since 00:46:055 (289) - .
  6. 00:29:483 (179,180,181,182) – d,ddk >>> ddd, k ? reason is same as above. Decreasing authority.
  7. 00:30:626 – delete?
  8. 00:32:483 – delete?
  9. 00:37:483 (232) - , 00:39:769 (248,250) - ^ ?
  10. 00:55:483 (350,351,352,353,354,355) - kdddkd?
  11. 01:08:626 (431) - k? back base pitch is up here. I guess sounds good .
  12. 01:11:769 (449) – delete?
  13. and, 01:11:912 (450,451) – swap? uum,
  14. 01:19:769 (507,508,509) – ddd? Or 01:19:626 (506,507,508,509,510,511) – ddk,d,k,k ? not pitch up on 01:19:912 (509) -. If you want to use ddk, I suggest latter pattern.
  15. 01:50:483 (730,731,732,733,734) – d,d,ddk>>ddd,d,k ? for vocal..
  16. 02:12:340 (857,858) – delete? no drums.
  17. 02:15:626 (876) – delete? for cool down.
  18. 02:27:983 (960) – add don ? can hear snare roll.
  19. if you like, I suggest you to remove 02:20:626 (907) - .
  20. 02:33:412 (997) – add don ? same as 02:31:126 (980) -.
  21. 03:04:340 (1204) – d, and 03:04:483 (1205,1206) – either change to k? vocal & trumpet(?) are not up.
  22. 03:09:340 (1239) - k? guitar sounds high. Sounds good for me.
  23. 03:20:269 (1315) – add don?
  24. 03:24:555 (1345) -^ ?
  25. 03:49:483 (1506) – removing finisher….? certainly, finisher is good because sounds louder. However, I think no finisher is also good for emphasize 03:50:055 (1507,1508,1509,1510) – KKKK & making a variation.
  26. 03:58:055 (1554) – add finisher?
  27. 04:05:269 (1605) – delete? just my opinion, this triplet weird a bit for me.
  28. 04:10:769 (1644,1645,1646,1647,1648) – how about all k? for vocal~.
  29. and, 04:11:412 (1650) – remove ?
  30. 04:31:055 (1795) - k? or 04:31:340 (1797,1798) – swap?
  31. 05:02:626 (2012,2013,2014,2015) –dd,k >>d,ddk?
  32. 05:12:626 (2084,2085) – k,k?
  33. 05:16:626 (2109,2110) – make a same color…? pitch is not changed ..?
That’s all for me~ I thank you for reading it through ;)
Good Luck! :D


Hello~ :3 Taiko M4M~.
[The lyrics about the SB]

  • I think these are wrong.
  1. 01:15:769 – , 04:11:769 - ~~ 答えなくいいん >> 答えなくていいん
  2. 01:29:483 - , 04:25:483 - ~~ 探ことが >> 探すことが fixed
  3. 02:10:626 - ~~ いても >> 泣いても fixed
  4. 02:30:055 - ~~ んで >> 並んで fixed
  5. 02:42:626 - ~~ すぐにわるよ >> すぐに伝わるよ fixed
  6. 02:52:340 - ~~ 勇気の欠片 >> 勇気の欠片 added
  7. 03:11:483 - ~~ 起きがって >> 起き上がって
  8. 03:23:483 - ~~約束とかいけど >> 約束とかいらないけど added
which i didn't reply i guess they are correct since i made the lyrics based ... nolive.jis this page
thanks 4 checking :D
take my 99KB of osb
Topic Starter

mliencheng wrote:

From Taiko NM request~

Drums of Feelings
00:45:912 k I'm sure that the instrument here is weaker than 00:45:769, thus the usage of don.
00:47:055 k | Done!

01:08:340(435,437,438) change to k will be better following vocals pitch ^

01:12:340 k | ^

01:13:340 d ^
01:13:483 K | ^

*01:28:198 change to d, has obvious lower pitch than previous note. And maybe delete next note ( 01:28:340 ) which doesn't have clear sound Changed and moved that next note to 01:28:483.

01:47:626 k | Done.

02:17:769 (898,899,900) I think kkk fits better ^

02:29:912 k | ^

02:35:626 (1022,1023) k | ^

02:40:626 and 02:41:055 also add finisher ^

02:51:483(1126,1127) k | ^

03:07:626 k | ^

03:09:555 and 03:09:698 add d ^

04:24:198 same suggestion as * above ...Did stuff here I guess.

04:29:698 move to 04:29:983 would be nice But uh, is that fine? I mean, having a short stream just 1/4 beats before a finisher...

04:40:198 k | Done!

04:43:483(1892,1893) k | ^
Thank you!

I'll check Judy's mod soon.


Hello~ :3 Taiko M4M~.
My mod is for suggetions. if you dont like, ignore please.
d is Red Note.
k is Blue Note.
and, D ,K is finisher .. .
“+ ?” is I like pattern (※example→ add? , remove?
Big text is strong suggestion.

Taiko Mod
  1. 00:10:912 (58) - k ? pith is up here ? I'm sure it isn't increasing yet from 00:10:769.
  2. 00:18:483 (112) - k? follow the snare roll .? I think it's... better as is since the instrument is weaker than 00:18:340.
  3. 00:24:626 (152,153,154,155) – how about change k,kkd? back sounds are high, I felt don soundsl are little noisy. Done.
  4. 00:25:483 (159) – D ? , for emphasize to 00:26:483 (165) – K sound. ^
  5. 00:28:340 – delete? for little cool down , and (more) emphasize the part since 00:46:055 (289) - . The current rhythm is better, I think... I don't want to have too much gaps since it can make players feel awkward.
  6. 00:29:483 (179,180,181,182) – d,ddk >>> ddd, k ? reason is same as above. Decreasing authority. Done.
  7. 00:30:626 – delete? Nope; same reason as 00:28:340.
  8. 00:32:483 – delete? ^
  9. 00:37:483 (232) - , 00:39:769 (248,250) - ^ ? ^
  10. 00:55:483 (350,351,352,353,354,355) - kdddkd? Just made 00:55:483 (356) a kat.
  11. 01:08:626 (431) - k? back base pitch is up here. I guess sounds good . Isn't it already a kat?
  12. 01:11:769 (449) – delete? Oh, sure for this one.
  13. and, 01:11:912 (450,451) – swap? uum, ^
  14. 01:19:769 (507,508,509) – ddd? Or 01:19:626 (506,507,508,509,510,511) – ddk,d,k,k ? not pitch up on 01:19:912 (509) -. If you want to use ddk, I suggest latter pattern. I guess ddd is better.
  15. 01:50:483 (730,731,732,733,734) – d,d,ddk>>ddd,d,k ? for vocal.. Done.
  16. 02:12:340 (857,858) – delete? no drums. There are drum sounds. They might be kinda faint, but still significant enough.
  17. 02:15:626 (876) – delete? for cool down. No for the same reason as 00:28:340.
  18. 02:27:983 (960) – add don ? can hear snare roll. Done.
  19. if you like, I suggest you to remove 02:20:626 (907) - . Why? I'm sure that the instrument there needs to be mapped.
  20. 02:33:412 (997) – add don ? same as 02:31:126 (980) -. Done.
  21. 03:04:340 (1204) – d, and 03:04:483 (1205,1206) – either change to k? vocal & trumpet(?) are not up. ^
  22. 03:09:340 (1239) - k? guitar sounds high. Sounds good for me. ^
  23. 03:20:269 (1315) – add don? ^
  24. 03:24:555 (1345) -^ ? ^
  25. 03:49:483 (1506) – removing finisher….? certainly, finisher is good because sounds louder. However, I think no finisher is also good for emphasize 03:50:055 (1507,1508,1509,1510) – KKKK & making a variation. ^
  26. 03:58:055 (1554) – add finisher? ^
  27. 04:05:269 (1605) – delete? just my opinion, this triplet weird a bit for me. ^
  28. 04:10:769 (1644,1645,1646,1647,1648) – how about all k? for vocal~. ^
  29. and, 04:11:412 (1650) – remove ? ^
  30. 04:31:055 (1795) - k? or 04:31:340 (1797,1798) – swap? k'd.
  31. 05:02:626 (2012,2013,2014,2015) –dd,k >>d,ddk? Done.
  32. 05:12:626 (2084,2085) – k,k? ^
  33. 05:16:626 (2109,2110) – make a same color…? pitch is not changed ..? I'm pretty sure the pitch is lower on the last object.
That’s all for me~ I thank you for reading it through ;)
Good Luck! :D
I'll finish checking soon; thanks for now!

Yep, thanks guys!
From my queue

Drum of feelings

00:03:199 (13) - delete
00:13:555 (75) - k
00:14:840 (84,85) - Ctrl+G and then change 00:15:055 (86) - to k
00:22:983 (142) - k
01:28:626 (576) - k
01:33:769 (616) - k
03:35:626 (1433) - k
03:38:483 (1445) - k
04:29:626 (1793,1794,1795,1796) - k
04:52:055 (1947) - k

Good Luck ~ :)
Topic Starter

[I]MMoRTal[S] wrote:

From my queue

Drum of feelings

00:03:199 (13) - delete Sure.
00:13:555 (75) - k | ^
00:14:840 (84,85) - Ctrl+G and then change 00:15:055 (86) - to k | ^
00:22:983 (142) - k I think this one sounds weird since the pitch already got lowered there.
01:28:626 (576) - k | Done.
01:33:769 (616) - k | ^
03:35:626 (1433) - k | ^
03:38:483 (1445) - k | ^
04:29:626 (1793,1794,1795,1796) - k Only made 04:29:769 (1795) a kat.
04:52:055 (1947) - k | Done.

Good Luck ~ :)

Nwolf wrote:

please change back to the old taiko diff, for these reasons:

  1. 1) Just because it's an easy Oni it's not bad - actually, it's very nice to see in the huge pile of overmapped anime songs this year.
  2. 2) Too much overmap is bad anyway lol
  3. 3) It was better, had better emphasis and stuff

@RenzMichael: Never suggest something like this ever again, please
ye i also like those, but this for approval. love
- H i N a -
Hi~ M4M

I think this map is nearly perfect, so I can give a little suggestions for your map ;)

  1. 00:05:370 (2) - move to x:203 y:237 to stack with 00:06:484 (3)'s tail
  2. 00:08:197 (1) - move to x:100 y:259 to stack with 00:07:055 (5) ?
  3. 00:34:911 (2,4) - stack them ?
  4. 01:03:197 (1) - move to x:260 y:117 to stack with 01:04:339 (1)'s tail
  5. 01:10:625 (3,2) - stack them ?
  6. 01:17:911 (4,5) - ^
  7. 02:12:339 (1) - not completely stack, please move 02:12:339 (1) to x:280 y:55
  8. 02:18:197 (3,4,3) - not completely stack, move 02:18:197 (3,4) to x:241 y:195
  9. 02:20:625 (4,1,1) - stack them ?
  10. 03:32:339 (3,3) - ^
  11. 03:52:339 (1,1) - ^
  12. 04:27:197 (3,2) - stack 04:27:197 (3)'s head with 04:28:197 (2)'s tail ?
  13. 05:01:197 (2,1) - not completely stack, move 05:01:197 (2) to x:232 y:243
    Nice hitsounding! I can't find any hitsound problem :)
I hope it help you

Good Luck :D
Topic Starter

- H i N a - wrote:

Hi~ M4M

I think this map is nearly perfect, so I can give a little suggestions for your map ;)

  1. 00:05:370 (2) - move to x:203 y:237 to stack with 00:06:484 (3)'s tail Why should I?
  2. 00:08:197 (1) - move to x:100 y:259 to stack with 00:07:055 (5) ? ^
  3. 00:34:911 (2,4) - stack them ? Did this one.
  4. 01:03:197 (1) - move to x:260 y:117 to stack with 01:04:339 (1)'s tail This one isn't needed.
  5. 01:10:625 (3,2) - stack them ? Again, why?
  6. 01:17:911 (4,5) - ^ Okay, done.
  7. 02:12:339 (1) - not completely stack, please move 02:12:339 (1) to x:280 y:55 ^
  8. 02:18:197 (3,4,3) - not completely stack, move 02:18:197 (3,4) to x:241 y:195 This one's okay as is.
  9. 02:20:625 (4,1,1) - stack them ? ^
  10. 03:32:339 (3,3) - ^ ^
  11. 03:52:339 (1,1) - ^ Done.
  12. 04:27:197 (3,2) - stack 04:27:197 (3)'s head with 04:28:197 (2)'s tail ? Why?
  13. 05:01:197 (2,1) - not completely stack, move 05:01:197 (2) to x:232 y:243 Fixed, I think.
    Nice hitsounding! I can't find any hitsound problem :)
I hope it help you

Good Luck :D
Thanks, but next time try not to just mod imperfect stacks that won't affect anything in-game. I'll accept your M4M anyway since I'm feeling like it, but please don't make a mod like this any more. Thank you so much.
sorry for the super delay of laziness and school shits problems but here I am *give claps please.*
I'm not really into u's so probably I will miss some parts lol rip okay please kill me

[Drums of Feelings]
  1. Entah kenapa nama diffnya kok ruwet since std-nya cuma Affection
  2. 00:10:769 (56)- : Prefer k here, nyamain sama pattern sebelumnya
  3. 00:19:769 (118)- : prefer to delete this one, since gak ada yg bisa diikutin (kalaupun nyelesaiin pattern, seenggaknya patternnya selesai di 00:19:626 udah cukup kok)
  4. 00:22:769 (140)- : suara drumnya masih sama kea di 00:22:626 sama 00:22:912 , jadi disini dibikin k juga aja biar support musiknya
  5. 00:23:912 (147,148)- : swap aja jadi K D biar bikin variasi (musiknya sama kea 00:23:483 (145,146) tapi dibikin variasi dikit wont hurt lah, toh juga lagi cymbals)
  6. 00:24:769 (152,153,154,155,156,157,158)- : off sound imo. gimana kalo re arrange kek gini
  7. 00:26:340 (163)- : patternnya boring d berturut2, ganti aja jadi k disini, terus next circlenya jadi D, gimana? ((disini juga dikasih k jadi selesaiin aja patternnya 00:25:769((
  8. 00:36:626 (228,229,230)- : jadiin kkk ? biar sama kek pattern sebelumnya
  9. 00:47:198 (301)- ; biar agak support vocal, gimana kalo ini digeser ke 00:47:340 terus note selanjutnya dijadiin k
  10. 00:52:912 (338)- : disini gak ada apa2 dan sekalian support vocal, remove aja. terus 00:52:769 dibikin d biar support next pattern
  11. 00:56:055 (359,360,361)- : gimana kalau dibikin k d d aja biar pas? patternnya kea maksa imo
  12. 00:57:340 (368)- : suara drum ((apalah itu(( yg ada di 367/note sebelumnya masih ada lho, jadiin ini k juga aja biar support drumnya
  13. 01:05:198 (416)- : dijadiin k disini? patternnya sebenernya bisa divariasikan daripada dd dd imo, kalau disini diganti k juga bisa bantu pattern yg ini 01:06:055
  14. 01:06:912 (425)- : jadiin d aja, k gak fit juga gak support apa-apa ((pattern ddkddk juga lebih enak imo((
  15. 01:10:769 (448)- : jadiin k biar support musik?
  16. 01:16:912 (492)- : suara drum ataupun bass ataupun vocal disini gak ada, remove aja
  17. 01:18:055 - : sebaliknya, disini malah ada, add d aja
  18. 01:32:198 (603)- : lebih baik diganti k biar support musik sama patternnya lebih enak imo
  19. 01:35:198 (627)- : sama kek 01:16:912
  20. 01:46:269 - : ada suara drum disini, add d aja
  21. 02:04:055 (817)- : biar support pattern sebelumnya, ubah jadi k?
  22. 02:29:912 (980)- : kok keanya k-nya maksa ya, ganti aja jadi d biar support bass-nya
  23. 02:30:340 (982)- : ganti jadi k ?
  24. 02:31:340 (990- : remove aja, disin kosong lho
  25. 02:35:769 (1022)- : support bass, jadi d aja
  26. 02:39:912 (1051,1053)- : swip aja 1051 jadi d 1053 jadi k. ngesupport musiknya better. 1051 suara drum(((ya(( masih sama kea disini 02:39:769 terus suara drum di 1053 sama dengan suara drum di 1052/note sebelumnya
  27. 02:42:198 (1063,1064,1065,1066)- : kok gak pas ya imo. coba kea gini

    add k di 02:42:483 terus remove 02:42:769 itu lebih ngikutin musik sih
  28. 02:46:269 (1091)- : k?
  29. 02:53:626 (1138)- : suara drumnya sama kea selanjutnya, ikutin aja disini jadi k biar support
  30. 03:05:055 - : bassnya lagi asik kok gaada note disini ;w;. add d aja, terus 03:05:626 yg ini di remove
  31. 03:10:198 - : entahlah suara terompet atau apa itu, udah ada disini sama next note, ganti ini jadi k aja
  32. 03:12:340 (1265,1271)- : swap aja jadi d k, lebih pas imo
  33. 03:29:483 - : geser aja ini ke 03:29:626, lebih pas. well kalau mau support vocal sama bassnya
  34. 03:52:483 (1530)- : dibagian sini kan ngikut drum di lagunya, ganti aja ini jadi k. soalnya next note punya suara yg sama kea bagian sini
  35. 03:56:198 (1552)- : ^
  36. 03:57:126 - : add note, ada suara drum disini
  37. 04:04:769 (1612)- : ada suara drum yg sama kea note sebelumnya, ganti jadi k juga dong
  38. 04:14:198 (1680)- : geser ini ke 04:14:055 supaya support bass. toh disini juga gaada suara apa-apa ;w;
  39. 04:34:626 (1830)- : biar nyamain kek pattern selanjutnya, jadiin D ?
  40. 04:38:483 (1858,1859)- : swap, lebih pas
  41. 04:51:555 - : remove, gak support apa-apa imo. kalau applied, note selanjutnya jadiin k aja biar support musiknya
  42. 05:01:769 (2017,2018,2019)- : k d K is better
  43. 05:04:269 - : add d aja, ada drum disini, sama next notenya jadi k aja
  44. 05:11:483 (2088,2089)- : swap aja D: lebih pas imo
sorry for the poor mod and good luck!
Topic Starter

10nya wrote:

sorry for the super delay of laziness and school shits problems but here I am *give claps please.*
I'm not really into u's so probably I will miss some parts lol rip okay please kill me

[Drums of Feelings]
  1. Entah kenapa nama diffnya kok ruwet since std-nya cuma Affection Ngebedain antara standard sama Taiko lol
  2. 00:10:769 (56)- : Prefer k here, nyamain sama pattern sebelumnya Done.
  3. 00:19:769 (118)- : prefer to delete this one, since gak ada yg bisa diikutin (kalaupun nyelesaiin pattern, seenggaknya patternnya selesai di 00:19:626 udah cukup kok) ^
  4. 00:22:769 (140)- : suara drumnya masih sama kea di 00:22:626 sama 00:22:912 , jadi disini dibikin k juga aja biar support musiknya ^
  5. 00:23:912 (147,148)- : swap aja jadi K D biar bikin variasi (musiknya sama kea 00:23:483 (145,146) tapi dibikin variasi dikit wont hurt lah, toh juga lagi cymbals) Dipertimbangin dulu deh; rasanya yang sekarang lebih bagus sih.
  6. 00:24:769 (152,153,154,155,156,157,158)- : off sound imo. gimana kalo re arrange kek gini Done.
  7. 00:26:340 (163)- : patternnya boring d berturut2, ganti aja jadi k disini, terus next circlenya jadi D, gimana? ((disini juga dikasih k jadi selesaiin aja patternnya 00:25:769(( k K.
  8. 00:36:626 (228,229,230)- : jadiin kkk ? biar sama kek pattern sebelumnya Done.
  9. 00:47:198 (301)- ; biar agak support vocal, gimana kalo ini digeser ke 00:47:340 terus note selanjutnya dijadiin k ^
  10. 00:52:912 (338)- : disini gak ada apa2 dan sekalian support vocal, remove aja. terus 00:52:769 dibikin d biar support next pattern ^
  11. 00:56:055 (359,360,361)- : gimana kalau dibikin k d d aja biar pas? patternnya kea maksa imo ^
  12. 00:57:340 (368)- : suara drum ((apalah itu(( yg ada di 367/note sebelumnya masih ada lho, jadiin ini k juga aja biar support drumnya ^
  13. 01:05:198 (416)- : dijadiin k disini? patternnya sebenernya bisa divariasikan daripada dd dd imo, kalau disini diganti k juga bisa bantu pattern yg ini 01:06:055 ^
  14. 01:06:912 (425)- : jadiin d aja, k gak fit juga gak support apa-apa ((pattern ddkddk juga lebih enak imo(( ^
  15. 01:10:769 (448)- : jadiin k biar support musik? ^
  16. 01:16:912 (492)- : suara drum ataupun bass ataupun vocal disini gak ada, remove aja ^
  17. 01:18:055 - : sebaliknya, disini malah ada, add d aja ^
  18. 01:32:198 (603)- : lebih baik diganti k biar support musik sama patternnya lebih enak imo ^
  19. 01:35:198 (627)- : sama kek 01:16:912 ^
  20. 01:46:269 - : ada suara drum disini, add d aja ^
  21. 02:04:055 (817)- : biar support pattern sebelumnya, ubah jadi k? ^
  22. 02:29:912 (980)- : kok keanya k-nya maksa ya, ganti aja jadi d biar support bass-nya ^
  23. 02:30:340 (982)- : ganti jadi k ? ^
  24. 02:31:340 (990- : remove aja, disin kosong lho ^
  25. 02:35:769 (1022)- : support bass, jadi d aja ^
  26. 02:39:912 (1051,1053)- : swip aja 1051 jadi d 1053 jadi k. ngesupport musiknya better. 1051 suara drum(((ya(( masih sama kea disini 02:39:769 terus suara drum di 1053 sama dengan suara drum di 1052/note sebelumnya ^
  27. 02:42:198 (1063,1064,1065,1066)- : kok gak pas ya imo. coba kea gini ^

    add k di 02:42:483 terus remove 02:42:769 itu lebih ngikutin musik sih
  28. 02:46:269 (1091)- : k? ^
  29. 02:53:626 (1138)- : suara drumnya sama kea selanjutnya, ikutin aja disini jadi k biar support ^
  30. 03:05:055 - : bassnya lagi asik kok gaada note disini ;w;. add d aja, terus 03:05:626 yg ini di remove ^ ;w;
  31. 03:10:198 - : entahlah suara terompet atau apa itu, udah ada disini sama next note, ganti ini jadi k aja ^
  32. 03:12:340 (1265,1271)- : swap aja jadi d k, lebih pas imo ^
  33. 03:29:483 - : geser aja ini ke 03:29:626, lebih pas. well kalau mau support vocal sama bassnya ^
  34. 03:52:483 (1530)- : dibagian sini kan ngikut drum di lagunya, ganti aja ini jadi k. soalnya next note punya suara yg sama kea bagian sini ^
  35. 03:56:198 (1552)- : ^ ^
  36. 03:57:126 - : add note, ada suara drum disini ^
  37. 04:04:769 (1612)- : ada suara drum yg sama kea note sebelumnya, ganti jadi k juga dong ^
  38. 04:14:198 (1680)- : geser ini ke 04:14:055 supaya support bass. toh disini juga gaada suara apa-apa ;w; ^
  39. 04:34:626 (1830)- : biar nyamain kek pattern selanjutnya, jadiin D ? Umm kenapa? IMO kayak gini juga udah pas...
  40. 04:38:483 (1858,1859)- : swap, lebih pas k.
  41. 04:51:555 - : remove, gak support apa-apa imo. kalau applied, note selanjutnya jadiin k aja biar support musiknya ^
  42. 05:01:769 (2017,2018,2019)- : k d K is better ^
  43. 05:04:269 - : add d aja, ada drum disini, sama next notenya jadi k aja IMO yang sekarang udah cukup bagus kok ._.
  44. 05:11:483 (2088,2089)- : swap aja D: lebih pas imo ^
sorry for the poor mod and good luck!
  1. i think the timing needs more work imo.
    00:03:370 - should be checked Omit first barline.
    00:03:798 - add red line. it will work for correct barline on taiko mode.
    00:04:913 - add red line there. the bass drum sound is a bit early. therefore, the current timing makes lag on 00:05:227 (23,24,25,26) -.
    00:05:913 - 00:07:198 - remove these red lines.

  2. also, im really not good at timingcheck. if you possible, please ask other people about that.

[ Taiko]
  1. 00:09:626 (50) - remove this one in the same way as 00:18:770 -
  2. 00:18:484 (111) - should be k because this part has actually the drumroll sound.
  3. 00:27:198 (165,166) - sounds weird for me. those are the same sound but there is no consistency. so you should add or remove finisher.
  4. 01:03:341 - i feel kkk here. current pattern is also working, too. but the snaredrum sound is really strong.
  5. 01:03:626 (404) - remove? "a pause" sounds better for me.
  6. 01:14:340 (467) - should be changed to k. it fits better for the drum.
  7. 01:31:626 (596) - k, too. pitch of vocal is rising yet.
  8. 02:25:626 (946,947) - what for? i think this pattern should swap to follow the drum sound.
  9. 03:44:769 (1482) - i guess you have followed the cymbal sound in this part. so should be changed to finisher?
i have omitted the same suggestion.
overall, the taiko diff is not bad. some points have really amazing pattern. but conversely, some points make me boring.
like this one 00:22:912 (140,141,142) - . this diff has a lot of kdds. honestly, i dont recommend this pattern in many cases. i feel that it sounds like converted diff from standard diff and i guess that it makes boring for many players.
so, in that case. you can move 00:22:912 (140,141) - these kd to 00:22:841 - . then, it becomes a general pattern of taiko diff.
i feel that the taiko diff needs more mods yet. well, you can be improved taiko diff absolutely. because its really not bad on the whole. ;)


  1. 00:06:484 (3) - *Nazi* but the stacking disgust me, just one of my pet peeves in maps, fix the stacking for me here please , it's incorrect at the end of the slider.
  2. 00:11:482 (4) - Oh my goodness this high spacing here, isn't really necessary OTL, I'd rather you reduce spacing here to give more comfortable flow with the upcoming notes , you'll get the same effect with a slightly decreased spacing.
  3. 00:20:911 (1,2) - Why the weird stacking here? I'd prefer you change this to the slider because the stacking circles has no flow to it and the drum sounds should be kept going in my opinion.
  4. 00:52:911 (1,2) - ^ but different placement of course.
  5. 00:23:054 (4) - The sound here isn't strong enough, so the large spacing isn't really needed perhaps you could use regular spacing here or decrease the spacing more? I know your trying to emphasize the jump to the next note but it can still be there if you decrease the spacing of this note , which is simple to do and won't ruin your pattern.
  6. 00:24:768 (2,3,4,5,6) - Why stack them? you could still make the great pattern if you place them unstacked, here's a pattern you could try out :
  7. 00:40:054 (5) - I think you missed a whistle here , there a harp sound here and you add whistles according to this sound, at least at the previous parts in the map.
  8. 00:40:911 (3) - You could move the note upwards, so the tail could be blanketed by the slider at 00:41:482 (1) - , it's really close but at it's current state not, also probably adjust next slider too so your pattern could not be broken.
  9. 00:56:911 (1) - I don't think the new combo should be here? it's totally unnecessary, this combo is really easy and doesn't fit well and kinda makes the map too easy with the drain
  10. 01:11:625 (2) - This note needs a total increase of spacing, the momentum is totally destroyed when you put notes like these super close to the previous notes, when you do large spacing and suddenly small spacing.
  11. 01:24:339 (3,4,5,6) - I'd prefer you use slider's here you'll get better effect and the extra stacked note has no real vocals on it, so it seems unnecessary, try this :

    it fit's better and be creative on your patterns :D
  12. 01:36:197 (5) - The flow would be better here if you placed them like a triangle here, instead of directly left of the previous note, it makes this jump a little major , but then again its your choice.
  13. 01:42:768 (2) - I'd prefer you unstack them here, use regular DS for this note is better here, it's really short and you could make better flow with them being unstacked.
  14. 01:43:768 (1) - THe new combo here is't needed its inconsistent with 01:24:339 (3) - and should be fixed, so the consistency is fixed and also the hp drain here is meh.
  15. 01:46:482 (7,1) - As I can see your trying to improve your blankets, I'd like you to move this to the right more so the blanket you have here is much better.
  16. 01:51:482 (2) - A drum whistle fit's nicely to here instead of the drum sampleset? maybe add a whistle here with the drum sampleset so the flow here is still good?
  17. 02:09:339 (1,2,3,1) - I see a great oppurtunity for a pattern here, instead of stacking them you could make them have a ladder like effect, where you adjust the note's like this :
  18. 02:19:482 (4,1) - The vocals here are more prominent in the end at slider 4, and I'd feel the approach would be better if you used two circles, instead so probably try this?

  19. 02:31:768 (1) - I'd recommend you remove the new combo here like said already many times, it changed the drain and makes the map a little bit too easy, and this is way too easy to play.
  20. 02:39:625 (2,3) - Meh I don't like the position of this note, way too diff drop here, you should totally increase spacing here since this is too easy to play and makes the high AR funny, I think the best solution is Ctrl+G both of then? just their positions though. or you could do this :
  21. 02:45:482 (4) - These back and forth jumps would be totally easier to read if you could add a new combo to them , they're literally a new pattern by themselves to be honest.
  22. 03:06:482 (1,2) - Another one of those "easy plays" you should really make all parts like those much better personally they are way too easy and unbalance the other parts of your map.
  23. 03:09:482 (1) - New combo isn't needed here, already explained too.
  24. 03:23:197 (1) - ^
  25. 03:12:197 (5) - Move them up more? the triangle design suggestion I gave before should apply here too because it makes the jump a little bit more lax and flow better.
  26. 03:18:768 (1,2,3) - Meeeeh, I really hate these, really a bad build-up in momentum if you ask me. I think you could turn this into a reverse arrow slider instead?

    That pattern fits much better in my eyes, since momentum is better that way and the unneeded clicking is fixed.
  27. 03:30:339 (4) - I would move this slightly to the right so they could overlap, personally the overlap here would make this a little bit more readable since it is getting completely overlapped but the high AR still makes it readable.
  28. 03:49:482 (4) - You could of added some more notes towards the end of the slider to comphromize for the missing sounds you didn't map to which are the piano here, really this part seems undermapped , and I feel some more stream towards this part would make it more fun , and since there is a break after , It slowly gives break after this hard part anyway.

  29. 04:52:339 (5) - New combo here would fit better in my eyes, that long stream after is going to hurt.
Topic Starter

TKS wrote:

  1. i think the timing needs more work imo.
    00:03:370 - should be checked Omit first barline. Done.
    00:03:798 - add red line. it will work for correct barline on taiko mode. ^
    00:04:913 - add red line there. the bass drum sound is a bit early. therefore, the current timing makes lag on 00:05:227 (23,24,25,26) -. ^
    00:05:913 - 00:07:198 - remove these red lines. Why? They are needed to make the timing more correct.

  2. also, im really not good at timingcheck. if you possible, please ask other people about that.

[ Taiko]
  1. 00:09:626 (50) - remove this one in the same way as 00:18:770 - Done.
  2. 00:18:484 (111) - should be k because this part has actually the drumroll sound. ^
  3. 00:27:198 (165,166) - sounds weird for me. those are the same sound but there is no consistency. so you should add or remove finisher. D K'd.
  4. 01:03:341 - i feel kkk here. current pattern is also working, too. but the snaredrum sound is really strong. Done.
  5. 01:03:626 (404) - remove? "a pause" sounds better for me. ^
  6. 01:14:340 (467) - should be changed to k. it fits better for the drum. ^
  7. 01:31:626 (596) - k, too. pitch of vocal is rising yet. ^
  8. 02:25:626 (946,947) - what for? i think this pattern should swap to follow the drum sound. ^
  9. 03:44:769 (1482) - i guess you have followed the cymbal sound in this part. so should be changed to finisher? ^
i have omitted the same suggestion.
overall, the taiko diff is not bad. some points have really amazing pattern. but conversely, some points make me boring.
like this one 00:22:912 (140,141,142) - . this diff has a lot of kdds. honestly, i dont recommend this pattern in many cases. i feel that it sounds like converted diff from standard diff and i guess that it makes boring for many players.
so, in that case. you can move 00:22:912 (140,141) - these kd to 00:22:841 - . then, it becomes a general pattern of taiko diff.
i feel that the taiko diff needs more mods yet. well, you can be improved taiko diff absolutely. because its really not bad on the whole. ;)

I am... honestly not sure how should I give more variation to a song like this anymore. What you're seeing is pretty much my interpretation of the song if mapped as a Taiko diff. But okay, since I'm not that skilled in Taiko yet, I guess this can still be improved a lot. Followed your last suggestion btw.

I'll check Tari's mod soon.

Tari wrote:



  1. 00:06:484 (3) - *Nazi* but the stacking disgust me, just one of my pet peeves in maps, fix the stacking for me here please , it's incorrect at the end of the slider. I feel that stacks fit the song here so yeah...
  2. 00:11:482 (4) - Oh my goodness this high spacing here, isn't really necessary OTL, I'd rather you reduce spacing here to give more comfortable flow with the upcoming notes , you'll get the same effect with a slightly decreased spacing. Reduced.
  3. 00:20:911 (1,2) - Why the weird stacking here? I'd prefer you change this to the slider because the stacking circles has no flow to it and the drum sounds should be kept going in my opinion. Again, I just feel that it fits the song since (2) is... "under" (1) in the song too, I guess? I don't know how to express it, but I just can feel that (2) is pretty much a subtler (1) or something.
  4. 00:52:911 (1,2) - ^ but different placement of course. ^
  5. 00:23:054 (4) - The sound here isn't strong enough, so the large spacing isn't really needed perhaps you could use regular spacing here or decrease the spacing more? I know your trying to emphasize the jump to the next note but it can still be there if you decrease the spacing of this note , which is simple to do and won't ruin your pattern. Sure.
  6. 00:24:768 (2,3,4,5,6) - Why stack them? you could still make the great pattern if you place them unstacked, here's a pattern you could try out : Once again, I feel that a stack at (4,6) fits how the instruments are played pretty nicely and so does the entirety of the pattern.
  7. 00:40:054 (5) - I think you missed a whistle here , there a harp sound here and you add whistles according to this sound, at least at the previous parts in the map. There is no trumpet (?) notes like 00:40:339 (1), so yeah.
  8. 00:40:911 (3) - You could move the note upwards, so the tail could be blanketed by the slider at 00:41:482 (1) - , it's really close but at it's current state not, also probably adjust next slider too so your pattern could not be broken. Sure.
  9. 00:56:911 (1) - I don't think the new combo should be here? it's totally unnecessary, this combo is really easy and doesn't fit well and kinda makes the map too easy with the drain It's to split the 00:56:339 (1,2) and 00:56:911 (1,2) pattern.
  10. 01:11:625 (2) - This note needs a total increase of spacing, the momentum is totally destroyed when you put notes like these super close to the previous notes, when you do large spacing and suddenly small spacing. Done.
  11. 01:24:339 (3,4,5,6) - I'd prefer you use slider's here you'll get better effect and the extra stacked note has no real vocals on it, so it seems unnecessary, try this : The stacks are nice enough to follow the instruments that follow the vocals, though. That's why they're there and that's why they're placed like that.

    it fit's better and be creative on your patterns :D
  12. 01:36:197 (5) - The flow would be better here if you placed them like a triangle here, instead of directly left of the previous note, it makes this jump a little major , but then again its your choice. This is magical. Done!
  13. 01:42:768 (2) - I'd prefer you unstack them here, use regular DS for this note is better here, it's really short and you could make better flow with them being unstacked. No. I think I don't need to explain anymore, am I...? ._.
  14. 01:43:768 (1) - THe new combo here is't needed its inconsistent with 01:24:339 (3) - and should be fixed, so the consistency is fixed and also the hp drain here is meh. Well uh... This is to split this pattern from the previous one, which is completely different and unrelated to the pattern on this combo.
  15. 01:46:482 (7,1) - As I can see your trying to improve your blankets, I'd like you to move this to the right more so the blanket you have here is much better. Moved downward instead.
  16. 01:51:482 (2) - A drum whistle fit's nicely to here instead of the drum sampleset? maybe add a whistle here with the drum sampleset so the flow here is still good? Drum whistle feels... excessive IMO.
  17. 02:09:339 (1,2,3,1) - I see a great oppurtunity for a pattern here, instead of stacking them you could make them have a ladder like effect, where you adjust the note's like this : That looks nice, but a pattern that involves stacking like this fits the song better IMO.
  18. 02:19:482 (4,1) - The vocals here are more prominent in the end at slider 4, and I'd feel the approach would be better if you used two circles, instead so probably try this? ...Are you sure about that? I think a slider is following the vocals better rather than two circles since the vocal is "connected" ._.

  19. 02:31:768 (1) - I'd recommend you remove the new combo here like said already many times, it changed the drain and makes the map a little bit too easy, and this is way too easy to play. No, no. Once again, this is to separate this pattern from the previous one. I'm sure as hell they look totally different to each other...
  20. 02:39:625 (2,3) - Meh I don't like the position of this note, way too diff drop here, you should totally increase spacing here since this is too easy to play and makes the high AR funny, I think the best solution is Ctrl+G both of then? just their positions though. or you could do this : Did... things.
  21. 02:45:482 (4) - These back and forth jumps would be totally easier to read if you could add a new combo to them , they're literally a new pattern by themselves to be honest. Sure.
  22. 03:06:482 (1,2) - Another one of those "easy plays" you should really make all parts like those much better personally they are way too easy and unbalance the other parts of your map. Umm, how can this be too easy?
  23. 03:09:482 (1) - New combo isn't needed here, already explained too. Part of a different pattern.
  24. 03:23:197 (1) - ^ ^
  25. 03:12:197 (5) - Move them up more? the triangle design suggestion I gave before should apply here too because it makes the jump a little bit more lax and flow better. Sure.
  26. 03:18:768 (1,2,3) - Meeeeh, I really hate these, really a bad build-up in momentum if you ask me. I think you could turn this into a reverse arrow slider instead?

    That pattern fits much better in my eyes, since momentum is better that way and the unneeded clicking is fixed. It'd kill the emphasis on the white tick. Also, I think it fits the song way better like how it is now.
  27. 03:30:339 (4) - I would move this slightly to the right so they could overlap, personally the overlap here would make this a little bit more readable since it is getting completely overlapped but the high AR still makes it readable. A complete overlap makes it go along with the song better. It's hard to explain concretely but... yeah, that's what I feel, personally.
  28. 03:49:482 (4) - You could of added some more notes towards the end of the slider to comphromize for the missing sounds you didn't map to which are the piano here, really this part seems undermapped , and I feel some more stream towards this part would make it more fun , and since there is a break after , It slowly gives break after this hard part anyway. I'll think about this. I feel that it's okay as is, though.

  29. 04:52:339 (5) - New combo here would fit better in my eyes, that long stream after is going to hurt. Sure.
Hello Hinsvar and Xinely !
Here is a very short mod about the storyboard so no kd please :

[ General]
  1. I just wanna suggest something about the storyboard :
    When the text "SB by Xinely" disappear, it would be cool to make the letters fade out from inside to go outside and not from outside to go inside, letters should just keep their paths when they shift and disappear but not like the text "DIFF by Hinsvar" just calmly, it will looks better after that imo.

That was my short mod, I can't mod the "Affection" diff because I can't play it so I don't know how to mod it :( I just hope you will accept this suggestion ! :oops:

Thanks for reading,

Good luck ! :)

+sorry for my bad english :/
Ujimatsu Chiya
yo~ try m4m. :3

  1. your missing cheak AI-mod. lol

  2. remove this file. >> u's - Bokura no LIVE Kimi to no LIFE (Hinsvar).osb
  1. 00:03:941 (1) - Would not it be better if you used this rhythm? more better heard sounds with front of Objects
  2. 00:07:197 (1) - balnk feel unnatural. cheak with 00:06:484 (3) head. looks feel batter. ' ㅅ'
  3. 00:08:197 (1) - overlap with 00:07:055 (5) . feel better than the stack.
  4. The shape of the slider is so straightforward. I think not good to play by. Do not do this if you follow naturally?
  5. 00:16:768 (3,4) - This also is too awkward to follow. Why do not you change the slider position and the shape of the circle?
  6. 00:21:911 (8,1) - change a slider? The rhythm seems to be good.
  7. 00:34:482 (4,1) - Is there another way? Does not feel good. ;w;
  8. 00:35:625 (5,1) - When the switch is better to sound.
  9. 00:41:197 (4) - change two circle?
  10. 00:48:768 (3) - recommend ctrl + G or re-place 00:48:625 (2) . awkward with 00:48:339 (1,2) follow and It's too difficult to follow directions.
  11. 00:54:911 (5,6) - umm.. ctrl+G ? owo
  12. 00:57:197 (2) - I think the stream is better.
  13. 02:15:625 (2,3,4) - How about this place?
  14. 02:33:054 (3) - try this shape.
  15. 03:09:768 (2) - ctrl+G?
  16. 03:32:339 (3) - ^
  17. How about this place?
  18. 04:29:554 - How about add circle here? more fun to play. =w=

(ノ>∨<)ノ GOGO!!
From your M4M queue! But this mod is bonus!
Yea support u's! o/

just for a slot
hello owo/ m4m from ur queue

general stuff

・at first i tesplayed this and if ure interested heres a replay. as a player i can only say that some jumps are way tooooo huge, really D: and first 2 (if im not mistaken) spacing streams starting with 3 stacked notes are hard to catch. after checking them in editor i noticed that they have inconsistent spacing. you could fix them without grid snap o.o
・maybe its just me but the combo colour 4 is way too dark (especially with 100% dim) and pretty much differs from the whole picture of those colours. also 8 and 6 are kind of too 'common' if you went with some neon ones at first.. o.o just wondering what do you think about these
Combo1 : 192,225,77
Combo2 : 255,128,64
Combo3 : 60,255,255
Combo4 : 166,156,104
Combo5 : 20,51,194
Combo6 : 45,255,150
Combo7 : 236,51,55
Combo8 : 230,0,230
・previewtime in affection diff is 1ms earlier lol


・00:08:911 (1,2,3,4) - talking about big jumps.. umm 00:09:197 (3,4,1) - this one suits those music beats perfectly while 00:08:911 (1,2) - feels pretty huge. what about make the spacing like.. rising here, starting with a bit lowering it with (1,2)? i mean for example this: (2)1.61(3)1.94(1)2.24(2)2.40(3)2,71(4). try it?

00:08:911 (1) - 312|336
00:09:054 (2) - 335|142
00:09:197 (3) - 200|301
00:09:339 (4) - 432|290
visually its almost the same but makes sense while playing
also i fee like nc should be there 00:09:197 (3) - , instead of there 00:08:911 (1) - . + there would be no followpoint and would emphasize this part better
・00:13:482 (3,4,5,6) - and this one was hard to cath, too. exactly the (6) one. could you lower spacing a bit between (5,6) by putting 6 a bit upper, like to 423|171?
・00:29:911 (5,1) - i've read that you like those stacks but exactly in this place im sure that would suit if you keep the movement there. what about smth like this
・01:11:625 (2,3) - a bit nazi but while playing i had a wish to make them a bit more bouncing, maybe you could round these a bit
・01:16:197 (2,3) - i don like the fact the they starts on red ticks, i mean, you can hear the beats there 01:16:339 - , (also that 'ku' in vocal part!) and there 01:16:482 - . mind changing the pattern there with placing 2 notes? like you did there 01:18:625 (3,4) -
01:34:482 (2,3) - same
04:12:197 (2,3) -
・01:21:339 (4,1) - i'd suggest follow only vocals there and dont invent a beat on that white tick, there is no sound ;_; and some more places in suchs parts, the rhythm feels kind of awkward
・01:56:625 (2) - whistle should be there and there 01:56:054 (3) - , instead of 01:56:339 (6) - , if youre following that whistle sound
・02:09:911 (3,1) - i have a feeling that these ncs are better be swapped?
05:15:054 (3,1) -
・02:21:768 (5) - rotate this one a bit for smoother flow after (4)
・02:58:625 (1,2,3) - i'd suggest put nc on these guys, 1/3 is pretty much unpredictable.
03:48:911 (1,2,3) - and there as well
・03:15:339 (3) - could blanket this with (1)? youre making symmetrical patterns rarely and this is part is full of symmetry. + there 03:14:625 (1) - starts new couplet and after this youre actually not following the symmetry.
・03:29:768 (2,4) - up to you ofcourse but i always hated things like this, the (4) feels like a circle cause and of (2) didnt dissapear still and you 99% cant predict a slider there once again. could be just imo though
・03:35:911 (3,1) - maybe blanket~ ;о
・04:47:768 (1,2,1) - mmmmmmm you may want to add a whistle to first (1) to make consistensy with this 01:51:768 (1,2,1) -

thats all from me i think, gl owo/ my map if u will mod back :о its in WIP because im waiting for other mode gd, all diffs are finished
M4M from your queue

Mod Info

  1. Black: Suggestions
  2. Bold: Important things. You should consider
  3. Red: Unrankable issues. You Must Fix

  • Insane
  1. 00:45:482 (1,2,3,4) - this jump is really awkward to me. imo jumo between 3 4 should bigger than 1 2. because 3 is the high pitch. I think this will be better. also stack 00:45:339 (5,2) - these two.
  2. 00:24:054- I think the 0.75x is not necessary here. why not make 00:23:197 (1,2,3) - like this. same slider and blanket each other. If you use this, dont forget ctrl+H on 00:25:054 (6,7,8) -
  3. 00:39:625 (2,3,4) - small distance here is really sudden. because you use jump other place with similar music.
  4. 01:04:339- this part is really soft. 0.75x is still a little fast for me. 0.5x or 0.6 is really nice to me. and why not use small DS on this part? 01:06:339 (4,5,1) - this kind of jump is really confuse to me in this part! actually I cant feel the different from this part with others when I am playing this.
  5. 01:11:625 (2,3,4) - change the rhythm here to this will be better imo. and dont forget to change the hitsound.
  6. 01:16:197- the rhythm here is also strange. because you just follow the drum but cant express the vocal. maybe you can try this to express both drum and vocal.
  7. 01:43:197 (1) - suggest you change this to a 1/1 slider to express the vocal here.
  8. 01:21:197 (3,4) - ctrl+G. stack is not fit this
  9. 01:44:054 (2,1) - a jump between these two is nice to me. because the vocal 'wo' is really strong. something like this
  10. 02:04:482 (4,5) - change this to a reverse slider because of the music. btw, stack 02:04:339 (3,4) - is not a good idea. I mean this. 02:04:339 (3) - is blanket with 02:04:911 (1) - and 02:04:482 (4) - is stack with the tail of 02:05:197 (2) -
  11. 02:05:482 (1,2) - change these to 4 notes please! because they are four different and strong drums. slider end cant express them.
  12. 03:31:054 (2,3) - why not use a note with a 1/1 slider to catch the vocal here.or make a triple from 03:31:339- . you can hear the drum 03:31:411- here. actually many place have 1/4 drum but you just use 1/2. it will be a little boring for a hard app map full of 1/2. more 1/4 plz~

hope this mod can help you :)
Topic Starter

eINess wrote:

yo~ try m4m. :3

  1. your missing cheak AI-mod. lol lol

  2. remove this file. >> u's - Bokura no LIVE Kimi to no LIFE (Hinsvar).osb But it's used for the SB.
  1. 00:03:941 (1) - Would not it be better if you used this rhythm? more better heard sounds with front of Objects I'm sure the current rhythm is the best that could be used.
  2. 00:07:197 (1) - balnk feel unnatural. cheak with 00:06:484 (3) head. looks feel batter. ' ㅅ' ^
  3. 00:08:197 (1) - overlap with 00:07:055 (5) . feel better than the stack.
  4. The shape of the slider is so straightforward. I think not good to play by. Do not do this if you follow naturally? ...I'm not sure of what to do here. Also I'm sure the shape is okay.
  5. 00:16:768 (3,4) - This also is too awkward to follow. Why do not you change the slider position and the shape of the circle? Did a little readjustment.
  6. 00:21:911 (8,1) - change a slider? The rhythm seems to be good. It's better as is.
  7. 00:34:482 (4,1) - Is there another way? Does not feel good. ;w; ^
  8. 00:35:625 (5,1) - When the switch is better to sound. Sure.
  9. 00:41:197 (4) - change two circle? A slider goes better here.
  10. 00:48:768 (3) - recommend ctrl + G or re-place 00:48:625 (2) . awkward with 00:48:339 (1,2) follow and It's too difficult to follow directions. Did stuff.
  11. 00:54:911 (5,6) - umm.. ctrl+G ? owo It'll break the flow here.
  12. 00:57:197 (2) - I think the stream is better. A stream won't fit.
  13. 02:15:625 (2,3,4) - How about this place? Why?
  14. 02:33:054 (3) - try this shape. ^
  15. 03:09:768 (2) - ctrl+G? The flow is better this way
  16. 03:32:339 (3) - ^ ^
  17. How about this place?
  18. 04:29:554 - How about add circle here? more fun to play. =w=

(ノ>∨<)ノ GOGO!!

Aka wrote:

hello owo/ m4m from ur queue

general stuff

・at first i tesplayed this and if ure interested heres a replay. as a player i can only say that some jumps are way tooooo huge, really D: and first 2 (if im not mistaken) spacing streams starting with 3 stacked notes are hard to catch. after checking them in editor i noticed that they have inconsistent spacing. you could fix them without grid snap o.o This is intended for those with a high skill level, so the jumps are pretty much justified IMO, and I always try to make sure that they fit the song while not becoming overboard. I did reduce the spacing for a few crazier jumps though. Also, which streams are you mentioning? I'm sure there's nothing wrong.
・maybe its just me but the combo colour 4 is way too dark (especially with 100% dim) and pretty much differs from the whole picture of those colours. also 8 and 6 are kind of too 'common' if you went with some neon ones at first.. o.o just wondering what do you think about these
Combo1 : 192,225,77
Combo2 : 255,128,64
Combo3 : 60,255,255
Combo4 : 166,156,104
Combo5 : 20,51,194
Combo6 : 45,255,150
Combo7 : 236,51,55
Combo8 : 230,0,230
I am really, really sure the current combo colour set is fine and doesn't affect gameplay + designing. This is designed to follow the u's' members too, so yeah.
・previewtime in affection diff is 1ms earlier lol Fixed.


・00:08:911 (1,2,3,4) - talking about big jumps.. umm 00:09:197 (3,4,1) - this one suits those music beats perfectly while 00:08:911 (1,2) - feels pretty huge. what about make the spacing like.. rising here, starting with a bit lowering it with (1,2)? i mean for example this: (2)1.61(3)1.94(1)2.24(2)2.40(3)2,71(4). try it? Only reduced 00:08:911 (1,2)'s spacing.

00:08:911 (1) - 312|336
00:09:054 (2) - 335|142
00:09:197 (3) - 200|301
00:09:339 (4) - 432|290
visually its almost the same but makes sense while playing
also i fee like nc should be there 00:09:197 (3) - , instead of there 00:08:911 (1) - . + there would be no followpoint and would emphasize this part better Added an NC on (3) but kept (1) as I think that mares more sense.
・00:13:482 (3,4,5,6) - and this one was hard to cath, too. exactly the (6) one. could you lower spacing a bit between (5,6) by putting 6 a bit upper, like to 423|171? Rearranged the circles.
・00:29:911 (5,1) - i've read that you like those stacks but exactly in this place im sure that would suit if you keep the movement there. what about smth like this I'm pretty sure a stack goes the best alongside the song, especially the vocal.
・01:11:625 (2,3) - a bit nazi but while playing i had a wish to make them a bit more bouncing, maybe you could round these a bit Did things by myself.
・01:16:197 (2,3) - i don like the fact the they starts on red ticks, i mean, you can hear the beats there 01:16:339 - , (also that 'ku' in vocal part!) and there 01:16:482 - . mind changing the pattern there with placing 2 notes? like you did there 01:18:625 (3,4) - I still feel that this fits the song well, though...
01:34:482 (2,3) - same ^
04:12:197 (2,3) - ^
・01:21:339 (4,1) - i'd suggest follow only vocals there and dont invent a beat on that white tick, there is no sound ;_; and some more places in suchs parts, the rhythm feels kind of awkward Pretty sure there's an instrument sound.
・01:56:625 (2) - whistle should be there and there 01:56:054 (3) - , instead of 01:56:339 (6) - , if youre following that whistle sound I don't think there's anything I can hitsound here...?
・02:09:911 (3,1) - i have a feeling that these ncs are better be swapped? Why?
05:15:054 (3,1) - ^
・02:21:768 (5) - rotate this one a bit for smoother flow after (4) Okay.
・02:58:625 (1,2,3) - i'd suggest put nc on these guys, 1/3 is pretty much unpredictable. I'm sure these are readable considering their distance.
03:48:911 (1,2,3) - and there as well ^
・03:15:339 (3) - could blanket this with (1)? youre making symmetrical patterns rarely and this is part is full of symmetry. + there 03:14:625 (1) - starts new couplet and after this youre actually not following the symmetry. Got stuff done here.
・03:29:768 (2,4) - up to you ofcourse but i always hated things like this, the (4) feels like a circle cause and of (2) didnt dissapear still and you 99% cant predict a slider there once again. could be just imo though I can assure you that this is fine.
・03:35:911 (3,1) - maybe blanket~ ;о Why? I feel that it's okay this way.
・04:47:768 (1,2,1) - mmmmmmm you may want to add a whistle to first (1) to make consistensy with this 01:51:768 (1,2,1) - Adding on the first one should be enough.

thats all from me i think, gl owo/ my map if u will mod back :о its in WIP because im waiting for other mode gd, all diffs are finished

kamisamaaa wrote:

M4M from your queue

Mod Info

  1. Black: Suggestions
  2. Bold: Important things. You should consider
  3. Red: Unrankable issues. You Must Fix

  • Insane
  1. 00:45:482 (1,2,3,4) - this jump is really awkward to me. imo jumo between 3 4 should bigger than 1 2. because 3 is the high pitch. I think this will be better. also stack 00:45:339 (5,2) - these two. Did stuff.
  2. 00:24:054- I think the 0.75x is not necessary here. why not make 00:23:197 (1,2,3) - like this. same slider and blanket each other. If you use this, dont forget ctrl+H on 00:25:054 (6,7,8) - It's because the music gets weaker here.
  3. 00:39:625 (2,3,4) - small distance here is really sudden. because you use jump other place with similar music. Made the spacing bigger.
  4. 01:04:339- this part is really soft. 0.75x is still a little fast for me. 0.5x or 0.6 is really nice to me. and why not use small DS on this part? 01:06:339 (4,5,1) - this kind of jump is really confuse to me in this part! actually I cant feel the different from this part with others when I am playing this. 0.75x should be good already IMO. I seriously can't see why can't you feel te difference.
  5. 01:11:625 (2,3,4) - change the rhythm here to this will be better imo. and dont forget to change the hitsound. Nope; I'm sure this is better already.
  6. 01:16:197- the rhythm here is also strange. because you just follow the drum but cant express the vocal. maybe you can try this to express both drum and vocal. ...Seriously, I can't see why is this wrong.
  7. 01:43:197 (1) - suggest you change this to a 1/1 slider to express the vocal here. I'm also following the instruments.
  8. 01:21:197 (3,4) - ctrl+G. stack is not fit this It does fit, especially with the vocal.
  9. 01:44:054 (2,1) - a jump between these two is nice to me. because the vocal 'wo' is really strong. something like this I feel that stacks actually go better with this part.
  10. 02:04:482 (4,5) - change this to a reverse slider because of the music. btw, stack 02:04:339 (3,4) - is not a good idea. I mean this. 02:04:339 (3) - is blanket with 02:04:911 (1) - and 02:04:482 (4) - is stack with the tail of 02:05:197 (2) - A slider followed a circle follows the instruments better.
  11. 02:05:482 (1,2) - change these to 4 notes please! because they are four different and strong drums. slider end cant express them. They can. Trust me.
  12. 03:31:054 (2,3) - why not use a note with a 1/1 slider to catch the vocal here.or make a triple from 03:31:339- . you can hear the drum 03:31:411- here. actually many place have 1/4 drum but you just use 1/2. it will be a little boring for a hard app map full of 1/2. more 1/4 plz~ I prefer following the instruments, and the instruments on the blue ticks in this song are mainly very faint to the point where they'll be awkward to map and play. I'll stay this way because I don't want to go too far and ruin this map just because I add unnecessary objects for the sake of making an approval/marathon map hard. A marathon map doesn't mean creating a map with a massive artificial difficulty, you know.

hope this mod can help you :)

some adjusted timing
  1. added lines 00:01:484 - and 00:02:637 - since it does drag a bit here, and helps line it up with 00:03:225 - (which was moved back to avoid the downbeat on red ticks) and 00:03:796 -
  2. tks was correct about 00:05:913 - and 00:07:198 - , it's worse having them there since it puts the downbeat on red ticks unnecessarily. in fact, they weren't snapped to the original bpm correctly (was 1ms off) so you'll need to pull the rest back into place
  1. 03:18:768 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - i think this is harder than you're intending it to be, since it forces the player to stop on the stacked triple, and then do the quick spaced stream up to the next note. most of my misses in that play were from nearly failing on this
  2. 01:15:054 (4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I guess this falls under the same category as the one above, although it's a bit less drastic since the map is still slower here
i wanna circle this, call me back sometime and i'll look a bit harder
Topic Starter

captin1 wrote:

some adjusted timing
  1. added lines 00:01:484 - and 00:02:637 - since it does drag a bit here, and helps line it up with 00:03:225 - (which was moved back to avoid the downbeat on red ticks) and 00:03:796 -
  2. tks was correct about 00:05:913 - and 00:07:198 - , it's worse having them there since it puts the downbeat on red ticks unnecessarily. in fact, they weren't snapped to the original bpm correctly (was 1ms off) so you'll need to pull the rest back into place ...Fine enough. Fixed the timing.
  1. 03:18:768 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - i think this is harder than you're intending it to be, since it forces the player to stop on the stacked triple, and then do the quick spaced stream up to the next note. most of my misses in that play were from nearly failing on this Okay, since apparently so many people did screw up here, I guess I'll just make a consistently spaced stream.
  2. 01:15:054 (4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I guess this falls under the same category as the one above, although it's a bit less drastic since the map is still slower here This one is... necessary IMO. The music here just asks for that way more than the other similar parts. At least that's what I feel.
i wanna circle this, call me back sometime and i'll look a bit harder
prpr ganbare~
no kd
  1. 00:35:627 (5,1,2,3,4,5) - these seem surprisingly large compared to the music here and to the later section of this 02:18:627 - , would suggest cutting back on these jumps a bit
  2. 00:48:770 (3) - try a ctrl+g on this, feels more fluid, and this spot doesn't feel like a large jump to me anyways
  3. 00:56:913 (1) - not seeing the need for this NC. it'd be a good idea to cut back a bit on NC spam for a map like this, since they'll force the drain higher than it should be. of course i'm not saying get rid of it all, but some of these don't really need to be here, mainly the 2 1/2 slider groups
  4. 00:57:913 (2) - I get why you'd want to have this as long relax point, but imo putting a little stress on these heavy red ticks, especially the finish on 00:58:484 - , is more important. try at least putting clicks on them like 02:40:341 -
  5. 01:40:913 - to me it just seems like you randomly decided to go with half bar phrases for your NC pattern here, and then switched back at an equally random time.
  6. 02:23:770 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - the spacing of this stream doesn't fit well with the difficulty of the section around it, try reducing the spacing just a bit
  7. 02:26:627 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - here it seems like the rhythm should be switched from what it currently is, during the 1/2 sliders you have a clear melody on all four beats, and then where the circles are is just drum filler
  8. 03:29:770 (2,4) - would highly recommend unstacking these two just a bit, since they overlap perfectly even in play right now
  9. 03:31:055 (2) - swap for two circles? to hit the strong vocal note on 03:31:198 -
  10. 04:42:055 (4,5) - sounds like you're missing 1/4 in the drum here, might be cooler to have a bit more difficulty here by mapping it
  11. 05:12:484 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - :( this is so easy to get a random miss on. not saying you have to change, but this may make people sad lol
Topic Starter

captin1 wrote:

no kd
  1. 00:35:627 (5,1,2,3,4,5) - these seem surprisingly large compared to the music here and to the later section of this 02:18:627 - , would suggest cutting back on these jumps a bit Let's see if I did this right.
  2. 00:48:770 (3) - try a ctrl+g on this, feels more fluid, and this spot doesn't feel like a large jump to me anyways Remapped this part.
  3. 00:56:913 (1) - not seeing the need for this NC. it'd be a good idea to cut back a bit on NC spam for a map like this, since they'll force the drain higher than it should be. of course i'm not saying get rid of it all, but some of these don't really need to be here, mainly the 2 1/2 slider groups This is used to indicate that 00:56:341 (1,2) and 00:56:913 (1,2) are separate patterns. It would be weird for them to be on the same combo.
  4. 00:57:913 (2) - I get why you'd want to have this as long relax point, but imo putting a little stress on these heavy red ticks, especially the finish on 00:58:484 - , is more important. try at least putting clicks on them like 02:40:341 - ...Did stuff I think?
  5. 01:40:913 - to me it just seems like you randomly decided to go with half bar phrases for your NC pattern here, and then switched back at an equally random time. Okay, I guess this one doesn't need an NC.
  6. 02:23:770 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - the spacing of this stream doesn't fit well with the difficulty of the section around it, try reducing the spacing just a bit Sure.
  7. 02:26:627 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - here it seems like the rhythm should be switched from what it currently is, during the 1/2 sliders you have a clear melody on all four beats, and then where the circles are is just drum filler ^
  8. 03:29:770 (2,4) - would highly recommend unstacking these two just a bit, since they overlap perfectly even in play right now Okay then, since a few people already complained about this.
  9. 03:31:055 (2) - swap for two circles? to hit the strong vocal note on 03:31:198 - Done.
  10. 04:42:055 (4,5) - sounds like you're missing 1/4 in the drum here, might be cooler to have a bit more difficulty here by mapping it ^
  11. 05:12:484 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - :( this is so easy to get a random miss on. not saying you have to change, but this may make people sad lol Well I think this is the best pattern for the music and... yeah ):
raised od to 8.5

:3~ gl!
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