
[STD | Taiko] Experiment 00 - v2.0 - Dark minimalist skin

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Hello, and welcome to this post. Please have a seat. ╞╕

Experiment 00 is a dark, minimalist skin, that aims to provide players with an efficient environment, with the smallest amount of distractions possible.
This skin was composed according to my own taste and to player suggestions. If you find any way to improve it, please feel free to share it via this thread or via MP.
This skin is made from scratch, however, I found inspiration in my favorite skins to this day : Minimalist Miku and Luminance, you may want to check these out as well.

Feel free to give it a try if you like it or if you have some time to kill. I am always open to suggestions and any constructive criticism is welcome.

Main features
• Dark theme
• Minimalistic
• Easy to read
• Moderate contrast (does not cause too much eye strain)
• A nice set of extras to further customize the skin to your liking

Quick notes
• Recommended for any type of players. This skin should suit you even in the hardest difficulties. If it does not, please let me know, and I will work towards improving it according to your suggestions and requests.
• It is highly recommended to play with background dim 80-100% when using this skin
• If you want to play with background/storyboard/videos on, you can find an opaque hitcircle in the extras folder



Current version : OSK Download / ZIP Download (2.0.0)


Current version
Increased clarity and readability
• Sharper, less blurry STD gameplay elements
  • - HitCircle
    - HitCircleOverlay
    - ApproachCircle
    - SliderBall
    - SliderFollowCircle (extra)
    - Cursor
• Brighter, more visible STD gameplay elements
  • - SliderBall (extra)
    - Spinner
    - Cursor
• New HitCircles
  • - 0%, 30%, 60%, 100% fill opacity
    - Thin / medium / thick inner color circle
    - Thin / medium "floaty" inner color circle (extra)
Taiko skinning
• Released

User interface
• Multiplayer
  • - added skinning for "skipped" icon
    - added skinning for "winner" box
• SD compatibility
  • - "Unranked" text is now also skinned in SD (oops)
• Removed a few useless extras (smoke trails, color schemes etc)
• Added a few gameplay-related extras

• Still TODO... Maybe in 2.1 ?

Old changelogs
Changelog for 1.0.0 :
- Released
- Full Standard skinning

Changelog for 1.1.0 :
• New mod Icons (At last)
• Resized and readjusted difficulty stars and some texts
• New extras :
- Difficulty stars (circles)
- New combo color schemes
- Custom smoke trails
• Added more .psd files to allow players to customize more elements
• Added a readme with .psd editing guide, and list of files and filenames
• The character font used in this skin, Geo Sans Light, is now included in the .zip and .osk
• Changed a few sounds. The skin sounds better now.(homemade sounds planned for 1.2.0)

Changelog for 1.1.1 :
• Changed the selection icons (on the bottom of songselect)
• Added a menu background(I will most likely change it soon though)
• Repackaged the .osk to fix some potential issues


Custom HP bar
I will include a .psd file for anyone who wants to add his name to the HP bar.
If you happen to not have any .psd editing software at hand, you can download and use Gimp which is a free alternative to photoshop. You only need to know how to open a file and use the text tool, which should take you approximately 2 minutes to learn.

My own HP bar, at last *o*

This is the default

Please don't ban me

Empty bar (the part of the bar with your name also disappears)
Note : There are a few text variations in the extra folder for the HP bar background.
Note2 : There is no easter egg here.

New Hitcircles
From left to right : 0%, 30%, 60%, 100% opacity
From top to bottom : Thin, Normal, Thick color circle
I tried going with thicker color circles but the result was, in my humble opinion, not fitted to my skin nor to my gameplay, thus I did not include them.

Same thing with a background for better appreciation

These hitcircles seem to be trendy these days so I included these in the extras for the players who are more used to using them.
(Yes, this sentence makes sense.)

SliderBall / SliderFollowCircle
Left to right : Sliderball (default), More visible Sliderball (extra), SliderFollowCircle (extra)

Left one is the previous cursor (v1) and middle one is the new default, updated one. Right one is a request. As it looks pretty nice, I included it in the extras.

Miku decided she didn't want to work as a spinner-metre anymore.
(She is still there for you in the extra folder if you miss her)


- [Garin] for his awesome Minimalist Miku skin.
- Uruoki for the most elaborated skin I know, Luminance and for the very complete feedback and suggestions about my skin

Test Subjects and helpful people
- Myu (Standard / Taiko test subject, a good friend of mine)
- Seunie- (Standard test subject... Also my sister)
- Juuryoushin (Taiko skinning advice)
- Astar (Standard test subject, also a nice person to talk about tomato juice with)

Character font - Geo Sans Light


FAQ and how-to
How do I install the skin ?
1 : Click on the "Download OSK" link or on the "OSK" part of the big download picture above
2 : Once you arrive on mediafire, click the beautiful green "Download" button on your right and save it somewhere
3 : Once the download is complete, open the file : osu will automatically install the skin for you
4 : Profit !

How do I change the HP bar name in the .psd file ?
1 : Select the text layer by clicking it
2 : Click anywhere on the text to select it, then select all of it and replace with your name
3 : CTRL + SHIFT + S (save as...) -> "scorebar-colour@2x.png"
4 : Alt + Ctrl + I -> check "keep proportions" and divide height or width by 2
5 : CTRL + SHIFT + S -> "scorebar-colour.png"
6 : Cancel the resizing and exit (or exit without saving)

I don't understand D:
1 : Send me a PM with title "HP bar - <yourname>" e.g. "HP bar - peppy" or "HP bar - -Potato-"
2 : ???
3 : Profit !

How do I send you a PM ?
1 : Click on my nickname
2 : Click on the small mail icon under my profile picture
Alternatively you can also just click here

How do I use any of the extra thingies ?
1 : go to C:\Program Files (x86)\osu!\Skins\Experiment 00 v2.0.0\Extras
2 : Navigate to any content you may like to use as a replacement in the main skin
3 : Copy all the files in the folder you are currently in (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\osu!\Skins\Experiment 00 v2.0.0\Extras\Cursor\Light Gray)
4 : Go back to the main skin folder : C:\Program Files (x86)\osu!\Skins\Experiment 00 v2.0.0
5 : Ctrl + V (paste) and when asked to overwrite, click Yes

How do I restore the default thingies ?
Same procedure as when you want to use extra thingies, except this time you are looking for the folders with "DEFAULT" in the name in the extra folder.

Why ?
- Yuu -
That's my bro! Good job<3
Looks awesome !
Nice job dude \:D/
GIVE THAT MAN A COOKIE ! Or osu supporter! for his first time :)
[ Pingu ]
So of the best skins I've ever seen. ;)
This is freaking beautiful <3

Myu wrote:

GIVE THAT MAN A COOKIE ! Or osu supporter! for his first time :)
Very nice, definitely a skin I'd recommend to a friend.

Edit: It'd be nice if you had an image that said 'Full Combo' instead of 'Perfect', or one that the user could just use instead if they wanted. The font looks amazing.
Topic Starter
Experiment 00 Version 1.1 Is now ready !

List of changes :

New mod Icons !
The old mod icons were so much of a disgrace that I didn't even want to post a screenshot of them :/
I finally came up with an idea of a nice looking Icon then improved it with transparency. Both of the versions on the right are available in the extra folder, and transparent version is now default.

Size Adjustments \o/
While playing, what I first noticed on screen select was that the stars were off a bit. Upon closer inspection, I noticed they were off by a lot, so I took some time to adjust them so that they actually fit the way they are supposed to (in my opinion)

New stars ! I mean, circles !
What do you mean it's not conventional ?
Both circles and stars are available in the extra folder. Circles look better with this skin imo, but you are free to choose, as usual =w=
(Also, circles are now default :x)

Make your own text !
Things ? .o.
Joke's on you. No things.
A bunch of .psd files containing most of the skinned texts are now available in the "PSD" folder.
The font used for this skin, Geo Sans Light, is now also included in that folder, along with a "readme" containing full instructions on how to install the font, how to edit and save the files, and a list of the files and mod filenames. "Full combo" is now yours to take ! \o/

More useless extras !
I don't know if there are things anymore. You got me confused.
Custom smoke trails !

Circles ? Again ?

I shall name you "Runic smoke"

This one looks pretty neat. You will find it as smoke trail, cursor trail and follow points under the name "star trail"
If you move your eyes around the picture it looks like the dots are moving, and there's the same effect ingame. That's really interesting. Believe me. °^°
Actually I was experimenting around with modding elements that are not included in the osu template and that I discovered by using other mods. While trying to understand how it worked I ended up getting interesting results so I put these in the extras. It doesn't really fit in with the skin but it looks sort of nice, I think.

Alternate color schemes
Well then, things /o/
Default color scheme :

Vocaloid inspired color scheme :

There is only room for 4 vocaloids in my heart a combo
Some people told me the default color scheme is too dark, so I tried another one and they said it was ok.
Then I showed the other one to some other people and they told me it was too bright.
Well then, I made a couple of them, and made them all available in the "extra" folder, with default staying default =w=

I'm not very good at making color schemes though. If you come up with a color scheme that fits really good with this skin, please feel free to let me know either on this thread or by PM, I'll be glad to add it to my skin or even make it default if it fits right.

Sound change

I changed a bunch of sounds in the skin that come from either Minimalist Miku, Luminance, or a Frankenskin that a friend of mine gave me. He has no idea where the sounds come from and neither do I, so I only used a couple of them. If you are the author of any of the sounds I am currently using and want them removed, please let me know by PM and I will remove them immediately.
This is still a temporary measure and I'm still only grasping the sound editing aspect of skinning. (However I found a nice source of free raw sounds and a nice program to edit them, so I'll probably deliver this in the next update)

Once again, thank you very much for using my skin and for all the feedback, be it positive or negative, it is always welcome as long as it is constructive :)
Have a nice day, and enjoy playing ! :D
Ohhhh me likey!!

The cursor looks a bit like the Aesthetic one though, I still love the rest of the skin and the new mod icons
[ Pingu ]
Please add a menu-background for supporters ^^
- Michiru -
remove the dots from the name of the .osk else it wont work
volume-bg-effect is not skinned. Spinner would be better with some kind of changing visual so players know how fast they are spinning. Something that is not the RPM meter. Luminance uses the middle of the spinner. Sliderfollowcircle should be skinned. It allows the player to see how much they can follow the slider. That way they don't have to follow the slider all the way to the end. They can end the slider early and go onto the next element. It helps in high level songs. I personally find the score/health bar too bright and distracting from the playfield. I suggest #b5b6b8, it is a bit more neutral. For the selection icons, they could be a bit better in my opinion. The neon bar seems too harsh. Something that blends into the text would look nice, like this. The .osk is not archive correctly. A lot of people seem to make this mistake. Go into the folder itself and archive it. If you archive the actual folder, it puts a folder inside a folder.

Here is a list of fonts that Luminance has used in case you want to change anything.
Caviar Dreams
Champagne & Limousines
Elegant Light

I believe right now I have reduced the fonts to the first two.

Keep up the good work.
I like it, very nice skin!
Love it please keep it going you're onto something good.
Topic Starter
Hi everyone !

Sorry about the lack of activity lately, I've been somewhat busy and only logged into osu a few times, and I will still have things to do until maybe ~25th july.
I will however try to keep an eye on this thread and fix any problems that may occur with the skin.

Thank you very much for taking time to try my skin and for all the feedback, good ideas are always welcome :D
(Special thanks to Uruoki for the very detailed reply '-')

I will edit the main post with a small update (1.1.1) :
- Changed the selection icons (on the bottom of songselect)
- Added skinning of the "Selection Options" icon (** As I was told this is useless, it will be removed in the next updates **)
- Added a menu background (I will most likely change it soon though)
- Repackaged the .osk to fix some potential issues

----- Answers to previous posts -----

- Gurc - wrote:

The cursor looks a bit like the Aesthetic one though
It actually does ô_ô
It was made from scratch though, and I thought this was the most visible shape I could give it. Might change it one day e_e

[ Pingu ] wrote:

Please add a menu-background for supporters ^^
As I am not supporter myself, I have no idea how this will look, but I added one. I will most likely buy a 1 month supporter to ensure the skin also looks good for these nice fellas.

Icek- wrote:

remove the dots from the name of the .osk else it wont work
Done. However, it worked 100% fine for me when I tested the .osk (win7 64bits)
Could you please tell me what os you are using so that I can set up a VM and run some tests ?

Uruoki wrote:

Spinner would be better with some kind of changing visual so players know how fast they are spinning. Something that is not the RPM meter. Luminance uses the middle of the spinner.
I can't really think of something that would fit in and not be too distracting given the shape of the current spinner ._.
That is however a nice idea and I will try to find something by the next update.

Uruoki wrote:

Sliderfollowcircle should be skinned
but.. but.. D:

Kheryo wrote:

Slider follow circle
Yes, that is an extra. I would really recommend playing without it but the choice is yours to take, and I'd rather have you use a follow circle fitted for this skin than the default one :P
Also, even though I think the slider follow circle is not annoying on most hard/insane maps, it becomes incredibly distracting to see it expand and retract multiple times per second when you have to tap many small sliders on higher level maps, so I got used to playing without it. But it is still available in the extra folder for those who want it '-'

Uruoki wrote:

I personally find the score/health bar too bright and distracting from the playfield. I suggest #b5b6b8, it is a bit more neutral.
Maybe it is somewhat bright due to the thickness of the HP bar, but I think I will stick with it for now, as I want to keep this skin in a dark tone with some white, colors being used only for hitcircles and menu/songselect UI. Thank you very much for this feedback though, I will look for a way to improve the HP bar ^^

Uruoki wrote:

For the selection icons, they could be a bit better in my opinion. The neon bar seems too harsh. Something that blends into the text would look nice, like this.
Thank you very much, I changed the selection icons to look more smooth (they look like your modded one now).

Uruoki wrote:

The .osk is not archive correctly. A lot of people seem to make this mistake. Go into the folder itself and archive it. If you archive the actual folder, it puts a folder inside a folder.
I didn't know ._.
More people are likely to fall for this trap in the future, as the way I packaged it was following the instructions of the skinning tutorial :

MLGnom wrote:

9. Creating .osk files

All that the user will need to do is open the file with osu!.
You need to create .osk (osu! skin) file. You can create one from the skin selection screen, or manually with the steps below.

Creating .osk file with WinRAR

Creating .osk file with 7-ZIP

In short : You need to create .zip archive and simply change extension to .osk
Since it worked fine for me when installing the .osk of my skin, I assumed it would work fine for others too. Maybe are we using different operating systems ? (Mine is win7 x64)
However I will now archive the folder the way you explained, thank you very much for pointing that out :D

Also thanks for the fonts, these are exactly what I was looking for, I will try to see if they fit better than the current one ^^

Kheryo wrote:

- Added skinning of the "Selection Options" icon (I assume that is a supporter thing since I saw it here and there but never ingame)
Don't post BS please, that is not supporter only. That was still skinnable 2 months ago. With the new song selection layout, it was gone and disabled since the options from there (showing ranked/ unranked) got implemented into the gouping filters.
Topic Starter

ReddScorn wrote:

Kheryo wrote:

- Added skinning of the "Selection Options" icon (I assume that is a supporter thing since I saw it here and there but never ingame)
Don't post BS please, that is not supporter only. That was still skinnable 2 months ago. With the new song selection layout, it was gone and disabled since the options from there (showing ranked/ unranked) got implemented into the gouping filters.
Calm down please, I simply didn't know where or when it appeared, and since it was in the template, I didn't want an additional icon to not be skinned as that would not look nice.
Thank you however for telling me what it is, I will remove it in the next updates.
But please don't get angry for such little things ._.
I love this! :D
Any update? cx
Topic Starter
Hi, sorry about the lack of updates. I'm currently running through a few health troubles (will have surgery again tomorrow)
I however plan on skinning taiko soon.
I also figured out what made the skin hard to read in standard : thick approach circles, and blurry hitcircle outlines. I will try to address these within the next update aswell.
Once again, thank you for using my skin, for the wonderful feedback, and for your patience :D

14/08/2014 quick update (not worthy of a bump so I edit this) :
The skin blurryness has been addressed (I reworked most elements of std gameplay and it is now much easier to read). This update will be released with taiko skinning. A few more days and everything should be done.
(Still no homemade sounds though .-.)
Thanks for the update, and I hope surgery goes well for you :)

Honestly though, I'm having fine doing moderately difficult Insane songs with this skin.
this skin is the greatest thing ever

improved my accuracy by a ton, sliderbreaks are pretty much no more
This is a great looking skin, but it's way too dark for me to comfortably play with.
Topic Starter
Update : version 2.0.0 is ready

LightTsunami wrote:

Thanks for the update, and I hope surgery goes well for you :)

Honestly though, I'm having fine doing moderately difficult Insane songs with this skin.
As time passes I tend to orient this skin towards easier reading and improved accuracy. That is good news 'o'

AltR wrote:

this skin is the greatest thing ever

improved my accuracy by a ton, sliderbreaks are pretty much no more
Glad to hear that, hope you have fun with this skin :D

NarrillNezzurh wrote:

This is a great looking skin, but it's way too dark for me to comfortably play with.
It's a dark skin ! <o>
If you like clean, minimalist and bright skins, maybe you should try Aesthetic or Minimalist Miku

Kheryo wrote:

Update : version 2.0.0 is ready

Very quick changelog :
- Reduced blurryness of most STD elements
- Increased visibility of some STD elements
- Removed useless extras, added a few gameplay-related extras
- Still no homemade sounds :D
- TAIKO SKINNING yes it is.

As I just finished it and it's 3 AM here, I'll post a link for anyone who wants to try it before the "official" update, and will post the full update post, changelog, and edit main post tomorrow. (I need sleep :D)
Here : OSK / ZIP (2.0.0)

LightTsunami wrote:

Thanks for the update, and I hope surgery goes well for you :)

Honestly though, I'm having fine doing moderately difficult Insane songs with this skin.
As time passes I tend to orient this skin towards easier reading and improved accuracy. That is good news 'o'

AltR wrote:

this skin is the greatest thing ever

improved my accuracy by a ton, sliderbreaks are pretty much no more
Glad to hear that, hope you have fun with this skin :D

NarrillNezzurh wrote:

This is a great looking skin, but it's way too dark for me to comfortably play with.
It's a dark skin ! <o>
If you like clean, minimalist and bright skins, maybe you should try Aesthetic or Minimalist Miku
Beautiful! This just keeps getting better and better! Can't wait for homemade sounds c:

My only gripe is Miku cx
Topic Starter

Version 2.0.0 Update

As promised a while ago, taiko is now skinned.
As the skin was somewhat blurry and hard to read at high speed, I reworked most of the elements of STD gameplay to address this issue.
You can now use this skin at any level of difficulty efficiently.

I still have to work on these custom sounds e_e

Main post edit done. Feel free to share the skin with your friends btw 'w'
(My final goal would be to see it in a random youtube osu video :>)

I will make a video preview once I get the sounds done btw. (This should be done soon... perhaps... e_e)


Here : OSK / ZIP (2.0.0)


Increased clarity and readability
• Sharper, less blurry STD gameplay elements
  • - HitCircle
    - HitCircleOverlay
    - ApproachCircle
    - SliderBall
    - SliderFollowCircle (extra)
    - Cursor
• Brighter, more visible STD gameplay elements
  • - SliderBall (extra)
    - Spinner
    - Cursor
• New HitCircles
  • - 0%, 30%, 60%, 100% fill opacity
    - Thin / medium / thick inner color circle
    - Thin / medium "floaty" inner color circle (extra)
Taiko skinning
• Released

User interface
• Multiplayer
  • - added skinning for "skipped" icon
    - added skinning for "winner" box
• SD compatibility
  • - "Unranked" text is now also skinned in SD (oops)


New Hitcircles (/!\ Large pictures /!\)
From left to right : 0%, 30%, 60%, 100% opacity
From top to bottom : Thin, Normal, Thick color circle
I tried going with thicker color circles but the result was, in my humble opinion, not fitted to my skin nor to my gameplay, thus I did not include them.

Same thing with a background for better appreciation

These hitcircles seem to be trendy these days so I included these in the extras for the players who are more used to using them.
(Yes, this sentence makes sense.)

Slider Ball Z
Left to right : Sliderball (default), More visible Sliderball (extra), SliderFollowCircle (extra)

Right one is a request. As it looks pretty nice, I included it in the extras.

Spinner (/!\Large pictures/!\)
Miku decided she didn't want to work as a spinner-metre anymore.
(She is still there for you in the extra folder if you miss her)

That's pretty minimalist...
As I am a bad taiko player, I don't really know what a good taiko player needs, so I asked a few players out there which told me the first concern was readability. If you are a taiko player, please feel free to try this skin and tell me if anything has been done wrongly, so that I can fix it.

I love this skin.... Thx for sharing! <3
I love this skin, thanks a lot dude!
minimalist taiko skin been released ;w;
Thanks for sharing!
Can i ask whats the reason to use smaller approachcircle ?
Topic Starter

Agrrox wrote:

Can i ask whats the reason to use smaller approachcircle ?
Hi, I was supposed to add this in the main post but instead I'm making sort of a skinning almanach for my page, so I forgot to post it here .-.

What are we talking about anyway ?
Some of you might have noticed, or might think the approachcircles in this skin behave in a strange way, here's why :

Imagine the picture on the left is a hitcircle. The area within which you must click to get points.
The 2nd picture shows the inner (green) and outer (blue) borders of an approachcircle, at the exact moment you have to click to get the maximum amount of points, according to the default osu mechanics.
The 3rd picture shows the inner and outer borders of an approachcircle, at the exact moment you're supposed to click, in this skin.

As you can see, default osu! behavior is expecting the player to click as the inner border of the approachcircle reaches the outer border of the hitcircle, whereas with this skin the good timing is when the outer border of the approachcircle reaches the outer border of the hitcircle

I believe using a smaller approachcircle has both advantages and drawbacks :

+ Somehow more forgiving for accuracy

This skin is built and based on my personal preference. I tend to hit circles at the last moments, maybe a little "late" to the eyes of osu.
I believe this change allows the mechanics to be a bit more forgiving in terms of timing, as you get that extra few frames when the approachcircle merges when the hitcircles, during which you can still click. And even if you click it when it is on the outside border, it will be considered a little "early", but still 300 until you're on some crazy OD setting (>8 gets me a few random 100s per song, but I usually still end up around 98-99%)
Overall I believe this small tweak allows me to get slightly better accuracy compared to the original mechanics.

+ More natural feel (that is subjective though)

In my opinion, it looks and feels better to have the approachcircle merge with the hitcircles. I like it and this is why I made it.

- Harder to read as stacked notes' approachcircles are closer from eachother

Since the base approachcircle is a bit smaller than the default ones, when the picture is zommed, it will also appear smaller from the start. That means that when there are stacked notes, my approachcircles will appear closer from eachother than when using "classic", outer-border approachcircles.
I tried to address this issue in version 2.0, by making the approachcircle thinner and sharper, just thick enough to be noticed by peripheral vision, but thin enough to not become a blurry mess when they are stacked like in versions before 2.0 (try an old version and you'll see the difference)
Readability is a heavy price to pay for accuracy, but I believe it is worth it.

- Might break habits of people used to the classic one, thus I included it in the extras

If you find that these mechanics do not suit you or that I'm a crazy old man for thinking it is any good, I included a larger, default osu mechanics approachcircle in the extra folder, feel free to use it to restore your inner balance when playing with this skin :p
(If you don't know how to replace files with ones from the extra folder, I detailed that in the F.A.Q. at the very bottom of the main post)

Congrats if you read everything. If you did not :

This skin uses different approachcircle mechanics (smaller approachcircle that merges with the hitcircle instead of stopping at the border).
This is supposed to get you better accuracy and more forgiving timing, along with feeling more natural and smoother.
If you don't like it, use "original osu mechanics" approachcircle included in the extras.

Once again, thank you very much for trying my skin and for providing feedback. I am always looking for ways to improve my skins and your help is always welcome :D
this is like the best skin OsuMe65 never bothered to make because he was too busy rehashing everything
Amazing skin, very neat. I use it everytime now :)
Link is gone? ;w;7
Topic Starter

SnickarN wrote:

Link is gone? ;w;7
No no, link is here :
OSK : ... 0+v200.osk
ZIP : ...

Some image links died though, I will create a puush account and migrate them.
Sorry for not being very active lately, I'm an engineering school student and the schedule is very busy .w.

Faces3 wrote:

this is like the best skin OsuMe65 never bothered to make because he was too busy rehashing everything
I'll reach that point soon™ Just wait. I'm still learning. ;)

Kheryo wrote:


SnickarN wrote:

Link is gone? ;w;7
No no, link is here :
OSK : ... 0+v200.osk
ZIP : ...

Some image links died though, I will create a puush account and migrate them.
Sorry for not being very active lately, I'm an engineering school student and the schedule is very busy .w.
what the hell. before i commented that i tried to download and it said that mediafire had removed the links for violation or some shit but now it works

also nice Link Kappa b
i want one life bar :( ,you can create one for me? (please ;A;)
Thanks for the skin, bro! I use it all the time!
Very cool. Will be using this alot.
yo, really neat skin there o/ just want to mention that sliderscorepoint.png is actually needed in Taiko, mainly because it's used for the yellow bar (the ticks aren't always in 1/4 beats so ;w;).
Also, the hitcircle overlay is the default one's (except that you've got rid of the stars), I suppose? You might want to change it into something more subtle to further minimize blurring, but that's just my opinion though; I've been using a pitch-black overlay since long ago so I don't really know.

That aside, it's slick :D keep it up
This is the BEST skin I have ever encountered!! Thanks! :)
Another Clean and Simple skin that is awesome to read :D
I've been looking for a skin like this for ages. The best skin I've used so far, I love it!
Kappa my kappa
Wish there were more skins like this around - thanks heaps!
Edit: problem solved
Hi! I wanted to let you know, there's a tiny error in your Taiko skin. With skin Version: 2 to latest taiko-bar-right.png and taiko-bar-right-glow.png need to be 1024 x 200. Otherwise it's too short in 4:3 resolutions.

Kheryo wrote:

Hello, and welcome to this post. Please have a seat. ╞╕

Experiment 00 is a dark, minimalist skin, that aims to provide players with an efficient environment, with the smallest amount of distractions possible.
This skin was composed according to my own taste and to player suggestions. If you find any way to improve it, please feel free to share it via this thread or via MP.
This skin is made from scratch, however, I found inspiration in my favorite skins to this day : Minimalist Miku and Luminance, you may want to check these out as well.

Feel free to give it a try if you like it or if you have some time to kill. I am always open to suggestions and any constructive criticism is welcome.

Main features
• Dark theme
• Minimalistic
• Easy to read
• Moderate contrast (does not cause too much eye strain)
• A nice set of extras to further customize the skin to your liking

Quick notes
• Recommended for any type of players. This skin should suit you even in the hardest difficulties. If it does not, please let me know, and I will work towards improving it according to your suggestions and requests.
• It is highly recommended to play with background dim 80-100% when using this skin
• If you want to play with background/storyboard/videos on, you can find an opaque hitcircle in the extras folder



Current version : OSK Download / ZIP Download (2.0.0)


Current version
Increased clarity and readability
• Sharper, less blurry STD gameplay elements
  • - HitCircle
    - HitCircleOverlay
    - ApproachCircle
    - SliderBall
    - SliderFollowCircle (extra)
    - Cursor
• Brighter, more visible STD gameplay elements
  • - SliderBall (extra)
    - Spinner
    - Cursor
• New HitCircles
  • - 0%, 30%, 60%, 100% fill opacity
    - Thin / medium / thick inner color circle
    - Thin / medium "floaty" inner color circle (extra)
Taiko skinning
• Released

User interface
• Multiplayer
  • - added skinning for "skipped" icon
    - added skinning for "winner" box
• SD compatibility
  • - "Unranked" text is now also skinned in SD (oops)
• Removed a few useless extras (smoke trails, color schemes etc)
• Added a few gameplay-related extras

• Still TODO... Maybe in 2.1 ?

Old changelogs
Changelog for 1.0.0 :
- Released
- Full Standard skinning

Changelog for 1.1.0 :
• New mod Icons (At last)
• Resized and readjusted difficulty stars and some texts
• New extras :
- Difficulty stars (circles)
- New combo color schemes
- Custom smoke trails
• Added more .psd files to allow players to customize more elements
• Added a readme with .psd editing guide, and list of files and filenames
• The character font used in this skin, Geo Sans Light, is now included in the .zip and .osk
• Changed a few sounds. The skin sounds better now.(homemade sounds planned for 1.2.0)

Changelog for 1.1.1 :
• Changed the selection icons (on the bottom of songselect)
• Added a menu background(I will most likely change it soon though)
• Repackaged the .osk to fix some potential issues


Custom HP bar
I will include a .psd file for anyone who wants to add his name to the HP bar.
If you happen to not have any .psd editing software at hand, you can download and use Gimp which is a free alternative to photoshop. You only need to know how to open a file and use the text tool, which should take you approximately 2 minutes to learn.

My own HP bar, at last *o*

This is the default

Please don't ban me

Empty bar (the part of the bar with your name also disappears)
Note : There are a few text variations in the extra folder for the HP bar background.
Note2 : There is no easter egg here.

New Hitcircles
From left to right : 0%, 30%, 60%, 100% opacity
From top to bottom : Thin, Normal, Thick color circle
I tried going with thicker color circles but the result was, in my humble opinion, not fitted to my skin nor to my gameplay, thus I did not include them.

Same thing with a background for better appreciation

These hitcircles seem to be trendy these days so I included these in the extras for the players who are more used to using them.
(Yes, this sentence makes sense.)

SliderBall / SliderFollowCircle
Left to right : Sliderball (default), More visible Sliderball (extra), SliderFollowCircle (extra)

Left one is the previous cursor (v1) and middle one is the new default, updated one. Right one is a request. As it looks pretty nice, I included it in the extras.

Miku decided she didn't want to work as a spinner-metre anymore.
(She is still there for you in the extra folder if you miss her)


- [Garin] for his awesome Minimalist Miku skin.
- Uruoki for the most elaborated skin I know, Luminance and for the very complete feedback and suggestions about my skin

Test Subjects and helpful people
- Myu (Standard / Taiko test subject, a good friend of mine)
- Seunie- (Standard test subject... Also my sister)
- Juuryoushin (Taiko skinning advice)
- Astar (Standard test subject, also a nice person to talk about tomato juice with)

Character font - Geo Sans Light


FAQ and how-to
How do I install the skin ?
1 : Click on the "Download OSK" link or on the "OSK" part of the big download picture above
2 : Once you arrive on mediafire, click the beautiful green "Download" button on your right and save it somewhere
3 : Once the download is complete, open the file : osu will automatically install the skin for you
4 : Profit !

How do I change the HP bar name in the .psd file ?
1 : Select the text layer by clicking it
2 : Click anywhere on the text to select it, then select all of it and replace with your name
3 : CTRL + SHIFT + S (save as...) -> "scorebar-colour@2x.png"
4 : Alt + Ctrl + I -> check "keep proportions" and divide height or width by 2
5 : CTRL + SHIFT + S -> "scorebar-colour.png"
6 : Cancel the resizing and exit (or exit without saving)

I don't understand D:
1 : Send me a PM with title "HP bar - <yourname>" e.g. "HP bar - peppy" or "HP bar - -Potato-"
2 : ???
3 : Profit !

How do I send you a PM ?
1 : Click on my nickname
2 : Click on the small mail icon under my profile picture
Alternatively you can also just click here

How do I use any of the extra thingies ?
1 : go to C:\Program Files (x86)\osu!\Skins\Experiment 00 v2.0.0\Extras
2 : Navigate to any content you may like to use as a replacement in the main skin
3 : Copy all the files in the folder you are currently in (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\osu!\Skins\Experiment 00 v2.0.0\Extras\Cursor\Light Gray)
4 : Go back to the main skin folder : C:\Program Files (x86)\osu!\Skins\Experiment 00 v2.0.0
5 : Ctrl + V (paste) and when asked to overwrite, click Yes

How do I restore the default thingies ?
Same procedure as when you want to use extra thingies, except this time you are looking for the folders with "DEFAULT" in the name in the extra folder.

Why ?
Is there a puush download?
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