
The Furry Skin!

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My sources are as follows:

~Redon's Aesthetic Skin (have obtained permission from author)
~(I don't have his osu! profile, but I have his YouTube channel) Flash (LeonScottKiller)
~Synastral's CustomSkin

Uncredited elements:
(Elements from these locations have been edited to have them fit the skin better, and to fix the problem that deadbeat pointed out several days ago.)

~Google Images

Note: This skin is intended to be SOMEWHAT minimalistic. This means that some elements are minimalist, some arent, and some are a mix between the two.
So I was looking around for a skin of furries, and I didn't find any. So, I decided to make one!
If you'd like, you can see where this skin started out and how it has changed! I've made a ton of osu! videos on my YouTube channel, and practically every one had a new version of the skin.

Video and Screenshots!
Current Video:

Slightly Older Video:

Note: This skin contains HD elements, and is optimized for a 1920x1080 display! If you don't play at that resolution, the skin may look a little wonky, and I apologize for that. That's also the reason for the screenshots being so large.

EDIT: There was a slight alteration to the root file as of 22 July 2014. Another comboburst was added, which depicts a yellow husky. This is intended to be a depiction of myself. I decided to make him male, however, because obvious boobs is obvious.

EDIT: As of 16 October 2014, the applause sound, and score + default number images have been changed. A Pause Screen image has also been added.

EDIT: As of 18 October 2014, the large combobursts have been resized to be the height of the smaller ones. Sorry I didn't pick up on that even in the preview video! Also, the gos.wav has been changed to a wolf howl instead of a fart. I figured it would fit a little better.

EDIT: As of 21 November 2014, the section-pass/fail images, countdown images, play-skip images, and hit images have been replaced with new ones to fix the problem stated in the uncredited elements section.

EDIT: As of 19 December 2014, the elements for CTB have been removed to make this a purely skin, the combobursts have been altered to be about the same width, the selection-mod-target has been added. As some added bonuses, some simple line art has been added to the menu-button-background image, and as suggested by a YouTube commenter, the section-pass/section-fail elements have been changed back to what they used to be with some modifications to have them better fit the skin. Also, I recently noticed the ranking-graph was a little low, and I was having trouble telling where the lowest possible point is, so I attempted to fix that. Please tell me if I messed up on that.
I noticed when I tried to download the updated version today that it was still the old skin. I have fixed that issue.

EDIT: As of 13 January 2015, THIS SKIN IS COMPLETED!!!!!!! :) :) :)
And now, TaitoTheHusky presents...
The Furry Skin! (Click to Download!) :)

Side Note: Could this be an OFFICIAL Furry Skin? :P
any screenshots? it feels empty here
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screenshots accquired! :D
The mods remind me of the Adobe Creative Suite xD You know, Auto is Photoshop, SD Bridge, DT After Effects, HR Flash, Relax Premiere Pro, etc. xD
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Elzapatoverde wrote:

The mods remind me of the Adobe Creative Suite xD You know, Auto is Photoshop, SD Bridge, DT After Effects, HR Flash, Relax Premiere Pro, etc. xD
That's exactly what i was going for lol!
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im glad people like it! anybody thinking i should make changes or what?
Ayesha Altugle
Change up those mixed elements :(

Do you have an idea of what font is the one you use on mod icons or even one psd file on one of your mod icons? I would really appreciate it.
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vahn10 wrote:

Change up those mixed elements :(

Do you have an idea of what font is the one you use on mod icons or even one psd file on one of your mod icons? I would really appreciate it.
could you be more specific by mixed elements?

and i think i used arial for the font

EDIT: Also, I made the mod icons at a time when I didn't have photoshop, so I couldn't give you a psd without recreating it from scratch anyway. Sorry.
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It has come to my attention that the .osk file I originally had was very large, and someone called Soner messaged me a new link which contains a smaller version of the file. Thank you to Seron! (And yes, I shortened the link because it was a little lengthy.)
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I noticed that there was a problem with the file that person gave me before, in that it was missing some files. So, the link has been updated again and should not be missing any files this time. Sorry about that everyone!
Nice job! :)
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Should I put this in the completed skin queue (spellcheck on that?)?
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bumping this after a few days...

NOTE: This skin is now in the queue for completed skins! If you like this one, feel free to support it in any way you'd like!
Tamako Lumisade
I approve this skin. Awesome. :D
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LOL i just hope i actually formatted the thing right for the skins queue (i seriously feel like thats the wrong spelling)
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Husky wrote:

I approve this skin. Awesome. :D
I am glad my fellow huskies approve.
awesome skin. its cool to see a furry skin.
the comboburts are just huge!make them a little smaller maybe?
another then that, cool skin!
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Cookie0-0 wrote:

the comboburts are just huge!make them a little smaller maybe?
another then that, cool skin!
Like I said, this skin is designed for and is best played at 1920x1080 resolution. Some elements may look a little wonky at other resolutions.
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I decided to make a couple changes to the skin. The root file has been changed, but nothing was lost. Instead, a pause-overlay.png has been added, and the applause.mp3 has been changed. Also, all the number-related images have been changed. E.G, they are now different from the screenshots! If you don't like these changes, simply delete those files. They should revert back to the defaults.
hoping to see some more modes
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nat2011 wrote:

hoping to see some more modes
I wasn't really PLANNING on making other modes because I only play
BUT if more people would like to see other modes, I may do next.
That is unless the general consensus is to do either or !
(That means you guys pick what it would be!)

TaitoTheHusky wrote:

LOL i just hope i actually formatted the thing right for the skins queue (i seriously feel like thats the wrong spelling)
Don't worry, queue is the correct spelling.
Renia Xenophere
I LOVE IT!!! I LOVE IT!!! It's so Cool!!!
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FurryFan wrote:

I LOVE IT!!! I LOVE IT!!! It's so Cool!!!
Thanks! :3

So far, I'm not seeing any input on other modes.

TaitoTheHusky wrote:

Many of the elements in this skin come from locations where I either cannot
contact the original author, or I simply do not know if my source is the original source.
i feel very uneasy moving this to completed for this reason. i'd suggest remaking the images and having them different in some way to the ones your currently using.
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deadbeat wrote:

TaitoTheHusky wrote:

Many of the elements in this skin come from locations where I either cannot
contact the original author, or I simply do not know if my source is the original source.
i feel very uneasy moving this to completed for this reason. i'd suggest remaking the images and having them different in some way to the ones your currently using.
I had a feeling this would happen. I have not been doing much with this skin in a while, but I have been wanting to make some more of my own original things now that i have a free trial of Photoshop CC. I will be fixing these things from other skins. Also when I say that I cannot credit people, it's because i got the image through Google Images. However, things like the pawprint I feel are very generic, and I don't know what to change about it to make it my own, especially since it is so small. However the animated skip button could definitely use some work, I will admit that. EIther way, I will get on this!
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Now that those elements have been altered, it is now safe to say that this is ready to be never changed again. The preview video has been changed, and I think we're all set minus some screenshots which need to be retaken. I will do that tomorrow though because it's very tedious to change the pictures. Anyway... yeah.
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Okay, after making the new screenshots, I noticed while editing the initial post that the message I originally had that was preventing this skin from being completed was still there. I have removed that, so... hooray?

seriously, deadbeat, please give this skin another chance. It would mean a lot to me.
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It seems this skin may not be moved to completed after all. Either that, or I'm just being impatient. Probably both.

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could someone tell me if the hit lighting has a problem? i would like to know if i should make one last alteration
so i'm late \:D/
comboburst-0 feels too wide
if you're not going to skin ctb, then don't include the elements in the folder
those ranking letters look a LOT like the ones from xi-style
selection-mod-target is missing
Awesome skin!
It's perfect for me, because i love dogs, especially huskies.

So kawaii.
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deadbeat wrote:

so i'm late \:D/
comboburst-0 feels too wide
if you're not going to skin ctb, then don't include the elements in the folder
those ranking letters look a LOT like the ones from xi-style
selection-mod-target is missing
Okay, I forgot the CTB stuff was in there, because the skin I used as a template apparently had them. i guess I didn't pick up on that until now. I will fix those as soon as I can.
As for the ranking letters, they are credited to Flash (LeonScottKiller). I used ranking letters and spinner and spinner metre from that skin.
And what with the selection-mod target being missing, I'm not sure what that even is, but I will look into it.
I have finally seen the problem with the combobursts people are talking about. I will look into fixing those.
(I guess this skin ISN'T ready to be completed after all) :?
If you would try out the cutting edge release stream you should find selection-mod-target on mod selection. There is no seperate experimental client anymore. Everyone can access it.
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deadbeat wrote:

so i'm late \:D/
comboburst-0 feels too wide
if you're not going to skin ctb, then don't include the elements in the folder
those ranking letters look a LOT like the ones from xi-style
selection-mod-target is missing
Alright. I have added a selection-mod-target, I have removed the CTB elements so that this is a purely skin, the combobursts are now all roughly the same width, and as suggested by someone on YouTube, I have also changed the section-pass/section-fail images back to what they used to be, with some modifications to better fit the skin.
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I noticed when I tried to download the updated version today that it was still the old skin. I have fixed that issue.
gimmie a poke when you next see me ingame and i'll recheck for you. i'll most likely be too busy too remember :(
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deadbeat wrote:

gimmie a poke when you next see me ingame and i'll recheck for you. i'll most likely be too busy too remember :(
I can't find you, hun! I've been staying online as much as I can, but I can't catch you online! I'm going to try for a few more days. :oops:
Renia Xenophere
Best of all the skins I have!!! It has cut hitsounds though... ^.^ :) :D

NICE ONE!!! ;)
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FurryFan wrote:

Best of all the skins I have!!! It has cut hitsounds though... ^.^ :) :D

NICE ONE!!! ;)
What do you mean by 'Cut"?
Adobe mods nice
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deadbeat wrote:

gimmie a poke when you next see me ingame and i'll recheck for you. i'll most likely be too busy too remember :(

It gets gross here... Beware!
Ive been trying to stay up late, but ive often been falling asleep instead. The issue with the timezones is really getting to me. I think this may be a bad idea. I tried asking people for help finding you, but only one person has said yes, about eight have said no and have been mean about it, two have been nice about it, and everyone else has ignored me. In fact, today alone, so many people were mean about it or ignored me, i was so upset I hit my head on the corner of my desk, and my forehead started bleeding. Yes I have mental problems, and I am seeing someone about it, but I really think there should be another method of trying to contact you. I have sent you PM a few days ago, but you never responded. I don't know if you just dismissed it, but there has to be some way to get in touch with you.

Best regards,

Just came here to see your skin, looks nice. :)


Looks like a Periodic Table of Elements, lol. (I didn't say it look bad, or mean any offensive, I just say it looked like)

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deadbeat wrote:

All that stress for this... Apparently something was wrong with having multiple mediafre files under the same name. I have removed the unneeded files and the download is now correct, current, and updated. I've double, triple, and quadruple-checked this time to make sure it's working correctly. Hopefully this wiull be the last time I need to update the download though. :?
did you update the link on the OP?
also i just noticed something. you're using menu-background.png not .jpg. better fix :p
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deadbeat wrote:

did you update the link on the OP?
also i just noticed something. you're using menu-background.png not .jpg. better fix :p
I wasn't aware of the filetype needing to be a .jpg so I fixede that in this (hopefully) last update to the link.
So yes, the link is updated. ;)
Thanks for your skin ! <3
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