
Catch-the-beat map ranking

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Hi everyone :-)
I rencently discovered that catch-the-beat maps were mapped just as other normal maps, and i was wondering why they weren't also ranked in the standard osu mod. Some of them are really enjoyable in the standard mod, like The Pretender by Infected mushrooms.
Has anyone an idea about this ?
moved to a more fitting area. someone here should be able to help you :3
For CTB mapping only the x-axis is important. Y-axis is not considered, so objects can be placed only regarding x-axis.
While for some mappers it might still look somewhat tidy, for others it is just a mess ;D
Many guidelines would be broken so I don't think it would be a good idea ;P
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Ok thank you for the answer :-)
I suppose that, if you play catch-the-beat, you must know about The Pretender which is a extremely hard map. There are two difficulties, and the "easier" one is also a very good map in osu standard although it's not ranked in this mod so i was wondering about this ^^
Thank you again, have a good evening :-)
Each play mode (osu!/taiko/ctb/o!m) have their specific rule set to make the map rankable, so basically:
If the mapper want to rank a map for the standard mode (the only one playable with all other modes) he have to apply the ranking rules of standard mapping, this means that some patterns wich can be fun to play in CtB may be restricted in the standard ranking rules (but not in the CtB ranking rules). So it's basically mapper's choice, chosing a specific mode is more confortable to map for it.

You can find the ranking criterias of all modes in the wiki.
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