
Hello Osu

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Hi! I'm Kanadechi and I started to play Osu a month ago but I just saw this part of the forums now because this is sooo big. I come from a game with an active community of 30-40 players and I used to chat a lot there, but here everything is so big that scares me. I hardly ever have the chance to use my language on any online communities that as soon as I saw the Spanish sub forum I went straight there.

The thing is that I like games that require skill in general. Specially Kenta Cho's shooters.

I have played successfully on easy and normal maps, then tried hard and insanes and got really frustrated :/. Moving slowly.
I also find skinning interesting but I just lack the ideas and the persistence. And when I have a doubt... there are so many people here that I feel that everything has been answered so I can google it or what the hell, just solve it by my sefl.
This last point and the fact that when I go on multy player and accidentally enter a match by single clicking it makes me feel like I have been caught entering into someone else's house (:P) make me not very visible to others...

Well, hello everybody
Welcome! If you were looking for a game that'll challenge you and show results over long periods of time, you picked the right game mate. From what I've seen it'll take anywhere from a year and half to three years to really rank up the ladder. Right now though, go at your own pace and don't worry too much if you're not progressing at the pace you expected. Worst comes to worst and you don't know where to go you come to these forums and shoot out questions, assuming they're not already answered, of course.
Don't give up and as long as you have fun, you can keep improving :D

Anyway, welcome and hope you like your stay hehe
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Thank you both for the advice and for ecouraging me to keep trying :D I'll do my best to have fun too
Welcome to the forums! I wish I can create skins too but I don't have the creativity or skill to.
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O.o I can't, I kinda have the skills but the problem is that i can't find inspiration, I just modify to default skin
Thanks btw
Welcome to the forums! If you need any assistance, feel free to PM me, I'll be glad to help :)


DestinySonata wrote:

Don't give up and as long as you have fun, you can keep improving :D
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Thank you all for this warm welcome :D
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