Hello, and welcome to this post. Please have a seat. ╞╕
Experiment 00 is a dark, minimalist skin, that aims to provide players with an efficient environment, with the smallest amount of distractions possible.
This skin was composed according to my own taste and to player suggestions. If you find any way to improve it, please feel free to share it via this thread or via MP.
This skin is made from scratch, however, I found inspiration in my favorite skins to this day : Minimalist Miku and Luminance, you may want to check these out as well.
Feel free to give it a try if you like it or if you have some time to kill. I am always open to suggestions and any constructive criticism is welcome.
Main features
• Dark theme
• Minimalistic
• Easy to read
• Moderate contrast (does not cause too much eye strain)
• A nice set of extras to further customize the skin to your liking
Quick notes
• Recommended for any type of players. This skin should suit you even in the hardest difficulties. If it does not, please let me know, and I will work towards improving it according to your suggestions and requests.
• It is highly recommended to play with background dim 80-100% when using this skin
• If you want to play with background/storyboard/videos on, you can find an opaque hitcircle in the extras folder
Current version : OSK Download / ZIP Download (2.0.0)
Previous versions
OSK Download / ZIP Download (v1.0.0)
OSK Download / ZIP Download (v1.1.0)
OSK Download / ZIP Download (v1.1.1)
OSK Download / ZIP Download (v1.1.0)
OSK Download / ZIP Download (v1.1.1)
Current version
Increased clarity and readability
• Sharper, less blurry STD gameplay elements
• Released
User interface
• Multiplayer
• Removed a few useless extras (smoke trails, color schemes etc)
• Added a few gameplay-related extras
• Still TODO... Maybe in 2.1 ?
• Sharper, less blurry STD gameplay elements
- - HitCircle
- HitCircleOverlay
- ApproachCircle
- SliderBall
- SliderFollowCircle (extra)
- Cursor
- - SliderBall (extra)
- Spinner
- Cursor
- - 0%, 30%, 60%, 100% fill opacity
- Thin / medium / thick inner color circle
- Thin / medium "floaty" inner color circle (extra)
• Released
User interface
• Multiplayer
- - added skinning for "skipped" icon
- added skinning for "winner" box
- - "Unranked" text is now also skinned in SD (oops)
• Removed a few useless extras (smoke trails, color schemes etc)
• Added a few gameplay-related extras
• Still TODO... Maybe in 2.1 ?
Old changelogs
Changelog for 1.0.0 :
- Released
- Full Standard skinning
Changelog for 1.1.0 :
• New mod Icons (At last)
• Resized and readjusted difficulty stars and some texts
• New extras :
- Difficulty stars (circles)
- New combo color schemes
- Custom smoke trails
• Added more .psd files to allow players to customize more elements
• Added a readme with .psd editing guide, and list of files and filenames
• The character font used in this skin, Geo Sans Light, is now included in the .zip and .osk
• Changed a few sounds. The skin sounds better now.(homemade sounds planned for 1.2.0)
Changelog for 1.1.1 :
• Changed the selection icons (on the bottom of songselect)
• Added a menu background(I will most likely change it soon though)
• Repackaged the .osk to fix some potential issues
- Released
- Full Standard skinning
Changelog for 1.1.0 :
• New mod Icons (At last)
• Resized and readjusted difficulty stars and some texts
• New extras :
- Difficulty stars (circles)
- New combo color schemes
- Custom smoke trails
• Added more .psd files to allow players to customize more elements
• Added a readme with .psd editing guide, and list of files and filenames
• The character font used in this skin, Geo Sans Light, is now included in the .zip and .osk
• Changed a few sounds. The skin sounds better now.
Changelog for 1.1.1 :
• Changed the selection icons (on the bottom of songselect)
• Added a menu background
• Repackaged the .osk to fix some potential issues
Custom HP bar
I will include a .psd file for anyone who wants to add his name to the HP bar.
If you happen to not have any .psd editing software at hand, you can download and use Gimp which is a free alternative to photoshop. You only need to know how to open a file and use the text tool, which should take you approximately 2 minutes to learn.

My own HP bar, at last *o*

This is the default

Please don't ban me

Empty bar (the part of the bar with your name also disappears)
Note : There are a few text variations in the extra folder for the HP bar background.
Note2 : There is no easter egg here.
If you happen to not have any .psd editing software at hand, you can download and use Gimp which is a free alternative to photoshop. You only need to know how to open a file and use the text tool, which should take you approximately 2 minutes to learn.
My own HP bar, at last *o*
This is the default
Please don't ban me
Empty bar (the part of the bar with your name also disappears)
Note : There are a few text variations in the extra folder for the HP bar background.
Note2 : There is no easter egg here.
New Hitcircles
From left to right : 0%, 30%, 60%, 100% opacity
From top to bottom : Thin, Normal, Thick color circle
I tried going with thicker color circles but the result was, in my humble opinion, not fitted to my skin nor to my gameplay, thus I did not include them.

Same thing with a background for better appreciation

These hitcircles seem to be trendy these days so I included these in the extras for the players who are more used to using them.
(Yes, this sentence makes sense.)

From top to bottom : Thin, Normal, Thick color circle
I tried going with thicker color circles but the result was, in my humble opinion, not fitted to my skin nor to my gameplay, thus I did not include them.
Same thing with a background for better appreciation
These hitcircles seem to be trendy these days so I included these in the extras for the players who are more used to using them.
(Yes, this sentence makes sense.)
SliderBall / SliderFollowCircle
Left to right : Sliderball (default), More visible Sliderball (extra), SliderFollowCircle (extra)

Left one is the previous cursor (v1) and middle one is the new default, updated one. Right one is a request. As it looks pretty nice, I included it in the extras.

Miku decided she didn't want to work as a spinner-metre anymore.
(She is still there for you in the extra folder if you miss her)

(She is still there for you in the extra folder if you miss her)
- [Garin] for his awesome Minimalist Miku skin.
- Uruoki for the most elaborated skin I know, Luminance and for the very complete feedback and suggestions about my skin
Test Subjects and helpful people
- Myu (Standard / Taiko test subject, a good friend of mine)
- Seunie- (Standard test subject... Also my sister)
- Juuryoushin (Taiko skinning advice)
- Astar (Standard test subject, also a nice person to talk about tomato juice with)
Character font - Geo Sans Light
FAQ and how-to
How do I install the skin ?
1 : Click on the "Download OSK" link or on the "OSK" part of the big download picture above
2 : Once you arrive on mediafire, click the beautiful green "Download" button on your right and save it somewhere
3 : Once the download is complete, open the file : osu will automatically install the skin for you
4 : Profit !
How do I change the HP bar name in the .psd file ?
1 : Select the text layer by clicking it
2 : Click anywhere on the text to select it, then select all of it and replace with your name
3 : CTRL + SHIFT + S (save as...) -> "scorebar-colour@2x.png"
4 : Alt + Ctrl + I -> check "keep proportions" and divide height or width by 2
5 : CTRL + SHIFT + S -> "scorebar-colour.png"
6 : Cancel the resizing and exit (or exit without saving)
I don't understand D:
1 : Send me a PM with title "HP bar - <yourname>" e.g. "HP bar - peppy" or "HP bar - -Potato-"
2 : ???
3 : Profit !
How do I send you a PM ?
1 : Click on my nickname
2 : Click on the small mail icon under my profile picture
Alternatively you can also just click here
How do I use any of the extra thingies ?
1 : go to C:\Program Files (x86)\osu!\Skins\Experiment 00 v2.0.0\Extras
2 : Navigate to any content you may like to use as a replacement in the main skin
3 : Copy all the files in the folder you are currently in (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\osu!\Skins\Experiment 00 v2.0.0\Extras\Cursor\Light Gray)
4 : Go back to the main skin folder : C:\Program Files (x86)\osu!\Skins\Experiment 00 v2.0.0
5 : Ctrl + V (paste) and when asked to overwrite, click Yes
How do I restore the default thingies ?
Same procedure as when you want to use extra thingies, except this time you are looking for the folders with "DEFAULT" in the name in the extra folder.
Why ?
1 : Click on the "Download OSK" link or on the "OSK" part of the big download picture above
2 : Once you arrive on mediafire, click the beautiful green "Download" button on your right and save it somewhere
3 : Once the download is complete, open the file : osu will automatically install the skin for you
4 : Profit !
How do I change the HP bar name in the .psd file ?
1 : Select the text layer by clicking it
2 : Click anywhere on the text to select it, then select all of it and replace with your name
3 : CTRL + SHIFT + S (save as...) -> "scorebar-colour@2x.png"
4 : Alt + Ctrl + I -> check "keep proportions" and divide height or width by 2
5 : CTRL + SHIFT + S -> "scorebar-colour.png"
6 : Cancel the resizing and exit (or exit without saving)
I don't understand D:
1 : Send me a PM with title "HP bar - <yourname>" e.g. "HP bar - peppy" or "HP bar - -Potato-"
2 : ???
3 : Profit !
How do I send you a PM ?
1 : Click on my nickname
2 : Click on the small mail icon under my profile picture
Alternatively you can also just click here
How do I use any of the extra thingies ?
1 : go to C:\Program Files (x86)\osu!\Skins\Experiment 00 v2.0.0\Extras
2 : Navigate to any content you may like to use as a replacement in the main skin
3 : Copy all the files in the folder you are currently in (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\osu!\Skins\Experiment 00 v2.0.0\Extras\Cursor\Light Gray)
4 : Go back to the main skin folder : C:\Program Files (x86)\osu!\Skins\Experiment 00 v2.0.0
5 : Ctrl + V (paste) and when asked to overwrite, click Yes
How do I restore the default thingies ?
Same procedure as when you want to use extra thingies, except this time you are looking for the folders with "DEFAULT" in the name in the extra folder.
Why ?